Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchis


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my interests in Tamagotchis keep fading and all, oops. but I think I am going to try running one again - not gonna go all detailed picture-logging though, seeing as I don't know if I even will stay with Tamagotchis this time ;-;

okay, I think I'm going to try logging my starry blue v3 this time around. it's a 4 year old boy Megatchi named Link, 99 lbs. oh man, what did I do to this little guy. I'm gonna try to work him out and all.

I'm back, I think! I haven't actively been here since December, have I? I've mostly been on Tumblr lately, but my Tamagotchi interest is coming back. A couple days ago I restarted my iD L on the tenth generation and I've been keeping up with it fairly well, sort of, so I don't think it'd hurt to get back to logging.

Anyway I left off with a baby Choribotchi...

[Tamagotchi iD L, 10th Gen]

Choribotchi > Paletchi > Sabosabotchi > Violetchi

I did have quite a few care misses, but I like Violetchi, so I don't feel too bad. She evolved around noon today. We've already got 2/4 of her Happy Symbols [the flan and the flowery hat] and we're just waiting for the seeds to grow into whatever funny little thing she needs next. I think it's the ball and cup / kendama.

But Violetchi's got her little hat and princess dress and she looks very adorable indeed.

I wanted to restart my V3 but I don't have any working batteries for those Tamagotchis, and I didn't feel up to running my Tama-Go, so here I am.

; u ; And that's it for now!

The seeds we planted grew then wilted.

It was a good try. We planted more today.


She went to the park and got a pet last night. I don't know what it's called.
