Funny Moments at School


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Me and Thora were talking about Johannes,Jesse[Jo's older brother] and Markus. o_o


Timmy pointed out that my purse looked like Carly's jacket.


Dan kept on high fiving me in UF. o_o

My UF team made a stupid decison. If you are asked to be on another team, and you put your finger on your nose last...You have to go on that team. Stupid. George was last.


Alexis picked up my planner, and asked "Who's Manny?" . ;_;


It turns out...Mr.Sacco is still teaching. He's such a jerk, he's all "IF YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR NOTEBOOK...Go get it now! D:<" I wanna smack him in the face...If I could.


I tried a jazz moment with my Clairnet, and Sofi joined me. for the rest of music, we were called "The Flute & Clairnet Duo".

I complained to a table, "Why is the flute always first?"


We took John's rolly chair and ran around the class with it.


Austin tripped, Cal tripped, then I tripped, and we landed in some water. And somehow Cal scared a Grade 1 across the playground.


I shot a rubber band at the teacher (Accually aiming at Sofi), and then she shot it back at me. It missed, and I shot it back. For the next 5 minutes we had a silent rubber band war, No one laughing. Just watching XD

I flipped my pencil into WRITING MODE and it flew across the classroom.

My science teacher sprays me with a water bottle, does random movements, and lays on chairs

Enough Said o.o'


We were going to watch a video and the TV was off. "Mr. Doucette (a sub) whats the movie about?"

He replies "Its about the Science Fair."

He urns on the TV




Mr. Mackenzie's Teacher ID has his picture with this face on it.


Teacher: Stay INSIDE the lines. Or else.

Class: *Silent*

C: Don't lines put restrictions on our creativity? D:

I was the only one that found that funny. xD

I just had Science.

And we were talking about whether or not we were pretty, and my friend said 'You're pweetty. You have a ... nice... nose.'

I just stared. o.o


Drew[Not Saxayophone drew] had his hair straightened and it looked awshum and everybody was all "O___O". xD


I saw Drew. I showed Amanda and she said "DO NOT TALK TO ME. I'll only talk to you if you talk about Scott!" o_o

Hallway 2:

Scott was infront of me and Amanda. Me: Its the end of the world. As we know it.... *Points to Scott*

Meg had her locker open and she has a mirror in her locker, and Scott was primping himself, and I was pretending to be him. xD


Ms.Tengood was tone-deaf talking to the Altos and Baritones about how bad the Sopranos were being. xD

Hallway 3:

Sax. drew was waiting for his friend and...He was... DANCING!

I also saw Miller. O________O

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HR:Chi did the announcements, and at the end, he said "My name is Chi. OBAMA." xD


It was Tom's B-day yesterday. >w<

Steve didn't put this bag on Senorita VanArsdale's desk, and he had to go up infront of the class, and Timmy told him to take a shower, and Steve asked "Should I be naked?" xD

Amanda drew a picture of me and Scott getting married on a volcano. o_o

Amanda said I should marry Scott. xD


When we were done, Taylor scared the CRAP out of me. Me:Never do that again, I thought somebody was gonna kill me! Taylor:Yeah sure, your gonna get killed in chorus. Me:I'LL KILL YOU AT BAND REHEARSAL!


Taylor told me I was a meanie, and Scott was all "LOLWUT?"


Amanda hit me in my side and it hurt. D8

Mix-it-up Fashion SHOW:


Tony and Jack were street kids, Zamin[He looked like a terrorist!] and Ethan[he had a eagles football helmet on]were Gangsters, Drew was a cowboy[With a rainbow afro wig,JV Football T,and a scarf] and his horse, MR.SCATURO. Tanisha and Aisha were street kids, Jackie,Erica and Mandy were gangsters,Victoria and Kelly were fashionable kids. xD

Stephanie was a jock.

AND: Chi and Mr.G were gangsters, and Amanda was sitting next to me, and she said "Do you think this school is safe?" xD

Drew looked saxy[coughsaxophonejokecough]. <3

All those kids had to do a dance, showing EVERYONE that everyone is different. The dance was everybody clap your hands, I THINK. And it was sooo funny to see Drew dancing, xD

Hallway 2:

I saw Drew. <3


I saw Amanda. Me:AMANDA! Amanda:Yes? Me:If you do band next year, we should be BAND NERDS for mix it up day! Us:YEAH!

Band rehearsal:

Taylor tried putting my baby together, and I told her if she touched it, I would murder her. xD

We had to tune our instruments...And Mr.Hanna wanted me to play High Bb...And it sounded like somebody was yelling squeaky words at the top of the lungs.

Brian gave me that "Oh no YOU DIDN'T"Look. C=

Ryan told Scott to stop being racist towards Asians,and Scott didn't say anything. xD

Tom was behind me, because his congas are at the left side of the stage, and he's at the right. C=

I thought Tom was about to break his congas because he looked like he was pounding them. xD

Marcus said Scott farted. xD


Brian was pole dancing/strip dancing with his trombone. xDDD

George wooted at Brian. O____________O

George wanted to shove Scott into a locker, and George picked up Scott, like he was hugging him from behind, and I was talking to Taylor, and George bumped Scott into my back/behind. OwO [if you DO NOT understand this, please do NOT ask.]

