Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?


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I agree with that. a d is what my mum wears. I think trying to grow up isnt physical. i'd rather see someone mentally mature than physically mature. I'm 13 and only a A and only just got my period on christmas day 2007. I dont want to try to be what im not and dont like people who are fake. it doesnt impress anyone.....l

I think it's more of the parents' fault then the media. True, the media does expose these somewhat sexual to young children, but it's the parents chioce whether they want their children to see them. What's wrong with most parents these days? When I was younger, my parents would have never let dress and act like a skank. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup until I was in the sixth grade and only lip gloss and blush. I was only allowed to wear makeup to parties. I wasn't allowed eyeshadow until I was in the tenth grade and eyeliner until twefth. I was never allowed to wear make up everyday becasue my parents thought it was bratty. There was also some modesty rules. I was not allowed clothes that didn't cover my stomach and my skirts and shorts must cover at least half my thighs. I wasn't allowed deep necks without an undershirt and my shirts must cover my armpits, sleeveless shirts were were only allowed as undershirts. I also wasn't allowed to dye my hair. Why don't most parents set simalar rules for their kids just to prevent them from becoming drop-out preggies by the time their fifteeen?


muaha, I wear dark makeup on a daily basis. But I think i get more immature every day. I like to bang on stuff with my knives at fancy resteraunts and use knives as 'hands'. hahaha, resteraunt people give me dirty looks. Knives are cool.
the end.
uh... right... hehehehehe :lol:

I remember when I was a little girl, all of my friends wore dresses and played with dolls and teddy bears. These days, I see little girls wearing baggy clothes, eyeliner, and using cell phones. It's just not right. :furawatchi:

Thats sad, spypeep T_T

Fake, toy cellphones to play "Mall" are fun!...Real ones for real mall are not T_T

Bratz dolls commercials are banned in England. Females in England have been blessed, I belive.

i saw a girl wearing a bra in third gradeshe was 7

Was it a training bra? The age is a bit young I agree, but I think it would look a lot freakier if the kid as wearing a true bra with underwiring and all LOL.

nope i take life by the horns and im gonna enjoy the jorney...

nuff said

Wearing mascara and eyeliner to basketball is just a bad idea.

If you sweat a lot, it might run all over your face D:

You have to get used to people wearing bras.

Kids in 6th grade were stuffing 'cause they couldn't fit into theirs at my school. >.>

It's so dumb.

Ugh. I hate people who try to grow up too fast...luckily, me and my group of about five or so other girls I hang out with aren't like that. We just have fun and be kids. I know girls at my school who act like complete's their choice... =/ I wish I WASN'T growing up physically. I hate that I have to wear a bra at age 11. I'm still not really sure if that's normal or not, because no one else I know wears one yet, except for the popular girls. I hope people don't start to think I'm trying to be skanky. :lol: Eeesh...embarrassing.

I'm 20, and I started having to wear a bra at age 11 too. All I have to say on that topic is wear it if you have to. Don't force yourself to because you think its cool. I can assure you, When you turn 20 and you go bra shopping you will be tired and stressed. I'm a b-34 and when I go shopping, I can find 2 bras that say they are b-34 but they both fit very differently. Basically, They are a hassle to shop for, there annoying in the summer, and some days you will wish you were young again...Back when you weren't obligated to wear a bra.

Stay young and have fun. Sure there are some successes in life to look forward to, Like getting a career, getting married, maybe having kids, and having your own place. But there are also some downfalls. Like not knowing what career you want and feeling like you will never decide, relationship troubles, dirty diapers, and bills.

Calm down, Slow down, and your time to shine will come when it is supposed to.

There is a reason you don't grow ****s in the second grade.

To keep child pervs away from you, and because your body is no where near close enough to child bearing.

I was a preteen once, and I remember wanting to look younger than I actually was.

Wearing a bra was embarrasing.

Especially that one time when I hugged my uncle.

"Developing, aren't you, dear?" he said. o_O

That was bad. I don't remember liking that.

I developed at age 9, and that was embarrasing for me.

It's so different for everybody.

Like some girls are trying to grow up fast, and others want to slow it down.

People that think that eyeliner, bras and clothing are going to make them seem older should calm down and wait for when the time comes, and it will.

What's the point of trying to look older when your not?

It's so great being young.

Enjoy being bra-less, period-free while you can.

Those girls will experience it soon enough.

Makeup is an extra hassle that young girls shoudn't worry about in my opinion.

Keep it natural. It's so much easier, and young girls are never expected to wear makeup.

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I completely agree. I'm one of those girls who gets period cramps so bad I can hardly walk...For the first day i ball my eyes out and curl into the fetal position. As for make up..For the last few weeks Iv stopped putting on eyeliner ( which is all I wore) and it has been so nice to rub my eyes when I need to! lol

Stay young...Your only young once so enjoy it!

I've wanted to grow a little faster (only a little) and am excited for each birthday (except this one strangely) but haven't really forced myself into more mature clothes and such. That's for when I'm more mature and have a taste in what I wear!

As far as I know no kids in my school are doing those types of things. But then again, I'm not a girl, so I can't really tell. I'm clueless when it comes to most girls in my school.

I've wanted to grow a little faster (only a little) and am excited for each birthday (except this one strangely) but haven't really forced myself into more mature clothes and such. That's for when I'm more mature and have a taste in what I wear!As far as I know no kids in my school are doing those types of things. But then again, I'm not a girl, so I can't really tell. I'm clueless when it comes to most girls in my school.
You will get better, I promise =P

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