Funny Moments at School


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This happened to my friend. Also not LOL funny, but once again it makes me smile.She dropped her pencil case, and the boy standing next to her just grabbed it and started walking away while she was watching him.
My friends have done that to me. Only it was Nicole and she stole my conduct card.. While we were in the gym after lunch. So we were screaming at eachother and practically wrestling over it in our little corner of the gym that everybody decides not to go near unless they absolutely have to, in fear of being attacked and held hostage. We're a fun group to be around..

She kept it until 8th hour, though, when I had to give her a compliment to get it back.. "If we were on top of a building and you were about to commit suicide, I would totally try to stop you! I mean, if there wasn't anything in it for me, of course, because knowing you, you wouldn't give me much in your will.. >.>"

We actually end up screaming at eachother a lot.. And most of it consists of insults.

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[SIZE=14pt]On the way to FI we saw this dude actin like Rocky Balboa... xD[/SIZE]


And today... We were using the computers... and I was on Wiki(Gasp.) and I was looking up Brazil. And I was on another website and Wikipedia was just there on the main screen....So me, being stupid, I typed in "Christian Siriano"(To scare Thora.) and Johnny was behind me( He was just looking at my screen I was all HOLY FMAJ7!! D: ) and I tried SO Hard to earse it, it ot earsed though.. xD And no, I didn't press search(I would be in hell's kitchen if so.. D: )

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This wasn't really school school,it was this thing called "Jump Start" to get the 6th graders ready for middle school. (my mom signed me up xP) I was partered with this one guy Alex,and we were on the computers in the library using PhotoBooth and ComicLife. He was doing all these funny faces and poses and saying funny dialouge! When the teacher was telling us to save something,he just randomly said to me, "Save the eels!" xD It was so random!
I remember jump start! I remember 11 years ago I played the OLD Jump Star Kindergarden and OMG I loved that game! I'd still play it! And I LOOOOOOVED Jump Star 3rd Grade!

I just remembered something that happened almost 4 months ago:

We had that "Family Life" thing, and all the girls were watching this slideshow of like, er, 'what to expect' and,well you get the idea, and it was on my teacher's laptop and she'd hit the spacebar to go forward a slide, and she accidentally hit it twice, and a giant drawing of, well, you know, came up and all the girls started screaming. xD I was among the loudest. xP

I just remembered something that happened almost 4 months ago:We had that "Family Life" thing, and all the girls were watching this slideshow of like, er, 'what to expect' and,well you get the idea, and it was on my teacher's laptop and she'd hit the spacebar to go forward a slide, and she accidentally hit it twice, and a giant drawing of, well, you know, came up and all the girls started screaming. xD I was among the loudest. xP
[SIZE=14pt]Hahha... [/SIZE]



Briteny(A French Horn Player), conducts for Starwars: The Radiers March(Aka.: This song fails. xD) . So Carrie says "Hey Brit! How about you wear a Darth Vader hat?!" Danielle says "That says "LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER."." Carrie says "You should wear that while conducting! It will go off as "LUKE! I AM YOUR FATHER." XD


The flute section(Except me) offeed to be percussion becuase the percussion wasn't there.. o_O; (Odd. Last year the percussion section had straight attenedence! O: )

[SIZE=13pt]lol. This wasn't funny , but it was random :[/SIZE]

Me: So , what do you wanna do today?

Friend 1: I dunno , what about you?

Me: Chips !

friend 1: and cottage cheese .. no wait , cottage cheese sucks.

Friend 3 : Yeah. I don't know what sucks more than cottage cheese.


Friend 1 & 2: Fur sure o_O


So yea , it was a good day.

J got a love letter today. The first line was: 'Dear Beloved, When we're apart it breaks my heart'. His friend J2 took it and handed it to the Mrs L and she read it. Then Mrs G came into the room and Mrs L showed it to Mrs G. Our whole class was cracking up. Then H told J that a girl called C sent it but C didn't! Anyway, Mrs L gave the letter back to J and J put it in his pocket. Then J2 stole it again. Mrs L made him give it back to J though. It was so funny. Everyone was trying to guess who sent it. "T did it!" "Did not" "Who has glitter pens??" "K has glitter pens! It was K!" "Wait, so does U.." "It was both of them!" It was hilarious. J was blushing.

Mrs L was telling our class about the Mole system where teachers can write about students bad behavior and save it on the computer and LL yelled out. "Why is it called mole? That makes no sense! They should call it ... Bad Mole!" Everyone called her Bad Mole for the rest of the day.

I met up with Renee yesterday at the school while my mom payed my enrollment in the office. We walked around the entire school about four times before we realized all we'd been doing was talking about last year.

