Funny Moments at School


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I have this story:

It was music class, and it's right after recess, so we're all in the music room, and Ms. Pear [the teacher] takes attendance, and this kid named Jack isn't here, so when he comes in, Ms. Pear says "Where were you?"

Jack says, "Taking a dump"

The class bursts out laughing.

Ms. Pear is all, "Excuse me?? No disrespecting the teacher!"


One of the funniest things that happened at school was this:

In library, our librarian was reading this lame book, and there was this big poster on the wall that said "I dont care whats on TV tonight, i'm booked for the evening." And it has this kid reading books with all these animals. And in the corner it has this book with a reeally funny looking duck dude on the cover, with a mutated, fat beak, wearing a suit. Me and my best friend cracked up, well we tried not to. And then my best friend can't help herself, so she tried a failed attempt to hide her laugh with fake coughing. But it was obvious. The librarian looked at us with that typical "adult" look. We just spilled out our giggles. She said "girls, do you have a problem?" we said "no.." Then she just continued.

We couldnt stop laughing. But you can not IMAGINE how funny that duck was!!! I couldnt find a pic of it..but omg..lolz.

[SIZE=14pt]In 4th or 5th grade, these 7th or 8th graders asked me if I wanted a free iPod. xD[/SIZE]

Boys:*At lockers*

Me:*Walks by*

Boy:Want a FREE iPod???

Me: ._. *Walks off*



I must admit, it was somewhat funny. :3

Double post..D:

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[SIZE=14pt]Today was the first day for me! =O [/SIZE]


Beginning of school:

We had an assemble, and I was sitting net to BFFL. So was Thora, and she saw "The Nerd" which is this boy I like, Steven. She was all "OMG. Theres your BF(He isn't really..*Wish*), the NERD." Me:HE IS NOT A NERD!!! > : O


Me and Amanda were having a lightsaber battle..With pens! Me:If you kept your clarinet..We could've had a Flute vs. Clarinet battle! xD


I told Amanda I would play George of the Jungle on flute for her.


I told her I claimed to be George in 6th grade. Amanda:SO WHAT! That was LAST year.

Now were doing Chowder. I am Snitzel. Again.


Amanda's mom is the cafeteria aid. So when they said her name Amanda went "WOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" xD


My Nerd has new glasses.. So hawt. :Q



I told amanda that Homeroom is SPARTTAAA! xDD


I asked to borrow a pencil from Amanda.. I forgot the Please. Amanda: Say Pretty please with a radda radda at the end! I did it. xD


Me and Amanda were getting lost! D:


Scott asked me and Amanda about some class. She walked away as if he said nothing.


I didn't see my Nerd. T~T


We have this awshum pencil dispenser! You put in 25 cents and it gives you a pencil! How cool is that?!


I thought we were in 1st period LA so me and Amanda got into a sizzy fight. "ITS LA""ITS SPANISH!" It ended up being spanish so I lost. D:


I told amanda Hallways are sparta too.


I had a finger lightsaber battle with Amanda! :eek:



I saw scott. I nudged amanda...Scott is her person to torture. :eek:


Gabby, my friend, is spanish..So is Ms.VanArsdale. So they were speaking in spanish to each other! It was awshum. Tom:How does she speak spanish? Person:Because she's from Spanish! Tom:xDDD



Oh my GOD. I saw.. mr.Hanna! Amanda made a mean name for him. Hanna Montana. D : < I was po'd.


Reagan said that Sammy was just wearing this mini dress to look sexy for her Bf,Tom. xDD


Assemble #2:

I WAS BEHIND MY NERD. <3 Thora pointed it out, I knew. Briana thinks he's ugly..So does Thora and my mom. D:


I saw my nerd's face for the first time in person... <3 I was all "Omfg..Sexy. :eek: "


Hallway #2:

Amanda thought it was 7th period, it was 6th..We were lost.. D: Me:Wanna make a song about getting lost on the way to Room 102?? xD



Mr.B told us a story about his friend who cut a hole through his hand with a thremometer(Sp?). D: That guy can't use his right hand any more.


Poor Amanda has to sit next to jay. D:


Mr.Scaturo went on this atleast 30 years old heater/AC.. O_____o He stood on it.


He also gave us this hard puzzle. D:


Amanda also has to sit nearby jay in this class too.


He told Peter not to breathe because the sinks have mold in the basins. O_____O

Mr.S: Peter could get an amonia...xD It was a joke. Mr.S:pETER DO NOT BREATHE! XDDDD


End of the day...

