Funny Moments at School


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omg so in math these kids were being really funny like one of them made weird sounds and one of them kept talking. but there was one I laughed WAY to hard at so it was quiet in the class room and all of a sudden "MARIO!" some kid yelled in a high picted voice and a fake Italian accent (GUESS WHO IT REMINDED ME OF JUST GUESSSSSS xDD) and I was laughing so hard I think I almost left the room idk how I kept it together and he kept doing it too and at one point I did it too but really quiet (oh god I am trying to get over it. it was so weird but funny). in science it was really quiet and some kid fell over in his chair and every one started laughing o_O xDD. in history this kid kept saying "TOKYOOOOO" and he said it in differnt voices and accents I did it to but really quiet xDDD.

EDIT:in this social group thing I go to the speech teacher told us she is american italian and I was laughing because she started speaking in a italian accent xD

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Today, during my spelling test, one of my spelling words was Europe, then my teacher mentioned England and France (England was also one, but France wasn't), so then in my mind I went: "All I want to do is to punch France in the balls~". xD

Today English class was so funny. Why? Two words: Impromptu speeches. For an assessment, we have to give speeches, so to get us ready the teacher made us do impromptu speeches, and the person who'd just done one had to give the next person a topic, and they had to talk about it for 30 seconds (though no-one went for 30 seconds anyway) so I made the person after me talk about Poland xD Her speech was something like "Poland is a country somewhere in Europe, and I don't know much about it, and they probably have a flag, and they probably speak Polish, but I don't know" xD I just couldn't help but laugh, it was so funny!

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today some kid in History yelled "YOLO" then some kid said "You only live once" then I said "yolos the motto you only live once" xD

In math class (I sit next to my friend) we have snacktime, which means we can bring small snacks in and eat them then. My friend was struggling with opening her trail-mix packet. I loved this trail mix type so much- it had little marshmallows and chocolate candy and peanuts covered in this yummy carmel stuff- yum! So suddenly when she was trying to open it, it burst ALL OVER! The class was going on, too! She was kinda embarrassed but not really, she just sort of laughed and apologized over and over to the teacher and she sort of bent down to clean it up but the teacher just said she'd vaccuum it after class.

OK, so during class there was this huge chocolate candy- it was like mutan or something they usually don't come that big in those trail mix thingys- right next to my chair. It was TEMPTING ME SOOOOOOOOO MUCH. finally when I thought the coast was clear, I bent down to grab it. As I started to bend down, my teacher said. "And 2+2 equals..." (Of course she didn't say that, but I didn't want to put an actual equation) and she said, "Siena." like calling on me to tell her the answer. Just as I popped the carpet-dirtied candy in my mom. Everyone was looking at me! LOLLOLLOLOLOL it was sooooo hiliarios and kind of embarrassing but not really! LOLLLOOLOLL! XD

omg so in science we had to use Spaghetti sticks to make this marsh mellow go up in the air. so before the teacher told us thats what we were using the teacher said :"we are using..." then some kid said "pasta" and I just started laughing I had to hold in my laughter xD

My homeroom was lined up outside to go inside of the building, the other homerooms had already went inside, and the teacher was waiting for us to get quiet. So we all got quiet, and just then, someone started singing The Circle of Life. It was hilarious.

At break, my friend and I were wandering around the field, and we passed by a crowd, and I swear someone said "Germany loves me too much!"

I was running in the classroom, and I tripped over a chair.

This boy found a random apple in the computer lab xDD

I was about to sneeze, and my friend said "Pika.... pikaaaaa" before i sneezed so it would sound like pikachu. Except my sneeze sounded more like I was saying crash or something.

omg so in history we have to make a map of America or something and someone said "wait this map looks awful I know why its because I forgot Canada" and I was laughing then he said to these group of kids "did you also forget Canada?" and one of them said "yeah" xD

Today, a guy pulled out his Samsung, we were like "O_O That's huge..." and he was like "Oh, it's really not that big once you get the case off." So, he took the case off and I grabbed it and said, "This is what you look like when you're calling someone." And then I was like, "If phones are this big today, what will they be like 10 years from now? LIKE DIS" and then I held up my math book to my ear and tried to shove it in my pocket.

Okay, so on Tuesday, in Early Childhood Education, the teacher wanted to make sure we knew what's happening next Monday (a public health nurse is coming to talk to us about childhood diseases and stuff), so she said "What's happening on Monday?" and then one of the boys in the class yelled out "Yo mama!" xDD

Also, today in English we had the real assessment for our speeches (having had a practise earlier), and I did my speech on stereotypes, so I had a vid of the World Conference from the first episode of Hetalia for it (Yes, you read right), and then, after I finished my speech, one of the boys said "PASTAAAAA!" like Italy xD

Well, it was the last day of school today, and people did whatever they want, and the teachers had games, so my friends and I played Jenga. I blew on the Jenga building we made, and one of the loose blocks slid out halfway o.o

In the computer lab, this boy's headphone's wouldn't work, and the teacher said "Maybe he stuck it in the wrong hole" and me, having the dirty mind I have, turned around really surprised and said "What?!" and my friend gasped, started laughing and said "What were you thinking, she was talking about the headphones!" and we started laughing uncontrollably. xDD

My friend and I were pretend-fighting and she started singing kung fu fighting. It was hilarious.

