Abortion: Your view on it


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Ooh! That's tough!

My moms co-worker moved to Canada, so she could have 4 children.

Forced Abortion in my opinion is wrong.

What if YOU were that second child.

Even not givin the chance to live for a legit. reason.

I think abortion is fine.

Anyone has the right to not give up their life to raise a child or be labeled a '****' for being pregant. In this society people are so judgemental and have various rude names for young pregant girls.

And also for people who don't want kids or to carry around a child just to adopt it out.

Abortion is not murder and the child is too young to even know what happened.

Abortion is a good thing for rape victims who fall pregant. If I were pregant with a rape child I wouldn't bear the thought of carrying a rapists child.

But if the pregant girls mother wanted her to abort it but she wanted to keep the child then it should be the pregnant girls decision as it is her body and her child.

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Hmm...After thinking about this more. I do agree in some cases that woman should have the choice to an abortion...

But I'm highly against it.

For example, if a woman/man carelessly doesn't use protection during sex.

Why should the baby have to die because of this couples mistake. >_>

Even when you DO use a condom/birth pills(Or even both) and you still get pregnant I still find it's the couples fault.

Everyone knows that if you have sex. Your bound to get pregnant.

Everyone SHOULD know that condoms or pills are never 100% so theres always a 1-5% chance of actually getting pregnant.

@_@"...So the couple should still take the reasponsiblity of caring for this child.

And if they can't care for this child. They'll have to give him/her up for the time being. @_@


Now...If the mother is like 14 years or younger...Then yes. A think an abortion would be the only choice.

Due to the fact that the girl hasn't fully matured, and she could possiable die from giving birth.

If having this child will kill the mother then having an abortion is understandable.

If your raped, then alright. I can understand it. But I don't advise it. >_>"


Ugh...And I also hate it when people consider the baby "The mothers body"

In my opinion it's a whole new body being formed. >__>

Yes the mother "Owns" the baby, but it's not like the mother is growing a new leg or something...

It's something much more emotional and special then that.

If the mother wishes to abort her child. Then so be it. Dx

But whatever you people may say...It's still a baby no matter how small it is. And I value it the same.


But I suppose the mother does have the right to do whatever she pleases with her own baby.

Even if that may be death. DX


Oh noes. D:

It's the woman's choice. It's her body and her life.

I'm pro-choice.

However, if Abortion was outlawed, you would have way too many mothers trying to abort the baby themselves; which isn't always clean or safe.

Ooh! That's tough!My moms co-worker moved to Canada, so she could have 4 children.

Forced Abortion in my opinion is wrong.

What if YOU were that second child.

Even not givin the chance to live for a legit. reason.
I think a lot of mothers in china would agree with you there (for those who decide to things differently). Another episode I watched of that chinese documentary and such followed a young boy who was in middle school who was raised by a group home owned by the government because the mother left him there because she already had one child and couldn't bare to go through the whole forced abortion thing either. So his parents are out there, but he'll never meet them chances are.

So far he's been doing fairly well and does really well in school. He's one of the lucky ones being taken in by a decent facility. Most orphaned children are not as lucky as him.

Actually, now I actually have a personal experience with abortion and no, I wasn't pregnant.

My soon to be ex-step-sister is thirteen and she got pregnant but had an abortion. Tell me, would you have aborteded it? I know I would have.

Actually, now I actually have a personal experience with abortion and no, I wasn't pregnant.
My soon to be ex-step-sister is thirteen and she got pregnant but had an abortion. Tell me, would you have aborteded it? I know I would have.
If I was 13 yes.

A young girl isn't mentally,emotionally, or financially ready for a baby. Some girls/women die from giving birth. Dx

And a personal experience means it happened to you. Just wanted to clear that up.

I think that abortion is a bit of a cruel thing to do, but I cannot change other people's choices.

But, if the woman's situation is the kind that would call for this kind of thing to happen, I guess it just has to. I mean, if she just isn't ready or healthy enough, I think it would be okay.

