Worst Injuries


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I slid down my stairs with a mattress(Fun. Not Smart.) and a 10 foot picture fell on my head @_@. O

That hurt I was knocked out for an hour and so was my cousin she was on the matters with me.

That hurt I was knocked out for an hour and so was my cousin she was on the mattress with me.
Oooh, painful... my head throbs thinking about it.

The only time I've ever fainted or been knocked out was when I was eight. I was up at Copperton park, and I was sliding down one of those two evil metal slides of butt burning doom, which makes sliding down the side of the brick pyramid in the middle of the park look more inviting, when my dad threw a ball up at the top of the slide for me to catch. However, I had already started sliding down, so when dad threw it, it soared over my head, and I looked up. But this was an evil metal slide of butt burning doom, so, clad in my eight-year-old red corduroy overalls, I sped down it like a rocket. So when I looked up and saw the ball flying overhead, I didn't realize that the end was right there and I had to put my feet down.


The next thing I remember I was waking up, sitting in front of the slide, and all the moms at the park were shouting. Dad came over and I cried. I had landed flat on my tailbone and had jammed my spine and passed out for a few minutes. It only felt like a moment to me, but one minute I'm watching a ball, the next I'm crying on the wood chips at the bottom of the slide.

Ironically, that's the same park where I got stung by a dead be in the middle of my left foot.

I've never had a really bad injury. I've gotten eye surgery, but that was because I was going to get cancer or something like that. I had to wear an eye patch. I've fallen like, a million times, and had a few accidents here and there. xD

On Tuesday, my hamster bit me. I have a huge bruise almost covering my entire hand, and it swelled up to double it's size, I put some Gawze (sp?) on it today and everyone thought I broke my wrist or something :mametchi: I put it on so I could play basketball in gym. It was, like, a cm thick. I kept banging it on a wall to show how thick it is.

And when I was 3 or 4, I got stung by a bee because I wanted it to be my friend... :mimitchi:

Thank you for verifying that hockey sticks make great weapons. > :)
That actually reminds me about this one time at goalie camp, when one of the people from England was juggling hockey pucks and one of them fell and hit his head, and he had to get stitches on his eyebrow. xDD
Ow. xD

Owchie. xD.

You guys are accident prone xD.

I accually WANT appenticides (sp?). Or GUILT (too much Trauma Center...so obsessed...).

I'm an odd kid xD.

WELL the worst Ive ever done is flipping an ATV on its nose (WOOT!) and I fell on my face. OW. I THINK i broke a rib or two, but other than that I was fine. I got my finger stuck in a pipe when i was 5 LOL. Ive had a lot of minor accidents, once my back just burned with demented and insane pain like an angry teacher shanked my spine. I fell. I had a 3000 dollar laptop on my back! NOT COOL! :D

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My mum just told me more..

This boy called Aaron we are the same age when we was three we were in out mums work place up the top of the stairs and he pushed me and I got knocked out she couldnt find me for 2 hours because the woman who put us up there went out and there was a stairgate so we couldnt of gone up the staris after I was crying and Aaron hid.

I was little and my dad was across the road so I ran across and there was a car coming it stoped so I only got hit a bit I got back up and my pregnant aunt ran across the road and she fell on her bumb that was 9 years ago

This one didnt happen to me but I thought I'd share I wasnt born my cusion fell off a movie bus. You before the doors colsed we started going and there was alot of people and she got pushed off they thought she was dead but she was knocked out. The bus just drove off :l.

I jumped off the monkey bars trying to fly when I was 4. Atleast it was that recycled tire rubber stuff instead of wood chips or I would of busted my a** o_O

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Well, I never broke a bone, but when I was 5, I fell off the front steps of my house and my face hit the sidewalk and all of my skin on the one side of my face scraped off and I bleeded a lot.

Twisted my ankle, badly

Broke almost all of my fingers in basketball (One was almost a fracture in my hand)

Then tummy flu Dx

Pink eye

and an ear infection

I have three

Once (when I was like 4/5) I had found a railroad spike and was digging with it. I hit my index finger, and it cut it off at the first fold. My dad took me to ER and I had some stiched to get it back on. That similat thing happened to my mutual teacher, but it was on a rail road (chicken) and it cut his left arm off at the elbow!

Now, he had one of those proshetic arms. He can tie a knot though!

Another time(this happened 4 years ago), I was climbing a tree, I had a harness, and I got onto a rather large branch. My rope broke(don't ask me how), and I fell. The half of the rope that was on the tree somehow wrapped aroung my middle finger, and twisted it 360 degrees! It tore all the nerves and ligaments in the process. now, I cant move it that much, and it has no feeling.

EDIT: Don't ask me how I pulled this off, but I was in a play, I had to jump on a table and started break dancing. During a play, I jump up, and the table collapsed. I managed

to jump off, but I tripped on the leg, and I got a concussion.

