Worst Injuries


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4 of my bottom teeth pierced through my upper lip when I was 9. I fell on ice at the skating rink. XD. I needed 6 stitches. Another bad injury was when my mom accidently slammed my clbow shut in a car door right on the crack. I chipped my elbow a tiny bit. D:

Mine isn't as bad as some of other people's here, but when I was 8 or 9, I was running in stupid CLOGS, and I tripped and fell on my face, I got a HUGE cut on my chin and my jaw hurt for days after. I still have the scar.

If I were to list all the medical problems I've had throughout my life, we'd be here for weeks.

I'll just share my worst injury and illness xP

Worst injury, hurting my back at work.

This is a complete mess. I hurt my back pulling and pushing stacked totes weighing about 70lbs while crouched down.

Normally, a strain wouldn't be so bad. However, this happened in July, and I'm still off work, in pain, and not getting any kind of pay.

The injury to my back caused my muscles to tighten, rotating my hip and sacrum. I can't stand or walk for more than about 10 minutes without having to sit down and take a break(I hate malls). I couldn't start physical therapy until my claim was accepted, which didn't happen until October, so between July and October, everything worsened. I had 12 sessions of land therapy, and was still in pain. So my doctor suggested Aqua therapy. He put off giving me a referral until the end of November. I was able to go to one land, and one aqua therapy, then we got snowed in. Now I have to wait until Friday to be seen again. We were snowed in for three weeks, so in that time, I haven't been able to get what I need.

Definitely worse injury, and I've had quite a lot of them, lol.

Worst illness was the kidney stone I had when I was 16. That was one of the worst pains I've ever gone through over something internal. That was also a bit of a mess. I went to the ER for abdominal pain. We waited about 2 hours in the waiting room, and then they gave me drugs. I got a ct scan, and then waited another 6 hours for the results >.<

So. We found out I had a kidney stone. I had two options. Either let it pass(ow), or get a lithotripsy to break it up. I chose the latter. Now the problem begins. We found out mid March '06. We were leaving in a week to go to Hawaii. When you get a lithotripsy, you have to stay in the area in case of complications for two weeks.

I had to keep my stone while I went to Hawaii. It wasn't too horrible, considering I got to take quite a bit of vicodin with me xP I nearly ended up going to the Honolulu ER though, not fun.

About a week after we got back, I had my lithotripsy, and everything was fine until about 30 minutes after getting home. Back to the ER I go. My kidney was inflamed from the surgery. This was determined after administration of morphine, anti-nausea and an anti-inflammatory, plus another ct scan.

When it rains, it pours, lol.

Ive broken a lot of bones in my body,

And I was parked on,

But the worst injury I have recived,

Would probably be the burnings I did to myself, and the whole top of my hand being burned, causing discoloration, which is Why I wear a glove on that hand.

I broke my nose once. OwO

It was when I was 9. It was caused by a car accident.

I hate thinking bout it.

I've never ever broken or cracked a bone. Worst thing I've probably had was a sprained ankle.
Same here. The injuries that other people who have posted in this topic must have been absolutly horrible.

Tama ;) Phantom

PS: Sweet Kandi, I hope things get better for you soon.

At one of my hockey tournaments, a girl was coming in on a breakaway on me (I'm a goalie.) and she ended up taking a slapshop from the slot. It was honestly the hardest slapshot I've ever faced in my life, and the puck bounced up off my stick and hit my thumb. It hurt alot. I can't put enough emphasis on the "alot" part because of all the pain. I just shook it off and played for the rest of the period. When I was skating to the bench after the buzzer went, I took my glove off and my thumb was bleeding all over the ice and a whole layer of skin was ripped off. :D

The worst injury is when i was riding on a rollar coaster and i raised my arms. Then I broke my collar bone. i had to ride the rest of the coaster with a broke bone. THEY SAY DO NOT RAISE YOUR ARMS FOR A REASON!!

The worst injury is when i was riding on a rollar coaster and i raised my arms. Then I broke my collar bone. i had to ride the rest of the coaster with a broke bone. THEY SAY DO NOT RAISE YOUR ARMS FOR A REASON!!
So you raised your arms... and broke your collar bone? Explain how that's possible. (I feel uneducated >.<)

When I was only a little 3 year old, I broke my leg and nearly drowned! We were on vaccation in Hawaii, and my mom asked the lifeguard if this humungo water slide was safe for me to ride on. So I guess he said yes, but I was such a tiny kid. I only weighed about 25 pounds. So, my dad pushed me down the slide, thinking it was all right. I still remember going down that thing... I was screaming ad crying and despratly trying to stop the strong current of water. This is where the trouble came. I stuck both of my legs out to the side to slow myself down, and soon the water became blocked up. Suddenly there was a huge blast of all the blocked up water behind me and I flew forward with my leggs sprawled and smashed into the side of the waterslide. I fell limp, and the water pushed me into the pool. I couldn't swim though. I probably would have drowned but my mom saved me just in time. O.O

Probably just between two injuries.

Neither of them caused a broken bone, so that's good :3

I fell down the stairs a few times when I was younger. They had carpet on them, so the worst thing that ever happened because of those was I was seriously sore for a few days, and I had some headaches.

Then I was being a moron, and tried to carry my [clawed] cat up into my tree house. I got all the way up, then she jumped off, and I reached backwards from the top of the ladder to try to get her, and ended up not only getting the hell scratched out of me, but when I fell I sort of slid down the ladder, so my back was scraped up and I was bleeding pretty badly. I also hit my head on a block of wood when I hit the ground.

That's nothing compared to some of the things here though o_o

I consider myself grateful.

I'm not sure. I never get big injuries. Just, like, 8,539,678,453,092 small ones each day. Today, I ran into a wall, tripped over absolutely nothing, ran into the elevator door, and slipped- sliding along the hallway on a rug. As a result, I have several bruises on my leg, and a bump on my head. That happens everyday. So, nothing really major ever happens to me.


Phobo-x.addicted.x-x.N e o n

I've been hurt so many times in PE class that my brain has come up with this:


I've been hurt in/by (not necessarily in PE):

♥Volley ball (took a ball to the head)

♥Soccer (kicked in the shin, swelled massively)

♥Soft ball (the ball is NOT soft, it still hurts to be hit in the gut with one)

♥Basket ball (once more, the magnet in my head attracted a sport-related object to my face)

♥Swimming (stubbed toe on pool step)

♥Flag Football (guy wasn't watching, ran square into me, making me spin around and fall on my butt. Saved us from losing, though)

♥Sister's Guitar (fell on my foot, inside the case)

♥My Clarinet (reed broke and cut my gum)

♥My recorder (angry brother smashed it over my head ;_; very painful, broke my recorder)

♥Stairs (tripped, sprained my ankle)

♥Steering wheel (just... don't ask...)

♥Tree and weeds(scratched my stummy up when i fell out of the tree and landed in the weeds)

♥Brothers ('nuf said)

♥Nothing (I tripped over it)

♥Duct tape (cut my finger on it somehow)

♥Soda tabs (they're sharp, I tell you!)

♥A dead bee (I stepped on it barefoot)

A box of band aids now lives in my bedroom.

Mine was when I broke my foot, I was 3.

I was sitting in a chair and my sister (who was 6) was playing with dolls she set up her dolls houses. Then I decided too jump off the chairs arm but my sister was screaming

"NO NO!" but I did anyway. AND GUESS WHAT? I LANDED ON THE TOYS! I started to cry so my mom and dad ran over and drove me to the hospital. They took X-rays. Then it was time to go I broke my foot alright. But they didn't give my a cast what?????

:mellow: :furawatchi: But that did hurt :(

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