I was wearing a wristband, and I kept flinging it at the Jenga block towers, and destroying it.

My friend had this pointer stick, and we both wanted it, so I grabbed it sitting down, and she was standing up, and she dragged me on my chair around the room. I fell xD

We were going to watch a movie, and I was trying to find a chair. There was one, but right as I was about to sit down on it, a boy took it away and sat on it. I fell on the floor.

The fire alarm went off without any warning, and I asked my friend "Is there really a fire? I brought my MP3 player to school! I don't want it to burn. And I left it in homeroom!!!" And she said "Oh wow, the fire alarm went off and the first thing you think of is your MP3 player. The first thing I thought of was my bag of chips I left in homeroom" xDD

My friend's soda exploded on her.

My friend's pudding cup spilled when she tried to open it. I poured grape soda on the pudding.

I was running homeroom acting like an airplane.

I made my friend a paper giraffe, but I screwed it up and she named it Phil The Retarded Baby Giraffe,

I attacked my friend with my notebook. He took it from me and I had to chase him around the school to get it xD

My friends and I were messing around with Uno cards, and I got two of the 6 cards, and turned one to make 69. My best friend got the joke and he started laughing his head off. My innocent friend was clueless and my perverted friend started laughing uncontrollably.

I flung a rubber band at my best friend, and he pretended to die. It was hilarious.

It was really windy outside, and I yelled "I'm on the Titanic!" With my arms spread. My friend said "Not anymore!" and he pushed me down.

I gave my friend a "goodbye I'll probably never see you again" hug and I made him fall down. ._.

I kicked a rock and hurt my toe. It was hilarious.

I accidentally fell into a bush.

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oh god so on wensday we watched some of this history movie in english (yeah english they tell us about WWII there >_<) and so it had this one guy in it and some people even me said "eww" tell he left the screen. they kept calling America a girl for some reason and when he had to stop the video so we can watch the rest on friday (today) everyones like "NOOOO I CAN'T WAIT 2 DAYS NOOOOOO" xD

EDIT:so in english we did watch the rest of the WWII movie thing and when it ended i started clapping and everyone did too. then the teacher asked me what my fav part was and I said "I was so bored of that movie that I almost feel asleep." xD

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ok so on my way to math today I herd someone yell "thats why you have no life" then I yelled " I know I have no life!" XD

Oh yeah, yesterday in English we were going over who had already done their speeches and who hadn't, and one boy was like "Has Teri been yet? Oh yeah, she did the pasta one" xD the same one who said "PASTAAAA!" when I finished the speech.

Ok so during History this girl had a ring and she said "I'm married" and I said "to who?" her friend said "she married a trash can" then we started laughing (you know I just was dieing to say "I'm married to someone who isn't real" but I held it in =u=) then she said to her friend "Your married to a Bimbo" then she said "Well I am not married to a Trash can I am married to a guy named Jerry" I said "he isnt real I know it" then she said "yeah he is he works at the Zoo (San Diego Zoo)" and I was just sitting there laughing xD

EDIT: at lunch I herd this kid yelling "NO I'M PINKIE PIE!" and this kid saying "No your Rareity then this other kid said "no your Pinkie Pie and RainbowDash" xD (lol a MLP joke at school thats new)

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I was eating a scone at lunch today, and one guy was like "Is that a scone?" and I said "No, it's a horse." So, somebody was like "What's that?" later on and I said "It's a horse."

omg so today was "field day" we went somewhere got churros,shredded ice and cotton candy. I met some people who liked my little pony. (one of them had a derpy shirt on) we talked about mlp for a while even sung the mlp theme. and also we played some songs from her phone like some dubstep songs and mlp songs. and some kid kept saying he was derpy and someone kept saying stay out of my shed. and after that I saw someone with a heatalia shirt I was like "I really need to say something about it" in my mind but I never said anything ._.

It is a tradition, that every Drama lesson, I go 'as high as a kite.' Pfft, And I'm clearly the nuttiest person in my class. When I'm usually quiet during maths or english, in drama, I roll around everywhere, propose that we make plays about pufferfish wars and all that jazz.

Yeah, highschool is so much funnier during class than primary, but primary had better teachers...

I pulled out a few different pictures of anime characters I had a crush on, called to everyone's attention, and said LOOK AT MAH SEXY HUSBANDS and everyone laughed at me. #FOREVER ALONE

So in Science today I was late, so I walked in and we were determining if things were dead or alive, and I sort of dozed off on my desk towards the end of the lesson and my friend Grace put a dead huhu grub in front of my face, and when I finally snapped out of it I screamed out loud. So embarassing but gdi those bugs are scary.

And at lunch today a couple of my other friends were filling up water balloons, and she was casually holding it and it popped in her hands all over the corridor floor and this Year 12 student was like "I TOLD YOU THAT WOULD HAPPEN" it was too funny xD

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