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I updated my fic. :3
Ill read it now :D

your all waay better than me at Zelda games.

I can never be bothered to stick with one game at a time.

lol yeah a lot of people said that that they didn't like the ending to ST. Guess Ill just have to wait and see :)

9 years of experience. That's why. Lol, i've been playing zelda games since I was only six years old!

I loved the ending to OoT, the only sad thing was that it was over. Other than that it made me want to cry happy tears.

The ending to ST was just.. i don't know. It just didn't seem like we were even talking about zelda anymore. At that point the game had just become something different entirely. We weren't talking about hyrule, the master sword, ganondorf, none of that. I just felt like somewhere throughout the game there would be a reference to something related to hyrule or the previous games, so i was disappointed. The whole game was sorta like that, but i thought in the end it might all kinda fall into place.

EDIT: Oh, Jae, the first chapter of your fanfic is really good! I'm glad you're giving Saria a major role in it, she's probably my favorite female character in the series, besides Malon. And it also makes me want colder weather, I'm sick of summer. Now i really want to keep reading~

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I had Spirit Tracks.



... At least I got $20

^What happened to it? @_@

Anyway, yeah. I loved that ending. It's an ending that makes me want to play the whole thing again so i can see the ending again.

^Oh, okay. Did you finish it? Or did you just not like it? Personally, not one of my favorite Zelda games, but it was fun and amusing while it lasted.

^ I liked it, but unfortunatley I didn't get too far before I sold it. :angry:

Still stuck at:

OoT: Water Temple

ST: Snow Temple

MM: Deku Temple

LoZ: At the start xD

Zelda 2: Also at the start Ughh...NES games...

WW: My GameCube won't read the disc. I have to accept the fact that...it's getting old T_T *sniff* [offtopic] I got it for Christmas when I was 7...I was so happy. It's pretty much MINE. I'm very territorial about it xD I lurve white text :3 [/offtopic]

Mew: why'd you sell it if you weren't done with it? I don't understand...

Kiro: Come on, you can get through the water temple. It's really not that hard, like everyone says it is. How long ago was it that you tried to play that game?

asdfklahs, I played OoT on Saturday. I got deeper into the Water Temple, thanks to my brother. He got me unstuck. xD So I'll probably play it again this weekend if I've got time. : )

Kiro; Pais is right. If you think about what you really need to do in the Water Temple, you can get in and out of there pretty quick. It's a little tough if you don't have the map, though, so that can be your motivation to figure the place out. :3 Cause once you get the map, it isn't all that bad.

Cool, someone backs me up on the water temple subject. Usually everyone says, "eww, it's like the hardest dungeon everrr, how do you like it? I can never get through there" ... I don't get it.

I played MM the other day and got ANOTHER HEART PIECE! So i just need ONE MORE before the moon! I seriously wanna get 100% on this one. If I can get that, then next weekend hopefully I'll finish the game! 8D

The dungeon map, silly! Have you seriously not found it yet? And yes, play it tonight! Play until you finish it, even if it takes you until 3 in the morning! 8D Jk, but seriously, play it. Today.

I need to play Ocarina! I have this flaming passion inside of me that wants to, but I can't until my dad stops watching TV. Oh yes. xD

I need to finish MM so badly! I just friggin need to know where that last heart piece is! D:<<

And I also really want to get to the next dungeon in LoZ. More likely that I will do that today than MM. I save endings of games for special occasions.

^You and, like, everyone else. It was in the Guinness book of world records as the highest reviewed game of all time, and has held the highest reviews on multiple game rating websites for 12 years. (essentially since it was released until now).

Kiro- that's good! Keep going! 8D


1. Ocarina of Time

2. Majoras Mask

3. Oracle of Seasons

4. Twilight Princess

5. Link's Awakening/Link's Awakening Deluxe

Those my friend are my favorites!! BEST ONES EVER!!

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