I was trying my locker..And I couldn't get it opened! It turns out...That wasn't my darn locker. xDDD


Mr.Hanna has his own classroom!


And once Jay called Ms.Tengood Mrs.Hanna. xDDDDD Mr.Hanna isn't Ms.Tengood's hubby. o_o

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Omg you watch Chowder too!! I love that show!! Ok back on topic lol.

Well my boyfriend and I were in the hallway and we had our first kiss I was like wheee! And then later on in the day this boy tells me "Oh I saw you making out with a boy!" I was like "ya I was problem?" He said "Oh you was lickin his face!" I told him :shut up no I wasn't why do you care?" It's a long story but we ended up laughing about it in the end lol.


I was yelling at Amanda, telling her to make a song about getting lost. Once Again. :3


Some girl asked the stupidest question on earth(Next to "Is the grass green?")... "How come we [girls] can't wear spagetti straps?" *HEADDESK* ;___;

G man siad "Gay" today.. xD

Thora proclaimed Georgia is a pervert. So is Marcus. xD


Me and Amanda had another starwars battle.

Mr.Leto said "This group of girls(Me,Amanda,Gabby and Kelly) could um...make a project on things to take care of themselves." *Cough* O____o It was an example. ;O

Amanda drew a squidy on my health folder. I wrote "Squidy! O___o;"

Mr.Leto asked if we had a favorite celeb, I raised my hand. Fortunately he didn't ask who it was...Because its Christian Siriano. xD I would like to put Christian's face on my folder to stare at and ignore Mr.Leto and get yelled at...But no. Too embarrasing >w>

I felt so bad for poor tom. ;) Mr.Leto:What stage are you going through? Tom? Tom:*Mumbles*Puberty... Mr.L:What? Tom:puberty. Mr.L:Your bodies are changing, developing... D:


I found out I had the textbook of this kind-of-cute-kinda-creepy-looking boy, William. O____o Me:Omfg. No wait he has nice handwriting. :huh:

I said TTYL to Mr.B. :]


We were doing 13 colonies...Mr.S asked me what a state was a colony. x_x; Me:Vermont? Mr.S:NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Vermont isn't a colony! Its okay, we can still be friends, Skadi. :3

Mr.S asked me where was sister was. I told him she doesn't come to this class. Mr.S:Can you tell where you sister is now with your phyic powers? I've seen you on X-files. xDDDDDDDDDDD

And..The school. CASEY IS IN A NEW EFFIN SCHOOL!!!!!!! YES! > : D *Party at my place*

Mr.S was talking about Georgia or something..I forgot what state, anyways, he was all "The pilgrims decedide to go to this swamp...And were all "WOOT! WE LIVE IN A SWAMP! With only half of the food here! AWESOME!" And then the pilgrims starved and then Idianan's came and said "Dude, you need some food. Have some squash.." Then the indianan's taught the pilrims, how to plant squash. The pilgrims, with there ribs sticking out said "Thanks".Ten yeras later, "HEY DUDES WE WANT YOUR LAND!" xD

Mr.S told Jesse to pull up his pants. xD

Jay was being a annoying pest..Oh wait, like ALWAYS. >__>;


Me and Amanda were having a lightsaber battle. :) (W/o pens)

We had to fill out this slip, to tell G man who sat at our table. I wanted Amanda to call our table, Table Awesome. 8D Nothing happened. ;___; She drew food instead. Thanksgiving food. o.o


Me and Amanda were late to math. Ho-hum. Atleast I got to say Hi to Ms.Tengood. 8]

I also wrote some quotes from Christian Siriano on my trapper...God... ;__; "Fierce!" "FEROSH" "If I were a DIVA, my name would be... FEROSH." "I'd rather buy clothes than buy a bed!" "CS=<3 Rawrr".

I was saying Fierce...Alot today. :D Don't I rock? "Your hair is fierce amanda." xD

I dared amanda to lock Jay's lock, it was open. She said no. D : < I wish she did, I would've died at Jay's reaction! xD Maybe Monday... e_e

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lol...this is funny!

okay so i'm in social studies with one of my guy friends sitting in front of me. and the counselor's having us talk about our lives, ok? and so this girl "Jenny" keeps saying "ya know?" so the 2 of us start laughing really hard, and then she says it again and the whole class is laughing and she doesn't know why!

the counselor was also having us do this imaginary journey thing where she had us pretend we were back i 6th grade and then up till today, then tell her what came to mind. so i said "i realized i really liked pop tarts back then. and i talked too much." so everyone was laughing! ;)

