Yeah, it's the father's choice too. That's a great point you're making there. It's the couple's descision what they want to do. If they're
still a couple. -meep-
Ughh. Not the Holocaust. D: It always makes me cry. It's something that I find very moving. I do see your point there.
On these kinds of subjects, I just like to stay open-minded and kinda... well, out of them. I don't usually fight for things one way or whatever. I do what I feel is right but don't try to push anyone else.
I do see where you're coming from tw/p. Wonderful points you're making. You could probably be a lawyer or something someday, as you're making it harder for me to stay where I am on the subject. I keep wanting to say that I'm completely against abortion, though I'm not.
Hm. You make an excellent point..
I think abortion is fair...I mean,think about those teenage pregnancies. What if, the girl cannot afford a house,crib or anything? Then what?
And if you were raped, I guess you could either have an abortion or put it up for adoption...
But I don't say abortion is "So great, every woman should jump on the band wagon".
I'm just saying, its an option, but an option frowned apon by many.
But in justice of my own gender, women should have the
choice.Not the public's choice.
Is the public carrying this baby? No. I mean, if you don't have any problems w/ family, your husband[Or boyfriend] or your current state[As in stress]...Sure, have the baby, as long as you have time to take care of it or hire a nanny.
"But I think that women who go out and get crazy and become pregnant XP and want an abortion can't, they should suffer the consequences."
I see your trying to make a point, but any woman can have an abortion, even if she was raped or just wanted to have sex.
And not ALL women are crazy and become pregnant. Some will have protected sex with their boyfriend/husband...And they get pregnant. How do you call that crazy? That was accidental. And i'm not trying to sound rude, I'm just making a point, as you are.
But, I sort of disagree with the whole post you posted. Why should women who were raped only have an abortion? How fair is that? What if a teenage girl cannot afford anything for her baby? Theres always a " What if " in life, not everything will go as planned or wanted.
100% agreed.