Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchis


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Pink Striped V4: Albus

1st Gen: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi

Albus had a quiet day. I sent him to school a lot while I was in school, so he wouldn't end up with super low skill points. Now, his skill points are at 2-23-10. I'm getting better at Mimic.


Albus should be evolving in a bit.

Turquoise P1: Cress

I got home and my P1 was sitting on the table waiting for me :) I was excited. I set the time and everything and thought, what should I name it? Well, the P1 is blue, and that made me think of Cress from Pokemon White/Black. So now his name is Cress! :D

I suck at this P1 game lol. I'm not a good guesser.

The only thing I don't like about this Tama (besides how bad I am at the game) is how tiny the buttons are. They're hurting my fingers already.

Here are pictures!



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Pink Striped V4: Albus

1st Gen: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi


Just a few moments ago, Albus evolved into Gourmetchi, which means I'll be able to get the Tosakatchi I want! I'm not too bad at Shapes, and I haven't tried Dance or Flag yet.

Oh by the way, do you like the little keychain lanyard on my V4? ^-^ I made it yesterday to go with his shell, and now I'm making one for my P1 too.

Intelligence: 11

Beauty: 23

Kindness: 10

Turquoise P1: Cress


Cress evolved into a Marutchi, which is MUCH lower maintenance than the Babytchi e.e Marutchi's pretty cute. Cress reminds me of a biscuit.

Pink Striped V4: Albus

1st Gen: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi

(I want to explain something real fast. Go ahead and skip this paragraph if you aren't interested in my school. Okay, last period I help out in the library but the library was closed today, so I had to go sit in the office for an hour and do nothing. Instead of sitting there and doing nothing I pulled out my book and my Tamagotchis. I got a good chance to play with both of my little guys today. That's all I had to say.)

Albus' stats are...

Training: IIII

Intelligence: 55

Beauty: 26

Kindness: 24

1 yr, 16 Lbs

2260 Pts

Tosakatchi, here we come :)

Turquoise P1: Cress

Cress is still a biscuit. Nothing has changed yet. I don't know what age P1 Tamas turn into teenagers, so I'm just going to sit here and keep taking the best care of him that I can.

2 Yr, 10 Oz

Discipline: IIIIIII

Hungry: 3

Happy: 3

On my way home from school, I was sitting in the car with my Tamas on my binder in front of me, and I thought about how clearly I could see them, so I took a picture of them both. You can see both their little keychains.


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* Albus is 2 yrs, still a Gourmetchi

* Cress is 3 yrs, still a Marutchi

* I really feel like running my Music Star cuz I've been reading Pandatchi's Log on TZ

* I hope my batteries come in soon so I can run my MS and V4.5

* The person I bought my V3 from STILL hasn't shipped and they said they'd ship it tomorrow -.-

* I bought a Nekotcha from Jason's eBay store last night

Pink Striped V4: Albus

1st Gen: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi > Tosakatchi

I accidentally found Tosakatchi's favorite food (tacos). Yeah, Alby evolved into Tosakatchi, as predicted :] His stats' are...

Training: IIIII

Intelligence: 73

Beauty: 27

Kindness: 27

2 Yrs, 23 Lbs

1540 Pts


His close-ups are cute, and Albus balanced pretty well on the ball. He's still enrolled in regular school, and tomorrow he'll be getting a job. Oh, how fast they grow up.

Turquoise P1: Cress

1st: Babytchi > Marutchi > Kuchitamatchi


My toddler evolved. Into another toddler. Lol well I'm used to Kuchitamatchi being a toddler (like on the newer Connections) and it feels really odd to have it as a toddler xD

Discipline: about 1/2 full

3 yrs, 20 oz

Hungry: Full

Happy: 3/4

Weird. His discipline was about 70% earlier and now it's down to only half. Could I have missed a training call, could that be it?


Pink Striped V4: Albus

1st Gen: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi > Tosakatchi

Nothing new. Still a Tosakatchi. He just got a snake in the mail :(

Puzzle Pieces V4.5: Chip

3rd Gen: Tsubutchi > Kuribotchi > Kujakutchi > Celebtchi

I got 3 new batteries so I put one in Chippy. Him and Albus visited each other. Now they have friends! :)


Turquoise P1: Cress

1st: Babytchi > Marutchi > Kuchitamatchi

The P1 bores me ;-;

Glam Rock V6: Severus

1st Gen: Petitchi > Kuchitamatchi

I put a battery in my Music Star. I'll let pictures tell the story C:


Sorry for such a huge lack of words. Hopefully the pictures make up for it.

