Abortion: Your view on it


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If a girl was raped and got pregnant then I would not find anything wrong with her getting an abortion. But if she wasn't raped and she got pregnant then I wouldn't think it would be right to get an abortion. If she doesn't want it then she could at least have somebody adopt it then get an abortion.

Exactly. There's a chance, and we have a choice to stop it.
Put yourself in a 12 year old girl's position. Normal life, normal friends, normal family, maybe a boyfriend, normal schooling, etc. Then one day you are raped. I wouldn't be able to deal with that!! I'd recover over time, but not if I knew I would have to go through childbirth, and raising a child when I was still a child myself. After the stress and emotional harm of rape, childbirth is the last thing you need! Especially when you're giving birth to a child you did not choose to have and may not even love.

Girls should have the choice. It's their life, their bodies, their choice.
Exactly. Even though theres a chance of surviving, it is slim. I'd rather have an abortion than maybe die...:/

I'm in the middle D:

Like literally in the dead middle.

I don't quite know how to wrap my head around the subject yet.

Pro-Choice because:

  • If there is a high risk that both the parent and child were to die in the birth, I would say go for it. After all, you can't bring life into the world if you're dead, and if the baby is probably going to die anyway, I would probably save myself.
  • If medical abortions were outlawed, people would probably either birth the baby, then kill it, or go back to back alley abortions and self abortions --- I can find some sites on these if you wish --- Both of these methods being more brutal to the mother and the child, both.
  • If the baby is a baby of incest and/or is certainly going to be seriously deformed (I mean like . . . seriously), that could cause the child's life to be really messed up, and will probably shorten the life span by several years. Children of two family members can really be messed up, and I don't think I would want to live like that.

Pro-Life because:

  • If the baby is completely healthy, the woman should birth the baby, and if she really decides she doesn't want it, she can put it up for adoption. I agree that a woman should be able to do what she wants to her body, but the baby isn't actually part of her body. It's a completely different life, a life of its own, and I do believe it's murder in this case. Taking a wonderful human being and ending it's life is sick.
  • Unless it was rape, it was usually the mothers fault. The baby shouldn't have to suffer because the mother decided to be irresponsible. One night stand, unprotected sex, I don't care, it's still the mothers fault (if you can call it a fault) that they got pregnant, and they should have the baby and give it up for adoption.
  • In other words, if you're just throwing away the baby because you don't want it, get over it, have the baby, give it up for adoption --- or raise it, I don't care at this point --- but don't murder it and don't take it's light out of this world.

Well. . . I guess I could call myself pro-life because I'm not really for the mother choosing so that would make me non pro-choice, but I think that in some situations it should be acceptable.

I don't know D:

I'm in the middle D:Like literally in the dead middle.

I don't quite know how to wrap my head around the subject yet.

Pro-Choice because:

  • If there is a high risk that both the parent and child were to die in the birth, I would say go for it. After all, you can't bring life into the world if you're dead, and if the baby is probably going to die anyway, I would probably save myself.
  • If medical abortions were outlawed, people would probably either birth the baby, then kill it, or go back to back alley abortions and self abortions --- I can find some sites on these if you wish --- Both of these methods being more brutal to the mother and the child, both.
  • If the baby is a baby of incest and/or is certainly going to be seriously deformed (I mean like . . . seriously), that could cause the child's life to be really messed up, and will probably shorten the life span by several years. Children of two family members can really be messed up, and I don't think I would want to live like that.
Pro-Life because:

  • If the baby is completely healthy, the woman should birth the baby, and if she really decides she doesn't want it, she can put it up for adoption. I agree that a woman should be able to do what she wants to her body, but the baby isn't actually part of her body. It's a completely different life, a life of its own, and I do believe it's murder in this case. Taking a wonderful human being and ending it's life is sick.
  • Unless it was rape, it was usually the mothers fault. The baby shouldn't have to suffer because the mother decided to be irresponsible. One night stand, unprotected sex, I don't care, it's still the mothers fault (if you can call it a fault) that they got pregnant, and they should have the baby and give it up for adoption.
  • In other words, if you're just throwing away the baby because you don't want it, get over it, have the baby, give it up for adoption --- or raise it, I don't care at this point --- but don't murder it and don't take it's light out of this world.
Well. . . I guess I could call myself pro-life because I'm not really for the mother choosing so that would make me non pro-choice, but I think that in some situations it should be acceptable.

I don't know D:

I couldn't have said it better myself!

I do consider myself pro-life though.