I'm also pretty sure we scared a few sixth graders when we had to go into their pod - The lights were off and we said, "Oh, still as dark and scary as ever.." And laughed.

Then I found my new locker and discovered a Biohazard sticker inside. I'm keeping it. <3

Marching band xD

1: We were marching, My music teacher to go up and down the scale, and keep marching when we end. We finished the Scale, But the Saxaphone infront of me Stopped. So I stopped, and All of the other people stopped because they didnt want to hit him. When my band teacher Yelled "KEEP GOING!" He was like "We were suppost to keep going?" xD

2: We were marching to a song. I noticed the girl next to me stopped playing. I looked at her and she laughed a little. Then She turned her head ahead {Tehe, it Rhymes =D} and Then I noticed we were so far behind. So We started jogging and the 3 people in my row were laughing. We were behind, and This boy thats weird yelled at us. He was infront of us xP

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Marching band xD
1: We were marching, My music teacher to go up and down the scale, and keep marching when we end. We finished the Scale, But the Saxaphone infront of me Stopped. So I stopped, and All of the other people stopped because they didnt want to hit him. When my band teacher Yelled "KEEP GOING!" He was like "We were suppost to keep going?" xD

2: We were marching to a song. I noticed the girl next to me stopped playing. I looked at her and she laughed a little. Then She turned her head ahead {Tehe, it Rhymes =D} and Then I noticed we were so far behind. So We started jogging and the 3 people in my row were laughing. We were behind, and This boy thats weird yelled at us. He was infront of us xP
[SIZE=14pt]Things that happen in Marching Band/Band/Jazz band, stay in Band.. ;D[/SIZE]



We were warming up for our concert(OMG! Its next Thursday!!! ;) ) and Andrew(Saxophone player, my mom's his mom's friend, they work together. =) <3) asked "What are we playing? " Ms.Tengood:DREW! Its Starwars! Drew:No, I know, what note? Ms.T:THE NOTE ON YOUR PAPER! Drew:Oh.Thaattt. Everybody: xDD


Today... We had to bring chairs,Music Stands, ins. cases,PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTs x_x(Bass Drum.. ._. ) , our cases, instrument cases... You name it. D: So everybody was tired... And then Carrie,Danielle,Jason(Clarinet),Melissa(Clarinet) and Christine(Clarinet) were going to sectionals. So I was all "WTF ARE YOU DOING?! D: " Carrie said were going to sect.


Melissa asked me if I wanted to go with my Fluties. I said no, because they were upstairs, and I would have to carry a stand.


Carrie was waiting for me to go to library so she was wondering where I was, and I came in, and the janitor was all"Here she is!" Me: xD


Carrie said Mike(Not Saxophone mike..Remember?!),Racheal and Billy were watching Hannah Montana in the library... =D Carrie wanted to watch it.


Danielle kept stealing my pencil.. ;_; w/o asking me.


Everybody was cheering for Mr.Hanna because...He's gonna conduct for Starwars! Yay!


Ms.Tengood said that we played "Starwars in Lullaby version" ! xD


Mr.Hanna told Leanne,this sexy Bass Clarinet dude and Andrew(Trombone) not to joke about war because they were laughing in sects when they were playing Starwars:RM.

[SIZE=14pt]Summer school:[/SIZE]

I played Tennis with Nick. He un-buttoned his shirt.. And there was no under shirt...So yeah.. D:


And Nick got scared because there was leaves (A branch.. Full of leaves) in the HS.. o_O;


Nick has his own "Nick's Scared Room"....Which is the classroom bathroom... O__o;

When he gets scared, he'll run in the bathroom, flush the toilet and say "Cucucucucu"(His language... ^___^; ) and yells for Johnny...


NIck likes to act like a old person...And saying "GRANDPA" or "GRANDMA" and saying Cucucucucu! and he walks REALLY fast.


Nick also calls Mrs.Judy "Grandma",Mr.Mount "Daddy" , Johnny is "Grandpa" and Julie is "Mommy"... O_O

Band Lesson:

I didn't want my trombone to fall off the seat...So I asked Mr.H to watch it for me, and he said "Why don't you just let it lay across the seat? :| " Me:Oh. Yeah... :mimitchi: ;


I was playing Bb Scale, and I messed up near the end, so I just played C6 because Mr.Hanna was ahead of me...


I really messed up on Aura Lee..... Really.


Mr.Hanna said I was good on something called Warm up or something...


This girl's brother was looking at me playing the trombone through the window.. I was all " Stalker... D: "


Poor Jason..His mom didn't come for him for lessons, and he had to waitn for like... I think a hour or so.



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Yesterday in english class, It was so cold cuz it has AC. I was the only one who was wearing a jacket. And one of my friends called me and was like "Naty, can I borrow ur jacket?", I said no, look away, and kept writing, then she throws a pencil at me and said "Naty, gimme ur jacket!", I was like "NO!!!" ... <_< ...lawl...