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*timeskip to gym* We were outside playing "Capture the Football", and my gym teacher Mr. Boyd broke us up into big groups, some actuall football players with the, er, ametaurs (sp?) and we had to put on those things called "Penny/ies" or watever they're called. Ricky (who I kinda have a crush on) put his on and he was talking to this other guy on his football team how their coach calls them sport bras. Then Ricky was randomly saying "C'mon guys, get your sport bras on." and "I'ma wearin' mah sportz bra! 8D" xD And making me crack up. ^3^

*timeskip to Revisit D* (EDIT: My Goddarn fingers hit the wrong key. x.x) I was staring out the window because I was bored, and I thought I saw Deidara fly by on his giant clay bird. o_O

*timeskip to Pre-Algebra* The counsellor came in and started this lesson that lasted all the way through P.A. about getting to know us. She brought in a mini-basketball thing and had all of the P.A. kids form a circle and we had to pass it around, say our names, and something about us. But we had to take the ball from the person handing it to us in a completely different way. Say that, the first person grabbed the ball from the counsellor with just their right hand, that means no one else could take it like that. The 2 best ways of taking the ball was probably from Gannon and Quentin. Quentin somehow cought it with the side of his knee, and Gannon took it by going "Whooooooooooo~!" and moving his arms in that flowy-ish motion before normally taking it. xD Oh, and the end of the lesson was all about Sexual Harrassment. Mrs. Seccuro (counsellor) was saying "I've gotten many complaints about this. Say a guy likes a girl, so he think's he'll write her a note. So he writes 'Your butt looks hot in those jeans.' and then the girl is gonna be all 'Oh my God. Creepy! D8" xD That is also the first teacher to have said 'gay', 'queer', '***', '****', 'whore', and 'skank' all in the same sentence. xD

*timeskip to on the way to buses* I was walking down the hallway with my friend Rachel, and she just randomly said "I want Spaghetti-O's. >x(" xD And I started laughing. x)

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Yesterday after school, I was walking with my friend Vivi when I spotted this sophmore in my class and I told her "Look! He's so cute! x3" and then he heard me and bumped into the pole infront of him! xDD Then my friend was like "The one that just bumped into that pole...? o_O" and i burst out laughing lmfao!! xDDD He just looked at me like "B%#^&* see what you made me do!" hahaha! ^O^

Our principal was talking about the rules and she was talking about fighting and stuff and was like. "When a girl walks by a table with boys, no "WHOOPING!" or clapping. We don't rate people on how they look!" and You could hear some guys in the back say "Oh..." LOL and knowing our principal that was funny. She was also like "We don't call people gay, we don't call them ****, or fat." and me and my friend were trying so hard not to laugh.

Me, Hannah and Crabbigail were talking about JB in Math, and i was all "I know all their full names. Paul Kevin Jonas, Joseph Adam Jonas, Nicholas Jerry Jonas, and Franklin something Jonas."

Crabbigail: I thought there were only three jonas brothers

Me and Hannah: NO! THERE ARE FOUR!

Crabbigail: Oh yeah, that other one.

Me: Frankie is soooooo cute!

Crabbigail: ISn't he like, 7 though?


Crabbigail: He's short.

Me: OoO You're short too!

Hannah: *laughs*

Me: He's probably as tall as you!

That was funny.

And whenever me and my friend say hi to a guy named Tito, he puts up his hand. So in PE he was all "Hi my name here" and when I looked at him he put up his hand. I cracked up.

Sometimes he says hi though! ^.^

He's sooo cute!

Oh and Crabbigail hasn't heard of We The Kings, so I was like "SKYWAY AVENUE!" in History and she was like "What is that, Jonas Brothers" and I was all OoO "NO ITS WE THE KINGS! DUR DA DUR!" and she was all "Never heard of them"

When I told Tito, he was all OoO lol.

I have more that I can't remember. OMG IN PE WE WERE WATCHING THESE OLYMPIC CLIPS AND THOSE "Internet Explorer isn't working... blah blah blah..... Send Error Report Don't Send" so Karina was all "CLICK DON'T SEND!" and when our PE teacher did, it closed and went to his desktop, which was a picture of a little kid that looked crazy. We were cracking up and clapping and our PE teacher was all "OH NICE JOB!" we were laughing for like 5 minutes.

