This wasn't at school, ,but it was at a festival at our school! :3
SO I was walking around with my friend Karen and she was like "We have to find the guys!" so we went looking for them and found them in the little kids place [xD] So Nick was all 'So Karen, I hear you are going out with Ze?" and I started freaking out, she was like, 'WHO TOLD YOU, and, no.. .I'm not... WHO TOLD YOU?" so I finally get it out of Nick by pinching his nose, he was like "OW! Tara! You know my nose is my weakness!" I was like "OH YEAH I DO- Wait, it is? NO I DON'T I don't SRSLY!" xD So we were about to leave to go yell at Ze and we ran into him, so Karen got all Spazz on him, and he admitted that he liked her,s o they were dating for ten minuted until she dumped him. So a little bit later I was on this scrambler ride with Ze sitting next to me and it jerked sideways and I lended on him and he was like, "HEY I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" I was all like "PFFT sHE DUMPED YOU TEN MINUTES AGO!" it was funny.
Then Ze took a picture of Karen's butt. I was all -isgladIamwearingshorts-
It was hilarious.