Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchis


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Here's my updated first post:

My name is Desirae. I'm thirteen and I like reading, Disney movies, and Tamagotchis. I have:

V5 x2


Music Star

V4.5 x2




V3 x2



Note: I have a Nekotcha and two V3s that aren't in this picture.

So, this is my introduction post!

I've had a TamaTalk log for a while, and if you want to see that, it's here. I've been a Tama-Zone log lurker for a while actually xD So now I'm starting a TZ log!

Currently Being Run

Puzzling Pieces V4.5

Gen 1, Ada: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Yattatchi > Shitekitchi

Gen 2, Boron: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Kometchi > Ura Kuchipatchi

Gen 3, Chip: Tsubutchi > Kuribotchi > Kujakutchi > Celebtchi

Gen 4, Danae: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Yattachi > Ura Debatchi

Gen 5, Ellie: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Violetchi > Ura Violetchi

Gen 6, Feris: Tsubutchi > Kuribotchi > Kometchi > Tenpatchi

Blue Constellations V3

Gen 1, Zelda: Teletchi > Tamatchi

Not Being Run

Turquose P1

1st, Cress: Babytchi > Marutchi > Kuchitamatchi

Green Flowers V3

Gen 1, Artie: Teletchi > Tamatchi > Nikatchi > Tarakotchi

Gen 2, Bri: Teletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Hikotchi

Yellow/Pink Entama

Gen 1, Aki: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Togetchi

Gen 2, Sora: Hatenatchi > Getatchi > Rakugotchi


Gen 1, Momo: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Violetchi

Gen 2, Haru: Kuchiotchi

Glam Rock V6

Gen 1, Severus: Petitchi > Kuchitamatchi > Kikitchi > Mametchi

Gen 2, Katniss: Petitchi > Hitodetchi > Ichigotchi > Chantotchi

Gen 3, Dakota: Petitchi > Hitodetchi > Ichigotchi > Masktchi

White Tama-Go

Gen 1, Ariel: Nokotchi > Belltchi > Shelltchi > Lovelytchi

Gen 2, Bambi: Kinotchi > Mattaritchi > Kilalatchi > Kuromametchi

Gen 3, Cheshire: Kinotchi > Mattaritchi > Korokotchi > Gozarutchi

Gen 4: Kinotchi

Pink Striped V4

Gen 1, Albus: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi > Tosakatchi

Gen 2, Bill: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Hinotamatchi

Cotton Candy V5 (Panda Family)

Gen 1: Futabatchi, Mimifuwatchi, Omututchi > Mattaritchi, Sakuramotchi, Ahirukutchi > Mamekatchi, Chamametchi, Bakutchi > Furikotchi, Violetchi, Mumutchi

Furikotchi married a Watatchi.

Furikotchi > Papamametchi

Watatchi > Mememamatchi

Gen 2: Omututchi > Omututchi > Mimifuwatchi

Comments are welcome, but spam is not *serious face*

V5- Panda Family

Today, I took Furikotchi to the Dating Channel and he married a Watatchi. They had two Omututchis and a Futabatchi. Then I removed the battery.

It was a pretty fun generation, I'm glad I got to run it again :]

V3- Zelda

YES, V3, I AM RETRYING THE V3. Again. I hatched it yesterday, and it was a girl who I named Zelda. I've been connecting it with my gf's V4.5 so they can marry.

V4.5- Feris

Became a Tenpatchi yesterday (as I already said xD) which is a really silly character.

Other News

This isn't my Tama, it's my girlfriend's, and her V4.5 (Onion) turned into a Boxertchi.



Short update!

V3- Zelda

She evolved into Young Mametchi~! I think this is a good character, seeing as Mametchi is good.

Plus, we got two more games, Flag and Heading :)

Other News

I usually hide my Tamagotchis in my pocket during school, but lately I've been keeping them out on my Tama lanyard, and teachers haven't said anything! I only play with them when I've already finished all of my work since I usually finish early, so that might be why they aren't saying anything.

@Umi: Thanks!

@Evie: Thank you very much!

V3- Zelda

Not much of a change with her. Her hearts didn't reach 0 at all today, although it came kind of close. Her training bar is also almost full. I can't wait to see what adult I get.

V4.5- Feris

He picked up his paycheck- 1200 Pts for winning the bus driver game! That's pretty good!


