Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchis


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iD L- Meloditchi

Apparently I had 2-3 care misses because Painaputchi became Meloditchi, who is also really cute! We already got the first happy seal (from the dessert at the cafe) and the second (the kimono from Tama Mori), and now we need an Ocarina, which can be grown from the retro toy seeds (which are the orange star ones in the brownish bag).

V4- Midas

No change with this little guy. He's 27 LBS o-o I didn't have time to play games with him in school so I just filled his hearts with meals and snacks. I think I'll start getting rid of that weight.

He should be evolving soon. I'm crossing my fingers for a Mame teen.

V4.5- Helix

I named Gred's son Helix instead of Herc, like I mentioned I would last post. I didn't have times to play games with him either so he is 33 lbs D:

V1- Peach

Yep, I got my V1!


Hatchy hatchy, little eggy.


It's a girl! Her name is Peach :)


I couldn't stand how dirty, plain, and scratched it was so I started to decorate it while she went through her baby stage. She's now a Marutchi :3


The back of my decorated V1.

iD L- Meloditchi


Meloditchi in her cute little kimono.

V4.5- Helix

He became a Kometchi. Here he is brushing his teeth.


Our internet's been down so I can't make a proper update. Meloditchi got married and had a baby girl, Momoritchi, who turned into Rorutchi. Peach became an Itchigotchi. No change with Helix yet.

V4.5- Helix

Helix became a Tougyutchi at 11:21 AM! He's a cutie, although his close-up is a bit intimidating.

iD L- Sabosabotchi

Meloditchi got all of her happy seals and so she married a Mametchi yesterday. They had a Momoirotchi, who turned into Rorutchi, then this morning, shortly after Helix evolved, she evolved too- into Sabosabotchi! How cute! I don't like Perotchi or Shigurehimetchi very much so I think I might try to get a Makiko, which will require 4 care misses.

V1- Peach

Yesterday evening, she became an Itchigotchi. She hasn't had very bad care, but she is getting pretty heavy :\ I'll have to work on playing games with her later.

iD L- Sabosabotchi

She's already had several care misses. I'm hoping I'm not overdoing it with the care misses, but even if I am, I'll get a Violetchi :3 I haven't had her on any of my Tamas for a while.

Other News

I'm ordering some more CR2032 batteries. The person I buy them from on eBay (www-tiantan-us) is a good, fast seller, and I bought a 3-pack of CR2032s for only 0.99! The expected delivery is as early as Wednesday and late as Friday, so I'll be able to run some more Tamas during Thanksgiving Break. My last day of school is Tuesday and I get out 3 hours early.

I'm planning on running my V3, V6, possibly V1, and V4.5 during Thanksgiving Break. With my iD L, of course. Or maybe I should get some batteries for my Tama-Go. What do you think?


@Yakantchi: Thank you! I love your log too! And maybe you could convince them to buy from eBay by showing them the seller's positive feedback percentage. Buying from someone with a 98% pos. feedback percentage should make them feel less anxious and disapproving of buying from someone online.

And I can't read Japanese either, I can only read about 1/2 of the hiragana characters. But after a while, you get used to it. You might want to start out with a more simple Japanese tama (like an Entama, maybe? Those are fantastic!) before you get one of the color ones, so you'll be more used to it.

iD L- Pichipichitchi

I didn't get Violetchi after all :< Sabosabotchi became Pichipichitchi yesterday morning. Tomorrow, she will get her 4th happy symbol and I will marry her off.

V1- Peach

Still an Ichigotchi. I hope she grows up soon so I can just remove her battery >.<

V4.5- Helix

Behold, the 99 lb 5 year old! Gather round, gather round, and watch him bounce and jump and roll and eat! It's... HELIX!

Other News

Tomorrow I'm removing the battery from my V1 and putting it in my V5, a version I'm sure you all have gathered that I don't care for that much, but I am reading Cyann's log and it's making me want to run it.

I think I will put my other battery in either my V3 or V6, or maybe both if I find another battery.

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V1- Peach

She became Hanatchi :< Well I took the battery out of her anyway.

V3- Razz

She's back! :3 Razz the 2nd generation Young Mimitchi is back. She hasn't been getting such great care lately today because of Thanksgiving preparations.

V4.5- Helix

He got a visit from Matchmaker, and she brought him Ura Zukyutchi, and they had... a baby boy -.- I'm thinking of Iago or Iggy. Or maybe Indy. Hmm.

