Funny Moments at School


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ok so in school there having a thing called pasta for pennies and if the class thats brings enough money gets a pasta party. right when i herd that I was like "OMG PASTAA PARTY THATS LIKE AWESOME WE NEED TO WIN THIS xD!" in my head xD. and in history the teacher finally came to open the door to let us in and then she said "I've never seen anyone this excited for history!" then I yelled "WOO HISTORY ROCKS!xD*sarcasm*" xD ya so far there was like 1 hetalia thing xD

The spanish teacher put on special effects every time some one answers a question, so when this nerd with glasses answered a question the sound effect said "you are a huge nerd" in a funny russian accent! and everyone laughed! :)

yesterday on my way to history this kid was singing "I'm a banana" xD

EDIT:Today someone in English someone farted really loud xD

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Theres this kid who always complains in one of my classes, and this girl that sits next to me told him, "You always complain, its annoying!" and he said *sarcasm* "Yay you figured it out, would you like a cookie or a piece of candy?

We did mad libs in class. It asked for a country and my friend (she likes hetalia, also) said "say france, I dare you" so I did, and the sentence was "I love to go to France" xDD

My friend got the Hunger Games Movie Companion( lucky her) and there's this guy in there that looks exactly like our homeroom teacher! We showed him, he flipped a couple of pages and pointed to Peeta and said "No, that's me" then he pointed to Katniss and he said that was his girlfriend. I turned to the page with the pig with the apple in its mouth and said that was his girlfriend.

This one is really weird: This boy said that my friend doesnt have a butt. She told him that he goes around seeing if people have butts or not, well, 5 minutes later, he points out that thiis one guy's dude's underwear is showing. I said "You were probably checking to see if he had a butt or not"

So in Scinece today this kid kepted laughing and making dumb jokes and he misherd the tacher saying "What the hell is pulto doing?" and then I repeted that and everyone laughed and also (o god its a hetalia joke >.<) and the teacher was saying how once this meateor thing blew up most of Russia and this kid "They diserved it > :D " of corse my mind thought he said "He disverd it > :D " so I was the only one giggleing ( I giggled for like 3 mins xD) and in a math test (this ones also a joke >_>) it used countries for somthing and germanys number was the median xD.

(Sh, I sneaked back on xD)

So, today at interval, my friend and her sister were arguing/fighting/throwing things at each other, and I yelled to them "MAKE PASTA NOT WAR!" (lolHetaliareferencexD) and they were so confused, they were like "Why pasta?" xD Also, in Early Childhood Education, the teacher mentioned pedophiles and my mind said "Franceophile" xD

In drama, I got up and started doing the macarena. When I went to sit down, my friend kicked my chair over and I fell on the floor.

In the Library at Lunch, I had this rugby book, right? So, we were flipping to random pages to find each other's best friend and husband. Apparently my best friend is Chris Paterson, and my husband is Quade Cooper o.o

In Maths, me and the girl next to me were flipping through our Math text books and we cracked up laughing when I found page 69.

Oh and in PE, we were playing Badminton, and I was serving and I missed the shuttlecock like 10 times xD

Sitting in the library today with Ella and her rugby book, my other friend had these glasses and we were trying to be creepy by grinning ****-ishly. It worked too well haha.

In English, me and my other friend were talking about this show (Father Ted), and our teacher walked in and she exclaimed 'WOMAN' (One of the characters in the shows said that etcetcetc) and we just cracked up laughing, and everyone was just staring and we couldn't stop laughing.

Kids acting stupid in math and one kid thew a cheeto at this kid xD.In Science this bot said "Sawty in thew club tell her whats up" and he also did some other funny things too xD.In history before the class even started this kid(Churro kid xD) said "I just noticed something! there are 3 tables over there! =D" this girl also came in and the kid said to her "look theres 3 tables over there! =D can't you count? =/" and she said "Yes I can count" xD and also (o god here it comes again like all my posts on here have a Hetalia joke >_<) the teacher showed us this thing and she said "this represtens what America has achieved" xD

Today in Digital Technology, I was typing the word details and accidentally typed "detalia" When I saw it I said in my head "DAM YOU HETALIA YOU DISRUPT MY SCHOOLWORK!"