Yes, Tama-Go. I got my Memetchi figurine today, so I will be logging and running my Tama-Go. Right now, it is a paused Kinotchi on the 4th generation. I will be unpausing it after I post this.

V4.5- Feris

Good news- just a little while ago, the Matchmaker brought Feris a Ura Memetchi, and they had... a baby boy! This is my chance to go for the Gorgeous male characters! :D I was hoping for a girl, but oh well. Feris' son's name will have to start with G... what about Gred? As in Gred and Forge (HP reference!)?

V3- Zelda

She's still a Young Mametchi. She might not have evolved yet because sometimes she gets paused while being in my pocket. Oops.

I was connecting her with Onion (who turned into Tenpatchi, might I add! :D ) and both screens kept saying 'fail' over and over. Maybe it's from low battery. Does anyone know how to fix this? It's not good because it might prevent Zelda and Onion from getting all <3s on their connection and marrying.

Other News

iD L shipped today! I've got the tracking info bookmarked. The expected delivery date is next Thursday. I'm so excited!

V3- Zelda

She evolved into a character I didn't even think I would get: Pyonkotchi! She's so cute. I let her use the 'wings' and she looked like a little angelic bunny <3 I will try to take a good picture to upload here tomorrow. This is also a very healthy character, which makes me happy, because around the end of her teen stage I got kind of lazy with her care.

V4.5- Feris

Feris has had a fairly quiet day. He spent it bonding with his son Gred, who I will begin to raise tomorrow. What a perfect day to start a new Generation: Sunday! Although I like to start them on Fridays and Saturdays, really.

Other News

This Other News section is really just info about my iD L :p Currently, it's in Illinois, and expected delivery date is five days away, possibly six. I've got a bunch of iD L stuff bookmarked, lol.

Plus, Daylight Savings time ends, so remember to set your time back on your Tamas!

I'm sorry for the lack of pictures lately.

I hope everyone had a fantastic day!


Hey, look, 2,011 views. And it's 2011. I thought this was funny. Plus, I wanted to say, thank you for all the views.


V3- Zelda


I caught her brushing her teeth like a good little Tama :3

V4.5- Feris


And here's him brushing his teeth, too!

V4.5- Gred

So, Feris left Gred all alone last night. As soon as I woke up, I named Gred and began to feed him.

I know that care has basically nothing to do with the V4.5, it's just skill points that determine the character, but I wanted to try it out to make sure. I didn't play any games with Gred at all while he was a baby. All I did was fill his hungry hearts and feed him a snack to fill one happy heart.

One hour later, he became...


I have had Kuchitamatchi 5/7 generations on this Tamagotchi. It's pretty annoying actually.

Well, now Gred is 35 lbs. Off to play games.

V3- Zelda

Got pics!


Here Zelda is.

And this next picture is of her using the wings. I told you she looked like a little angel bunny!


Other News


There's a picture of Onion, Zelda's future husband.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was so busy with algebra homework. ONE worksheet took me 3 1/2 hours :p Darn you, inequalities!

V3- Zelda

Zelda married Onion yesterday morning! Zelda then had two baby girls C: I planned on calling Zelda's daughter Razz and Onion's daughter was going to be Berry, BUT Onion died today D: Just when I thought my friend was going to be a good Tamagotchi caretaker, my hopes are dashed to bits. Anyway, Zelda is here with her daughter, who I am still planning on naming Razz.

Since I was so swamped with homework yesterday, I haven't played much games with Zelda. I've been stuffing her with snacks. Her weight right now is at 54 lbs D:

V4.5- Gred

He became a Daiyatchi yesterday morning. I've been too lazy to try to raise his Gorgeous skill points, so I guess he'll become a Humor-based adult. According to the growth chart, he will either become Ura Mametchi or Celebtchi. I hope to get Ura Mametchi, seeing as I already had Celebtchi four generations ago (wow, time flies. Remember Chip?) but I think I'll be okay with another Celebtchi.

He's been gaining weight too- 52 lbs!

Other News

Well, yeah, Onion died. Pretty sad, because I was hoping my friend would take good care of her Tamagotchis. She re-hatched and got another baby boy who she named Onion, in honor of the first Onion. So I guess it's Onion II.

