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Well, Christien and Elaina actually aren't on the island anymore. That's kind of what happened over the last pages.

"They all liked you, too. I knew they would, of course, but it makes me happy that they really accepted you already. They're a little sceptical of girlfriends now, you see," Christien told her. "I wouldn't say I've ever been.. Completely off my head with drink. I have the occasional few. But I guess I'm allowed to buy it, so I'm used to it." He nodded and what she said about Suzanne. "I know she does. I care about her, too. But, it's like we said earlier, I'm too close to her. It would be weird. I have eyes only for you."

Yeah...the billions of pages.

"Well, I can imagine. That's good, too; that they're so worried for your emotional safety - it's sweet." Elaina commented, running her thumb over his fingers while she fidgited a bit in the seat. When he'd said he only had eyes for her, she smiled up at him; for some reason, at that moment, noticing how absolutely perfect he was. "Well, I only have eyes for you as well. I love you so much, Christien."

Plenty of 'em :)

"It is nice of them.. I'm so lucky that they're so supportive of me. Because they're protective, but now they know you, and they like you, they know when to let me get on with it." Christien had noticed only after a moment or so that she was looking up at him. When he did, he looked down and just touched her cheek gently. "I love you, too. Nothing will change the way I feel about you."

Soon enough, as it wasn't too far back to the hotel, the taxi pulled up, and Christien helped Elaina out of the car and lead her into the hotel, his fingers tightly entwined with hers.

I don't even remember when we started this xD

Elaina followed him, slightly skipping, yet somehow remaining in-step with him as they made their way to the hotel elevator. "Florentine was an idiot for letting you go." She mumbled, squeezing his hand and lifting her gaze back up to settle on him. "But, I'm glad she did, or else we wouldn't be together. Funny how those things work."

Nope. Me neither :)

Christien nodded, watching her with an expression of fondness on his face at that point in time, while she skipped. He said, "And James was for cheating on you." He pulled her closer to him in the elevator. "Things happen for a reason. And it hurt for a long time when she cheated. But I can safely say that it's.. nearly forgotten now that I have you. I couldn't be a happier man."

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Forever ago! During school. Like, in the middle, I'm sure.

Elaina wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her whole body against him and nuzzling his neck - technically, that wasn't against the rules. "I'll never forget the pain," she whispered quietly, so low that she, herself, could barely hear it, "but I'm honestly glad it happened. Beyond glad. I couldn't love anyone as much as I love you."

Yeah, I think we got bored of the island xD

Christien seemed surprised that she suddenly got a lot closer to him and showed him a different sign of affection from the rest of the day. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked his fingers through her hair. Of course, what he'd said wasn't completely true. He did feel the pain sometimes, he certainly felt the anger, that somebody would do that to him-- and she probably knew that he did, too. But Elaina had numbed it, made it bearable, allowed him to be happy again. "I know I could never take away what he did to you. But I want to make you feel loved again, I hope I can always do that for you." When the doors of the elevator opened, he picked her up in his arms so she could stay close to him, and carried her into their room.

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Oh dear, we're in trouble xD

Oh right, I was going to say that's unusual. I do ):

That still sucks though! Ridiculous.

Christien wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closely against his chest. He was still trying to calm down considerably. There was nothing to say that could do the moment justice, so he just stayed quiet, holding her close. He was amazed at how stunned she'd left him.

Oh my, they removed all of it? Oh dear.

Now, I don't even remember what I said.

nopost/...I dunno what to write xD

Mmkay, I'll get us going again :)

Christien and Elaina had fallen asleep after their long night. They had regained their breath and composure after some while, and then they had talked until sleep tugged at their eyelids too strongly to ignore. Completely enveloping her in his arms, Christien fell asleep and dreamed of nothing but the incredible night he had shared with Elaina, still reeling from it all despite his almost comatose sleeping state. They slept a little later in the morning, understandably extremely tired. Christien's eyes half opened, and then fully once he'd gained a bit more energy. He tried not to move too much at all afterward, so as not to wake the still sleeping Elaina.

Gracias <3

"Mhmph." Elaina quietly protested as Christien moved a bit, rolling onto her side and tightly hugging the end of the covers. She had been partially awake already so it wasn't fair to blame Christien completely. "Good morning." She mumbled to him, her voice still stained with exhaustion. Her golden hair was basically covering the whole pillow and was thruroughly messed up compared to her pristine state earlier.

¡No hay problema ;]

"Bon matin," Christien murmured, smiling tiredly. "Sorry if I woke you up," he added in a whisper, turning over onto his side. He still looked rather tired, in all honesty, though that was hardly surprising after last night. At least he hadn't drunk too much to be completely hungover, though. The thought of having a screaming headache now of all times wasn't a welcoming one.

I missed you! xD lol

Elaina, on the other hand, did have a bit of a stinging hangover; a deep, nestled throbbing sensation continously burning behind her left eye. "You didn't." She responded, her eyes still tightly shut and her back still towards him, she had wanted to say something about how wonderful the previous night had been, or something about how lovely the trip was, but she couldn't seem to conjure the energy.

I miss you, too! <3

And you've caught me on a bad day, feeling rough. Ahh well, I'm happy to see you.

"When did you wake up? You seem tired, maybe you should sleep some more.." Christien murmured softly. His arms, still wrapped around her from when they had finally drifted off, tightened slightly, in order to be closer to her. He was tired, too. Maybe if she slept some more, he would, too.

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