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Dear everyone,

Don't be surprised to see me posting in this old account, I just felt like it. Don't worry, It`s Teri is still my main and I will still chat on that one.


Dear Edward Maya,

I wish you were here in TamaTalk with your own account. I would be very happy to see you.

♥~ Chama

deer jima

jima pls


dear pat lambie

oh my god wat r u doinnnn

pleace recover from your concussion safely ; A ;

-Ella your future wife

Dear crush: I can't even begin to state my situation with you at the moment. I like you so much oh my god ;n; But you don't like me back I think. god i feel like crying now...


But wait... There's no one in the world like you.

Kay I'll go cry my eyes out and die in a hole now

Dear the captain of my netball team,

How about instead of just TELLING us a warm up to do, you join in and actually do it as well! You're just as much a part of the team as the rest of us, so why should you get to not do the warm ups? And when we do that drill where we have to catch the lob passes, and you tell me to jump just because I didn't catch the ball? Guess what? I AM jumping for the ball! And who isn't? oh, that's right! You! You're a hypocrite, and you know what? No-one wants you to be the captain! The only reason you're captain is because no-one else volunteered! So, actually DO SOME WORK and stop being a hypocrite!!!


Dear the girl sharing the same part as me in Performing Arts,

I cal tell you don't want to rehearse. Every rehearsal you say "Teri you do it today because *insert excuse here*" EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Well, if you're not going to rehearse the part, there's no point in you playing the part is there? No, didn't think so. You are supposed to play that part in one of the two performances, and yet I'm the only one rehearsing because you don't want to! Well, if that's the case, maybe I should play the part in both performances instead of just one. Just get your act together and rehearse!


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Dear friend: I can tell this won't turn out well. Talk to him - Try to work a compromise out. Don't do something this drastic.

Dear person who I am not fond of: You can go look for someone else to argue with because I'm not arguing with you over useless things anymore. Things that matter, I will. But things that don't... No. Throw your sticks and stones, but you're not going to break my soul. KTHNXBAI :D

Dear boyfriend of person who I am not fond of: If you are really going to side with her on every argument without considering my opinion at all, you're not a friend to me and you never were. One more time... And I'll tell this to you in person. Jerk.

daer ehlah: so i herd u liek foo fighters. -chaz

Dear ice cream truck outside my house: Shut the furk up.

Dear parents: ...You guys have left me speechless. I can't even BEGIN to vent my frustrations with the two of you at the moment.

Okay I'll do one more and I'll shut up.

Dear friends (the real ones...): You guys are the most awesome friends ever. You guys have stuck by my side all through everything. I can't express how grateful I am towards you guys for making the last few months bearable. You guys can always force a laugh out of me, and I can never stay depressed after being around you guys. You make my life bearable and we can always have some fun together. You guys are the people who make me want to live life. I am always there for any of you if you need me.

daer zekeri

yah ai liek few fitars alut


Dear IRB

Why didn't you punish the English for their actions at last year's World Cup, yet decided to shame Cory Jane for something that can't be proved?

Oh right, you're biased.


Dear The-Unpopular-Opinions



dear kashfyedfiffcnsd;

why did you have to find out i like you?

and then why did you have to show me your abssssss?

please, bruh, no.. its to much for me to handle.

but thanks for the sneek peak anyway ;)

- asdfghjkl

Dear ----: (censored name for privacy purposes): Please stop starting fights and/or debates with me every time I see you. I'm a good debater but debating with you is impossible because you don't have the brains or the capacity to see the other person's point.

Dear mother and father: I love you both very much, don't get me wrong. But sometimes, I want to make this face at you:


Dear moths and spiders and slugs and beetles and worms in my home: You don't pay rent so please get out or I kill you. KTHNXBAI

Dear chat system server restart: Nobody likes you. Go away.

Dear ----: Nobody likes you either. Go away.

Dear Duke: I love you so much, you're my little puppy. But seriously, stop staring at me when I'm eating. It creeps me the furk out.

Dear jasen221: You really need to learn how to talk to people IRL. Also, if you could be a little bit less of a ********, that'd be nice too. Also, if you could stop using your happy cover for everything, that would be lovely. And if you could start to refuse debates when they're with stupid people, that would save you a lot of time and depression as well. And if you could also stop being such a dumb furk when it comes to love, that would get a lot of time put back on your schedule. And if you could also start being nicer. You'd have a lot more people on your side if you did that. Also, please start giving more instead of taking endlessly. Sincerely, jasen221 (does this count as flaming if I'm talking about myself?).

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