And also in English the movie we're watching, one of the characters said "World Series" and my mind said "WORLD SERIES HETALIA!" xD


So in Scienece these kids were having this funny converstaion that made me laugh and this one kid googled "Canker Sore" and some pics made me laugh but some of kisds were like "ewww" then I googled it myself and found a way to change the backgound so it was the SDUSD one,Canker sore,and right now its Hetalia history more things that made me laugh because I guess in the 1800s they treated America like a human how ironic xD


Ok so in math this kid kept saying "Teach me how to wang"- then said (I have a feeling I misheard him xD) "I got it from hetalia!" then I say "From what?!" he says it again then I say "from what?!" then he did the sqauts (if you see the backgound there Japan is kinda doing the squats I think he saw the backgound xD) then after a while this girl said to him "You want me to highlight it?" Here!" then covers his work in highlighter then the boy coverd hers in pen history the teacher said "reagoens" I thought of "vitrl reagoens" in my mind xD

EDIT kind of xD:the boy while he was sharping his pencil he said "wing wang wong" ( this was before the part I think I misheard \him on xD (I bet he said Italian instead xD ))

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In last period Japanese yesterday, me and Gemma were filling in our workbooks and we kept making each other laugh xD

And we were like 'You want to see France's eiffel tower" "You want to see England's Big Ben" "You want to see Turkey's Istanbul" and so on xD

English=FUNNIEST CLASS OF THE DAY! (Note: There are some Hetalia references here, and one that isn't)

So, first, the teacher was trying to write torture on the board (she's dyslexic btw) and she was like "I can't spell torture!" and then one of the kids in class said "TKHS" I had to stop myself from laughing, it's so true it's funny! (TKHS=my school for those of you who don't know)

Then, she was talking about something and she kept on saying "totally" In my mind I was saying "STOP SAYING TOTALLY PLEASE YOU'RE REMINDING ME OF POLAND!" xD

And, like that one time in Early Childhood Education, she mentioned pedophiles, and my mind said "Franceophile"

In Scinece the teacher trped and fell on these plastic bags and said "I trip,I fall,and I hurt my self did anone get there on thier phones?" and then everyone was like "we should have xD!"and in a video we learned about this word I think it was "Spegttify" xD what ever it was everyone talked about during passing period xD and in the video this guy said "We have a word in english for types ofs deaths" history I wont get into that just figure it bout yourself it has that "thing" in it xD

EDIT: omg I almost forgot that I changed my skin and updated firefox on a school net book (This is also the one I changed the backgound on (not the science one the study hall one lolz)so its kinda like I made this netbook more awesome xD)xDDD =u=

EDIT2:In lunch these kids were really funny like when this one kid was talking about how the school doing this hunger games thing and this kid said "team katness or peeta? team peta because of the animals the pandas" then this kid threw a poptart at this kid and then this kid said " oh yeah and twilight with team vampires and warewolfs I'm on team vampwolfs!" xD

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Oh God in history this kid was playing with his finger skatebord thing and I was giggleing my butt off for thatr reason and some other things (just Guess I dare you xD) oh and when we stared the teacher said "we are gonna learn about Texis today" I said with sarcasm "sounds fun!" then she said "thanks for bringing that up!" and everyone laughed xD

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So, in English I'm doing my speech on stereotypes (I might even mention Hetalia in it xD) and I researched stereotypes, and I came across this mapping stereotypes thing, which is stereotypical views of different parts of the world according to different country views, and on Europe according to Russia, Belarus was labelled as Frankenstein xD In my mind I was like "That is actually very accurate, since Frankenstein is a monster, monsters are scary, and Belarus scares Russia" xD (Also Ukraine was labelled as "Personality disorder" and on Europe according to Poland, Iceland was labelled as Canada xDD)

ok so in math this kid sung a lyric from a song OUT LOUD xD and in history a back of a text book had something funny writen in it and this kid sung baby during class xD

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