Funny Moments at School


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Today in English, our teacher was reading the bit in To Kill A Mockingbird (before the story actually starts xD), about Harper Lee (the author), and when it got to the word "position" she said "prostitution" and then the whole class was laughing so much! Funniest moment of the day! =D

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some kid at like when history is almost (same kid who wanted churros xD) over he forgot that he leaerned english and he was speaking Spanish xD.o ya and when this kid said "o ya isnt that when America had a peace thing with Spain?"(o god SO MANY DANG REFFENCES THERE EVERYWHERE xD)

EDIT:in english the teacher was reading us a story and she said "button button" funny xD everyone giggled

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We had to practice shaking hands (don't ask <_< ) and some people can't shake hands. One guy would get on his knees and shake your hand when you asked.

so today the 6th graders were touring the school and in history some kid went outside and shouted "HA HA YOUR LITTLE!" because the churo kid kept saying "Little kids" xDDD

Well, this was after school, but it was still at school, so I'm going to put it here xD

At netball training, we did an activity in teams where one person had to be blindfolded and for our team, it was, well we'll just call her W. So we picked W to get blindfolded, and we didn't have blindfolds, so we used another girl's school T-shirt (she was wearing a singlet xD) We'll call this girl S. So we used S's shirt to blindfoled W, and W said to S "Your t-shirt smells nice" xDD Then S said "Oh, thanks, I probably sweated in it" xDD and W was like "It smells like soap or something" Then after we finished, S got her shirt back, and she was like "Oh, my shirt does smell nice!" xDD

Well lets just say in history the teacher was pluging in the microhpone thing and i got a little scraed and some kid mimiced me xD.o and in scinence the teacher said "if you need lots of energy have a big plate of pasta" xD I giggled a little

omg so in math some kids were drawing instaed of taking notes and so the tacher called there moms and then the phone rang and someone said "I bet thats your mom" xD and somekid thinks he has ADD we all know he dosnt :^P.o and in Science we were doing a google docs presntation and I was trying to put my name in pink but it kept messing up and this kid thought my name was in purple then I said to him "are you colorblind? xD" xDD

HETALIA IS EVERYWHERE! xD In English we read this thing about the Scottsboro boy's trial and it said the judge's name was Alfred E. Hawkins, and I found that funny because of Hetalia, and in my head I was like "No it's supposed to be Alfred F. Jones!" xD And also, in To Kill A Mockingbird, the name Arthur came up, and in my head I was like "ARTHUR KIRKLAND!" Yeah, Hetalia has made my school life awesome! I'm glad I didn't actually laugh about or say these out loud, people would have been like O_O

Okay, so today in maths this boy was talking about something (idk what) and he said "I stole them from Canadians!" and I tried not to laugh, and in my head I said "Okay, now you've said that, I'm gonna beat you up on behalf of my husband Canada. You stole from his people" xD

Also, in Performing Arts, our teacher said "Do whatever you want I can't be bothered" so we watched random YouTube videos, including the macarena and the bird dance, and we danced along xD

so in history the class didnt even start yet and this kid (well the kid who likes Curros xD)he yelled "hey currro girl!" "get me some churros!" then I said "I want some too!"then he said "ya look Savy wants some too!" xDDDDD(itsfunnyhowthereswaskindofahetaliareffenceinthatxD)

Whenever we do Anne Frank in class. Some guy will always comment on how "Anne gets around" and then some people will proceed to make stupid inferences about Anne and the other characters.

omg in history the teacher was showing us this political cartoon thing and there were 3 americans and there was this monster thiong and the teacher said it was spossed to be France I almost died when I heard that because its ture FRANCE IS A MONSTER xD

EDIT:Just remembered that same day some kid used a pasta sauce thing as a holder for apples and I said "why whould you bring pasta sauce to school?" then they say "Because you would bring pasta to school" I'm saying this and kind of giggling at the same time xD"Why whould you bring pasta to school?" and they said "Because pasta is yummy and good!" I almost died idk how I kept it together xD

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I've had many funny moments

1. Some kid was chasing my friend and I stood in front of her and he ran away and got chased by younger kids.

2. My other friend was squeesing yougurt into my mouth (and no I didn't want her to) and she got it on my shorts

3. Once I called my teacher Nana lol

4. My teacher was singing to himself while we where doing our work and he had a speaker so everyone could hear him

yesterday in science this boy was singing the pretty girl rock when they say "don't hate me because I'm beautiful" I was dying and I said "don't hate him because hes beautiful xD" then he said "now do the pretty girl rock!" then i said "more like the pretty boy rock xD" xDDDD

EDIT:Today in Science the same boy was singing "pretty girl rock" again and thios differnt boy was singng "solja boy (lol I think thats how its spelt)" and on my school netbook (the newer one from science) they got rid of the calulator and I asked someone if there nettbook has it they said yes so i said "I guess san diego hates me xD" and when I typed in calulater calendewr also showed up and when I was saying "they need to put the calulater back on here" I said "they need to put the calender back on here" xD(wowomgomgomgmorehetaliawthxD) and in history the teacher was talking about turning in the war of 1812 google doc thing and someone said "whats the war of 1812?" xDDD ya and now greece in mentaioned in this history thing O.O (omgwhycorreiawhygiveusamericaxgreccewhywhwhy??? D:_)

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I was allowed to write a paragraph on the need of Style (Stan X Kyle) in today's culture. ^-^

Well, it wasn't AT school, but it was a school activity, so I'mma post it here. (WARNING: This contains Hetalia references)

On Wednesday, I was at the interschool athletics and I went to one of my events and I saw on the sheet one of the other girls there, her last name is Gilbert. I was trying so hard not to laugh, and in my head I was like "OMG THAT LAST NAME IS SO AWESOME!"

So in math this kid was saying how he thinks math is dumb and and the teacher said "learn to speeck proper languae" then he said "I know english very well" xD my mind was like "what you think he only knows french or something? xD" and in scince I drew like 8 earths xD also in science this boy was making dumb sounds in class and singing and the tacher said "can you stop that?" then I said "he can sing if he wants to its a free country! xD" (well isnt it ture America is a free country? xDDD)and during this video the same kid made sound effects to go with the video xDD.

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My science teacher mentioned how his family was auditioning to be on Family Feud. We proceeded to spend the entire period discussing it instead of doing any work.

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