I know its not that funny but I felt like writing it anyway...

Well, I've had orientation for the last three days at my new high school (which is a freaking maze) and we had some stuff happen.

Like, take the first day.

We have Maddie scream out random stuff and people comment on how they don't have brains. I dunno. They said it themselves.

At the break times, Nicole and I would run around the school freaking out.

The second day, Nicole tried to slide down the rails on the staircase (two story school O:). She couldn't do it, so I tried. Then I remembered I was wearing a skirt.

Then, we had to come up with the perfect school. This one group had a puppy wrestling class, which made puppy wrestling the theme of the day. These other kids had Educated Adult Learning. That, apparently, is where you learn to be an adult.

Today, Nicole and I slid down the rails. 8D

We also had a scavenger hunt. Carissa, Megan, and I were like running over the school, me in uncomfortable shoes. We got first place though.

Then, Nicole and I got lost during break. We went upstairs and turned into a hallway that never seemed to end. Then we opened a door, and we were above the cafeteria. There were lockers up there. Then, we ended up in the cafeteria and then in like...a dance studio...and then in the band rooms. Then we saw someone, freaked out, and ran into the foyer. By that time, I was barefoot.

At the end of orientation, we we went out to play some random game and Nicole said that in her group, they were talking about how something looked like a certain male body part. And the guy behind spazzed out. It was kind of scary.

And schedule pickup is day after tomorrow tomorrow (12:06). So, it should be fun trying to find out lockers and classes.


We had our concert today! =D

Me,Leanne,Sarah(Horn),Billy(Trumpet),Jason,Michael(Trumpet),Steven(Percussion),Peter and George were playing "Telephone".... Here's how it went: First: "Billy is annoying" 2nd: "Michael likes to wear ladies underwear",3rd:"Michael's favorite Pokemon is Charzard..."4th: "Billy is having a spaz attack" 5th: "Today is Monday"(Lawl. Today is Thursday.) 6th: "PIE".... xD

Ryan(Bass Clarinet) and Jason and some other people were having a contest... The contest was to see who could fit in the new cabinets... Mr.Hanna got po'd. xDDDD

Ryan,Carrie, Lena(Flute),Danielle,Emily(Flute),Christina,Melissa,Rachael, Sydney,Andrew,Drew were going crazy in the hallway.... o_O;;;

Me,Leanne,Sarah,Steven and Jason were playing Duck Duck Goose. Jason and Steven were trying to cut to get to their seats... ;D

Mr.Hanna found this play Duck and said "If anybody is hungry: I brought a duck." xD People were playing with it, especially Steven,George,Jason and Peter...

George and Peter were killing each other...With the duck. O__o;

Peter played "Hips don't lie" on Clarinet. xD

Ryan,Drew and someotherpersonIforgottheirname were fighting over Drew's Saxophone neck sling. xD

We got to keep George of the Jungle,Majestia and CC! =)

Mr.Hanna let me borrow a new trombone. =3

Well, today me and my friends were hanging out by the stairwell when Josh and his friends pass by. Lol, Joshy didn't see me so my friend Vivi was like "HEY JOSH!" and then he turned around and smiled at me and hugged me really tight. It was funny because i was fixing my hair so one of my hands was on my head while the other one was around him. I turned extremely red! xDD The hug lasted a long time too! But it was the best hug ever..^O^

I just remembered one.

In grade 4 we were playing manhunt. Mitchell and Sander went into the boy's bathroom to hide from the people that were it. I wasn't there, but apparentaly they opened the door to a stall and there was a kid taking a crap. xDDD

You have such hilarious stories!! =D

The school year has finished for me but sometime last year it was in PSD and Miss S. told us to stand in a line down the wall quietly while she did the register. We were thinking "???" but obvs we did it, and we were all just standin there quietly. But i was standing in front of a storage cupboard that opens reali easily if you push it, and i leant on it!!!! I fell right back into it and screamed, and I landed in the closet!!!! XD Luckily i know how to laugh at myself - it was HILARIOUS!

Heh, school is in 2 weeks ;D

But last year, we were walking back from recess, but backwards. We were talking to the people behind us. So this person decided to be annoying and park in the illegal spot (yah know, the spot with the lines across it?). Me and my friend both walking into it, and tripped xD So we used the icon "Were the type of friends who get hit by parked cars" on aim.

But we won't have recess next year in middle school x.x We start September 3rd. It's a Wednesday.

Schools starts in 2 weeks for me. I guess I will fell a funny moment that happened to me just a couple minutes ago. I am drinking water and I miss my mouth. :angry:

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