V5- Panda Family

Ahirukutchi, Belltchi, and Mousetchi right now. Blended family, at 10% bonding.

iD L- Kaubotchi

Pichipitchi married a Maisutatchi and had a Nittobotchi, who turned into Kaubotchi. No care misses so far, although he has come rather close. This generation, I am aiming for either Mametchi or Kuromametchi.

Happy Turkey Day Eve ;D

I'm not going to have time to post tomorrow, so there will be no update tomorrow. Sorry guys.

I hope everyone has a fanturkstic (geddit? :D ) Thanksgiving.

I found time to reply! :D But it will be short and not in my usual format. Razz became a cute little Dorotchi. Helix leaves Iggy tonight. Panda Family's bonding WAS at 20% but I missed a bonding call while eating turkey so it's back to 10%. Kaubotchi turned to Hanikamitchi.

That is all.

iD L- Hanikamitchi

He hasn't had any care misses so far, so I think I'll be getting a Mametchi tomorrow. I am almost positive he will turn into Mametchi. We did some remodeling and spent almost all of our points. We spent 3,000 Points on the submarine-underwater-style living room wallpaper, and we bought the glittery, jeweled bedroom wallpaper for 3,000 Points too. Now we only have 660 Points left :p Aw. We just have to keep saving up to get our happy items tomorrow.

Hanikamitchi just went to the park and met that little Devil reporter guy. Look, man, I know Hanikamitchi is a stud and you want his autograph, but can't you give him some privacy? Jeez. The paparazzi is so crazy.

V5- Panda Family

I got their bonding back up to 20%! I have been making their training call choices totally random, so I don't have the slightest idea what they will become as teens. But I do know that I'm either going to go for another blended family or Planetchi as their mate.

I just realized that you can't see the past generations in the little 'memory book' icon! :angry: What's up with that?! Can you imagine the parents explaining that to their children? 'Well, Suzy and Johnny, we don't know what happened to my brother and sister. Auntie and Uncle just... *snaps fingers for emphasis* disappeared, like that. You know? And when one of you marries, that's going to happen to the other one of you too.'


V3- Razz

Razz, the 3-year-old-56-lb-Dorotchi is doing fine. I'm going to try to take some pictures of her using items so I can post them and show them to you all tomorrow, but none of my pictures have been turning out good, and I haven't been allowed in the room where there's perfect lighting lately :rolleyes: That's why I haven't been posting pictures. Sorry.

I just let Razz use the bow and it looks SO CUTE >W< She's dancing around and swaying and winking. She knows she looks so cute :3

V4.5- Helix

He's leaving Iggy tonight. I didn't want another boy, but I think I might go for a Spiritual-skill point-based character this time, like Ura Kuchipatchi (I might even go for Mukimukitchi) or Ura Togetchi.

Oh my god. Helix died. Helix and little Iggy died. I feel so terrible. That was the furthest generation I had ever gotten on a Tamagotchi...

I'm going to get a new egg tomorrow morning and name that baby something with an I.


Pictures, at last!

V5- Panda Family

Here's a picture of them as toddlers. I had it on my phone but I hadn't sent it to my email until today.


Then here is a really blurry picture of Mamekatchi coming up close and laughing. I don't know why but my pictures have been really blurry and fuzzy and just bad lately. I need a real camera, not a cell phone camera, to take pictures with.


V3- Razz


There's her close-up! Spooky, isn't it? She would have been a perfect character to have for Halloween.

And look at this picture, I caught her 'in motion'. Now this looks creepy.


V6- Dakota

She's just here, waiting for marriage. She's five years old already, and she should be getting married soon. I hope she gets married today, because then she would leave me on Saturday night and I would start caring for her baby on Sunday. I'm so tempted just to reset her. She's all boring now that she's an adult. Can she just get married and leave already?


Hanikamitchi became Mametchi, just as planned! :D Mametchi looks so cute in color. He prances around, grinning, outside the little submarine. It's time to start working on his happy items!


Edit: I already got 2/4 happy symbols. He already ate the fluffy cookie-thing at the bakery, and used the plant from Tama Depa. It sprouted tons of pink flowers, and Mametchi did a cute little dance. Plus, I put a little graduation cap on him, just cuz he's so smart :B I still have to work on saving up 3,500 GP for the crown.