Turquoise P1: Cress

Babytchi > Marutchi > Kuchitamatchi

I turned Cress' sound off. I tried to take the battery out earlier but the screws are all weird and it's too difficult to get them out so I gave up trying. So from now on, I'm going to put Cress back in my Tama box and there will be no more logging about Cress.

Glam Rock V6: Severus

1st Gen: Petitchi > Kuchitamatchi

Sev got accepted into Pre-School! The teacher gave him a toy... what could it be?


It was a car :3

He just got into the bath.

Also, I retook a picture of my updated collection.


Edit: Shortly after I posted this, Severus turned into a Kikitchi :)

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Glam Rock V6: Severus

1st Gen: Petitchi > Kuchitamatchi > Kikitchi

Tone: 261

Rhythm: 122

Original: 272

Stress: 5

Last time I ran the Music Star, I remember the music genre changing daily, but Severus' genre has never changed from Asian Music. I wonder why not.

Early this morning, Severus woke me up by beeping at me. Someone was at the door. It was the music teacher, and she gave Severus a violin. He's sticking to his bass drum. Severus joined a band with a Ringotchi named Lisa and a Chamametchi named Veronica. They called their band Felicis. :D

Lately, the king has been bringing Sev a lot of points. Just a few moments ago, he brought him 2,000 Pts.


As for Albus and Chip, Chip should be turning 6 later today so the Matchmaker might bring him a wife. And I don't think Albus will be getting married until tomorrow.

Yay for 1,000 views on both my TZ and TT log! :D Thank you!

Glam Rock V6: Severus

1st Gen: Petitchi > Kuchitamatchi > Kikitchi > Mametchi

Overnight, Severus turned into a Mametchi, which really surprised me because I didn't think I took very good care of him. But apparently I did! Lisa evolved into Kunoitchi, and Veronica is a Makiko. They tried to get their debut but the first judge told them to try harder: XOO. :p So poor Sev's been going to band practice all day, getting so stressed, but Felicis still isn't doing good. I suck at the Band Practice Game lol. Severus is really poor too (He only has 80 GP to his name!).

Stress: 6

Tone: 669

Rhythm: 476

Original: 622

I'm unable to take pictures today. I'll try to take some tomorrow.

Edit: Felicis got its Pro Debut! :D They're 102nd on the band ranking and they have over 30 million fans. Plus, they all got 10,000 Points! Severus is practically sobbing from happiness because now he can get actual food lol.

Puzzle Pieces V4.5: Chip

3rd Gen: Tsubutchi > Kuribotchi > Kujakutchi > Celebtchi

Chip got married last night ohonhon. I think the Tama he married was a Ura Zukyutchi. Anyway, he had a baby girl (*sigh of relief* I really was afraid I'd get stuck on boy characters) and her name will begin with D. For names, I'm thinking of...




What do you think? :memetchi: I really like the name Danae. Plus it makes me think of Non Sequitur. Well, I better make up my mind fast cuz Chip leaves his daughter TONIGHT! D:

Pink Striped V4: Albus

1st Gen: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi > Tosakatchi

Albus is 6 years old so the matchymaker should come for him in a bit. I think I'm gonna take the battery out of Albus cuz I haven't been taking very good care of him. He's been all... neglected and stuff. So I'm just gonna take his battery out after he gets married.

Unrelated News:: Another girl had two V4.5s today. She had a globe design with a Ura Memetchi named Alex and a colorful design with primary color squares all over with a Celebtchi named Vil. Anyway, I connected Chip with both of them :) It was fun.

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My green flowered V3 came in today. O yus. I was very excited.


Aaand, Chip left his daughter last night, so I started two generations today!

Puzzle Pieces V4.5: Danae

4th Gen: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi


Green Flowers V3: Artie

1st Gen: Teletchi > Tamatchi


They are babies.


Let us sleep!


Let us evolve!

They're already friends. I was hoping for a boy on the V3 so they could get married. But right now, they're just friends, of course. lol.

I don't have much time to type. The internet stopped working at my house and we're working on getting that fixed. My computer time is limited. Severus should be getting married tomorrow. Danae is a Ura Young Yattachi. Artie is a Nikatchi. I'll be back when the internet's fixed up.



Two days ago, Severus got married to a sweet little Memetchi. They had a daughter. Last night, Severus left.


Danae became a Ura Yattatchi.


Artie became a Nikatchi.


