Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchis


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Day Ten

Boron became a Kometchi today. Using a V4.5 Growth Chart, I've decided to try to fill up his Spiritual Points so he can be a Ura Kuchipatchi. Right now, his skill points are at 29-14-33, so we're doing good so far! I know Ada's skill points weren't very high (they were around 31-32-86 whenever she left Boron) and I'm trying to make Boron's much higher. I hope I can do that.

I let one of my friends play with Boron today. She really liked playing with him and said the Tamagotchi was cute.

According to the Growth Chart (which can be found here if you're curious), 'Ura Kutchipatchi will evolve into Mukimukitchi with 450+ skill points and over 350+ in Spiritual for the first matchmaker visit.' That's a lot of skill points. I hope I can do it. I'll edit this post later with his stats at the end of the day.

Edit: He got his [!] mail. He graduated from preschool and is now one of Mr. Canvas's students. Mr. Canvas gave him the school uniform, which was this funny little hat.

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Day Eleven

Yesterday was nothing special so I just didn't update. Boron evolved just recently! He is aaaaa - drumroll pleeease! - URA KUCHIPATCHI!!! Just like I wanted him to be! I've really been working at his skill points. They're 46-60-119 right now. Gosh, 450+ skill points, and at least 350 have to be spiritual, just to get a Mukimukitchi :eek: Right now his total skill points are only at a total of 225. I'm like halfway there, which is still good. I still have like 4 days to fill up his skill points anyway. Then when I start the 3rd generation I think I'll put the battery in my Music Star (Glam Rock) or maybe my Entama. What do you think?

Hungry: IIII

Happy: IIII

Training: I

Skill Pts: 46-40-119

2 Yr, 32 Lb

Boy, 2nd Gen

8670 Pts

Also, is it just me or is TamaTown for the V4.5 redirecting to the V4 TamaTown (on the Bandai Tamagotchi website)...? I wanted to take Boron to TamaTown but it isn't working :(

I had an absolutely horrible day today and I don't feel like sitting here playing oodles of games with Boron or updating or taking a lot of pictures. I'm sorry.

Day Thirteen

Skill Pts: 62-68-121

Today was a pretty uneventful day. I really feel like starting up another Tamagotchi :( I think I'll start up my Music Star sometime this weekend, maybe tomorrow. Then after a while I'll just end up coming back to Boron, I'm sure. I haven't ran my V6 in a while actually, so, this might be a good change! :lol:

End of Day Thirteen

Day Fourteen

With full happy/hungry bars, 1 training bar, 62-68-127 skill points, and 5790 pts, I took the battery out of 5-year-old Boron. Then I went and opened up my Music Star and put in the battery. I saw that little happy bouncy egg and pressed 'reset'. All the pictures I'm taking are turning out awful so I'm just going to put aside the pictures for today.

A boy hatched from the egg! His toy was a rocket, and his instrument was a guitar. I named him Oliver, and the first thing Oliver did was cry for attention. I fed him some baby food and we played Sing A Song, and he won. He got +30 Tone Points and his happy bar was full.

After a while, Oliver got sick, so I gave him a dose of medicine. Then I noticed that his happiness was only 3 hearts full so we played and won a whole game of Music Notes. Immediately after, he had those little lines around him and that :| face so I rushed him to the potty before it was too late.

Then for a while he just rolled around.

I registered for TamaTown, activated my account, and then took Oliver to TamaTown.

Wow! It's been a really long time since I played on the Music Star (now Tama-Go too) TamaTown! They really added a lot of fun games and cute places to go! :)

Oliver turned into a Kuchitamachi, which is apparently a BAD CARE CHILD :angry: I thought I took really good care of him actually! Well, whatever.

We've done a lot of playing at TamaTown today. It's so fun.

I am like already tired of this Tamagotchi.

The constant beeping

The small amount of extremely repetitive games

The way someone's always at the door


I lost the backing to my Entama ;n;

Oh wait I found it. So I pressed download and found a sick Shimashimatchi(?) in the 3rd generation. His hungry/happy hearts are empty, he has EIGHT skill points (total!), a lot of points (10220), he's 8 yrs old and 98 lbs. WHAT DID I DO TO THIS TAMAGOTCHI?! Dx So I reset him, very very sadly. I completely neglected that poor Tama.

The Entama has always been one of my favorite Tamagotchis~

So prepare for a super long super good log entry :3


August 27, 3:55 PM.


May 10, my birthday.


The egg.


A Meme baby boy is born!


Named him Aki, meaning Autumn, which I thought was appropriate because Summer is ending and Autumn should be arriving (hopefully) soon.


Nom nom nom sammich.


Aki evolved from a Memotchi into a Memebotchi! This is a really cute character :)


Um... wut.


Aki is now in preschool!

Plus, I started a Tama-Zone log, which can be found here, although there will be very few differences between that log and this one.


Aki woke up at 9:00, and just as he woke up, he had mail.


I couldn't understand any of it except for the 500 pts part (which I couldn't get a picture of, unfortunately). I was hoping that 500 points wouldn't be taken from Aki, because we don't have that much money in the first place.


It turns out we weren't being robbed- the King was bringing us 500 pts! That was a nice start to the morning. I couldn't get a clear picture of the 500 pts but I did get a picture of the money bags.


And Aki was happy!


