Funny Moments at School


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Well yesterday during lunch I was sitting with these kids and they cussed alot (well some of the stuff they said was funny but whould break the TT rules) but one thing happend that some kids were feeding the b irds and somone said "that bird is fat and ugly" I was cracking up already my stupid mind made it sound like "MIKA's a stupid and fat bird" and I spewed my milk allover the ground xDDDD

EDIT:almost forgot to meation there was a perant meeting next door and one of them brought there baby and it stated doing funny sounds and I was hearing it freom the room I was in and I was also doing my benchmark and I was cracking up and at one point it was crying so I said "Baby dosn't like middle school" xDDD

EDIT2:at Circle of friends (a program for kids that are "different" to make more friends during lunch) one kid uses this thing that you press the buttons and they say stuff.and he kept pressing the "bye see ya later" button and I just started laughing saying "then why don't you leave?" xDDDD and also it tells jokes and he kept pressing the"don't worry it's just a joke" butt-ion then I just brusted out laughing xDD

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So today in histroy were using this program called Voki and there were avatars that were animals so we were spossed to make our avatar look like Gorge Washington but some kids ignored that and made it look like a bear somone said"like my mose in a light club?" abnd I just brusted out laughing and mader mine a scock puppet in a night club xDDD

One of the students in my school once wet their pants and well, my friend had to deal with it, so I had to shield my eyes. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Typo.

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We have the scented pencils at my school, and this kid stuck one up his nose ._.

I was talking to my group, and this one kid said "We are happy, happy crappers, and we make a mess on you"

And then he said "Clean em' wash em' scrub em' get away from them they will always crap everywhere you can get rid of your happy crapper too!"

And then my friend and I made happy stalkers and we went around singing "We are happy, happy stalkers, and we stalk people like you!"

In Performing Arts today, we did an activity in pairs, and we had to do a facial expression to show the emotion we were given. Most of them, everybody was absolutely laughing at. Then we were told "Besotted" and absolutely EVERYBODY was confused xDD Then we were told that means in love, so in my head, I said, (everybody who's been on chat with me the last few days will get this), "That's easy, I'll just fantasize about Canada!" xDD (I didn't say it out loud though xDDD)

In Science, this dude fell backwards on his chair. It was a tall chair too |D

In P.E, the teacher was demonstrating how this game went. She said if you got tagged, you had to go back and touch the wall. She was walking and touched it, and was like 'Run don't walk'

So, this dude put his hand up and was all "WHEN WE GET TAGGED, WE WALK OVER RIGHT?"

And this kid in english was making Burger King jokes

Oh wow yesterday in science we arr learning about atoms and what not so for some reason our teacher was talking about farts because its a gas xDDD we were all laughing but in my ind I was dying and also some kid whisperer "I Chiwawa" and these kids were having a conversation about how there not good pets (Which I disagree on btw) and then the teacher yelled "Thankj you for keeping your conversation at a medium level" then I said out loud "Your Welcome =)" then everyone laughed xD. and yesterday same class some kid was singing a rap about Bill Nye the science guy xD oh and like 2 days ago I think in the same class our teacher was gonna show us how to make a atom and then when he turned the whitebord it said "Mrs.deech is better" (Our teachers name is Mr.Pourhamadi btw) and we just busted out laughing xDDDD

Today somebody threw a fake plastic cockroach at my teacher's face and she screamed her head off! It was hilarious! X3 I wasn't surprised though because my teacher acts like an annoying teenage girl. <_<

Oh god, I started highschooling last week and I have this hilarious groups of guys in my class.

In Drama class, we had to walk around greeting with whoever we make eye contact with. The teacher started going on about how it can be another language or another meaning of hello. But this tall guy turned around to me and put his hand out for a hand shake and said, "Ching chong chow wing ching chop." But it was funnier there, the room cracked up.

Also in Drama, the room was silent while waiting for the teacher to explain and I felt a sneeze coming up, so yeah, I let it out and it was very loud. The next 6 minutes of conversation was about my sneeze. ouo

As well in the drama class, that tall guy also said hello in such a way it was just... Too funny.

On Friday, this kid said "Everyday Im shufflin'" and like, half the class went "do do doo do do do do" to the tune of party rock anthem. I dont know why, but it was hilarious.