On a much much happier note, my iD L should be arriving on Thursday! Only two more days! I've been so excited, I've been counting it down. Unfortunately, it hasn't been doing much in the past two days. It's been sitting in Hodgkins, Illinois, and today it finally 'departed'. I do hope I'll get it on the expected date.

Now, off to do more algebra homework.

My log has a follower- iRhymu! Thank you muchos Chrissy :D

V3- Razz

I started to run Razz this morning because Zelda left last night. Razz has been pretty neglected, since I haven't had time to play games with her so I've fed her snacks. She's 27 lbs right now, and she's a Kuchitamatchi, which is a healthy character, I think.

V4.5- Gred

He became a Celebtchi. I don't mind getting this character again (Chip revisited) because he's pretty cute and easy to care for. He is 3 years old and 6 lbs. I love my V4.5 so much! C:

Other News

iD L has arrived in Houston. Expected delivery: TOMORROW! I'm so excited, I can't wait! I will take pictures, I promise!

V3- Razz

Razz evolved into Young Mimitchi sometime during the school day. She's super cute.


V4.5- Gred

Nothing has really been going on with him, and since I got my iD L today, I decided to take the battery out of the V4.5. Say goodbye to darling Gred.


iD L- Furutsupantchi

Yep yep yep, I got my iD L! You know how excited I was?! It took me forever to get off the backing though.


Eggy eggy eggy.


It's a... Nittobotchi! He looks like he's wearing a little baby beanie :3


He met someone at the park too.


One hour later: Furutsupantchi!

What I'm Thinking Of The iD L So Far

- It's so much TINIER than I expected it to be. Even the box was little.

- It's so cute and clear!

- The color on the screen is even more lovely and perfect in real life than it is in pictures.


- I don't think I'm going to name him.

- I love the remodeling choice. So far I've remodeled the living room to the second design. Over time, I'm planning on decorating all of the rooms like that.

- 10/10!

V3- Razz

She got super overweight (58 lbs) and had a care miss because I went out to dinner last night and so she fell asleep with one happy and one hungry heart ;o; So I woke up this morning with her hearts all empty and I stuffed her with cereal and apples. Then I felt bad so I removed the battery so next time I run her, I'll take better care of her.

V4.5- Gred

I missed him too much, I couldn't just not run him. So I put the battery back in him this morning and he's pretty happy to be back.

V6- Dakota

My battery went from Razz to Dakota, the 3rd generation Masktchi. I was reading a log, and the person was logging their V6, and it made me miss mine. So Dakota and her band the Dakotas are back! Hopefully my friend will bring his V6 on Monday so we can connect ours. Last time he brought it to school (a little over a week ago) he had a Sebiretchi named Tama. It would be fun for Dakota to have a friend.

The Dakotas ALMOST got their pro debut just a minute ago. Curse that first judge.

iD L- Bokuhoshitchi


Yesterday, Furutsupantchi woke up at 7 am! That was a pleasant surprise, because I'm leaving for school around that time and I get bored in the mornings waiting for my Tamagotchis to wake up. It was Furutsupantchi's birthday! :D In the evening, even after he turned into a Bokuhoshitchi, it still said 'happy birthday' in the background.


The tree we planted two days ago gave us grapes, which he sold to Mamametchi at the donut park. Then we planted another tree.



I woke up at 8 this morning and only two of his little happy rice bowls were there. Still, no care misses! I'm pretty sure that Bokuhoshitchi is going to turn into Kuishinbotchi. I would rather have Kuchipatchi, but that takes 2-3 care misses, and I don't think I can squeeze in that many care misses and not feel bad. The tree we planted yesterday gave us pickled cucumber (so pretty much, a pickle). Bokuhoshitchi gobbled it up for lunch.


We got another room remodeled. Now the whole house has the same adorable theme!


The weather isn't good. As we would say it in Spanish class, hace mal tiempo (I think that means 'It's bad weather'). It's been like that since about noon.

iD L- Kuishinbotchi

At a little past 6, Bokuhoshitchi evolved into Kuishinbotchi! :3 This character reminds me of Winnie the Pooh, for some reason. I love it!


I'm going to start working on getting all of his happy items. To find those items, I'm using the chart found here. Kuishinbotchi's happy items are: the overalls, the jumbo gyoza, and the candy cloud. Then I just need to wait for him to become an adult for 48 hours, which means that by Monday evening he should have all of his happy items and he should be ready to get married!

