*Violet's Little Garden*


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Gina is still the same cute UraYoungVioletchi... I'm boosting her spiritual points to make sure she's a uravioletchi!! I'm waiting to use some of my items until I can find my camera... :/

I think I caught all the "I'm lonely" calls for today. Our friendship went down a heart and a half during school, so to reward him we went to Ichigotchi's village and played a few games and ate a bearclaw (the dessert). I also caught him doing the pee pee wiggle dance and before I could remember that he's potty trained (oh yeah!!) I clicked on the potty icon.

You know which figures I really want? Memetchi, Chamametchi and Violetchi! I also really want the Makiko one, but I can NOT find it anywhere!!!!!!!! I also wouldn't mind having the Ringotchi figure...

Sorry for the short update but not much happened today...



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, and Gina



(Ps- shout out to Memetchiluva464 to buy a Tamago!!! :) )

Edit: Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4th page!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

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Well, it's about time!!

Finally!!! For the first time on my 4.5, I got a character that I wanted since the baby!!!!! Gina turned into a UraVioletchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for her!!! I hope she's a hairdresser... Hey, you know what's funny? This is still the same battery that I first put in! I haven't replaced it once! That's like... 6 generations! Wow... Thank you, Bandai!!!

Percy went to the park a lot today, and he met his brother and sister a lot. (Kuromametchi IS his brother... isn't he??) He also met Necktietchi... Yay! I think he's going to get married Friday. I hope he has a girl...

I was reading a forum that said a Mametchi and Chamametchi wouldn't mate, and I was thinking maybe it's because they're siblings, and then someone said it. Do you think that's true? I wanna find out...

That's it for tonight! Peace, Love, UraVioletchis.



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, and Gina



(Ps- I promise I'll have pictures tomorrow!!!!!!!!!)

I'm sorry to say this...

Tomorrow, I'm taking out the battery of my 4.5. Yes, it's true. The name of this log will be a lie. But don't worry, I'll be replacing it! My friend is lending me her 5.5 to run, and I'm super excited about it! I am SO getting hotteatchi! :) To celebrate Gina's last post, I'm going to take pictures of her after my asbsence from taking pictures! :)


Isn't she cute?


She's using a shirt!


And a witch's hat? I love!!!!!

Now... realizing I haven't taken a single picture of my Tamago, here they are!


Here's an overall picture


and Here's Percy!

Update on Percy:

I'm getting him married tomorrow! Don't worry, I'll wait till I get home to take pictures. :)

Ok, everyone! Say good bye to Gina! She says she'll miss you all...! ;)



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, and Gina



(Ps- Don't worry, I'll keep my 4.5 around for when I get bored of the 5.5)

Sorry I'm posting so late... I was reading forums and forgot to post... *facepalm*

ANYWAYS, it's too late to post pictures of my Tamago, 'cause they're already asleep...

But- at lunch today, Percy got married!!! He walked over to the Date Place, where he met a quite lovely Kunoitchi. Normally, I wouldn't marry a Mametchi to a Kunoitchi (Perfect care to Horrible care) but... as Memetchiluva464 put it, "They match! They have ears!" ;) Plus, I mean... Kunoitchi's just that awesome of a character!!! I mean... right??? Right now they're still getting to know each other before they have their baby, which I thought was a really cute concept of Bandai to think of. I hope they have a girl, who I will probably name Giselle. I don't know why, I'm just in a really mystical and magical mood... hehe!

Onto my (Well... my friend's) V5.5! It's the blue design with the walk of fame and palm trees and the gold cracked egg design. I named it the Cake family, because well... I love cupcakes! :) The firstborn was a son, second a girl, and third a boy. Right now they are Ahirukutchi, Tororotchi, and Mousetchi. I'm naming them Chuck, Lacey, and Steve. I've caught all training calls except for the 2:30 (?) one. I press the last option, and I hope to get Hotteatchi! I'm still not sure how this whole growth chart thing works with the 5, so I have to figure that out... They're training right now is 10%, which- I know- makes me sound like I'm a bad mother, but in reality each bondage call you catch only fills it up 40% of a 10% (long story, don't feel like explaining. maybe I will tomorrow. :) ) I think they're evolving tomorrow, but I don't remember when. I'll update when they do!

'Till tomorrow (is that a song?)



