Actually TRYING to grow up too fast?


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In the past, man has wished for future. In the future, man will wish for the past.

Don't blame them, its a mental thing to want what one does not have, and at the time, it sounds fabulous, but when you get it in reality, its not so fabulous. [This applies to alot of things. Not everybody.]

[SIZE=15pt]S[/SIZE] OMEONE sounds a little bit jealous. :p
Whatever, let them do what they want.
Don't let it affect you.

I know >_> . I know some kid who's like, 5 and she wears short tops, minskirts and even swears! She said this to me once: "[F word] you, Camelle! You're such a mean [b word]!You're so [F-ing] cheap you won't even buy me [s-word] . Hell, you are [s-word]. Quit being a [W-word] an go buy me some cigarettes!" Then I was all like "You're too young to smoke. They won't let a 5 year old buy cigarettes! It's illegal!' And then she said "That's what my [F-word]ing mean parents said! You're just as big a [b-word] as they are!! Go [F-word] yourself, [A-word]hole!" Every sentence this girl says has at least one swear word in it! She even said a sentence consisting of only the F word! She also stuffs tissue in her chest and says it's "cleavage"! She also has a "boyfriend"! Guess what? Her parents don't even care their daughter is a mini Paris Hilton! She says she does this because it makes her feel like a grown up! Is this what will become of America's kids?! I sure hope not!


To be honest, I am 14 in three months and I have only worn make up twice. I had to because of a school musical my school had and we performed it twice ;)

I don't really care about make up and boyfriends and what not. I never grew up with Bratz dolls or even Barbie for that matter. I hated them. I ripped their heads off and threw them over the fence :p

Yes, a lot of girls are growing up too quickly these days. This generation wasn't exactly brought up the best :nazotchi: I know people who got their first boyfriend (though I wouldn't call it that) in grade 4. Thats ridiculous!

I think parents need to take responsibility for what their child is wearing or doing. It is just plain silly to have a boyfriend or girlfriend when you are 9. Just so... ick. I wasn't even thinking about guys 'that way' when I was that age.

And 0o-Chocola-o0, one of my friends' parents met and started going out in grade 6, and are now married. You never know when true love will find you.

I know >_> . I know some kid who's like, 5 and she wears short tops, minskirts and even swears! She said this to me once: "[F word] you, Camelle! You're such a mean [b word]!You're so [F-ing] cheap you won't even buy me [s-word] .  Hell, you are [s-word]. Quit being a [W-word] an go buy me some cigarettes!"  Then I was all like "You're too young to smoke. They won't let a 5 year old buy cigarettes! It's illegal!'  And then she said "That's what my [F-word]ing mean parents said! You're just as big a [b-word] as they are!!  Go [F-word] yourself, [A-word]hole!"  Every sentence this girl says has at least one swear word in it! She even said a sentence consisting of only the F word!  She also stuffs tissue in her chest and says it's "cleavage"! She also has a "boyfriend"! Guess what? Her parents don't even care their daughter is a mini Paris Hilton!  She says she does this because it makes her feel like a grown up! Is this what will become of America's kids?! I sure hope not!
Okay, that child has some serious issues. O.O

Can we apply rehab to a five year old, do you think?

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Okay, that child has some serious issues. O.O
Can we apply rehab to a five year old, do you think?
.....May-be. xD

5 year olds who do that, If they act like little prostitutes, swear and wear skimpy outfits.......


Sorry, I just get so frustrated when kids do that. >.< It boils my brains out. Go to Japan and wear those outfits, Airport customs will think you a prostitute sent from a pimp and people will look at you strangely.

Send 5 year olds to rehab. Bettah, Much Bettah. xD


At my basketball, there are girls that wear mascara and eyeliner to practice. Why do that? They put loads on, too. They also wear tanktops that show the many bras they are wearing. They don't have ****s. Why wear a bra when you don't have any sign of ****s?

Same with my little sisters friends.. They are eleven.. But they go "I wear a Dcup now!"

Um, do they know what a D cup is? They are flat, and pull their bra strings down under their t-shirt sleeves.

Maybe I am just jealous that they got their period before mine, and brag about it..

I think these kids want to grow up too fast!
Thats crazy. 0_0 If I were their parents, I'd knock some sense into them. Why would they wear makeup on a daily basis? If they were going out, then, sure. But every day...

What has become of this generation? Alot of the females are dressing up like sluts and the men are turning into perverts. Not all, that is, there still are some great guys and gals out there.

Santagotchi, thats crazy. When I was five, I loved to watch Barney, play with Raggedy Anne dolls, and wear my favourite yellow jumper. Not wear skimpy things and swear, then act like a ****. It makes me sad, this generation.

Period is not a happy thing.

Don't be jealous, be proud.

Hey, all of you saying, "I mean, she's 10 and saying that it's true love, does she even know what it is?!" Guess what, so am I and I have it, ok? So *removed* when you think of saying that love has an age. Love hasn't. People meet in pre-school, become a couple in primary and get married later, is that wrong? If you think so, ask your parents when they met, ask all the adults you know. Then, you'll see.

