Well-known member
I really don't think it's true If the "Killer Masktchi
" was in the other people in the tama programing would notice! ^_^
Our loss for not beleving something, which has no backup evidence? Sorry kid.I'm not lying, if you don't beleive me your fault and your loss. Besides, they make tamagotchis real fast using machinary, I don't think they would test each and ever one of those tamagotchis. And you dunno, maybe the guy who programmed it didn't get caught and they got away with it. It's unknown, you don't know and I don't know.
Exactly.. Stop making up rumours, if you dont know!.and I don't know
Machines cant program a Tamagotchi. People program and test the Tamagotchi's, mahcines make them after a successful Tamagotchi has been made.I know it happened. Besides, how do you know they're made my people and not machines? Do you work there? No, and I know that you don't, because my cousin from California works at one of the places and he sometimes takes me up there and gives me free stuff.