Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Light's eyes were droopy and he turned to look at L. "Oh yes, I'm peachy. I got tons of sleep last night."

"Oh, that's good," L said, pushing his thumb to his lip. "You can't work on the case if you're too tired." He was deliberately ignoring the sarcasm, tilting his head again as he continued to stare at Light.

Light flopped his head down on the desk. "I was being sarcastic." He looked over at the sofa in the corner of the room, seeing Sakura face-down on it, dead asleep.

Light closed his eyes. "Sounds good to me...."

Sakura curled up on the couch, rolling onto her side.

Mello yawned, stretching out. He felt something sticky on his face. He reached up. "Aww shiitttt..." He felt melted chocolate all over his face and hands... Also presumably n his sheets.

Light banged his head gently on the desk. "I want to lay down thouughhh... Pleaasseeeeeeeeeee take them off so I can sleeeeeep"

"No," L said simply, still watching Sakura. "You got out of them too easily last time." He turned back around and stared at the screens.

Light frowned. "Pleeaaseee, Ryuuzaki... I sat through all last night of you and your little girlfriend sucking face. I. Need. Sleep. God. f*****g. Damnn. It."

Sakura was still curled up on the couch, tired as heck.

"You didn't have to sit through it," L said, chewing on his thumb. "Sleep now. You're not working on the case today, so you don't have to be awake."

Light groaned and flopped back in his chair. "It's hard sleeping like this thouughhh..." he whined, hoping to irritate Ryuuzaki.

"It's either sleep like that or don't sleep at all," L said, still staring at the cameras. "Tala? Do you know where any of the others are?"

Light groaned once more. "Pleeaasseeee...."

Sakura opened her eyes groggily. "Hhn? I think they're still sleeping." she mumbled, suppressing a yawn.

L shook his head, sliding off his chair. "I'm not taking the handcuffs off." He walked around his chair, waiting for Light. "We need to go and get the others."

Light stood up, his head hanging. "Alright..."

Sakura looked over at L, stretching out. "I assume I need to get up now and rouse Matt out of bed? I'm sure he won't hesitate to listen."

L waled over to the door, dragging Light along with him. "You beat him up," he said, glancing at Sakura. "You wake him up, I'll find Matsuda."

Light's head was still hanging and he drug his feet as L pulled him along.

Sakura stood, rubbing her eyes. "M'kay." She walked out of the main room and down the corridor to Matt's room. She poked her head into his room. "You. Get outta bed."

"Light, you need to speed up," L said, lifting a hand to his mouth. He shuffled up to Matsuda's down and pushed it open. "Matsuda, you need to work."

Matt scrambled up at the sound of Sakura's voice, whipping around to stare at her. "What? Uh...okay."

Sakura smirked. "Wake up Mello for me, will ya?" She turned and closed Matt's door, walking down the corridor to the main room.

Light groaned. "No."

Matsuda looked up at L. He was on the floor, several pieces of paper covered in glitter glue and stickers were sprawled across the room. His hands were sparkling from the glitter glue and stickers were covering his face. "Um..... O-okay..."

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Matt groaned and rolled out of bed, rubbing his eyes and pulling his goggles up from around his neck.

L tilted his head, looking at the pieces of paper on the floor. "Matsuda, what's that? Why are you covered in glitter?"

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