Aki likes to play cards even though we aren't very good at it xD His skill points are 21-24-22 (and I only used a little bit of help from Enwarehouse)! Still not very high, and I'm not good at any of the games, except for the clothes-catching, but it takes a very long time and I get distracted very easily.


The vendor came by selling something in a bottle. Water? Juice? Milk? Does anyone know what this is, because I don't. Whatever it was, Aki wanted it, so we bought it.


I took Aki to TamaTown. E-Tamago is so fun, even if I can't understand anything that's going on.


We played a game at the hospital where it said which patient had to go into which room. It was really hard for us, seeing as I can't understand any Japanese except very basic hiragana. But we kept trying, and after two tries, we won! We got 300 pts.


Aki walked around the Tama Tower, and I decided to take a picture of this. Look how cute and tiny he is! :haha:


Then I took Aki to preschool, where he played this really fun game where his teacher would close her eyes, and he'd have to walk forward, and whenever she opened her eyes again he'd have to stop. We won, and he was given a fancy present. When we got back home, we opened the box and saw it was some kind of grilled hot dog. Hmm.

All in all, today has been a very fun day. I'll end the day here.

The shopping vendor came by today and sold us these little cake-looking things that were actually intelligence gut point ingredients used for cooking. We bought it, and I thought, what's the point of only having one ingredient? So I used Enwarehouse to by an intelligent gut point sprout.


We were all ready to combine them and everything.


Aki sang the little song and mixed them together... and they exploded.


Then, after we had failed at cooking, I remembered reading somewhere that only adults could cook (or something like that). Or maybe I just got the ingredients wrong.

After a while, Aki got called to preschool. We wondered, why was the teacher coming now? It wasn't time for her visit. But it turns out she was saying Aki had graduated and 'his time had come'. He cried and yelled at the poor teacher until she left.


Almost immediately after, Aki grew into a Gurumetchi (I believe that's what it's called, correct me if I'm wrong please)! That's the good care teen! I was surprised because I didn't think I had taken very good care of Aki, but apparently so. That was a nice surprise.


I don't think I've had this character before. Very cute! I think the Entama has the best characters.


Soon, Aki was called to school, where he had to sit down in an uncomfortable desk and take a long boring test and then he had to wait to be graded and find out what class he was in. He was put in...


Mr. Turtle's! Aki wasn't very thrilled to have more school, but he was nice to Mr. Turtle and Mr. Turtle was nice to him. I'm sure Aki will be a great student.

Aki's guts points are pretty low, so I'm going to work with him on that for the rest of the evening.

Today wasn't such a good day for Aki. I woke up late for school this morning and I completely forgot to bring him to school! :angry: I'm so careless and forgetful sometimes. Whenever I got home, Aki was unhappy and sick. I gave him medicine, fed him, then cleaned up all of the poo. I'm not going to forget him tomorrow.

Nothing really happened today, besides me forgetting him at home. I checked his skill points and his kindness points went down. He's meaner now because he was forgotten for a day I guess. I don't remember neglect decreasing guts points. Hmm.

I was going to end the day with a nice picture of Aki getting ready for bed and showering but the photo just isn't sending to my email and I have to get off the computer already. Pictures when he evolves/gets a job/any event happens tomorrow, I promise! :D

Aki had been a teenager for so long. I was starting to get confused and wonder whether the day I switched his time so he slept all day had messed up his growth. So I looked at a growth chart and it said he was supposed to be an adult already because he's 6, and I looked back at Aki, and he was an adult xD


Also, here is the picture of Aki getting ready for bed that I talked about two entries ago.


Loooook at Aki :3


In case the picture is a bit too blurry or something, his guts points are 42-50-54.


And here's another picture of Aki! Togetchis are so cute!

Aki still hasn't gotten a job yet. Is that normal? Hmm.

I really want a Tama-Go, but it doesn't look like I'll be getting one anytime soon, so I've been looking around eBay. I found a pink V3 that people are bidding on and the bid ends in 8 more hours or so, and it's only at $3.75 right now, which is good. I'm keeping it open in another tab right now, and then I also found a glittery purple V4 with stars on it and a white antenna. I've always loved that design, and that's a Buy-It-Now item on sale for $15, so I have that open in a tab too. I really hope I can get one of those!

Sad history: I used to have a dark blue V4 that I loved. My younger cousin always wants whatever I have, so my family said, Desirae, just let him have it. It's not like he's going to break it. Well, he killed tons of Tamas and he didn't know what he was doing, and eventually he lost my V4 :(

Anyways, onto the log entry! Not much has been happening with Aki lately. He's been a calm little guy. I haven't really thought there was a need for pictures lately, but here's one I took of him getting ready for bed last night. All next week, I don't have school (after every 6 weeks, we get one week off) so that means I won't be neglecting Aki anymore! Well, I won't have any excuse if I do!


There's the picture. His Guts points are 43-63-46, which still isn't as high as it could be, so maybe it's time I start playing games more or using Enwarehouse :p

I used Enwarehouse to buy a triangle ruler for Aki to boost his Intelligence Guts Points.

Before use of triangle ruler:


Triangle ruler:


Aki using the triangle ruler:


And after using the triangle ruler, it turns out his Intelligence Guts points only went up by one :p not as much as I would have hoped, but still helpful, I guess.

Last night, I was looking around on eBay, and I found an old blue V1 up for auction. I won that V1 for $12.90! :D I'm really happy. I don't have school at all next week, so hopefully it will arrive somewhere around the middle of the week so I can have some time to play it.