I told a joke to my friend before class started. He thought it was hilarious. I didn't think it was that funny. It was the day we were giving presentation, and he was first. He was good with his speech until he remembered the joke, and by then he was in the middle of his speech. He started to crack up, and the teacher had to tell him to sit down.

He's still mad at me.

oh! and during that same imaginary journey thing, since most of the lights were off, and the blinds were closed, my guy friend in front of me fell asleep! and if that wasn't funny enough, my guy friend who sits next to him tries to wake him up by poking him with a piece of paper!

*timeskip to gym* We were outside playing "Capture the Football", and my gym teacher Mr. Boyd broke us up into big groups, some actuall football players with the, er, ametaurs (sp?) and we had to put on those things called "Penny/ies" or watever they're called. Ricky (who I kinda have a crush on) put his on and he was talking to this other guy on his football team how their coach calls them sport bras. Then Ricky was randomly saying "C'mon guys, get your sport bras on." and "I'ma wearin' mah sportz bra! 8D" xD And making me crack up. ^3^
*timeskip to Revisit D* (EDIT: My Goddarn fingers hit the wrong key. x.x) I was staring out the window because I was bored, and I thought I saw Deidara fly by on his giant clay bird. o_O

*timeskip to Pre-Algebra* The counsellor came in and started this lesson that lasted all the way through P.A. about getting to know us. She brought in a mini-basketball thing and had all of the P.A. kids form a circle and we had to pass it around, say our names, and something about us. But we had to take the ball from the person handing it to us in a completely different way. Say that, the first person grabbed the ball from the counsellor with just their right hand, that means no one else could take it like that. The 2 best ways of taking the ball was probably from Gannon and Quentin. Quentin somehow cought it with the side of his knee, and Gannon took it by going "Whooooooooooo~!" and moving his arms in that flowy-ish motion before normally taking it. xD Oh, and the end of the lesson was all about Sexual Harrassment. Mrs. Seccuro (counsellor) was saying "I've gotten many complaints about this. Say a guy likes a girl, so he think's he'll write her a note. So he writes 'Your butt looks hot in those jeans.' and then the girl is gonna be all 'Oh my God. Creepy! D8" xD That is also the first teacher to have said 'gay', 'queer', '***', '****', 'whore', and 'skank' all in the same sentence. xD

*timeskip to on the way to buses* I was walking down the hallway with my friend Rachel, and she just randomly said "I want Spaghetti-O's. >x(" xD And I started laughing. x)
Wow... O:


Me and Amanda also got lost on the way to Mr.S's class... Amanda:Where do we go? Me:Mr.S. Amanda:What classroom? Me:OOH TREE! I FORGOT! D:

I thought I lost my planner, so in Science I was all "Ooh TREE!" it was in my purse. xD


WOAH! OOH TREE! This is OLD...

At summer band, I accidentally, at the end of the concert for my mommy, I walked into a stand.

Mr.Hanna said Billy was the best Treeer. I means you say "BANG! OOH! TREEEEEE~!" The best. O___o Mr.Hanna was all "Bang! Ohh*Hands over mouth*.TREEEEEEEEEE~!" xDDD

Mr.Hanna told us not to go like "Ohh Tree." Because that means we want George to bang into that tree, Bang ooh tree means they don't want George to hit the tree. o.o


OOH TREE! Is something we had to say in Summer band for George of the jungle. It means "Oh CRAP!" in my language. :3

Mrs.Seccuro sounds like Mr.Scaturo. :marumimitchi:

And I need to remember to write "Asians are fierce" on my binder. xD

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LA; We are reading the Cay... And we were doing this survival thing. The list for drinks was Whisky. Amanda:I don't think Whisky is important b/c somebody could get drunk, they had control of the gun and shot some people. Me:So TDI'd.


Ms.VanArsdale calls Amanda , Mandy..So this is what happened.. Amanda:Its Amanda not Mandy. Me:AMANDA! Its "Ms.V, can you please call me Amanda?Thanks." Ms.V:Right!

Lunch: For once, G-man was eatting in the cafetria. =O GO G-MAN!


We had a try out for vocals. D= Scott and Michael were behind me. Just great. ._. Michael, has such a high toned voice, when we were just going "Ahhhhhhhhh." You could hear his voice. o.o And Scott...I always think he wants to yell at me or lecture with his girly voice. xD Dun know why.

Michael said "Scotty,somethingsomethingsomething." Scotty sounds like Skadi. xD


I didn't want to sit next to Jay in Math. Amanda:He's a human. xD

Me;So WHAT! He's gross. Ew.