I see several members trying to decide if they are "pro-life" or "pro-choice".

I see some members say that they are pro-life, unless someone is (for example) raped.

I see some members say that even a baby conceived by a rape has a right to life.

So I wondered if anyone has decided on a specific definition of what pro-life or pro-choice actually means?

Does pro-life mean that every human has a right to life, whatever their stage of development / life?

Does pro-life mean no abortion under any circumstances because every life is precious?

Does pro-life means no euthanasia under any circumstances because every life should be prolonged no matter how degraded or degenerate the body has become?

If the answer is no to any of these questions then I don't understand how anyone can suggest that they are pro-life.

I know there are horror stories about abortions performed in a cruel and inappropriate way and it is terrible. But no abortions under any circumstances?

To say you are pro-choice does not mean you are anti-life.

Rather it suggests that you do not support the idea that no foetus should be aborted under any circumstances.

It also means you would like the law to allow you the right to make the decision for yourself.

I find abortion..sad. But even if the United States made it illegal people would still do it. For example, It was illegal at a time but girls who got pregnant went to people to have the baby killed but instead got themselves killed too. If the woman was raped i guess its alright because most likely, the child will end up in a foster home and wondering who their father is. But if you did it to yourself and you get an abortion, your being really selfish. Your killing a person, actually your killing a baby that did nothing to do and is most innocent. Your killing someone that wants to live just like you do. Well i dont hate, hate abortion but i dont like it either :l

I'm Pro-Choice. Having a child is a BIG event, and it can turn your life around. Imagine that you are the girl who wrote this letter asking for help:

Abortion-my only logical resort
I never thought this would happen to me. I've only had sex two times, and the second time I engage in sexual intercourse-I become pregnant. Lovely, just honestly ... lovely.

I have everything going for me: I'm an Honors student with a 4.0 average, I am going to be attending Yale Univeristy ... in oh a mere 10 months.

Having an abortion is going to be a huge mental process for me. I was initially entirely against it; no questions asked. I cannot stand the thought of a unborn fetus being essentially vacuumed out of my uterus. Even taking the abortion pill into consideration entails the same dramatic effect on me. Looking at my little brother every day makes me hysterically cry. But, I know, in regard to my consistently "clean" reputation, this what I have to do.

Not because this is what I want to do, but because I sincerely must make this as if it never happened.

If anyone has every gone through this, please offer any advice you can give me or emotional tips to help me gain a clear mind set. For, my mind is currently in a "million directions" and I am beyond mentally disoriented.

I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet[crossthat.] However, I will soon just for the sake of doing it. But, I emcompass a very well comprehension of the female anatomy and the bodily processes of the gender. I have a thorough understanding of implantation, ovulation, menstruation, etc. When I found out, it was solely by light pink spotting when urination would occur, and I would feel this slight tugging and pulling sensation taking place in my lower abdomen. It then became truly evident to me that I was pregnant.

I'm going to the city, two hours away, to meet with this well-known doctor who specializes in abortions. I spoke with him via phone and felt as if I could trust him.

Contradicting my morals is of such difficulty for me. I could never even fathom others having abortions-but myself?

The only people who know are my best friend and, of course, my boyfriend. They are both completely supportive of me. Living in the Newyork state, I do not have to have parental consent to go through with the abortion. I will expect a little baby bump at the most. However, it's winter so I am not expected to wear tight, scarce clothing-thank god.

But, again, please give any advice and tips.

It would be very appreciated, thank you.

I'll most likely post pictures if anyone cares

to know what I'll look like going through the 4 weeks.

It's going to be so weird feeling all of this.

I always have to pee, I cry all of the time,

constantly have headaches and feel nauseated.

Not mention two cartons of icecream a day.
I can totally empathise with the pain she's going through.

my opinion is that abortion should stay legal. some women dont really want kids and some bad things may happen to them (like being sexually assaulted) and especially teens should be able to have abortion.

But thats just my opinion, im not saying that this is right or wrong, but its what i believe is right.

I'm Pro-Choice. Having a child is a BIG event, and it can turn your life around. Imagine that you are the girl who wrote this letter asking for help:

I can totally empathise with the pain she's going through.
That's definitely something to read, that's for sure.

Have you been through this experience before TamaSweetie?

I only ask because you said you empathized with her, which can only be done if someone's been through it themselves.

So I wondered if anyone has decided on a specific definition of what pro-life or pro-choice actually means?
Does pro-life mean that every human has a right to life, whatever their stage of development / life?

Does pro-life mean no abortion under any circumstances because every life is precious?

