Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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In my school we are not allound so i sneak it in to school and pplay with it in the tollite :eek: :( :(

One time in the middle of a test some people had tamas in there pockets. Then 1 after anotther they all went of and started to beep! It was funny how they all went off at the same time! They got in truble and were told to put theme in there backpacks. Then at the end of the school day when the checked them they all died! It was a tragc loss. :(

I used to bring my tama to school in 2nd grade `cause our teacher didn`t mind. :D But now i`m in 4th grade and it`s another story. In 3rd grade we all started bringing our tamas to school.(some people played with it in there desks. But not me! I was smart enough to only play with it on the bus. :p )But our teacher got mad :) and said "I never agreed for you to bring theese to school and I NEVER want to see them again!" Ever since I never bring my tama to school.(Instead, I bring toy hamsters! :p ) So I sugust no one in grades k-5 should bring tamas to school unless the teacher(not just the art teacher :rolleyes: )says so! As for all you kids in middle school and high school you guys should keep your tamas in your lockers!(paused w/ sound off!)

I hope my little story taught you a lesson!

(p.s: At my school if you get something taken` away from you you don`t get it back `till June! :D )

I used to bring my tama to school in 2nd grade `cause our teacher didn`t mind. biggrin.gif But now i`m in 4th grade and it`s another story. In 3rd grade we all started bringing our tamas to school.(some people played with it in there desks. But not me! I was smart enough to only play with it on the bus. tongue.gif )But our teacher got mad mad.gif and said "I never agreed for you to bring theese to school and I NEVER want to see them again!" Ever since I never bring my tama to school.(Instead, I bring toy hamsters! tongue.gif ) So I sugust no one in grades k-5 should bring tamas to school unless the teacher(not just the art teacher dry.gif )says so! As for all you kids in middle school and high school you guys should keep your tamas in your lockers!(paused w/ sound off!)
I hope my little story taught you a lesson!

(p.s: At my school if you get something taken` away from you you don`t get it back `till June! ohmy.gif )
Hey...uhm your in fourth grade...dont tell the people in middle and high school to put them in their lockers. I'm in middle school, my tama's are with me. ever heard of locker inspection? what if there was a fire? BYE BYE TAMA! okay, just dont..do that! kaythanks.

My friend got her tama stolen and got it back. the person who stole it was tyler mcPhail. He got didention 8 times every year.

Because of that we are not allowed to bring our tamas to school or we will be at ditention.(just for 1 stolen tama?)

My friend Morgan brang hers every day after that. After 4 weeks they got caught and she spit out the truth how long she was keeping it here.She was this:| close to ditention after one time but the teacher mrs.Coffman(my teacher)let it slide and didn't tell the principal.(just for brining tamas?) She was babysitting 5 tamas including her 4 for 1 month. (just for that?!?!?)

She kept them in the backpack and everyone including all the 3 3rd grade teachers,(i'm going into 4th) and they ALL beeped 1 after another Mrs.Coffman told the others not to tell.She got a warning. We made paper tamas so we can bring tamas to school.(hey!what's wrong with imagination?)

I keep mine in my pencil case and check it every now and then. I don't play on it, I just get rid of it's poo and feed it.

My teacher told me about one school that had gathered up all the pupil's tamagotchis, every single one, and dumped 'em into a bucket full of cold water. How cruel. If they had tried to make me hand over my Tama I would have thrown a fit and refused.

All my love, Raspberry. :wub:

I don't really play with mine in class. Ocasionally when the teacher is out of the room, or something, I check on it. And of course I turn the sound off. But the thing is, our teacher lets us keep our tamas on our desks the whole day. She actually has one herself that she keeps on her desk! :gozarutchi:



I don't really play with mine in class. Ocasionally when the teacher is out of the room, or something, I check on it. And of course I turn the sound off. But the thing is, our teacher lets us keep our tamas on our desks the whole day. She actually has one herself that she keeps on her desk! :huh:  

Wow thats cool , you should ask if you can conect with her lol , I always have my tama with me check on it when ever.

i had my tama hooked onto the part where the belt goes in and i had it unpaused and the sound was on, then in beeped in class and i said it was my watch and the teacher believed me!

I bring my tama to school every day and I dont get in trouble all I do is pause it and play with it at snack and recess.

:hitodetchi: :p ;) :D :blink: :(

Nay! You really shouldn't play tama at school, especailly during lessons!

You can just shut of the sound and put it in your school bag until the last bell rings and play it on the school bus.

Pause it during the day so it won't die.

For your own sake! :p

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I keep mine in my pencil case and check it every now and then. I don't play on it, I just get rid of it's poo and feed it.My teacher told me about one school that had gathered up all the pupil's tamagotchis, every single one, and dumped 'em into a bucket full of cold water. How cruel. If they had tried to make me hand over my Tama I would have thrown a fit and refused.
I wouldn't let the teacher to take my tama. And it is UNACCEPTABLE to throw them into a bucket of cold water!

that's wasting resources on Earth!!!!

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Ooh please i mean i've taken my tama to school but only in my bag.we have desks withe no lids so it would be hard to keep people from seeing it. :wacko: :wacko: :p :p B) and if my teacher sees than we'll get it conversated :unsure: :unsure: :eek: :) :D B)

I take my tamagotchi to school as well i never get caught, :p but once my friend took her tamagotchi to school and got it stolen by some one in the same room :wacko: good thing i was not their i took my tamagotchi to school the next day and some one look in my BAG :) my tamagotchi was in my desk. :p

dont take your tamagotchi to school :D :wacko:
i take my tama to school but i only play with it a break.

once it was home time and i had got my tama and my coat and suddunly it beep and i acted as if it was my watch

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