Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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:lol: I know that school is the number one priority, but you can just take a peak at it every two hours just to make sure that it is ok. I mean don't over exagerate it. Like a small one minute peak will not kill your eduacation!! It is not the end of the world!!!! :D
I never killed my education. I already knew I would fail math it runs in the family to be bad at math but i goofed off in science and I still got a 72, it would have been an 84 if my partner and I had handed in our space project before christmas.

But thats high school and My tamas are free I never get caught because of all the Ipod and MP3 use they probably look at my tama as a strange mp3 or watch.

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i brot mine 2 scool in 3rd grad , but i wont bring it in 4rth , my teacher wuld get mad......like this> :D .im goin 2 put it on pause and hook it on my bag B) .my techer is very strict . she yelled @ me 4 playing with it . i mite just let my mom (not sis , she kills tamas(not onpurpose) & shes goin 2 scool) sit it cause she always does and gets me points! :lol:

In high school you can't put your tama in your desk we don't have those little cubby holes any more we have to carry everything. And I am ALLOWED to play with my tamas in art class the teacher says it helps creative thinking.

She also lets us bring snacks and mp3s. I just feed my tamas and then work on my art I finished a major art project then I started on my tamagotchi coimics.

you play tamagotchi in class because class is boring

Once I got warned because I passed my tama around my table(I know I shouldn't have,Lotta wanted to see my tamagotchi :lol: ).What I do is I put the sound off,put it on pause,and it should be alright.And if you want to know why I put the sound off,it's because it goes on the clock thing and makes a beeping noise.

I turn the sound off on mine because my tamas always seem to want something right in the middle of the lesson before or after the others bring out their mp3s and Ipods and the teacher tells them to put them away but if we are watching a movie the teacher tells them to turn it down. and we all know tamas don't sound like mp3s or Ipods. best to leave the sound off during school hours and just fiddle with them when you not overwhelmed by school work.

I keep mine in my backpack because when I wear it on my lanyard my teacher sees it altough I don't touch it!


well I keep it in a protective case im my backpack asleep and pull it out during rescess and my friennds connet with me

My teachers never confiscate anything! :mellow: They're great for "silent reading" and long boring lectures. Also, the jap tams don't have a pause feature, and you have to keep the time at "SET". I'm not saying you should be playing the bump game during some state test, I just don't think it's too bad to dedicate a few minutes a day to keep gotchi healthy. :blink:


just set the time while ur @ school so its sleeps u keep it in ur b-pack and dont have 2 worry about it making noises :( :huh: :angry: :blink: :mellow: :blink:
copy & paste this code and visit my penguin!!!!!!!

I know, that helps. :eek:

Once I was putting my tama in my backpack after recess, my teacher saw it, and I got in huge trouble. Then I started bringing my V3 to school, (after lunch, I go home for lunch) and I played with it at recess while having it in my backpack at lesson-time. Everybody in my class saw it but nobody told because my friends (well, only 2 of my friends), brought them!

A few days after my friend RichieRocks on TamaTalk brought his tama to school somebody stole it. We made a big plan to find it but we couldn't!!

Then pretty soon after that (about a month), my friend Jesse lost her sister's tama and found it, but she couldn't bring her tamas anymore.

I just check up on it during morning break and luch, it doesn't need constant attention people! Unless it's just hatched but do that at the weekend. playing with it in class is stupid though, I mean come on... how fun can it be when you're worrying about it anyways?

My teachers never confiscate anything! :hitodetchi: They're great for "silent reading" and long boring lectures. Also, the jap tams don't have a pause feature, and you have to keep the time at "SET". I'm not saying you should be playing the bump game during some state test, I just don't think it's too bad to dedicate a few minutes a day to keep gotchi healthy. :p
lectures silent read we have way to many of those in high school lunch is our only recess we have a whole our and 5 minutes to just eat talk or walk around thats the major time i play with my gotchis and I just now got a blue v3 equaling my tama total to 5.

1 V1 2 V2s, and 2 V3's. Grade 10 is gonna be interesting with 5 now instead of 4.

I have history in grade 10 i like history but i have been warned about the boring historie movies, perfect time to play with tamas I prefer reading the text books anyways.

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You guys have all these big ol' theories about why to and not to play with tama's in class. MY tama's are always sound off. I play with em in school every day and I am a straight A student since first grade. (kindergarten doesnt count, thats easy.)


In 3rd grade and 4th I would play with Tama. No, we who acasinally play with our tamas in class should not be ashamed. Taking care of tamagotchis teaches you responsabillity. You have to give it love and attention. You must clean it's messes. You must feed and play with it. I would almost always keep the hearts to 4 full cause I know it's not real but I treat it like it's real. Speaking of wich I need a new batterie.

Anyway, pausing it alot is not good. I know because at one time, I didn't care much about tamagotchis. I paused it too long and soon enough, the batterie died. I've needed a batterie scince. So, playing with it at school will not waste education and get you working at McDonalds unless ALL or MOST of your time is dedicated to tamagotchi.


My friend always brought hers to school and she carries it around in a small bag she has and we were takeing this HUGE test that counted for like half of our grade and all of a sudden her tamagotchi beeped because she NEVER puts it on pause and she got really embarrassed and got a warning for if that happened again :huh:   ;)
Umm , This may be a stupid question but on a V3 does it have a puase button?

And how do you switch the sound off on a V3 alwell?

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evry1 in my scool knos i have a tama :nyatchi: , im setting a big trend , but it gets bigger and bigger , and harder to search 4 a lost tama :furawatchi: . i hav 2 , v1 & v3 , and i dont want a lost tama ...... i lost 1 b4 4 only 1 day , i found it , but @ scool , your not gettin it bak. :)

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