That's all for today. I hope everyone's been having a good day.

I forgot to take a picture of Kuishinbotchi eating the jumbo gyoza :T But I got pictures for the other two items. The little tune that plays when he gets a happy seal is so adorable. This Tama keeps getting better and better. There's a lot of pictures, and I don't really feel like narrating each one, so I shall comment at the very end of this fantastic montage.

Let the montage begin.






Kuishinbotchi looks so cute in the little overalls. I wonder if this is a one-use item or if he can wear them again tomorrow. Could anyone answer this for me?

The candy cloud animation sort of confused me, but it was cute, too. Everything on this Tamagotchi has been cute so far. There's only one or two characters I don't like (Spacytchi and Bokutchi). And all of the girl characters are just so cute.


I'm really so glad that I got this Tamagotchi. It makes me smile and laugh. I truly am enjoying the iD L.

Remember Tofu?

Pet's name: Tofu

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Well, Tofu's got siblings now. I registered at Chicken Smoothie and have a few more pets now.

There's Chesnut, the butterfly wolf...

Pet's name: Chesnut

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Ash, Chesnut's brother...

Pet's name: Ash

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Magenta the puppy...

Pet's name: Magenta

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Then, there are two more I just adopted today!

Pig, who is an owl...

Pet's name: Pig

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

And then this second-gen puppy, who I named Sweetheart because of her lovely markings...

Pet's name: Sweetheart

Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

V6- Dakota

She's been getting absolutely terrible care. I have been too lazy to play games with her and buy food so she just keeps getting stuffed with 2 baby foods and 2 baby milks. Her stress is at 54. Poor Dakota.


She's 4 years old right now. I promise, next generation will be getting better care (but then, anything's better than 'horrible care', which is what Masktchi is).

And her band The Dakotas isn't doing much better either. They still don't have their pro debut because they never practice :p

iD L- Kingyobotchi

Kuishinbotchi got married today, after he got his 4th happy seal. He was so excited, as was I! Here were his stats before we went and headed over to the Matchmaker.


Then we ran to the Matchmaker.

He fell in love with a sweet little Moriritchi. He didn't even see the other girls because it was love at first sight. That's my excuse for forgetting what his other two options were.


They went on lots of dates before deciding to have a child.



Kuishinbotchi and Moriritchi had a baby girl, a Choribotchi. She looked like a cute little fuzz ball. It broke my heart a little to watch Kuishinbotchi trying to walk away without waking Choribotchi when she took a nap.



Hey! Where'd my dad go?!

Since he's gone, will you love me?

One hour later, she turned into a Kingyobotchi and fell asleep immediately.

Wow, generations pass fast on this Tama.

V4.5- Gred

Gred got married to a Ura Yattachi. She was all 'Yo you wanna get married' and he was all 'Yes plz just get me out of here' and so they had a baby boy.


Harry? Hula? Hulu? Hoop? So many name choices. What do you think?

Gred's about to tip the scale at 99 lbs- he weighs more than me :p That's kind of funny but sad too. Sorry Greddy.

V6- Dakota

She's 5. She should turn 6 and marry tomorrow. Then I will be on the 4th generation! :D *Fanfares*

Next generation, I'm thinking of names. Maybe 'Mickey' or 'Minnie'. Or maybe something totally out there, like 'Poseidon'. We'll have to wait to see the baby's gender. Picking out the baby's name is always super fun.

iD L- Kingyobotchi

She didn't transform into anything, since she already went to sleep. I expect she'll be transforming tomorrow morning when she wakes up. I already had one care miss, maybe even two, but no more than three, so she should still be turning into Painaputchi, the little pineapple girl. How cute :3

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iD L- Painaputchi

Kingyobotchi became Painaputchi as soon as she woke up this morning. She's already had 2+ care misses.

V4.5- Gred

He leaves Herc tonight (name inspired by Hercules, both by the Disney cartoon and mythological character), and I'm much too busy to change the time so I can begin raising Herc now.

V4- Midas

I started up my V4 and reset it for our V4 hatch. I got a Tsubutchi and named him Midas and he became a Puchitchi.

Today was just a horrible day. One of those days where everything irritates you and you're exhausted. Plus I have a major test tomorrow...
