LA; We are reading the Cay... And we were doing this survival thing. The list for drinks was Whisky. Amanda:I don't think Whisky is important b/c somebody could get drunk, they had control of the gun and shot some people. Me:So TDI'd.
Ms.VanArsdale calls Amanda , Mandy..So this is what happened.. Amanda:Its Amanda not Mandy. Me:AMANDA! Its "Ms.V, can you please call me Amanda?Thanks." Ms.V:Right!
Lunch: For once, G-man was eatting in the cafetria. =O GO G-MAN!
We had a try out for vocals. D= Scott and Michael were behind me. Just great. ._. Michael, has such a high toned voice, when we were just going "Ahhhhhhhhh." You could hear his voice. o.o And Scott...I always think he wants to yell at me or lecture with his girly voice. xD Dun know why.
Michael said "Scotty,somethingsomethingsomething." Scotty sounds like Skadi. xD
I didn't want to sit next to Jay in Math. Amanda:He's a human. xD
Me;So WHAT! He's gross. Ew.
I was flirting with Alex[scott's friend. And no, I did NOT start it, he was looking at me.xD]. xD
Mitch is in my group. xD He said "Our motto could be "
We hold your water so you don't have to".." xDDDDD Get it? Jay 2 said "How about Water secruity? "Are you authorized to drink this water? I need to see some ID." XD Then Mitch started talking about snapping turtles.. O____o Briana said there was one in the middle of the road infront of her house, and people had to move it with a stick, Mitch:AND THEY THREW IT IN THE POND! TAKE THAT! Then he said that snapping turtles could bite your finger off, same with beavers. o.o Then he was talking about a horse dying infront of his house. Kinda creepy. The horse bashed it's head on the trailer and it died on the concerte... Mitch:Theres blood in my brother's trailor now. O.O
Mitch also taught us how to avoid snapping turtles. o_o
Our water companie's name is The "Beaver Waterworks". No I did not come bup eith this name. Consult Mitch and Jay #2. O-o
I wasn't there for the first 12 mins because I had to speak to Mr.H. That comes later. Anyways.
Lady...Your gonna LOVE this. Everybody in my SS class must love MD. They always call it out. xD I did too. For you! <3 coughandchristiansirianogetsshotcough
Amanda calls Maryland, Merryland.(Don't dis Maryland.. Coming from a person in NJ! xD) xD
Mr.Scaturro was near my desk. ;____; Mr.S: *Looks at Peter, and slowly at me.* ....Skadi. What do yuo see on the map? I forgot my answer. xD
Mr.S was nerby me and said "You see Skadi, the reason why we color the states is so you don't forget them." Me: (I didn't ask you why we had to..

)And it was outloud so I ws all "WTF."
Amanda has a VERY creepy laugh. O___o So she was laughing like that durning SS. o_o Everyone was laughing.
Hallway #2:
I saw Ms.T. How suprising. She asked me if I could put these papers on her desk. It was a very pretty folder with instruments on it. Le Gasp. CoughIddoanytingformybanddirectorscough
Mr.H's Music room:
I went to put that very pretty folder on Ms.T's desk. I also noted she brushes her hair. Alot. ;'0 *Mental note* It was a hair brush...With her brown hair in/on it.. I was all "Wow, she brushes her hair that much??"
Mr.H didn't think it was fair that I didn't get my trombone repaired Sat. xD He asked me if I could play it. .___. I've been playing it for all of my lessons with the broken neck. .__. coughheprobablydidrealize;likewithmytrebleclefearringslolcough
Apparently I have to bring the school's to band thursday.. How sad. ;___;
Next week Mr.H wants me to bring my trombone for some dang reason for lessons. O___o I don't believe he can fix it.
Hallway #3:
I saw Senorita C! =O She told me to email her, it really made her happy.
End of school:
Thora told me that she has LA in Mr.Hanna's room. I was effin jealous (Yes Lady, more jealous than the fact that you told me you lived in MD. D= ).
I said Bye to Ms.T and she didn't say bye back. ;___; I was depressed.
Ps, I forgot to write Asians are fierce on my binder.