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, Kunoitchi, Chuck, Lacey, and Steve



(Ps- Note: I'm not naming the Kunoitchi- don't I have enough to name? :) )

Mini update:

My 5.5 is now an official Artistic family!! Yay!

I keep trying to catch the bondage calls, but it's hard... Update later!



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, Kunoitchi, Chuck, lacey, and Steve



(Ps- you guys are the best viewers! Thank you for getting my log up to 818 views!!! :) )

An exciting day... yes....

Ok, so first thing. When I woke up this morning (after a night of crazy HAIL!!!!) I turned to my Tamago because I'm like, "yay! Today's the day Percy and Kunoitchi have a baby!" but when I turn to them, their screen's BLANK!!!! I got sad, then really fast went outside, popped the batteries out (with a screwdriver! Who knew?) and put new ones in. the time said 9:00 am (which hadn't even happened yet...) so I changed it, but there was no egg on screen, just like I thought might happen... so I changed the time to 5:00 am (to see what would happen) let them sleep for a minute or two, then changed the time back and nothing had happened. Percy was still only 7, like he was yesterday (day before??) so to get him to age I turned the time to 11:55 'cause I think they age at 12. I let them sleep 'till midnight, but he was still 7, so I faced defeat and changed the time back to the normal time. To my surprsie, there was an egg on screen!!! Good job, Percy and Kunoitchi!!! :) I wasn't hatching though, so I reset and then downloaded, and luckily the egg was still there. I thought it might take 10 minutes, so I just waited, but after 8 minutes it hatched into a baby girl!!! Yay! After discussing names with the my friend yesterday, it's either going to be Giselle or Cindy... which do you like? Pm me! :)

Not much has been going on with my Familitchi yet. They're evolving in like an hour, I think, so I'll update when that happens! They're still toddlers, sadly... They're the artistic family, so hopefully I'm going to get Hotteatchi! If I do, I'm going to marry her.

I haven't added pictures in a couple days, so here they are:


Power saver mode...


Here's the house! I keep wanting to remodel in celebration of Cindy/Giselle, but they never have anything good in stock!!! :p


Overall picture of my friend's 5.5! (Thank you, MissVioletchi!! :) )


Behold! The Cake family's first family portrait! Thank you all for saying cheese!!! (Lucky shot... :) )

Thanks for reading!



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, Kunoitchi, Cindy/Giselle, Chuck, Lacey, and Steve (Holy cheese! Remember when I only had one Tamagotchi?)



(Ps- sorry for only having a mini update yesterday, I was at a bat mitzvah, but thank you guys for almost 900 views! You're the best!! :D :D)

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Mini update:

I just remembered that I'm going to a play at like 11:30 so I won't be able to update until... 3:30? I'll update later. :)

See you then!



Violetchilluvr3, Giselle/Cindy, Percy, Kunoitchi, Chuck, Lacey, and Steve



(Ps- Pm me about Giselle/Cindy's name!!!)

Just got back! The cake family evolved!

Chuck, my firstborn, is a nonopotchi

Lacey, my girl, is a shelltchi

Steve, the... other one... is a kikitchi

I knew I wasn't going to get the bonding during the play, so I set the time and got all three. Right now their bondage is 20% and Chuck comes up to the screen when I press C. I went on the shopping channel a lot today, and bought spaghetti, Souffle, hamburger, tempura, and starfruit. Who cares about items? I want my food! :)

Not much happened with Percy. He's been to the park a lot, and met his sister and brother! I also noticed the shop hasn't restocked at all today... I hope it does, but I'm not resetting the clock. Tomorrow's my last day with Percy... But that's ok because i get to take care of Cindy/Giselle.



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, Kunoitchi, Cindy/Giselle, Chuck, Lacey, and Steve



(Ps- K... no one's Pm'd me... please do! I need decisions made! :) )








I. Just. Realized. That. The. 5.5. Doesn't. Have. Violetchi. And. Therefore. NO VIOLET FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm depressed now! So does that mean it only has the royal family? 'Cause it also doesn't have Mumutchi or Yonepatchi! I'm so buying a regular 5 off amazon... I'm all sad!!!!! :(

Me and the munchkins

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This post is just about my Tamago.

