I found this maganize. Good Housekeeping..I gave it to amanda, she flips to the first page, Says "Martha Stewart? I hate her." Me:Ew. Did she get arrested for something?
It was funny because we were making collages. xD
Jesse asked me If I like JB's. I said no. He said he doesn't understand why girls think their cute.. xD
Oddest thing ever. G-man and Huggies(You gotta know her to think its funny) were looking out of a window together. o.o I knew Huggies had a crush on G-man. =O
I SAW MY NERD!!!! So adorable. <3 He even said thanks to me for holding the door for him.(No, I didn't know he was coming)
Mr.H's music room:
I was in there again.
I told Mr.H that I get like a rash or somethin on my lower lip. He said it was normal. Phew.
Then Ms.T comes in says "HI SKADI!!!" Me: Hi Ms.Tengood!!! xD ( I think Mrs.Doberwanksy will be jealous. D= )
Jay made a big deal just b/c I forgot my socks. >___>
Steve asked me If I had socks on..Oddly,it wasn't very apparent. lol (Steve is very cute. <3)
Nick was apologizing b/c he hit me with a ball. We were playing a game like Prison ball. ;D
Nick:S-skadi I'-'m sorry! Me:Nick, thats the objective. Its fine. :]
Katie(A new girl) said she liked my shirt. A plain teal shirt, with a vest over. I would be all "ITS A VEST! > : O" I just said thanks. She probably mistook it for one of those t's with the vest attached to em.
Amanda had an orthodontist appointment so she came around Lunch time. Me:OMG!!! ITS AMANDA! =O I was acting like she was a celebrity.
I said Hi to Mrs.Doberwanksy(So she doesn't think I love Ms.T more than her. Fair share of me, no?). She said Hi in a stern voice.
Free Period(5th until Thursday)
We were playing 7up.. Jay:It smells like somebody farted. Timmy:I wonder who it could be... Rayshawn:Yeah... I wonder who. {This was targeted towards Jay. xD}
we were all sharing our middle names for no apparent reason. O___o
Rayshawn says he gets his hair cut at a place where one of the Eagles football players get his hair done. Kinda cool
Rayshawn said he couldn't breath during 7UP. xD
It was thundering and raining. And the sixth and fifth graders were out. We have the windows open. THEY WERE YELLING. Alex:They sound like a dinosaur is chasing after them... Thunder:*Booms* 6ths5ths:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! xDDDDDDDDDDD
Jay couldn't participate in 7UP b/c he like... Did something to Anthony to make him bleed. =]
Oh. Let the Christian Siriano-ness through. I was writing tons of quotes from him on my Math WB and TB. ;___; Even "I'm Kinda Fierce..." and "Asians are Fierce." with a CS at the end, incase if anyone knew who Christian was(Not in person. xD)..
Amanda drew a Squidy family on my WB. :'3
Amanda said "If I had a duck I would name it..." I said "If I had a duck, I would name it fierce." I SHOULD HAVE SAID FEROSH. D=
I was saying "Fierce!". ;_;
We were doing place value. We had to write it down in our Notebooks. Instead of Value, I wrote Valve. xD Like Trumpet Valve. xDDDD
I also told Amanda "I'm kind of Fierce..." xD
Hallway #2:
I thought Amanda said "Lets go to this retarded classroom" when it was actually "Lets go to this un-charted classroom." xDDDD Me: Retarded classroom? Lawl'd.
Amanda dropped her pencil case. Me

ENALTY? DEATH. xDD She killed her poor pencil case . D=
Steve went to go use the hand sanitizer, then he made this... Odd face at me. Nothing like he was mad...He had this eyebrows up. Me:Aww.. WTF?
Our motto isn't "We hold your water so you don't have to" anymore. T_______T I really kinda liked that one. Even though it the human body. Still. <///3
now its something I can't remember. ;____;
I said Hi to Mr.S... Mr.S: *In class* Hi skadi!!!!! (Alot frighting than Ms.T's.) O__o
Amanda till loves her Merryland. *Sigh*
I probably had the most stupidest answer, Mr.S: Its a verb, starts with M. Me:Move? Mr.S:No.
I was trying to look at Steve but Jay is in the way so is this idiot who is like...An idiot and who always stares whenever I look at Steve. D< Rawr. I lurve my Steve(AND MY NERD! And not to forget, Mrs.D and Ms.T, and Drew and Everett. *Sighs* So many people, so little time. ;_; )
Mr.Scaturo was talking about why people from other countries move to the US. Mr.S:"FREEDOM!!! *Jumps* FREEDOM! No, not freedom. Because of the food, the houses and the good we have. In England *This would be 1760's* the English had to wear dirty clothes, they move here and they can wear fresh clothes. "
Thora's SS:
They were discussing the fire drill so this one boy Jacob was being a pimple.
Jacob: What if you take a dump on the floor, and then the police w/ their dogs come in and the dog eats the poop? XDDDDD Ms.T sent hi out of her classroom. xD