Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?


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Here's a rebuttel (sp?):
Girls are also developing/maturing alot younger than they used to*..which could also be an indication of either premature development, or too much worldly influence.

Good point. This is true how girls go through younger times when puberty starts. Around here it's usually as young as 9-10 and that's how young it goes in most cases.

What I was referring to more I'd see girls not even in grade 2 yet wearing skimpy clothes and trying to be things that they are not. Back when I was that young you wouldn't see girls dressing like some do now. It's just mindblowing.

But even at 9 or 10, puberty or not, doesn't mean the girl has to drop her whole childhood behind, put on some skimpy stuff, cake on the make up and like boys immediately if not sooner. If it's gonna happen they should at least wait like I had to until high school to realize you don't NEED any of that stuff.

By the time I hit grade 9 aka high school, I honestly didn't wanna put on make up on anymore. I was the minority at the time, but I've noticed on here lots of younger females on here who rather enjoy life and let their growing up happen on their own instead of speeding it up with adult "behaviours" which I say kudos to them!

Stupid young girls.... I don't stuff my B-cup with 10000 tissues to make me look like a DD-cup. People just grow-up at different times.


Having you period is NOT fun at all, its alot of responablity you have to have pads and stuff. I only put on Blush as makeup. I'm turning 13 this year in Dec. Sure I have crushes but I don't wanna have [SIZE=8pt]sex I feel like I want a boyfriend but i'm too young. [/SIZE]

I heard puberty is starting to become more sped up due to processed foods and obesity. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure.

Honestly, I'm scared to grow up. My last year of middle school is going by WAY too fast. What if that's how fast my whole life will go by? I can't see how any kid would want to grow up faster than they already are.

I think that's why I've been so camera obsessed in the past 2 years. I don't want to forget anything I've lived through so far. Gosh I'm scared..

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This reminds me of something that made me very sad:

I was serving food at a basketball game (long story) and a group of nine-ish girls came up to the counter to order candy. One of the girls was wearing a tight-fitting shirt with skulls on it and lots of pink eyeshadow. I am older than nine by far, and I wasn't wearing any makeup!

There's nothing wrong with growing up, but don't try to grow up faster than you need to. I'm not a little kid or even a kid, but I can still act like one! :marumimitchi:

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It is quite annoying when little kids try to pretend their older. Soon they'll snap out of it and get back to reality.

It's kind of weird, but I'm not in too much of a hurry to grow up. I still am like a child even though I'm months away from being 13.

I'm twelve and yes I wear goth make-up but I don't do it REEEEALLY thick like a brat or something, I just cover up the rosy cheeks which doesn't take much because they're not that rosy now and put on eye liner and dark lipstick, but I'm twelve, not like...six or something. I mean I saw this five year old wearing all goth clothes and make-up and swearing in every sentence, also she'd dyed her hair dark red, like DYED it, not sprayed it. JEEZ I'M NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO DYE MY HAIR!!! I wish these kids would act their age rather than wrecking their childhood by acting about sixteen and dreaming about starting their period (seriously, it's not cool and grown-up, it's embarrasing and painful. I'm having it right now pretty heavy like my body's commited suicide. I don't know why people look foward to it.)

I wish parents would dicipline their kids more rather than letting them get mobiles and dress like s****.

pft, i didn't start dressing up like a teen till like last summer. make up and fashion were not my thing till now. :eek: in grade 4, girls were already wearing bras and they were like FLAT. xD

it's sad watching little girls pretty much raping their childhood trying act like teens. little 6 year olds DON'T need cellphones, they're with their mums and dads like all the time right? :p it's things like bratz and media that i believe influences them to act like they do, but their parents are also to blame. like Missbehave said, these kids need discipline or they'll be pregnant at 10. :furawatchi:

I don't see the point in dressing like you're a teenager when you're just a kid. I think you should value your childhood instead of ruin it! I mean come on, the skimpy clothes and make up? I find that truly disgusting. The only time I'm allowed to wear make up is at dance recitals, for goodness sake! Parents should have a better sense of what's appropriate and what's not.

To be honest, I'm a little bit scared to grow up. I like being the age I am now. I have fun being a kid. I don't like wearing skimpy clothes and make up. Being a kid is good sometimes!

pft, i didn't start dressing up like a teen till like last summer. make up and fashion were not my thing till now. :eek: in grade 4, girls were already wearing bras and they were like FLAT. xD
it's sad watching little girls pretty much raping their childhood trying act like teens. little 6 year olds DON'T need cellphones, they're with their mums and dads like all the time right? :rolleyes: it's things like bratz and media that i believe influences them to act like they do, but their parents are also to blame. like Missbehave said, these kids need discipline or they'll be pregnant at 10. :(
Jamie Lynn = perfect example for the bolded part.

Sure, she's a young actress like Cole/Dylan, Miley, Jonas bros, and thats fine! all young people look up to starts thinking "Wow, I wanna be famous like them one day..."

