Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?


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I'm in year 7 (grade 6), but loads of girls in my form wear make up to school. I don't see the point in it. It's very noticeable, too. I's like dark eyes, tons of mascara, and eyeliner! The only time I wear make up is to parties, and I wear subtle make up then.

Yah people like that are WAY in over their head! I know this girl and she's always wearing overloads of makeup and is alwayz like "every boy likez me" or "all guyz chek me out!" And she's twelve! blech it's disGUSTING!
Yes, theres this girl in my class who i used to be best friends with. She turned 12 about 2 months ago and now she's got a side frindge and just because of that she thinks she's so great and that all the guys like her. Its really wrong. Honestly, the only thing she keeps on blabbing on about is how pretty she is and how many guys like her. Its soooooo annoying!! In fact, i think she's acting this way because i used to be her best friend and now we've sorta split up. She never had any other friends and now she just wants to become ''popular''. People kust start hating her cuz of it. And she says she wears an E cup!! I didnt even know theres such thing!!!!!!!! Anyways, i know how u feel..

At my basketball, there are girls that wear mascara and eyeliner to practice. Why do that? They put loads on, too. They also wear tanktops that show the many bras they are wearing. They don't have ****s. Why wear a bra when you don't have any sign of ****s?

Same with my little sisters friends.. They are eleven.. But they go "I wear a Dcup now!"

Um, do they know what a D cup is? They are flat, and pull their bra strings down under their t-shirt sleeves.

Maybe I am just jealous that they got their period before mine, and brag about it..

I think these kids want to grow up too fast!
That is only a certain group of girls. It's usually the same girls that get pregnant in highschool.

I girl in one of my classes actually stuffs her ****s.

It's disgusting.

It's there mistake. When they're between 35-45 years old, they'll look back and be majorly kicking themselves for it.

And that's their problem. -shrugs-

Childhood is kinda like virginity- an innocense, and once you loose it, you can't get it back. Hang onto it as long as you can, because chances are you'll regret it later.

That is only a certain group of girls. It's usually the same girls that get pregnant in highschool.
I girl in one of my classes actually stuffs her ****s.

It's disgusting.
There's this group of girls in my homeroom. It all started with one girl, and she actually forced her friends to do everything she does. Now, all of them stuffs their bras x.x

Plus, half the girls in my school wear makeup. Im fine with a little bit of lipstick or eyeliner, but they go WAY over the top. One girl wears so much makeup on a daily basis that she looks like a clown x.x

I plan on staying with my childhood for as long as I can. Of coarse, maturity is a different matter.

Stuffing is pretty stupid. When you do you become know as that chick that stuffs her bra.

This girl named Shelby stuffed in middle school and though she doesn't do it any more if someone is talking about a Shelby, to specify they ask "the girl that stuffed her bra Shelby?" Pretty embarrassing. :)

I found out on two accounts.

1) In the locker room. Please, DON'T ask me why I was looking there, because I don't even know the answer to that. And no, Im not Lesbian. It just didn't look......right.....

2) (This is where everyone in my gym class found out) We were playing Volleyball. She dived to get the ball and a bunch of toilet paper fell out from her shirt.

I kinda feel bad for her...

At my basketball, there are girls that wear mascara and eyeliner to practice. Why do that? They put loads on, too. They also wear tanktops that show the many bras they are wearing. They don't have ****s. Why wear a bra when you don't have any sign of ****s?

Same with my little sisters friends.. They are eleven.. But they go "I wear a Dcup now!"

Um, do they know what a D cup is? They are flat, and pull their bra strings down under their t-shirt sleeves.

Maybe I am just jealous that they got their period before mine, and brag about it..

I think these kids want to grow up too fast!
They wish they had D cups! Geez I hate little girls who are like that. That just shows how much of a little girl they are. They don't have any. And I bet you they're not fooling anyone. Older guys KNOW that they're probably faking. In fact, knowing guys as well as I do, I bet they KNOW they're faking. They think they can get away with that stuff but they're not that smart. Guys don't fall for crap like that. if they do, they WILL find out they're faking, dump them, then tell all their guys friends and pretty soon the whole school will know they're fake.

I found out on two accounts.
1) In the locker room. Please, DON'T ask me why I was looking there, because I don't even know the answer to that. And no, Im not Lesbian. It just didn't look......right.....

2) (This is where everyone in my gym class found out) We were playing Volleyball. She dived to get the ball and a bunch of toilet paper fell out from her shirt.

I kinda feel bad for her...
Woah! Now that's embarassing. What did everybody do?

And where were you looking? ****s? Or "down there"? Whatever you were looking at doesn't make you lesbian.