End of break:

Brian and Ryan were having...[PRETEND]Sex...With their trombones. Disturbing.

It was nasty, but funny. xD

Scott kept on playing on the rests on And the Bells shall ring. xD

There was this girl and she was taking pics of US. D< Marcus:BLACKMAIL!! EVERYONE! HIDE!!! *Hides behind Saxophone* Ryan: AHH! *Hides* xD

End of rehearsal:

Taylor tried out my trombone, and I called her a retard because she couldn't play it right. Me and Sarah[Horn] were rofling. C=

Thomas had this mushed up sandwich,and, he mushed it up in tin foil and threw it at George...But missed. xD
For the dance, it was Cupid Shuffle. They played it at Mix it Up day too. :]

During our preperations for our Student Led Confrence today, I looked at my Grade 1 stuff, and laughed. "Hah, I put CHIPMUNKS under Carnivores!" Adam, Me and John laughed, then Adam looked serious. "Their not?"

During our preperations for our Student Led Confrence today, I looked at my Grade 1 stuff, and laughed. "Hah, I put CHIPMUNKS under Carnivores!" Adam, Me and John laughed, then Adam looked serious. "Their not?"

Chipmunks are herbivores. =3

During our preperations for our Student Led Confrence today, I looked at my Grade 1 stuff, and laughed. "Hah, I put CHIPMUNKS under Carnivores!" Adam, Me and John laughed, then Adam looked serious. "Their not?"


1.when the teacher attacked a kid in my class with his wildcat plush..

2. when i pulled the chair to a kid that was gonna sit down and he fell really hard on his bottom.

3. when this kid and me compete with each other without noticing, and he said "i got a 56%, ooooooh!"

and when i said "i got 46%, ooooooh!" then i realized i failed the test

i cant remember anymore right now..


also..when my crush from Spanish class last year said "I LOVE THE MAYANS!!!" out loud in the middle of silence.

and when he was sharpening a pencil behind the teacher and making weird whining noises [you might understand what i mean]

then the whole class started laughing.


When our Grandma parked,and let us get out of the car....WE SAW SCOTT! xDD In this BIG gold van...And he was all to himself " Shut the door! D8" Because his mom was driving him.... and she also went into the school...So he was embarrassed.


I was singing Cupid Shuffle. o_o


Mr.Leto made us go on this website about Alcohol and the website had people who were drawn by a failing manga artist. xD


Brian was "Singing" and he said "DO YOU MIND?! I'm trying to sing!" xD

Chorus After School rehearsal:

Taylor was acting like a retard

Mr.H/Ms.T's office:

Mr.Hanna gave me my early birthday present! Besame Mucho for trombone. :]


The Sopranos were talking. They are BAD.

We were singing Sleigh Ride with the 8th grade band, and Ms.Tengood wanted Alex to go sing instead of play his Horn. Then few minutes later, she needed him. Ms.T: Alex. Your section needs you! It sounded like something a nurse would do over a intercom.

I found out Ms.Tengood's birthday is on our Concert. o___O And her b-day is before mine! o_o [Ms.T's is 12/10 and mine is 12/11. :0]

The Redbird singers were singing and they had this dance and song thing, and Megan and Emily had to dance with Scott. Amanda: Scott looks happy! Scott: *Looks emo* Me: LAWL!! ITS SCOTT! xD

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"What the hell is Adam doing?" "I'm bouncing in my chair!" "No...he's actually jiggling his ****s"

That's pretty much a normal conversation between me, Sam, and Adam. xD

Morning:When our Grandma parked,and let us get out of the car....WE SAW SCOTT! xDD In this BIG gold van...And he was all to himself " Shut the door! D8" Because his mom was driving him.... and she also went into the school...So he was embarrassed.


I was singing Cupid Shuffle. o_o


Mr.Leto made us go on this website about Alcohol and the website had people who were drawn by a failing manga artist. xD


Brian was "Singing" and he said "DO YOU MIND?! I'm trying to sing!" xD

Chorus After School rehearsal:

Taylor was acting like a retard

Mr.H/Ms.T's office:

Mr.Hanna gave me my early birthday present! Besame Mucho for trombone. :]


The Sopranos were talking. They are BAD.

We were singing Sleigh Ride with the 8th grade band, and Ms.Tengood wanted Alex to go sing instead of play his Horn. Then few minutes later, she needed him. Ms.T: Alex. Your section needs you! It sounded like something a nurse would do over a intercom.

I found out Ms.Tengood's birthday is on our Concert. o___O And her b-day is before mine! o_o [Ms.T's is 12/10 and mine is 12/11. :0]

The Redbird singers were singing and they had this dance and song thing, and Megan and Emily had to dance with Scott. Amanda: Scott looks happy! Scott: *Looks emo* Me: LAWL!! ITS SCOTT! xD
Also when I was exiting Mr.Hanna's room, I thought the chorus was practicing already, and I slid out.... xDD

"What the hell is Adam doing?" "I'm bouncing in my chair!" "No...he's actually jiggling his ****s"That's pretty much a normal conversation between me, Sam, and Adam. xD



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