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^Yes, I know what you mean. I'd just be in the hallways at school and start whistling some zelda song and i'd be like 'wait a minute, i'm in school.... this is strange"

Krystal, what fire emblem game do you have?

^ lolol. Sometimes I'll be randomly skipping around the house humming Saria's Song or THE WINDMILL HUT<3

I met someone just before the summer that loves Zelda. But she's really calm and I can't fangirl with her. XD Other than that, my Zelda-loving friends are guys. Meh.

Blazing Sword, and Shadow Dragon. But we can discuss this in PM, no?

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 No way, I have Shadow Dragon omg!
^My only Zelda loving friends are:

My friend Simon, and I just went to a higher grade, meaning I had to switch schools, so he's not in my school :)

and my dad :eek:

Lol, wow, your dad kiro? Lol, I make so many friends by finding out that they play zelda, it's amazing. And actually, they're all girls so we can fangirl together. And actually, none of my guy friends play zelda. Apparently it's all about COD now. xP Oh well.

Oh, really? Well, I haven't gotten into that one yet because after i bought it I had to go to band camp for a week. I'm hoping I can get farther in it this weekend. I need to find the first dungeon again tho, because i never finished it.

Hey, guess what? I found the dungeon again and I finished it! But you have to fight a scaaary dragon. xD Lol, it actually wasn't too hard. You get a triforce piece for beating the dragon, too. Now that I have 4 heart containers, not dying will be a bit easier. It counts how many times you die, which sucks. xP And, plus, the only way to save is to die and then hit save. I even checked a walkthrough to confirm it, there's no other way to save, except if you have it on the NES and have a second controller, but we're talking GBA here, so dying is the only option. Anyway, finding the dungeon and completing it with almost no instruction is strangely satisfying! Only thing they even tell you in the game so far is "It's dangerous to go alone, Take this!" and "Eastmost Peninsula is the secret!" lol, i love the sentences in this game. xD

Hey hey guys. I started writing a Zelda fanfiction. Its completely AU, so it has nothing to do with Zelda actually.

But it uses the characters. ;D

I'm going to have the prologue up on FF tonight, so I'll post the link [lolpun] when I'm done.

Edit: Caretaker

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LINK?! WURR?! lolno. Can't wait to read it, Jae.

Cooool, Pais. xD Scaaary dragon, eh?

Good to see you again, Kenza!

I miss when we used to post in here 23859235 times a day. D:

And then we got yelled at because it was 99% spam. Oh gooooooooooooooood times.

So yeah. My guy friend and I were discussing Zelda at the end of math class, in the hallway on the way to Spanish, and the beginning of Spanish class. We were talking about Majoras Mask and I was complaining how much I suck and I didn't even get to the first save point.

To make things better, we were the only ones talking at the time. xDDDD

Oh no Jae, I already see where this fanfiction of yours is going.... Link x Shiek, Yuki x Kyo... you just want to torture me, don't you?

Yes, Krystal, a scaaary dragon. Note the sarcasm there. xD Anyway, I also beat the second dungeon as of a few days ago maybe and the second boss was even easier! Okay, so the guy said "Dodongo dislikes smoke" okay, so what makes smoke? bombs! so basically i put a bomb in its mouth and stabbed it twice and it was dead. Boom, heart container, triforce. It was that easy. The only difficult part were the massive amounts of snakes in the dungeon that charge at you and caused me to die a few times. And finding the actual dungeon, it was quite difficult to locate.

Oh, i so miss the old days in this topic. When we basically were instant messaging because we were all on at the same time. Lol, this was less of a topic and more of a chat room back then. I mean, what page are we even on now?

EDIT: page 173... wait, i thought we got to 200 already? Whatever.

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I miss when we used to post in here 23859235 times a day. D:
lolyeah :) that was fun xD

Jae, Im reading your fanfiction right now :)

I might start on some of my older Zelda games gain once Ive finished ST.

we should keep posting!!!! keep this topic alive! its been going for almost a year now hasn't it?


Actually Pais, I'm probably not even going to make it Link x Sheik. And if it ever does turn into that, it'll be a bajillion chapters later. It doesn't seem like that type of story right now.

Been a year since what? The Ganondorks thing?


Im debating which Zelda game I should play after I finish my Ocarina rerun.

Yay, good! Then I shall continue reading~

And actually, it's been over a year since this topic started. Let's see if we can make it two years! and we shall rule all of TT! muahahaha!

Skyward Sword shall be amazing! I absolutely adore the art style in this one, and I can't wait! If it's kinda like Wind Waker dungeon/puzzle wise, and with a story somewhat like ocarina, then that would be awesome! I'm not sure if it's going to be anything like that, but i can always hope.

Psh, i never play one zelda game at at time. I still haven't finished MM, I have an unfinished TP file, as well as a WW file started, just finished my OoT rerun, and i'm still working at the original. I like to play new ones, but take breaks with old, more familiar ones so i can refresh my memory of them, and rediscover things that i might have forgotten.

Well, if you're counting games like that:

1 Ocarina rerun.

2 Unfinished TP files

1 Unfinished Spirit Track File

1 Unfinished Phantom Hourglass File

I think I created a file for The Legend of Zelda. Not sure about Link's Adventure. And I attempted to play Majora's Mask, but I never got to the first save point.


I don't think I have ever actually finished a Zelda game :0!

unfinished ST file, unfinished TP files, unfinished OoT file ):

Jae, your fanfiction is really good! keep it up! :)

All of you better finish up some games soon. You get such a sense of accomplishment, however the only ending that i found completely satisfying was the end of ocarina of time. The end to twilight princess was very unsatisfying, same with spirit tracks, the end of wind waker was kinda bitter sweet. So that means I've finished four games. I'm really close to finishing Majora's Mask, i should do that soon. And then theres the first one, which i've just barely started in comparison.

I updated my fic. :3

But finishing a Zelda game is always bitter sweet. When Ocarina ended, I just kind of stared at the THE END screen. It was like......So now what do I do......


I don't know which one to play right now...

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