I'm a cheater. I'm sorry, but I am. This morning, I woke up, and Percy, Kunoitchi, and Giselle (Yes, that is her name) were all on the screen, bouncin around, being happy. UNACCEPTABLE! :) I decided to set the time to 11:59 to see if the parents would leave, and to my surprise, they did! I have pictures of the entire event! (Note: I think this update might have to be split into two posts)


(Part 2 of the last post)


See you later! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Giselle, Chuck, Lacey, and Steve

Yay!!! Giselle just evovled! She's a hoshitchi! Hooray for her! I took a picture, but I'll post it later. :)



Violetchilluvr3, Giselle, Chuck, Lacey, and Steve



(Ps- The baby's so cute!!! She walks like a little worm! :) )

I have more news...

Ok, I'm sorry I've been switching from Tama to Tama lately, but hopefully it'll stop soon...

But, I got tired of the 5.5 because it doesn't have Violetchi, so luckily my friend brought a V5 to school today! Yay!! I have 2 daughters and a son! Whoo! My oldest is a Tororotchi, my second a mousetchi, and my youngest a Belltchi! Their names are (In order) Tina, Jake, and Raven. They are the CCake family (Cupcake won't fit!!), and they have 20% bonding (Yay!) When I click C, Tina runs up to the screen! She's kind of cute, actually... I'm going to the get the bondage into the 40-70% range so I can get Violetchi! And then get the Violet family! :) I think that's it for them... (Oh, and it's the Cotton Candy design)

And Giselle's a Shelltchi! Yay!! She's so cute! We've been to the park today, and connected a lot with my friend's new Tamago (Yay for Memetchiluva464!) and my new 5. I can't wait to see what she evolves into tomorrow! I better get on Tamatown so I can register her... I hope to get the Chammametchi figure soon, because she's super cute... After Chammametchi, which one should I get? (Besides Makiko. If I can find her anywhere, I'm getting her on the spot! I can't find her anywhere! Can you guys?)

That's all for tonight. I'll post pics tomorrow.






(Ps- Sorry I keep switching versions but I really want to find one I like a lot to run with my Tamago which I really like...)

Hi! Sorry I'm posting late (again...) but I had a busy day... I have pictures, though!

First off: Tamago

GISELLE EVOLVED!!! She's so cute!!! She's aaaaa... Chammametchi! I've heard she's an ok care adult, which I don't believe, but that's ok. I find it wierd though, 'cause when I had my Music Star and I got Chammametchi I'd be like, "No! Not again!" But now I'm like "Yay! Chammametchi!" :) Sadly she already went to sleep (Wow... someone who goes to sleep earlier than me!! :) ) so didn't get a chance to post any real pictures of her. Sorry! But I (think) I'll have some tomorrow. Oh, and quick question: WHY AREN'T THERE ANY MORE REMODEL THEMES??? GRR...

Now: V5

Tina, Jake, and Raven are still the same, but they're evolving tomorrow into teens. I'm keeping their bondage in the 40-70 range in hopes of getting a Violetchi, and then the VIOLET family! Yay! (Take that, 5.5!!) The only thing I don't like about this Tama is that the store is ridicuously (sp?) priced compared to how much money you get for a game, but that's ok. I've only saved up enough to buy a hot dog, and now I only have 60 gotchi points left, but I might enter some codes later, but I also might not. I don't know...

I didn't know what pictures to take, but I felt like I needed some, so here they are!


This is the picture I took earlier but didn't feel like uploading. Isn't she cute?


This is Giselle now! Isn't she cute?


And the Cupcake family! (At least, until they evolve into teenagers! :) )

That's it for now!



Violetchilluvr3, Giselle, Tina, Jake, and Raven



(Ps- Come on, Violet family!)

Hello, people of Tamatalk!

Today, to change it up, I'll log on the cupcake family first!

This morning, they evolved! Tina's an Ichigotchi, Jake's a Bakutchi, and Raven's a Shelltchi. I guesss I've been pressing the wrong bondage option, so I set the time a bit and kept choosing the first option so I can get the Violet family! They'll be evolving Friday at around 9. I'm saving up to 500 gotchi points so I can buy a cupcake, and then after that I'm either saving up for steak or Girl's dresser or sesame pudding... which should I get???

Now, Giselle!

Not a whole lot happened today, except that I got an "I'm lonely" call at 5:22... what? I mean, I noticed it at 5:22, I don't know what time it started. Oh! I figured something out! Well, two things. The first is that you don't get a Chamametchi doll for logging her into Tamatown. The second is that Chamametchi's favorite food is marshmallow! I'm proud of myself for noticing that! :)

Picture time! :) sorry for my blurry pictures tonight! :p


Cute... :)


And the cupcake family! I'll have a better picture of them tomorrow, hopefully...