Also, today, I had just finshed a dance on DDR, and I take a step away from the pad. My brother was working on my computer, and he laid the case on the floor. I stepped on it, and it took a huge chunk out of my toe.

all insidences never really hurt, but with my finger, I can make alot of money on bets (clamping it in the vice in our woods room until it almost closes!).

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Uh, well now that I try to think about my injuries, these are what I come up with:

- This year, my friend was beating me up in the hallway (we were playing=D) and she tried to be the way they are in movies, so she smashed me up against a locker, and the bottom of my knee cut into the sharp metal handle thingy that we use to put our locks on, and it made a huge gouge all down my leg. It hurt but I just looked at it and then kept playing. xD Then later I felt something wet run down my leg, and it was a HUGE glob of blood, running down from my knee into my sock. *shivers* Once I saw it, I fainted because I am queezy over blood. Well you wouldn't really call it "fainting", but I had to lie down on my desk and I remember someone giving me a juice box, and things were sorta blurry but I was still consious. And apparently I was mumbling a lot... there's a pale white scar now, but just a line by my knee

- When I was in senior kindergarden I was going to the bathroom, and I was skipping there when suddenly I tripped on.. uh nothing, and just flew right into the corner of the door, and I split the top of my head on it. So I started screaming and crying and the whole school was like "who the heck is screaming??" and they all came to the bathroom and there was this huge split on the top of my head, and a part of my hair was a bit red from some blood. I didn't get stitches, but it took about 6 months for the split to finally close in

- When I was 5 my babysitter gave me old pizza, like REALLY, REALLY, months old pizza, and I don't know exactly what was wrong but I didn't have enough fluid in me or something, because I threw up 'half a bath tub' full that night o_O and so I had to stay in the hospital for nights and there was this big needle that they had to stick into my hand, and it injected fluid into my body... I don't know what or who's fluid it was... but I don't like the idea that I have some unknown liquid in my body right now... That's how I got my fear of needles.

- This wasn't me but my brother had to go to the emergency room because I shoved a polly pocket down his throat xD Sorry :blink:

When I was snowboarding (It was my first time) I went down to big off a hill and I fell on my front side and then my feet and snowboard went right infront of my face.

It's hard to describe. To narrow it down, I was basically a human pretzil xP.

Also on the rope tow I fell and my snowboard got caught on it and I was pulled up while lying down.

I also fell of the chairlift. I fall down so much and get hurt with snowboarding but I love it.

I slid down my stairs with a mattress(Fun. Not Smart.) and a 10 foot picture fell on my head @_@. O
I've done that!


It's like sledding on land. Only if you fall off you die.

Oooh, painful... my head throbs thinking about it.
The only time I've ever fainted or been knocked out was when I was eight. I was up at Copperton park, and I was sliding down one of those two evil metal slides of butt burning doom, which makes sliding down the side of the brick pyramid in the middle of the park look more inviting, when my dad threw a ball up at the top of the slide for me to catch. However, I had already started sliding down, so when dad threw it, it soared over my head, and I looked up. But this was an evil metal slide of butt burning doom, so, clad in my eight-year-old red corduroy overalls, I sped down it like a rocket. So when I looked up and saw the ball flying overhead, I didn't realize that the end was right there and I had to put my feet down.


The next thing I remember I was waking up, sitting in front of the slide, and all the moms at the park were shouting. Dad came over and I cried. I had landed flat on my tailbone and had jammed my spine and passed out for a few minutes. It only felt like a moment to me, but one minute I'm watching a ball, the next I'm crying on the wood chips at the bottom of the slide.

Ironically, that's the same park where I got stung by a dead be in the middle of my left foot.
oh that reminds me!

Once when I was nine, I was at park and going down a huge metal slide. When I get to bottom, I turn around and see a boy about 4 feet away from me. Before I can hop off, his legs hit my back. I fly through the air, do a flip, and land my head on the slide. I was out for about a minuate.

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Once I was in a waterslide and it was a dark tunnel, and I couldn't see and I got stuck in it! (I'm not fat, it just wasn't steep or slippery enough I guess :rolleyes: ) and suddenly this girl just hits me from behind and crushes my lungs in the middle of the tunnel.. o_O I guess the slide attendant thought that I had already gone down because I took so long...

Another time in a waterslide, it was at Boyne, Michigan (I don't know if any of you go to Boyne but it is very fun!!) and there is this scary white waterslide and you need tubes for it, so I was going down and suddenly I turn backwards, and I flipped backwards off the tube (which is very dangerous) by accident, and I bonked my head on it and you know those places in the waterslide where two parts of the slide attach together and it makes kind of a crack? Well I scraped my forehead on one of those and my hair got caught in it. I had a scrape (kind of like Harry Potter xD!) for about a week there. It was really funny because the person at the end of the slide saw th tube come out the end... but not me... o_O It wasn't really an injury, but it hurt!!!

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