I was flirting with Alex[scott's friend. And no, I did NOT start it, he was looking at me.xD]. xD


Mitch is in my group. xD He said "Our motto could be "We hold your water so you don't have to".." xDDDDD Get it? Jay 2 said "How about Water secruity? "Are you authorized to drink this water? I need to see some ID." XD Then Mitch started talking about snapping turtles.. O____o Briana said there was one in the middle of the road infront of her house, and people had to move it with a stick, Mitch:AND THEY THREW IT IN THE POND! TAKE THAT! Then he said that snapping turtles could bite your finger off, same with beavers. o.o Then he was talking about a horse dying infront of his house. Kinda creepy. The horse bashed it's head on the trailer and it died on the concerte... Mitch:Theres blood in my brother's trailor now. O.O

Mitch also taught us how to avoid snapping turtles. o_o

Our water companie's name is The "Beaver Waterworks". No I did not come bup eith this name. Consult Mitch and Jay #2. O-o


I wasn't there for the first 12 mins because I had to speak to Mr.H. That comes later. Anyways.

Lady...Your gonna LOVE this. Everybody in my SS class must love MD. They always call it out. xD I did too. For you! <3 coughandchristiansirianogetsshotcough

Amanda calls Maryland, Merryland.(Don't dis Maryland.. Coming from a person in NJ! xD) xD

Mr.Scaturro was near my desk. ;____; Mr.S: *Looks at Peter, and slowly at me.* ....Skadi. What do yuo see on the map? I forgot my answer. xD

Mr.S was nerby me and said "You see Skadi, the reason why we color the states is so you don't forget them." Me: (I didn't ask you why we had to..o_O)And it was outloud so I ws all "WTF."

Amanda has a VERY creepy laugh. O___o So she was laughing like that durning SS. o_o Everyone was laughing.

Hallway #2:

I saw Ms.T. How suprising. She asked me if I could put these papers on her desk. It was a very pretty folder with instruments on it. Le Gasp. CoughIddoanytingformybanddirectorscough

Mr.H's Music room:

I went to put that very pretty folder on Ms.T's desk. I also noted she brushes her hair. Alot. ;'0 *Mental note* It was a hair brush...With her brown hair in/on it.. I was all "Wow, she brushes her hair that much??"

Mr.H didn't think it was fair that I didn't get my trombone repaired Sat. xD He asked me if I could play it. .___. I've been playing it for all of my lessons with the broken neck. .__. coughheprobablydidrealize;likewithmytrebleclefearringslolcough

Apparently I have to bring the school's to band thursday.. How sad. ;___;

Next week Mr.H wants me to bring my trombone for some dang reason for lessons. O___o I don't believe he can fix it.

Hallway #3:

I saw Senorita C! =O She told me to email her, it really made her happy.

End of school:

Thora told me that she has LA in Mr.Hanna's room. I was effin jealous (Yes Lady, more jealous than the fact that you told me you lived in MD. D= ).

I said Bye to Ms.T and she didn't say bye back. ;___; I was depressed.

Ps, I forgot to write Asians are fierce on my binder.

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My health table launched into an entire discussion about Michael Jackson. Blake was joking around and said that MJ said he was his dad, but he didn't trust him.. They played for a while, but then he took him into his room and hugged him [in the bad way]. Then he pantsed him. Then he pantsed himself.

It was so funny when our health teacher walked in the door, right behind us, and we stopped talking really fast.

Shane was trying to open the wrapper on a Life Saver, but he couldn't because he has a broken arm. So he tried to get it open with his teeth, and still couldn't. So he tossed it to me and asked me to open it. I caught it out of reflexes, but dropped it because he had his spit all over it. D:

He also hit me in the head with his folder and laughed at me and called me emo when I got a paper cut.

My health table launched into an entire discussion about Michael Jackson. Blake was joking around and said that MJ said he was his dad, but he didn't trust him.. They played for a while, but then he took him into his room and hugged him [in the bad way]. Then he pantsed him. Then he pantsed himself.It was so funny when our health teacher walked in the door, right behind us, and we stopped talking really fast.

Shane was trying to open the wrapper on a Life Saver, but he couldn't because he has a broken arm. So he tried to get it open with his teeth, and still couldn't. So he tossed it to me and asked me to open it. I caught it out of reflexes, but dropped it because he had his spit all over it. D:

He also hit me in the head with his folder and laughed at me and called me emo when I got a paper cut.
Was the last part really funny? I just think it's gross and mean.

Sorry for the bad comment... :D

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