J jasen221 Well-known member Joined May 5, 2008 Messages 439 Reaction score 92 Apr 11, 2012 #101 Dear Fer Sure: Lol I wasn't serious. Okay, well, I guess I was a little serious. But mostly joking. I sware. xD
Dear Fer Sure: Lol I wasn't serious. Okay, well, I guess I was a little serious. But mostly joking. I sware. xD
YellowJedi Well-known member Joined Aug 31, 2006 Messages 4,048 Reaction score 12 Location Nowhere Apr 11, 2012 #102 Dear Zach, What plot of Hetalia? It doesn't have one.
Ninjasaurus Rex Well-known member Joined Apr 2, 2012 Messages 48 Reaction score 4 Location Um, somewhere in your house...I got lost playing h Apr 11, 2012 #103 Dear jasen, *swear With trolls, Your favoritest troll friend, NINJASAURUS REX!
J jasen221 Well-known member Joined May 5, 2008 Messages 439 Reaction score 92 Apr 11, 2012 #104 YellowJedi said: Dear Zach, What plot of Hetalia? It doesn't have one. Click to expand... IT'S BASED AFTER THE EVENTS OF WORLD WAR II. Duhhh.
YellowJedi said: Dear Zach, What plot of Hetalia? It doesn't have one. Click to expand... IT'S BASED AFTER THE EVENTS OF WORLD WAR II. Duhhh.
SugaryGoesRAWR Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,978 Reaction score 719 Location nz Apr 11, 2012 #105 Dear Gemma pls. Dear Lucas godd you're so adorablee dfkjgmlfhfh
Ninjasaurus Rex Well-known member Joined Apr 2, 2012 Messages 48 Reaction score 4 Location Um, somewhere in your house...I got lost playing h Apr 11, 2012 #106 Dear sugary, *please Im trolly and I know it, NINJASAURUS REX
SugaryGoesRAWR Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,978 Reaction score 719 Location nz Apr 11, 2012 #107 dear ninjasaurus rex it's a meme. deal with it neenjasawrasrecks pls
Ninjasaurus Rex Well-known member Joined Apr 2, 2012 Messages 48 Reaction score 4 Location Um, somewhere in your house...I got lost playing h Apr 11, 2012 #108 Dear sugawrygosrahr PLS. All in troll, Ninjasaurus Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2012
SugaryGoesRAWR Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,978 Reaction score 719 Location nz Apr 11, 2012 #109 DEAR JASEN LUCAS IS MINE DON'T YOU TAKE HIM OR I WILL KILL YOU WITH A RUSTY SPORK AND FEED YOU TO DOGS
J jasen221 Well-known member Joined May 5, 2008 Messages 439 Reaction score 92 Apr 11, 2012 #110 Dear Ella: ...Not scared. ;u;
Fer Sure Well-known member Joined May 20, 2011 Messages 88 Reaction score 25 Location Te Whanganui A Tara, Aotearoa Apr 11, 2012 #111 Dear Erra
SugaryGoesRAWR Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,978 Reaction score 719 Location nz Apr 11, 2012 #112 Dear Jasen; daer jima;
I It`s Teri Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,817 Reaction score 922 Location memes Apr 12, 2012 #113 Dear Formspring, The old questions and answers... so much memories! ~Teri Dear Ella, You had some awesome answers on Formspring which I smiled at! Thank you for making me smile. ~Teri
Dear Formspring, The old questions and answers... so much memories! ~Teri Dear Ella, You had some awesome answers on Formspring which I smiled at! Thank you for making me smile. ~Teri
kuchipatchi.is.blue55 Well-known member Joined Nov 24, 2011 Messages 1,543 Reaction score 318 Apr 12, 2012 #114 Dear TT: LET ME RATE THIS TOPIC THAT I WANT TO RATE!!!!! AND SAVE MY VOTE!! Me. >:U
Cave Johnson Well-known member Joined Aug 9, 2011 Messages 146 Reaction score 190 Location The Mystery Machine Apr 12, 2012 #115 deer ealla wil stufe u up badtiem regarts - caev
The Ultimate Doomer Well-known member Joined Jan 28, 2012 Messages 718 Reaction score 308 Location somewhere Apr 13, 2012 #116 Dear Cave Johnson, Your spelling test is overdue. Why haven't you finished your homework? Where's your essay on Barack Obama? Please hand in your work so I can grade it. - Your Teacher
Dear Cave Johnson, Your spelling test is overdue. Why haven't you finished your homework? Where's your essay on Barack Obama? Please hand in your work so I can grade it. - Your Teacher
SugaryGoesRAWR Well-known member Joined Feb 26, 2010 Messages 1,978 Reaction score 719 Location nz Apr 13, 2012 #117 Dear Jasen; Dear Teri; daer caev;
Fer Sure Well-known member Joined May 20, 2011 Messages 88 Reaction score 25 Location Te Whanganui A Tara, Aotearoa Apr 14, 2012 #118 Dear Erra... ONHONHONHON~
J jasen221 Well-known member Joined May 5, 2008 Messages 439 Reaction score 92 Apr 14, 2012 #119 Dear anyone: asdf.
Orandatchi Well-known member Joined Jun 15, 2011 Messages 1,359 Reaction score 138 Location Why do you want to stalk me Apr 14, 2012 #120 Dear Today, Why did you have to be short? Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2012