Anyway, when i was 5 I was mature, but, putting it to productive use, not swearing and wearing miniskirts, heck, that's probably when I was making my barbies whack their heads off. I learned that, if you act like your age, and properly, you'll become better than those *removed*.

* edit : TamaMum *

Please try to curb your language when posting your opinion. All replies should be polite and respectful as per site rules

I would like to say, I am sorry, and for the first removed thing, could I say, "So, think twice" And for the second, "Those mini-monsters"?

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**says sarcasticly**Trying to grow up too fast? Nooooooo!!!!!

yah, i have this friend, Nicole. she wears 2 bras and she likes to feel her chest and show it off. its flat acception of the area she stuffs X(.

im not jealouse. why should i be jealouse of a girl who stuffs her bra and has already gone through lets see.....umm....2? no.....5? yah. a girl whos gone throguh 5 boyfriends. did i meantion shes 10?

She cant even spell cute right! she spells it like cut!

shes already dating, already going to the movies by herself, stuffing her bra, and already wearing make-up. i mean real makeup. mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick, blush. makeup. and 5 inch heels. oh, did i mention she swears freely?

not to mention she only 'dates' these boys because they are 'cute'.


--ttly agree. some people are trying to grow up too fast!

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muaha, I wear dark makeup on a daily basis. But I think i get more immature every day. I like to bang on stuff with my knives at fancy resteraunts and use knives as 'hands'. hahaha, resteraunt people give me dirty looks. Knives are cool.

the end.

My Mum thinks im to imature (sp?)

because my mum always says holly don't act like a 2 year old

and im 10!!

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To everyone who replied to what I said: Yeah. Her aunt did take her to a Psychologist and she is now in therapy. She's a little better now, however she still dresses like a **** and she says a swear word in every second sentence now. Oh and by the way, call me Camelle ;) .


Little kids that don't understand the whole growing up thing really pi** me off. I mean, I have my period and girls younger than me just talk about it so freely it's almost sickening.

I am not flat-as-a-wall, but I am small.

I suggest you just ignore their stupido acts, and just wait until it's your turn to bloom.

Oh, and BTW: I wear makeup [SIZE=14pt] all [/SIZE] the time, and it's no biggie! Makeup's fun, as long as you don't look clownish...but I'm not an athletic girl, so, problem solved. XD

Oh, and BTW: I wear makeup [SIZE=14pt] all [/SIZE] the time, and it's no biggie! Makeup's fun, as long as you don't look clownish...but I'm not an athletic girl, so, problem solved. XD

Makeup IS fun.

I wear it occasionally.

I'm 13 & people reckon it's stupid when I post my opinions. ^_^

But I reckon you should give them a fair go, no matter what age.

That made NO sense.

Let's just pretend it did.

I actually had a rule my mom set growing up that I couldn't wear make up until high school, or certain situations like special occasion like halloween or some other dress up thing like that. Looking back on that rule now I can understand why she enforced that rule. I see girls younger than me putting on make up ytounger and younger...the media really influences these young ladies to act more like a woman when they don't need to be.

I actually had a rule my mom set growing up that I couldn't wear make up until high school, or certain situations like special occasion like halloween or some other dress up thing like that. Looking back on that rule now I can understand why she enforced that rule. I see girls younger than me putting on make up ytounger and younger...the media really influences these young ladies to act more like a woman when they don't need to be. mum wouldn't let me wear it until erm..8th grade?

I also wasn't allowed to wear tank tops or shorts shorter than my knees until I was about 12..

But now I really detest short-shorts, and how they make girls look (older than they are) -well, you know.

Here's a rebuttel (sp?):

Girls are also developing/maturing alot younger than they used to*..which could also be an indication of either premature development, or too much worldly influence.


I'm quite immature. I also have small breasts. I remember when I was in 5th grade. Girls used to stuff toilet paper in their bras. Some still do today. Those kids should cherish their childhood. I still am in mine (In my family you are still considered a kid until 18). I remember my mom giving me limitations, Such as No dating until you are 13, Don't wear makeup...and some other stuff I am not able to post here (You can guess).


Love has no age. But, at the age of 10 you aren't so mature to really know what you want. Your childhood comes once in a life time, Being mature is not what they think it is. You get harder homework, School becomes more serious, You also have to go through something every month. My little sister was criticizing me because I wanted to take her Trick or Treating last Halloween, Saying it is for babies. She is 9 years old. I also look older than I am, So people go "Aren't you too old to be doing this?" That always pi**ed me off when I was a kid. I like being a kid. But you ignore should Silly things those little girls do.



I don't agree with kids growing up too fast and acting like adults, they only have one chance in their entire lives to run around, be silly, play with dolls and get muddy and they just waste it! They must really regret it when they're older

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