Yes, theres this girl in my class who i used to be best friends with. She turned 12 about 2 months ago and now she's got a side frindge and just because of that she thinks she's so great and that all the guys like her. Its really wrong. Honestly, the only thing she keeps on blabbing on about is how pretty she is and how many guys like her. Its soooooo annoying!! In fact, i think she's acting this way because i used to be her best friend and now we've sorta split up. She never had any other friends and now she just wants to become ''popular''. People kust start hating her cuz of it. And she says she wears an E cup!! I didnt even know theres such thing!!!!!!!! Anyways, i know how u feel..
If she wore an E cup you would definately know it. Do you know how big E cup is?

I know >_> . I know some kid who's like, 5 and she wears short tops, minskirts and even swears! She said this to me once: "[F word] you, Camelle! You're such a mean [b word]!You're so [F-ing] cheap you won't even buy me [s-word] . Hell, you are [s-word]. Quit being a [W-word] an go buy me some cigarettes!" Then I was all like "You're too young to smoke. They won't let a 5 year old buy cigarettes! It's illegal!' And then she said "That's what my [F-word]ing mean parents said! You're just as big a [b-word] as they are!! Go [F-word] yourself, [A-word]hole!" Every sentence this girl says has at least one swear word in it! She even said a sentence consisting of only the F word! She also stuffs tissue in her chest and says it's "cleavage"! She also has a "boyfriend"! Guess what? Her parents don't even care their daughter is a mini Paris Hilton! She says she does this because it makes her feel like a grown up! Is this what will become of America's kids?! I sure hope not!
Wooah man. Now THAT would p*s me off! I would cuss that little girl out. I would cuss her out until she cried like a big baby. Then took aht tissues out of her shirt and say "This is not ****ies! You don't have any so get used to it!"

I have a bad temper... so yeah I would cuss her out. :furawatchi:

I heard puberty is starting to become more sped up due to processed foods and obesity. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure.
I could agree to that, half of America is obese because of fast food, and candy and all of these holidays. I am lucky, I am one of those naturally skinny girls, a vegetarian, and I promised myself, I would never get like that. :D

Girls do try to grow up to fast, just stop yourself from doing it, and you'll be considered the smart ones.

I do wear make up now, but I only wear it to experiment with what suits me.

Being a kid sucks, and so we want to grow up. Yes, I wear a bra. Yes, I wear make up, but who cares? No one takes you seriosly when you're a kid, so you want to grow up.

*post edited* Learn the rules of respect here at TT please. Just because you censor a bad word doesn't mean it's acceptable to be so nasty. I think you need to grow up yourself my dear :lol: - TigerLily013

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I went to the mall yesterday and say these two little girls wearing Hollister shirts and eyeliner. xD

Oh my God. I hate it when little girls do that!!!! I mean I wear some makeup but not a LOAD. and I'm 13 and a half.

Luckily, my sister is a normal 10 year old that never wants to be older. But I've seen 3 year olds wearing bikinis!!! And I have a friend who turned 13 in September, she thinks she is 20 and knows everything about guys and that all guys love her O.O it's SO annoying. She brags about her ****s all the time. She says they are SO huge but they're actually small! And she shows me her bras and they are all lacey and skimpy! At age 5 she had a boyfriend! I am older then her and she says I have never been in love (how does she know?), that she knows everything about s*x (o_O) and dating, and that I am growing up really slowly, and basically saying she is the epitome of maturity and I'm the epitome of immaturity. And she's really flaky on top of being annoying. And the worst thing is, she is SO popular, and all my other friends think she is god, so I can't stop being her friend or they'll hate me. >.<

Anyway, yes, enjoy your childhood. I really wish mine lasted longer....

and I remember once I was in Lasenza girl with my 10 year old sister and I saw a 4 year old girl grab a bra and say to her mom "look! a little girl bra!" and her mom was all "Put that back :( :eek: " XD

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I never buy bras that are larger then my chest. And as for Maskara, I have naturlly dark eye lashes and I just curl them. But I do wear bras and a little make-up, but like concieler and lip gloss. I also wear deodorant and clean and clear. But not like I'm 5 and trying

I know this nine year lod who talks about boy+girl "stuff", and wears like b cups to school and a thong!!

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That is only a certain group of girls. It's usually the same girls that get pregnant in highschool.
I girl in one of my classes actually stuffs her ****s.

It's disgusting.
Okay, My BFF's mom had her at 16, but for like 10 years she lived with her super young grandma. at age 20 here mom had an other baby and she had like d cups in middle school, trust me, I know. My friend knows told me, I didnt belive her so then sh showed me pics

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