But she's not married and is pregnant at age 16. To be honest, her sister was more stable longer than her. atleast Brit fell around when she was married, and she's over 30 I think...could be wrong, I dont know how old Britney is.

on topic...

yeah, growing up to fast...whew, typed out everything I needed to say above D:

I'm pretty close to be a teen 3 more years and I'm in fifth grade and two boys in my class says"Arn't you too old to play pokemon?" and one of my friends is older them me he's 11 and he plays pokemon,sure I sometimes wear my sister's clothes but that my accident cause I have to share a rom with her and share a closet and stuff with her and she's 19 and I can fit her clothes but thats only because sometimes I'm doing something else so my grandma or mom has to put it away and I talking about when my sister leaves some of her clothes at home when she goes back to her collage,So I think kids so stop acting like teenagers Cause haveing to wear teenager clothes Ain't fun.

Some girls actually asked why I didn't wear a bra! How about I don't have a reason to. There some people I swear are even flatter chested than I am that wear bras. For goodness sake. One girl asked what...wait for it...colour my bra was and I said I didin't wear one. When she heard that she said "Don't your ****s move about?" I said no and I wanted to add why would they I barely have a chest worth supporting with a bra! I couldn't believe she wanted to know what colour it was! Like that's her business. My friend was shocked too.

I've always been mature but when it comes to things like make up the first thing I always notice is they look sluty. Short skirts, make up and insisting on doing my hair once (though I managed to stop her).

Once there was a guy I liked when I was little and there have always been little crushes but the dating scene has always seemed ridiculous. One girl in my class saw two guys at once that were older than her as well. Not that I hadanything against the age but it always seems odd in school because you know people in your own year better.

ST :chohimetchi:

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[SIZE=14pt]Yeah, more younger kids these days need to learn that they should enjoy their childhood first, instead of rushing into adulthood. Or in their case, skank-a-de-skank, skank, skank hood...o_O" lawl~[/SIZE]


But it is THERE choice. If they want to wear bras they don't need, it's up to them. O-O"

dont try to grow up fast seriously im more *developed* then other girls in my class and it sucks let me repeat that SUCKS and im only 11 ( i hate it so much) enjoy it well you can~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sure am trying to grow up too fast. I am always pushing the rules with my parents, and getting everything my 4 year and 2 year older sisters get. I wish I could stop but it's hard when you are the youngest girl and don't have very many friends. =[

pft, i didn't start dressing up like a teen till like last summer. make up and fashion were not my thing till now. :eek: in grade 4, girls were already wearing bras and they were like FLAT. xD
it's sad watching little girls pretty much raping their childhood trying act like teens. little 6 year olds DON'T need cellphones, they're with their mums and dads like all the time right? ;) it's things like bratz and media that i believe influences them to act like they do, but their parents are also to blame. like Missbehave said, these kids need discipline or they'll be pregnant at 10. ;)
But isn't it okay to wear, lyk, a training bra or something when your in grade 4? I did (even thought I looked like a five year old) and mostly everybody did. Then by fifth or sixth grade, poof. Everyone's wearing cups. 0_o

And I don't dress like a teen, or anything for that matter. I throw on Rocketdogs and jeans and a tamktop under some random shirt. I guess that looks *teen*, but I don't think so.

Guys,you DID comfort me! ;)

I take modelling classes,and all of the girls are exactly born in the year I was born... They have a grown-up posture,have their periods,have ****s and stuff,unlike me.Well,I have a teen posture,but I don't have my period...I look like a child.I do wear make up all the time,and I wear teen clothes,but not like a (I don't think it's a good word to say)

I sure am trying to grow up too fast. I am always pushing the rules with my parents, and getting everything my 4 year and 2 year older sisters get. I wish I could stop but it's hard when you are the youngest girl and don't have very many friends. =[
That doesn't make much sense.

If you want to stop pretending to be older than you are, then there's noone to stop you and it's not going to harm anyone. I'm sensing your reasoning as one of those "I can quit anytime I choose" times when really you wouldn't stop.

Point is its your decision, not a friend's or parent's...although if I was your parent and you were pushing boundaries you'd get consequences for that. Everyone's entitled to independence to a degree as a kid but being difficult with your parents isn't a sign of growing up, it's the opposite imho.

Anyway probably rambled there lol.

Well... This is kinda weird, but my two sisters are almost my only real friends. I can't just stop hanging out with them. They are fun and usually nice, and so I kinda am always with them and their friends.

they can do what they want,but remember u only get to be a kid once

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well, about basketball, i play too.

yeah, i wear eyeliner and mascara to practice, but my practices are weekday evenings. the makeup's leftover from school.

i wear 'emo' style makeup or whatever people label that as. i like eyeliner. black eyeshadow looks pretty on me. my eyelashs are lond and thin. [my friend calls them spidery xD] so i wear mascara for thickness, or whatever you call that.

most people say i'm fourteen. i'm in 7th grade.

my friend wore a bra when she was 4 couse she saw one on a barbie o_O

you can do what you want. it's your childhood- your life. don't let bra-wearing 4-year-olds stop that.

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