And also on friday, my friend who sits next to me drew a weird face on my paper and named her "the crazy lady" (We always draw weird faces on each other's papers) and it looked like this

Its crappy, I know, it was made in paint on a laptop xD

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Ok so the Promethean broads (you know those broads that teacher's use for writing stuff on the broad ;P)and it comes with full cable so when the teacher turned it on it went to PBS Kids and when kids came in the room most of them said "Dinosaur Train i love that show! =D" xDDDDD

EDIT:almost forgot to meation about how I was eating luch inside (it was super cold outside) and some kids were in there and one of them wrote on this white borad "poopy rocks! =)" xDDDDDD and some kid though circle of friends was that day xD

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xD lets just say subsatute in math=FUNNY MOMENTS xD.there was a kid playing PSP and the teacher coaght him and said "really? playstation?" then the kid said "PSP" science the tacher was talking about bananas and the kids took it wrong xD (some how no funny moments history even with that show on my mind 24/7O_O).I was dying of laugher in math when this kid randomly screemed "bob saget" xDDD

We've got a busy road next to our school, and we can't cross it, so we have a big cement bridge/overpass that we walk over. I was about to go home and I was walking with Tally and Sam. One of them said "Why are you crossing the bridge, Maria?" and the other said "That sounded so creepy." Then Tally said "it sounds like something from a children's book... why did the camel cross the bridge?" and I looked at him and laughed and replied "Are you calling me a camel?!"

Before in class my teacher tripped over the wire to his laptop and fell on the floor but the laptop fell too. The screen completely snapped off. It was totally funny but i felt so bad for laughing :D

Yesterday in History some kid was singing "All I do is win" and for some reason I was almost dying then when the class starts lets just says there was Hetalia reffencess in mind LOTS AND LOTS OF THEM xD

Um, let me see..

In Drama, we were in a group and we were acting out stuff. Then three of the girls in our group started screaming out "JACK, I'M FLYING!" while standing on chairs. One girl was like. "NEK MINNUT" and pushed her off xD

In Social Studies, my friends in front of me were being stupid. One of them had some clay and molded it into a person who she named bob. The harms came off and I was all 'Why did you rip his arms off?"

Then she drew a face on him and was all 'Bob's a **** and he's coming to get you!"

Yesterday, one of my friends and I were standing in the bandroom talking to my guy friend. His hair had that wet look, so my friend asked if it was wet. He said no. She goes, "Well, then it's really greasy." He looks at us and goes, "Hmm." Then, this kid walks by, and his hair looks the same. So, my guy friend goes, "Hey, is your hair wet?" The guy was like, "Yeah.. Why?" So my guy friend goes, "THAT DOESN'T PROVE ANYTHING!" and hits me on the arm. We just laughed about it and went on.

Then, today in the bandroom, same guy friend.. I gave him some paper.. and we started talking about where a state was. Well, this state is below us, but this morning, he was like, "It's north of us!" So we just started laughing. Both of these were one of those you had to be there moments. :)

In class my group made a joke where we talk, replacing random words with the word bleep (like we were swearing and it was censored) and i said to my friend " shut the bleep up or I'll kick your bleeping bleep to the bleeping moon!" It was hilarious.

This kid was singing "sexy and I know it" REALLY loudly until he got in trouble. Then I made a parody of it called "Happy and I know it"

We were acting out plays, and I called this boy a lady because my line was "Hello lady"

The door to the outside was about to close and lock some kids out and my homeroom teacher screamed like a retard, "Get the dooooooor!" and when we got in homeroom, there was rock n' roll music playing.

And in homeroom, I randomly went up to my friend and said "hello child...get in my van, I have candy"

In P.E We were running back and forth across the gym for a warm up, and I turned around, kicked this guy in the leg by accident and made him fall. It was hilarious.

This idiot blew diatomaceous earth EVERYWHERE and his eyes started watering and he started sneezing. (diatomaceous earth irritates your eyes and nose btw)

We were doing riddles, and one's answer was paper. I wrote paper on my white board and covered it with my hand. When I uncovered it, my hand had erased part of the p so it looked like raper. My friend saw it and shouted "RAPIST!"

In the computer lab, my friend said she knew another way to make the @ symbol other than pressing shift and 2. She pressed two keys (i forgot what they were) and it went back to the homepage. She tried it again with diffirent keys and it closed the window out. xD

In P.E, we were playing a game where you had to attach a flag thing to a belt and put it around your waist and run around and other people had to pull it off, and this kid had it in between his legs, and this other dude tried to pull it off and ended up grabbing something else....... and my friend shouted "GAYNESS!" (same friend that shouted rapist)

My friend was mad at this girl, so she shouted "Take a hike, get a life, jump off a freaking cliff, just go kill yourself!" and my other friend and i made it into a song. We made parodies of it and the one i made said "Eat a mic (microphone) fly a bike jump off a freaking cow! just go kill others!"

I learned that baka (means stupid or idiot in japanese) also means cow in spanish. So now my friends and i have a habit of saying baka baka

This popular mean girl ran across the cafeteria screaming "ew ew eww ew ew" and i said "did she see her reflection?" and everyone started laughing

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in history these kids were talking about how they want cherros,boretos and then they said "The french oui oui~" I just died of laugher(hey at least they did nt go ahonahonahon i whould have had to leave the room I whould be laughing so hard xD) then I said "Why don't we all get cherros? xD" (as they didnt know I was quoteing from Hetalia kinda xD) then they said "Ya why dont we get cherros in class?" and they were talking about a big boreto called "Cimecunga" I was dying xD.

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