It is a horrible experience debugging Tamas and I want to warn everyone not to do it. Most of the time the Tama will break in a bad way. Count yourself lucky if yours just broke suddenly - my V6 glitched for a few months, then died for no reason with weight 99 lbs when I changed the battery, and shortly after kept resetting every five minutes and eventually broke whilst screaming its sound wires off with the screen and icons black! The other one has the icons shown in the right places but used upside down, which means when I press the A button, an area where the attention icon should be is highlighted, and when I press B, it goes to the health meter. My debugged V3 needs my dad to hold it together by pressing really hard on it, and even so it presses buttons by itself and goes on hyperspeed.
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~ Dazzmina ~
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~ Dazzmina ~