Glam Rock V6: Katniss

2nd Gen; Petitchi > Hitodetchi



Severus left his daughter. I named her Katniss, from the Hunger Games :D


@teen-tama96: Thanks! I love my Music Star design best :)

Puzzling Pieces V4.5: Danae

4th Gen: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Yattachi > Ura Debatchi

So, I didn't get the character I wanted, which was Ura Memetchi, but I got Ura Debatchi instead. I've never had this character before, so I don't mind ^-^ Danae looks so... goofy :haha: Katniss went to sleep at 8, I believe, and Artie went to sleep around 8:45 or so. Danae's the only one still up. It's nice to have a character that doesn't go to bed so early. Her skill points are pretty low (only 30-46-61) and her weight is ridiculous (47 lbs) xD I've been taking pretty bad care of her and Artie.

I think I'm going to take the batteries out of Danae and Artie at the end of this generation. I kind of want to start up my Tama-Go again, but I don't want to run four Tamagotchis at once. 3 is hard enough!

New banners! I tried to play around with the saturation a bit when I took the pictures, to make it look interesting. What do you think?


1st Gen: Artie: Teletchi > Tamatchi > Nikatchi > Tarakotchi


As soon as Artie woke up, he evolved into Tarakotchi, which obviously is a bad care character. I'm not very happy because he isn't cute at all, but Danae seems like she's starting to.


4th Gen: Danae: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Yattachi > Ura Debatchi


SHE'S SO CUTE OMG. She has the best animations! :D


2nd Gen: Katniss: Petitchi > Hitodetchi

The king brought Katniss some toothpaste/a toothbrush yesterday, so as soon as she woke up, she used it.


Just look at that adorable smile.


And her skill points.


2nd Gen, Katniss: Petitchi > Hitodetchi > Ichigotchi > Chantotchi

Yesterday, Katniss became an Itchigotchi and joined a band called Avox (which is ironic. Anyone who understands why the band name is ironic gets any cookie type of their choice. Personally, I like chocolate chip and M&M.)

I didn't get to play any games with Katniss because I was in school, so she gained a lot of wait and her stress went pretty high. I don't think her hearts ever completely emptied though. I was expecting a bad care character, like Onputchi or Maidtchi, but somehow, Katniss turned into CHANTOTCHI! I don't even understand how that happened because she wasn't taken very good care of, but oh well! :) Her stress is at a whopping 85 right now, so I need to go play some games with her.

Oh, and she got all 3 X's when Avox tried to get their pro debut -.-


1st Gen, Artie: Teletchi > Tamatchi > Nikatchi > Tarakotchi

He married Danae today :3 And now he has a baby girl, who I'm thinking of naming Bri, or Bethy.


4th Gen, Danae: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Yattachi > Ura Debatchi

She married Artie and she had two baby girls. I'd like to name her daughter Ella, or Ellie (from Up!). I'm not sure yet.

But it's very unlikely that I'll keep my battery in both my V3 and my V4.5 because it's hard running them both at once. I want to keep running my Music Star, though, so that will stay. And I think I'm going to run my V3. Maybe, without my V4.5 in the picture, I will be able to take better care of my V3 and I won't get such a bad-care character like Tarakotchi.

So that's it for today!


2nd Gen, Katniss: Petitchi > Hitodetchi > Ichigotchi > Chantotchi



I've never had a Chantotchi before. She's really cute! Ah, I think I said that already. Katniss's stress is slowly going down on its down, and Avox still hasn't gotten their pro debut yet.


5th Gen, Ellie: Tsubutchi


It's all paused and stuff but I took a few pictures of Ellie anyway.


So now she is paused and put in the Tama box.

Now I need to start a new post for the V3 cuz I have too many pictures xD


2nd Gen, Bri[/i]: Teletchi > Kuchitamatchi


I switched the time so Artie left Bri.


Her baby hour was normal, of course. I took average care of her.


One hour later, she became a Kuchitamatchi, which I hope is a good character ^^ She's just bouncing around here now.

I won a dark blue V3 with little constellations all over it! I love this design because I love astronomy and stars. I won the V3 with a 'Tama Leash' and 2 little charms (a Gozarutchi and Kuchipatchi) :D

New format of log lolol am I giving you whiplash from changing my mind so much yet


V3- Bri

Two days ago, she became a Hikotchi (I think that's the correct name. She's the one that looks like a little UFO. Correct me if I'm wrong please.) She's been getting smashed against Katniss while being in my pocket, so she's been paused a lot. Her growth is all blegh and imperfect now because she's been all paused >:C I think I'm going to start Bri up again whenever I get my blue constellations V3. So I'm going to take the battery out of her.

V6- Katniss

Katniss married a Shimashimatchi today. Is his name Peeta or Gale? It depends what 'team' you're on. I'll leave Katniss' husband name up to you ;)

Katniss had a baby girl who she will be leaving on Sunday morning. I'm not sure whether I will raise the third generation right now. I'm getting kind of tired of the Music Star so I guess I'll name the baby then remove the battery.