Does pro-life means no euthanasia under any circumstances because every life should be prolonged no matter how degraded or degenerate the body has become?
Pro-Life and Pro-Choice don't have a real definition.

Someone can call themselves that, and believe something different than another.

You make your own definition.

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice don't have a real definition.Someone can call themselves that, and believe something different than another.

You make your own definition.
Very much so.

I consider myself pro-life, while someone else will call me pro-choice.



illiey12 quote:

my opinion is that abortion should stay legal. Some women don't really want kids, and some bad things may happen to them (like being sexually assaulted) and espically teens should be able to have an abortion

I dissagree, as there are countless cases of date-rape, and other horrible events where adult women are raped.

That's definitely something to read, that's for sure.
Have you been through this experience before TamaSweetie?

I only ask because you said you empathized with her, which can only be done if someone's been through it themselves.
Oh sorry, I meant sympathise :(

Also, another reason why I am Pro-Choice focuses on the big picture of the farther future of our world.

The human race is growing by hundreds of thousands everyday.

Originally, the natural process of the food chain keeps all lives of the world in balance. But since humans took control over the Earth, that natural process had been broken.

And the increasing of human population actually harms the environment.

If traffic jams are not enough, let me tell you: there would be an increase of need of energy, many of them forms of pollution.

Poverty issues will also arise. That is one of the reasons for the 'one child per family' policy in China, where abortion is required by law if the family already has a child.

Scientists predict from the rate of the growth of human population everyday, that in less than 100 years, the average area occupied by every person on Earth would be less than the size of an A4 paper. Not to mention how squashed all those other creatures will be.

The truth is that, while we, the almighty human race thrives, the other creatures on the planet we share are dying. And I guess you should well and truly understand the fact that the Earth doesn't just belong to us.

Sorry if I didn't make my point clear and get the message across. I'm still working on my debating skills :D

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[SIZE=13pt]@_@ Oh boy...An abortion topic...Lets hope things don't get hot in here. Dx[/SIZE]


Anyway...In my opinion...I think a baby deserves to have a chance at life.

Regardless of the fact weither it's not 'techiqually' a baby or not. :/

It's just...Not right. Personally, I just don't find the differance between a baby inside of you, to a baby

thats out of you. ><"

Besides, most woman who do go through an abortion end up going through depression afterwards.

Because they feel guilty for what they have done. D:!

I just find that their are other ways then having to kill another life. >_>

Even if rape is the issue...I still don't think abortion is the right thing.

>_<!! We all deserve a chance to live.

I'm in the middle D:Like literally in the dead middle.

I don't quite know how to wrap my head around the subject yet.

Pro-Choice because:

  • If there is a high risk that both the parent and child were to die in the birth, I would say go for it. After all, you can't bring life into the world if you're dead, and if the baby is probably going to die anyway, I would probably save myself.
  • If medical abortions were outlawed, people would probably either birth the baby, then kill it, or go back to back alley abortions and self abortions --- I can find some sites on these if you wish --- Both of these methods being more brutal to the mother and the child, both.
  • If the baby is a baby of incest and/or is certainly going to be seriously deformed (I mean like . . . seriously), that could cause the child's life to be really messed up, and will probably shorten the life span by several years. Children of two family members can really be messed up, and I don't think I would want to live like that.
Pro-Life because:

  • If the baby is completely healthy, the woman should birth the baby, and if she really decides she doesn't want it, she can put it up for adoption. I agree that a woman should be able to do what she wants to her body, but the baby isn't actually part of her body. It's a completely different life, a life of its own, and I do believe it's murder in this case. Taking a wonderful human being and ending it's life is sick.
  • Unless it was rape, it was usually the mothers fault. The baby shouldn't have to suffer because the mother decided to be irresponsible. One night stand, unprotected sex, I don't care, it's still the mothers fault (if you can call it a fault) that they got pregnant, and they should have the baby and give it up for adoption.
  • In other words, if you're just throwing away the baby because you don't want it, get over it, have the baby, give it up for adoption --- or raise it, I don't care at this point --- but don't murder it and don't take it's light out of this world.
Well. . . I guess I could call myself pro-life because I'm not really for the mother choosing so that would make me non pro-choice, but I think that in some situations it should be acceptable.

I don't know D:
I'm just about the same way. C:

But the main reason I am part Pro-Choice is because I don't want the government controlling our lives and making difficult descisions for us. I just don't think that's right. We should have the right to decide if these kinds of things are the right thing for us or not. You see what I mean? I don't think I'm explaining it very well...