^_^ I'm very pro-choice. There are a lot of people in this world with mental problems and stuff from being born into families that don't want their children. There are some children that are born deformed by women trying to abort the baby themselves. Is this really fair to the child? Should you really have a child just to throw it's life into the wind? Even a child born a genius without proper care will never reach their full potential. My father is very smart but has never done anything with his life because he feels sad about being adopted. My mom's parents yelled at her so much that she can't even behave as an adult much anymore. I couldn't wish this on any person... I don't want my children to grow up like that or like I did.

Some people abuse the system. People will find a way to abuse any system but is it right to take away someone's right to choose their own destiny? Like it or not, that person is in charge of the baby's destiny in some way or other and the baby affects theirs too. People who would abort given the choice are probably going to do it anyway, or kill themselves.

Personally I don't know if I would abort or not. I might not because I genuinely do want to have children with my fiancé. We've been together four years without a hint of accident and are just as careful as the first time. Sex is a natural thing adults do. In ancient times, sure, if you got pregnant you wanted to keep that baby because you don't even know if any of your babies will survive long enough to have its own babies. People also started having children at thirteen (check out how old Juliet is when people are trying to marry her off in Romeo and Juliet). We've evolved far enough to say that, hey thirteen-year-olds don't need to be having babies, but we can't evolve far enough to say, hey if you're gonna have a baby there's a good chance it'll survive long enough to be a member of society so make it count? :D

Seriously though, this whole thing is about having the choice out there. Not everyone will use it, you'll just have the option, you don't have to agree with it. Just like having the option to get a tattoo or not, just like having the option to get **** implants or not, just like having the option to get a sex change or not, now there will be a choice and it's not an easy one. There is nothing wrong with a choice, only with the chosen path. Don't hate choice, hate what people choose.

<_< I'm very pro-choice. There are a lot of people in this world with mental problems and stuff from being born into families that don't want their children. There are some children that are born deformed by women trying to abort the baby themselves. Is this really fair to the child? Should you really have a child just to throw it's life into the wind? Even a child born a genius without proper care will never reach their full potential. My father is very smart but has never done anything with his life because he feels sad about being adopted. My mom's parents yelled at her so much that she can't even behave as an adult much anymore. I couldn't wish this on any person... I don't want my children to grow up like that or like I did.
Some people abuse the system. People will find a way to abuse any system but is it right to take away someone's right to choose their own destiny? Like it or not, that person is in charge of the baby's destiny in some way or other and the baby affects theirs too. People who would abort given the choice are probably going to do it anyway, or kill themselves.

Personally I don't know if I would abort or not. I might not because I genuinely do want to have children with my fiancé. We've been together four years without a hint of accident and are just as careful as the first time. Sex is a natural thing adults do. In ancient times, sure, if you got pregnant you wanted to keep that baby because you don't even know if any of your babies will survive long enough to have its own babies. People also started having children at thirteen (check out how old Juliet is when people are trying to marry her off in Romeo and Juliet). We've evolved far enough to say that, hey thirteen-year-olds don't need to be having babies, but we can't evolve far enough to say, hey if you're gonna have a baby there's a good chance it'll survive long enough to be a member of society so make it count? :(

Seriously though, this whole thing is about having the choice out there. Not everyone will use it, you'll just have the option, you don't have to agree with it. Just like having the option to get a tattoo or not, just like having the option to get **** implants or not, just like having the option to get a sex change or not, now there will be a choice and it's not an easy one. There is nothing wrong with a choice, only with the chosen path. Don't hate choice, hate what people choose.

Maybe you'll have hard time when your 20+ carrying a baby. Once you have a abortion, you can't reverse it, same as a sex change or a plastic surgery.

Childern can be a blessing or a curse, it'll be a blessing if you have a nice husband,and a good job, and it will be a curse if you have a bad job, and a bad boyfriend/husband...

I'm not implying that its good if your married, its your choice, not mine.. It would just be better because then you guys can support each other.

I couldn't say abortion is great or bad. It depends on the problem...Is it a wealthy,20+ year old woman, who's in a stable relationship and healthy and ready for this baby? Or is it a 13 year old girl, isn't as wealthy...Middle class to say, and her boyfriend doesn't want the baby and not as mentally,physically,emotionally or fiancially ready?? That 20 year old lady, whom is wealthy, and is in a good relationship should have the baby. She's also healthy enough. But that 13 year old girl should have an abortion...NOW. I'm not saying ALL 13 year olds should have abortions, It depends. It wouldn't be fair for that girl having to miss school right for a baby she doesn't want to take care of? Maybe she could become a doctor or something nice.


