Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Light was still drunk as ever. "That's great, Misa..." he trailed off, hiccuping.

Mello groaned, frowning.

Matsuda followed after Matt and Mello to the elevator.

Misa frowned after him, before trailing after the group and yelling at the sober people "What did you do to my Light?!"

Light dragged after Misa, obviously still grieving over his spider.

Matsuda tilted his head. "I din't do nuthinnnn," he slurred.

Mello snorted. "He drank shot after shot at the club we went to earlier~"

"You just want to get Light drunk so he's not as smart as you all the time! Even though I know nothing about you!" She said, taking Loght's hand and glaring.

"N-no," Matt said, suddenly stammering. "Ryuuzaki told us to take him" He shuffled on the spot and jammed his hands into his pockets.

"Fun..?" Misa looked blank for a second or two, before her expression turned angry again. "Fun! I know what you guys mean by 'fun'!" She rounded on Matt. "Did he get with any other girls?! If he did, I'll kill them!"

It may not have been an empty threat.

"Mattyyy, this is whyy I told you I wasn't going for any other giirrllllssss..." Light slurred, rubbing his eye.

"I can't believe you took him out!" Misa said, clutching Light's arm to make sure he didn't fall over or run off or anything. "Butit's okay! Misa will help Light! Come on, you're going to bed!"

"Uh...he can't go to bed yet," Matt said, his cheeks burning red. "Ryuuzaki wants to talk to him or something." He stared at the floor, still shuffling on the spot.

Misa threw her hands into the air exasperatedly. She was not happy. At all. "Ohhhh, what now?! He probably just wants us to wait so he can watch us asleep! The pervert!"

"'s...uh..." Matt shrugged, watching the elevator doors open again. "I don't know. He just wants to talk to him." He darted out into the main room, thankful to be leaving the cramped elevator.

"Well he'd better hurry up and do it then! I did not fly all the way back here to see Ryuzaki! I came back for my Light!" Misa told Matt, dragging Light out of the elevator.

(I can't remember if Misa has the shinigami eyes right now... She traded them again when she got her memories back, didn't she?)

"Hello, Misa," L said, not turning around when he heard everyone walk in. "I thought you were supposed to be in America for another two months."

Matt walked over to the sofa and sat down, already pulling his DS out.

(I can't remember x.o)

(I think she traded with Ryuk...)

"Well, yeah! That was the plan!" Misa smiled before turning stern. "But they wanted Misa to do things with another boy! But Misa has a boyfriend!"

"Isn't that acting, though?" L asked, spinning his chair around so he was staring at Misa. "I'm sure Light wouldn't mind you kissing someone else if you were acting."

Misa frowned, still clutching Light's arm. "Of course it's acting! But Light might get jealous, and anyway, Light is the only one for Misa!" She flopped onto a sofa, pulling Light with her.

L continued to stare at Misa, hugging his legs to his chest. "Most teenage girls would do anything for a chance to kiss Ryuuga Hideki, correct?" He tilted his head, lifting one hand to his mouth.

"Light is the only one for Misa!" Misa repeated, shuffling awkwardly. She stayed silent for a few moments before suddenly exploding "Ohhhh, will you stop staring at me like that?!"

"Staring at you like what?" L asked, sound ing completely unconcerned. He reached behind him and scooped some icing off the cake, still watching Misa closely.

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