Alone in Darkness


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Still thinking about it xD. All I know is he's going to be bad.

Damien nodded, not knowing where to go.

Okay xD How about for Rain to fit in, we say he hung around with Scarlett and Damien as well but he, IDEK, got voted onto the council or something (I remember him saying they were friends) which is part of the reason why Damien started giving the council hell? IDEK xD

"Where was it you lived? Then again, I guess you travelled around a lot..."

Sounds good...

"Yeah, I traveled a lot. But I guess we should just find some place to settle down that the council would never suspect..."

"Does such a place exist?" Faylinn asked, giving a nervous laugh. "If it does, that sounds brilliant."

"Same..." Faylinn sighed, resting her head on Damien's shoulder.

Scarlett had been holed up in her and Rain's - her - room for goodness knows how long, half upset, half absolutly fuming. Well, maybe a little more than half angry.

Damien smiled slightly, and teleported them away to a random town.

"Oh cheer up." A boy said, standing behind Scarlett.

...And now we need a name.

Faylinn glanced around. "Where are we?"

"Oh, shut up." Scarlett snapped, spinning around to face the boy.


"I have no idea." Damien admitted.

"Rain was weak, there's no loss. As for Damien... we'll deal with him soon." The boy said.


"Oh, okay. Care to go find out?"

"He was not weak!" Scarlett growled, making a small noise at Damien's name. "And believe me, I intend to. Slowly and painfully."

Lol, I got a name.

Damien nodded, and looked around. It seemed like a small town, there wasn't much of interest here.

Atmos just frowned. "Rain was weak, you don't have to deny it. But Damien we need to punish differently. We can't kill him, he'll just come back."

"Huh... looks rather dull." Faylinn shrugged. "Still, I guess dull is good if we're trying to hide?"

"Don't you think I've already LEARNT THAT?!" Scarlett shouted, before pausing and taking a deep breath. "I just want to make sure he's not going to come back into my life. Once and for all."

"Yeah, it's perfect in that sense." Damien said.

Atmos frowned, and put his hands on her shoulders. "Damien won't bother you ever again. You'll be treated the way should be, like a queen. You won't be treated as some pet who just get's on someone's nerves like Rain did."

Being called Rain's pet tipped Scarlett over the edge, and she punched Atmos square in the face. "Shut UP!"

Atmos remained unphased. "Still in denial? He didn't care about you. You were his pet, only using you to do things he didn't want to do himself."

Scarlett hesistated, but only for a moment, not saying anything as she stepped forwards to punch Atmos again, this time in the stomach.

Scarlett tried to pull her fist away. "Get. Off. Me. Did you have any particular reason for coming in here or did you just want to provoke me?"

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