Otherwise, from abortion,I think adoption is a nicer option that doesn't get people mad/upset.



Maybe you'll have hard time when your 20+ carrying a baby. Once you have a abortion, you can't reverse it, same as a sex change or a plastic surgery.

Childern can be a blessing or a curse, it'll be a blessing if you have a nice husband,and a good job, and it will be a curse if you have a bad job, and a bad boyfriend/husband...

I'm not implying that its good if your married, its your choice, not mine.. It would just be better because then you guys can support each other.

I couldn't say abortion is great or bad. It depends on the problem...Is it a wealthy,20+ year old woman, who's in a stable relationship and healthy and ready for this baby? Or is it a 13 year old girl, isn't as wealthy...Middle class to say, and her boyfriend doesn't want the baby and not as mentally,physically,emotionally or fiancially ready?? That 20 year old lady, whom is wealthy, and is in a good relationship should have the baby. She's also healthy enough. But that 13 year old girl should have an abortion...NOW. I'm not saying ALL 13 year olds should have abortions, It depends. It wouldn't be fair for that girl having to miss school right for a baby she doesn't want to take care of? Maybe she could become a doctor or something nice.


Otherwise, from abortion,I think adoption is a nicer option that doesn't get people mad/upset.


I'd say that plastic surgery isn't very reversible... once you take, say your ****s out... they're not really ****s... once you change your nose... you'll never have your old nose back.... I hate people that get plastic surgery just because, I think people are beautiful just the way they are... but I won't try and pass a law that says they can't do that.

One could say that if you didn't want an abortion you could just get pregnant again... :( it's not like you can't. You as a person will never be the same again... but you can still have another baby.... You can't get your nose back, you can't get the baby you were gonna have back... You can kinda reverse it. <_<

Why do I always sound like a jerk?

One can never tell from the outside whether a person is ready to have a baby or not. Who knows? Maybe that thirteen-year-old is totally ready for the responsibility or ready to take responsibility for her actions. Maybe that 20-year-old seems wealthy but is using all the money she has for college and having the baby now means dropping out and never reaching her dreams.

Personal feelings aside, should we choose the destiny for these people? We don't know what they are going through. We don't know what problems they go through on a daily basis. We can't say that adoption is a good option because the truth is adoption isn't a fun and happy thing. Not all children get adopted. I wouldn't want to grow up with a foster family, I had a step family that treated me bad enough. My dad was adopted and he kinda just sucks at life. My mom's family adopted tons and tons of foster kids and all my mom tells me about is how mentally abused these kids were. Does that seem like a nicer option? Just because it doesn't rock the boat? That's like saying that segregation was a nicer option because then all the racists wouldn't get angry.

Giving people a choice doesn't mean they have to choose it. Not giving people the choice enforces your beliefs onto someone else.

Exactly. There's a chance, and we have a choice to stop it.
Put yourself in a 12 year old girl's position. Normal life, normal friends, normal family, maybe a boyfriend, normal schooling, etc. Then one day you are raped. I wouldn't be able to deal with that!! I'd recover over time, but not if I knew I would have to go through childbirth, and raising a child when I was still a child myself. After the stress and emotional harm of rape, childbirth is the last thing you need! Especially when you're giving birth to a child you did not choose to have and may not even love.

Girls should have the choice. It's their life, their bodies, their choice.
[sorry to pull from the second page but in my week of tests and such, I couldn't come on, lol.]

I can say honestly that I would have the baby simply because I believe just that - this "thing" growing inside is a baby. Not just a blob of tissue but a human and I believe that even though the situation is tough, a person is a person and their right of life should never be taken away.

Again, the baby may be IN the body but it's not theirs to decided to kill or not.