Violetchilluvr3, Tina, Jake, Raven, and Giselle



(Ps- Sorry I've been misspelling Chamametchi all these posts...)


Sort of a short update 'cause it's late and I'm tired.


Not a whole lot happened today, except that we keep clearing the store out of meals to buy as many as possible! But, while doing that, I wasted like... 250(?) gotchi points on Hamburger, WHICH I ALREADY HAD! Boo... Gotta hate that. I haven't gotten a chance to feed her marshmallow yet, because I want her to be down multiple hearts and I'm just TOO good a mother ( ;) ) and keep wanting to take her to the game center. Oh well...


I thought of the most awesome thing this morning. Instead of naming them the Cupcake family, don't you think I should've named them the Addam's family? How awesome would that have been??? (duh duh duh duh snap snap!) Oh well. We're saving up for either sesame pudding or girl's dresser so I can get a secret character, so we'll see how that goes. They're evolving tomorrow morning, but I have to do bat mitzvah stuff so I won't be updating 'till probably 12.

That's it for now!



Violetchilluvr3, Giselle, Tina, Jake, and Raven



(Ps- How many of you ACTUALLY know about the Addam's family? ;) )

Yay yay yay!!!

The cupcake family evolved! I GOT A VIOLETCHI! Yay!!! Actually, I got Violetchi, Furikotchi, and Yonepatchi! I tried to go to the matchmaker, but she got all angry and wouldn't let me in. Once I get the bondage up to 100% (It's 80 right now) I shall marry her to a sukatchi! AND THEN GET THE VIOLET FAMILY! Yeah... Maybe after the Violet family I can get the Meme family! That'd be cute.

Giselle's getting married tomorrow! I was originally going to marry my Tamago and V5, but not after all that hard work for getting a Violetchi. If my mom goes to Target today, I'll bring money and get a figure. This time, I'll get one for a character you can get on the Tamago! I'll take pictures of the wedding, don't worry.

A wierd thing is happening... After seeing 4 Tamas and running for more than 2 months, I think my battery may be dying. When I try to connect it, it beeps (even when the sound's off) and says download or reset... I'm going to wait till it actually runs out to replace it, though.

See you!



Violetchilluvr3, Giselle, Tina, Jake, and Raven



(Ps- you should've seen it earlier! Giselle playing with her brother at the park! Adorable...)

I just realized something: Giselle isn't potty trained. she has 10 bars, and I haven't really thought about it before but I'm always cleaning poo off the floor.

Today was the big day for Giselle! We went to the date place and I got pictures!

(Sorry for ligthing, the sun just came up and it's still a little dark.)


Sorry, Kikitchi. Your eyes are wierd on the Tamago....


I've never really been interested in Tarakotchis...


Nonopotchi... why not? It's better than Oyajitchi or Ojitchi, right?


Here's to the happy couple!



Violetchilluvr3, Nonopotchi, Giselle, Tina, Jake, and Raven

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Hi hi!

I went to Target earlier and got the Sebiretchi figure. I now have 4 figures (3 if you only count the full figures), and I figured, "why not? Let's post the features each figure has!"



Molten lava cake, bear claws, grilled cheese, chili bread bowl, chicken club, turkey sandwich, squaw bread, french bread, bagels. (That's all I remember)


Candies (like the food harvest game on the music star)

catch a note (the second game on the music star)



Makeup (1?), Makeup 2, Mirror, facial, hair dryer, spa gift card, health food. (That's all I remember)


Manhole (Like on the 4.5)

Hunting (new game- move the target to hit the frisbees)

Kutchipatchi Lite:


coin cath (move the basket to catch the falling coins


Mexican restaurant

Tacos, Burrito, Tamale, Chili con Carne. (That's all I've seen)


Farm keeper (Use the Target to pick the plants)

Trampoline (Like the circus job from the 4.5)


That's it!

Not much happened with the 5 today. I got two of the bondage calls so their bondage is 80. The matchmaker should accept them tomorrow, but i can't gurantee I'll have pictures.

That's it for now!



Violetchilluvr3, Giselle, Nonopotchi, Tina, jake, and Raven



(Ps- I hope to get more figures and I'll post their features, too!)


I forgot I had pictures!


My collection and my Different Faceplates!


My V5 family! See you!

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