Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Mello whipped Matt's covers off and yelled. "WAKE UPPPPP. WAKE UPPPPP. WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPPPPP."

Sakura nodded. "Okay."

Matt coveredh his face with his hands, groaning. "Mello, go away before I punch you in the face. Don't think I won't do it."

L stood up and walked over to his chair. "We need someone to cover surveillence for a while, then."

"Nope, Ryuuzaki wants your a** in the main room." Mello shoved Matt over a bit and sat on the edge of his bed.

Sakura stood and stretched. "Alright.." She walked over to her chair and plopped down in front of the monitors.

Light walked into the main room. "What'd I miss?"

Matt groaned when he was pushed over, not lifting his hands from his face. "I don't want to go. I want to sleep." He reached out and poked Mello feebly, looking like he was using all the energy he had.

L looked around as Light walked in. "Just Matsuda squealing like a girl and falling backwards."

"You shouldn't have stayed up all night playing your DS. Main room, now." Mello prodded Matt gently.

Sakura turned to see Light walk in. She sighed, turning back to the monitors.

Light grinned. "You told him?"

Matsuda was jumping up and down in his chair. "Light? You know???" he then turned to L. "Does the rest of the team know? WHEN ARE WE GONNA TELL THE REST OF THEM?"

"Nooo," Matt groaned, curling up into a ball and pulling the duvet over his head. "I'm not going. I'm sleeping."

L glanced at Matsuda, then turned back to Light and stared at him. "Why did you have to set him off again? He might start making invitations for a wedding."

Mello sighed, standing up. "Alright just don't get mad at me if Ryuuzaki gets mad... Or even worse....." He held a dramatic pause. "Sakura gets mad with you."

Light shrugged, plopping down on the couch. "Well sorry."

Matsuda was still jumping up and down. "Seriously, when are we gonna tell them???"

Sakura sat there or a moment, ignoring Matsuda and turning to L. "When do you want to go out shopping?"

"Whatever," Matt said, his voice muffled because of the duvet. He stuck a hand out of the top, waving for Mello to leave the room. "Go away."

L stared at Matsuda for a second, then turned to Sakura. "I don't know. We need to get someone as cover."

Sakura nodded. "Where the hell are Matt and Mello?"

Mello sighed. "Alright... I'll go fetch Sakura to kick your a**~"

Matsuda was as excited as ever and yelled. "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TELL THEM?"

"Whatever," Matt groaned again, not even listening to Mello. "Let me sleep." He pulled his hand back under the duvet and wrapped himself up.

L contined to ignore Matsuda, deciding the best option was to let him calm down himself

Sakura stood. "I'll go find them...." she walked out of the main room and peeked into Mello's room, seeing they weren't there, she headed to Matt's room. "Guys, we need you two to cover for us... Ryuuzaki and I are going out shopping."

Mello smirked and shook his head toward Matt. "Won't get his a** out of bed."


"Leave me alone," Matt said, wrapping himself even tighter in the blanket. "I need to sleep."

L continued to stare at Matsuda, pushing his thumb to his lip.

Sakura looked over at Mello and nodded, walking over to Matt and grabbing one of his legs, while Mello grabbed the other. "One.... Two.... Three.... Pull!" They drug Matt out of bed and onto the floor.

Matsuda frowned and prodded L's shoulder. "WWWWWWWWHHHHHHEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN????" he yelled out.

Matt yelled out when he was pulled off the bed, but then curled up on the floor. "I'll sleep here, then," he muttered.

"Matsuda," L said quietly, still staring at him. "Why are you so interested?"

Sakura looked over at Mello once more. She grinned when he picked Matt up by the legs and began dragging him down the corridor. She walked into the main room with the pair and smirked. "I've got the two who'll cover for us while we're out."

"I don't know!! I just want you to tell them!!!" Matsuda whined.

"Tell us what?" Mello asked, dragging Matt and dropping in a chair in front of the monitor.

"Mello, get off me," Matt said, louder than he'd been speaking before. "Mello!" He scowled, adjusting his goggles. "Yeah, tell us what?"

L stared at Matsuda, resting his chin on his knees. "Matsuda, just keep on working on the case."

Sakura crossed her arms with a sigh, turning to look at L.

"Tell us what?" Mello repeated.

Matsuda ignored what L had said and started bouncing again. "Tellthemtellthemtellthemtelltheemmmm...."

L glanced at Sakura, then at Mello and Matt, who was now curled up on the chair and almost asleep. He then turned to stare at Matsuda. "Matsuda, I asked you to work on the case."

Sakura sighed, tempted to strangle Matsuda.

"Well, if Matsuda's this excited, I want to know what's going on." Mello told them, crossing his arms.

"TELL THEM NOW!!" Matsuda yelled out.

"Matsuda," L said, his voice less quiet now. "We haven't got time to waste. You need to work." Matt groaned, opening his eyes and sitting up. "I agree with Mello. Even if I hate him."

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