But what about a baby that has already been born? Maybe the baby has some sort of mental handicap and after a week or two the mother decides it is too hard, she's too poor, and their life would 'suck anyway' - based on that sort of reasoning, why is this any different? The child is young and obviously won't remember [because they are dead..] and he or she is still totally dependant on the mother.

What are the main reasons for having an abortion? The unwanted factor, the disabled factor, the poverty factor - if those are some of the main reasons for having an abortion, why will it stop just for abortion?

Homeless people could be "unwanted". Some of the happiest people I have ever met have some sort of mental or physical handicap and I have been blessed just by meeting them but they need assistance. People who suffer and need help monetarily aren't killed either. They're living now but if it was a painless injection, how would they know the difference if they're dead? If we can kill our own children then who really cares?

Maybe it sounds far-fetched, but is it really? If a. it causes no pain to them and b. just gets rid of the problem of dependence, why not?

Oh my gosh. Guys, whatever you do, DON'T SEARCH ABORTION ON GOOGLE IMAGES!

The photos are disturbing. The first one, of an 8 week abortion is of like a 3 inch baby with a little skinny body and a head that isn't even attached anymore in a guy's hand.

Oh wow, you know how I said I was pro choice? Well, forget that. That is just crazy. It's like a cruel murder! Oh wow...

Oh my gosh. Guys, whatever you do, DON'T SEARCH ABORTION ON GOOGLE IMAGES!The photos are disturbing. The first one, of an 8 week abortion is of like a 3 inch baby with a little skinny body and a head that isn't even attached anymore in a guy's hand.

Oh wow, you know how I said I was pro choice? Well, forget that. That is just crazy. It's like a cruel murder! Oh wow...
Yeah.. abortion isn't pretty.

I mean, you can see a body even at the early stages of pregnancy. It's not just a simple blob.

Ooh! That's tough!My moms co-worker moved to Canada, so she could have 4 children.

Forced Abortion in my opinion is wrong.

What if YOU were that second child.

Even not givin the chance to live for a legit. reason.
China's having that law all for the better of the future.

If you guys reckon abortion is cruel, what about eating steak and chicken nuggets and all that? Have you ever considered them that they were life forms too? I mean, a living animal is much more sentient than an embryo inside a human womb. And if you are going to argue back that humans are supposed to be the highest form of life that even a tiny embryo is worth much more than many sheep or cattle, just imagine yourself as a poor animal about to be murdered.

I'll re-post my view:

Also, another reason why I am Pro-Choice focuses on the big picture of the farther future of our world.The human race is growing by hundreds of thousands everyday.

Originally, the natural process of the food chain keeps all lives of the world in balance. But since humans took control over the Earth, that natural process had been broken.

And the increasing of human population actually harms the environment.

If traffic jams are not enough, let me tell you: there would be an increase of need of energy, many of them forms of pollution.

Poverty issues will also arise. That is one of the reasons for the 'one child per family' policy in China, where abortion is required by law if the family already has a child.

Scientists predict from the rate of the growth of human population everyday, that in less than 100 years, the average area occupied by every person on Earth would be less than the size of an A4 paper. Not to mention how squashed all those other creatures will be.

The truth is that, while we, the almighty human race thrives, the other creatures on the planet we share are dying. And I guess you should well and truly understand the fact that the Earth doesn't just belong to us.
Sorry if you don't get this at all. One of the main reasons why I'm not in the school debating team with the rest of my friends :D

If you guys reckon abortion is cruel, what about eating steak and chicken nuggets and all that? Have you ever considered them that they were life forms too? I mean, a living animal is much more sentient than an embryo inside a human womb. And if you are going to argue back that humans are supposed to be the highest form of life that even a tiny embryo is worth much more than many sheep or cattle, just imagine yourself as a poor animal about to be murdered.
If your not a vegetarian and are pro-life then are you saying a unborn life is more important than a life lived then killed??

I agree with you TamaSweetie

If your not a vegetarian and are pro-life then are you saying a unborn life is more important than a life lived then killed??
I agree with you TamaSweetie
I third that!

I am a vegetarian and I am pro-choice.

I just think that everyone should be able to choose what they want to do with themselves.

Don't like abortions?

Don't get one.


You don't need to attempt to dictate everyone else's life.

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