- when you open the door and expect the key to then dissapear
- when the game crazy people know you by name
- when the tv suddenly spontaniously combusts due to alot of gaming
- when you have perminate gaming calisus on your thumbs
- when you cant read a book for more than five minuets in row
- when you think in side-scrolling manner
- when you expect yourself to say "cover me while i reload" when you refill your airsoft gun
- when people in your classes turn their heads when you walk in because you beat them so bad recently
- when you call people by their names on games
- when you type as fast as me
- when you have memorized the complete sound track on a video game
- when you have found out that you own every item, are the highest combat level, and cannot be killed in a game
- when you think of these like me
- when you can come up with more of these than me
- when you think that jumping on little brown dudes will kill them, then try it
- when you turn off your system and have nightmares about a big turtle with spikes shooting fire balls at you
- when you use sites like these not for what they are ment for, but for finding battles over wifi
- when you use abbriviations (LOL, LVL) in school papers
- wh3n you us3 thr33s inst3ad of Es
all of the above, i probobly have done