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V3- Razz

She finally hit 99 lbs ;-; I find it difficult to lose weight on this Tama. Am I the only one that thinks so? Anyway, Razz is 5 years old, so she should be getting married and having a baby tomorrow. I wonder what Tama she will marry and what gender her baby will be.

V5- Panda Family

Their bonding % is at 50%. I haven't missed one training call today, and we played Shoe Pairs earlier to boost the bonding. I'm still giving them mixed bonding choices so whatever adults they turn into, I'll be surprised. But then, I am always surprised by the V5's growths and evolutions :haha:

V6- Dakota

She is already 6 years old. Someone was at the door at 12:30 this afternoon, but it was just the mailman delivering a taco from Katniss. And so now I am waiting for 4:30 to roll around.

Actually. Forget 4:30. It's 3:36 for me right now but I skipped the time to 4:29. Agh, Nazotchi showed up and brought mail again. Great.

iD L- Mametchi

We already got the crown. Now we just need the last happy symbol (which we will get tomorrow) and then he will get married and I will start the fifth generation. Wow, generations pass so fast on this Tama. The tree Mametchi planted yesterday gave us a strawberry today, which he sold for 100 GP at the Tama Marche.

Other News

I signed up for Neopets! My username is desiraeinthesky, and right now I only have one Neopet, an Ixi named Djali_inthesky (after Djali, Esmeralda's goat in the Disney version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame). If anyone would be kind enough to give me any tips, or want to become my friend on Neopets, or anything like that, I'd be so grateful.

I'm really liking Neopets so far C:

V5- Panda Family

The Pandas evolved into Furikotchi, Violetchi, and Nemutchi. Pretty much the same as last gen, but Nemutchi instead of Mumutchi o__o Well, next generation will be different, seeing as I will either be getting a pure or 'space' family.

Their bonding is at 60%, and their animation when I click 'C' is them kissing each others' cheeks and a gigantic heart appearing over their heads.

V3- Razz

She is already 6 years old. If I'm lucky, the Matchmaker will show up at 7:00 and bring Razz a mate. Razz is still 99 lbs, and she is happy that way xD I just can't be bothered to play a ton of games with her right now to get her weight at a decent amount.

V6- Dakota

Still no mate? Really? She's 7. Hopefully, she will get married sometime later this evening.

iD L- Yurapatchi

Mametchi married a Watawatatchi, and had a baby Yurapatchi. Yurapatchi is sleeping right now, so more updates later!

V3- Razz

The matchmaker just came at 7 and brought her a Wooltchi/Urutchi, whom she married. Razz had a baby boy... Remus? :D Ohohoh.

V6- Dakota

She still isn't married, and since my V6 has annoyed me a lot lately, she is no longer being run.

iD L- Nannokitchi

Yurupantchi became Nannokitchi :3 Then, with a nearly empty happy meter, he fell asleep. He just wouldn't stop beeping and he was SO NEEDY AS A BABY, and my head hurts.

V3- Razz

Razz and little Remus/Ciel/Luigi/Kurt are still here ;w; They're so cute. I really have come to love Dorotchi.

V5- Panda Family

Their bonding is at 60% and they are still not eligible to use the Dating Place.

iD L- Bokuhoshitchi

Nannokitchi got 4+ care misses so he became Bokuhoshitchi. Nannokitchi just wouldn't stop beeping and whining and it was annoying me so much. I've been so caught up in school and it's been getting hard to raise such a high-maintenance Tama. I don't want Shutotchi or Gozarutchi so I think I will try to get Kuchipatchi.

Other News

The person I bought my V2 from last Tuesday FINALLY shipped it today.

It was 27 degrees where I live today and it's been in the 80s every day for the past month or two ;-; Brrr.

28 days until Christmas. I am super excited. I think I might put a Christmas countdown clock in my signature.

V3- Link

Razz left her baby, who I decided to name Link, this morning. He became a Tamatchi, which is the 'okay/bad care parent toddler'.

V5- Panda Family

I sent Violetchi to the Dating Channel with 70% bonding. First she was offered a Uhyotchi, then Nemutchi. Her third choice was a Mumutchi. We cancelled on that too. No thankies. I guess I'll keep working on increasing her bonding. We're using the :heart: to keep boosting the bonding. We're using it a lot.