But I'm Pro-Life because I would never have the heart to do that myself. I do believe that personally, and because of my morals, that it is wrong. The baby should have the right to live, no matter what the circumstance, even in rape. Just because you got raped and didn't do anything wrong, doesn't mean they did and need to be punished either.

A lot of the people at my school tomorrow are going through the whole day silent, as in not speaking a single word, in Pro-Life support. The theme fits as in, "4,000 babies a day are permanently silenced," kind of thing, so they're staying silent for a day too. I'm not participating, although I classify myself as Pro-Life, I am not pushing for a government law that outlaws abortion, nor do I want to influence anyone to be against abortion, as I believe that is there choice, and their's alone.

I'm liking the fact this discussion hasn't got flame war crazy this time around so let me ask you guys something for those who are very prolife...

I was watching a documentary on life in China and schooling and such. They were showing this one family with two sons. Now this is pretty uncommon for most chinese families because apparently having the first child, I guess you get put on this list the doctor puts you on and if you tell your doctor you're pregnant a second time around, you get a mandatory abortion.

Obviously the mother of the two sons didn't tell her doctor and had to pay a fine after having the kid but said it was well worth it.

My question is, with China's population being incredibly dense, and knowing how the government over there is...should abortion of the second child still be allowed there? Better yet do you think that forced abortions like that should be allowed? Do you find it acceptable? What are other alternative solutions you can think of besides adoption (which can be quite a burden too since there's so many babies not adopted for a long time there too!) that would help the one-child policy in China?

I'm liking the fact this discussion hasn't got flame war crazy this time around so let me ask you guys something for those who are very prolife...
I was watching a documentary on life in China and schooling and such. They were showing this one family with two sons. Now this is pretty uncommon for most chinese families because apparently having the first child, I guess you get put on this list the doctor puts you on and if you tell your doctor you're pregnant a second time around, you get a mandatory abortion.

Obviously the mother of the two sons didn't tell her doctor and had to pay a fine after having the kid but said it was well worth it.

My question is, with China's population being incredibly dense, and knowing how the government over there is...should abortion of the second child still be allowed there? Better yet do you think that forced abortions like that should be allowed? Do you find it acceptable? What are other alternative solutions you can think of besides adoption (which can be quite a burden too since there's so many babies not adopted for a long time there too!) that would help the one-child policy in China?
I'm not even pro-life and I think that's ridiculous o.o;

The situation there is similar to what people are trying to accomplish here by banning abortion.

While the people in China are being forced to abort, people here are trying to force people NOT to.

Both of which in my eyes are completely wrong. Nobody should be forced to abort or forced to birth and/or keep an unwanted child.

Although I'm against forced abortions, I don't know of another solution to their problem, as I'm against adoption as a whole.

I'm liking the fact this discussion hasn't got flame war crazy this time around so let me ask you guys something for those who are very prolife...
I was watching a documentary on life in China and schooling and such. They were showing this one family with two sons. Now this is pretty uncommon for most chinese families because apparently having the first child, I guess you get put on this list the doctor puts you on and if you tell your doctor you're pregnant a second time around, you get a mandatory abortion.

Obviously the mother of the two sons didn't tell her doctor and had to pay a fine after having the kid but said it was well worth it.

My question is, with China's population being incredibly dense, and knowing how the government over there is...should abortion of the second child still be allowed there? Better yet do you think that forced abortions like that should be allowed? Do you find it acceptable? What are other alternative solutions you can think of besides adoption (which can be quite a burden too since there's so many babies not adopted for a long time there too!) that would help the one-child policy in China?
[SIZE=13pt]Hmm...Why am I not surprised. Dx[/SIZE]


In general though...There really is no other solution then adoption...>.>" If you want the baby to live.

Well...It's either abortion or adoption, or the baby is left on the street.


But of course...If a baby is left in the street...They do get picked up, and put up for adoption. (Like my baby cousin was. Dx)

To be honest...This is the type of questions that you can't give an awnser too.

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[SIZE=13pt]Hmm...Why am I not surprised. Dx 

In general though...There really is no other solution then adoption...>.>" If you want the baby to live.

Well...It's either abortion or adoption, or the baby is left on the street.


But of course...If a baby is left in the street...They do get picked up, and put up for adoption. (Like my baby cousin was. Dx)

To be honest...This is the type of questions that you can't give an awnser too.

I know lol. I figured to ask it since it's in a way harder to answer. Always up for a good discussion if it's actually not a battle field

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