*Violet's Little Garden*


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OMG OMG OMG... Thank you Mimitchi ^o^ for teaching me how to add pics!!!


Here's Carly (Yes Carly) sitting in her bean bag chair


Here's (finally...) Carly coming up close to the screen.

Pics of Bacon to come!


I do not lie! Here it is! B)

violetchilluvr3 and Bacon

(Ps- sorry if they didn't show up but I hope they did!)

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Sorry for not updating this morning, but I had a dentist appointment this morning, and then my mom and I spend two hours waiting to ride a train and yeah... I taught her how to play slide, though, and she really liked it... ;)

Anyways, for Bacon:

not much has happened today. He liked to riding the train and looking out the window, though. He's lost like 6 hearts today and pooped a lot... He has 90 humor points, 37 gorgeous points, and 23 spiritual points. I better get UraMametchi! :D

I also went to Super Target today (what's the difference between Super Target and Target Greatland???) and saw the new Tamagos for the first time. OH MY GOD those things are huge!!! Literally, I put my Tama (front side facing me) up to the side of the Tamago, and they were the same size!!!! What's goin on with Bandai? I could never sneak that thing to school! Teachers would be like "hand me that cell phone now!" and I'd be like "...That's not a cell phone... it's a Tamagotchi" and they'd be like "You have a Ta-... wow..." Here are some pics!:

bouncin' around... so cute!

Decided to use a shovel... let's see what he got!

Hooray for Bacon! :lol:



Violetchilluvr3 and Bacon



(Ps- Do you like the pictures? Or should I not bother?)

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Bacon evolved! He's a UraMametchi, living up to that UraMame family name... Unfortunately, I was in school, so I didn't notice when he evolved, but I think it was 10:06 (cause that's when he evolved yesterday- yes I may have an issue... :blink: ) He hasn't gotten a job offer yet, but with Carly I had to wait a day after she evolved so I think that's whats gonna happen, sadly...

I have to say, I really wanted a Celebtchi, but I kinda like having a UraMametchi. He's cute!!! :D


He's bouncin around, just like on the package/instructions! He's such a good boy! :)


Here's the AH-dorable face he makes when he's called!

I guess that's all I have to say for now... La-ter!

Violetchilluvr3 and Bacon

(Ps- who has stupid finals next week? We do... ulch!)

Hola! Bacon got offered a job today! I don't when (cause of school... :p ) but it was around lunch. He said goodbye to Mr. Turtle, shed a few tears, but then moved on! He got called and was up in the running for five jobs, but interviewed for the cicus. He got the job! So now, he jumps on the trampoline, and has to jump high enough to catch balloons, which seems random, but is actually kind of fun. Wow... my first gen a bus driver, and my second a carny... My Tamas are interesting!!! :)

On an entirely different note, you know what I've been wanting lately? A Uratama. They have way awesommer (grammer much??) shell designs, and that string of stars on the side? WAY more useful than a keychain! I mean, who puts their Tama on their keys? "Sorry, my Tamagotchi needs something. Let me check my keys!" It's just wrong...

I also LOVE the fact that on Colors/IDs, they have weather. I want it to be raining outside Bacon's house! It looks like it's about to start raining here (was that a drop?), so why can't Bacon experience that? The only time he gets wet is at bath time... sigh...

Sorry for talking (typing??) for so long, I just need to give my friends a break from my constant complaining... ;)

Back to Bacon... do you think I should get him married tomorrow? I think I might. That way I can have Saturday and Sunday to raise a new generation, and I kind of like then evolving early. (Well, if you conside 9 or 10 early...) Hopefully the Matchmaker will come, 'cause I haven't reset the time and I don't want that to change!!!!

I think this log is long enough for now. Until later, TTFN! (Ta-ta-for-now)



Violetchilluvr3 and Bacon



(Ps- sorry for the lack of pictures but I'm on my mom's computer...)

As of today, Bacon is 5 years old. I'm waiting for the matchmaker to come at 7, because hopefully Bacon can get married and have a girl who I could turn into a uravioletchi/memetchi!! I can't believe tomorrow's the two week anniversery of getting my v4.5!!! I love having a version different than my music star, which I'm really tired of. I have to say, though, if I didn't have a 4.5 I'd want a 5. I love the idea of a family, because the generations go PERFECTLY with it! The games are also cool... Wow, I just trailed off a lot... Back to Bacon. I thought I might run out of things to say, so I took some pictures of him drawing with his pencil. :blink:


Aw, he's so sweet! He drew a smiley face!! Oh yeah, and the king gave me a ticket to Canada so I went there and he had a cute lil' backpack... And then he told me to visit Tamatown so I did and I got a maple leaf suveneior!!! (spelling?)

Well, I am out things to say right now... I'll tell you if he gets married!



Violetchilluvr3 :furawatchi: and Bacon :mametchi:



(Ps- if you have ideas for a picture pm me!!)

I so thought he was getting married tonight... but no... I really wanted him to, and then have a girl, and then get a UraVioletchi and name her Aurora and she could be the first hairdresser I've ever had and she could be the most AWESOMEST tama EVER!!!... but no. I think I'll just have to dare-I-say-it wait 'till tomorrow... :angry: More updates tomorrow!

Violetchilluvr3 and Bacon

No ps right now...

I'm soooooo sorry I havent' updated the last two days! I've been at my grandma's house (Both my parents went on vacations. on the same weekend. wow.) and she doesn't have wifi... :p anyways, a lot has happened!!!

Bacon got married friday night! He married a Purimatchi, and had a baby girl who I named Sugar. He got a job offer later that day and he became a firefighter, which I did not play because I don't like that job. Last night he left and left the baby girl in my care. I named her Sugar, and she became a Kutchitamatchi at 11:01. Thanks to my friend, I am only going to feed her snacks and see if that gets her into the Meme family.

Speaking of my friend, my other friend gave her a v3, so now Bacon/sugar FINALLY has someone to play with!!! Right now they are both girls (mine and hers) so we can't get them married, but they're pretty much on the same schedule so if we have different genders NEXT generation I hope to get them married.

I'm kind of in a hurry to get off the computer now, but I'll update later. Happy Sunday!!! (Ugh... finals next week...)



Violetchilluvr3 and Sugar



(Ps- sooo sorry I didn't update!!!! :( )

Sigh... I really wish I could have the chocolate argyle design... I mean, HOW cute is that? Pink and yellow argyle? uh, yah! I mean, everyone has red butterflies... I don't wanna be one o' the pack... ;)

I've only played like 2 games of tug-a-war sice Sugar became a toddler, and I don't have her next to me but her stats are something like 23, 8, and 28. I haven't been taking her to preschool. I'm taking ok care of her, but I don't know if that will affect her growth. Earlier, I fed her a few more snacks and for the first time ever in my Tamagotchi career, she got a toothache. Idk if care misses affect the growth, but I hope they do, and that this counts as a care miss. Come on, get me into that Meme family!! I think she's going to evolve at 11:01 tomorrow, but I'll be in class so I probably won't be able to notice. Depending on if she's a UraYoungMemetchi or Violetchi, I'll turn her into whichever teenager she was. (Urayoungmemetchi= UraMemetchi)- that is, IF I get one of them...

You know what's weird? UraYoungVioletchis look NOTHING like UraVioletchis. They look more like Pykonitchis (spelling?) on the V4. Their flowers look like ears and their wings look like arms... *shivers*

Update tomorrow!



Violetchilluvr3 and Sugar



(Ps- Look at MissVioletchi's Music Star log to look at her incredibly awesome nails! They are SO cute! Unfortunately, she was being un-smart and took off the nail polish... but when I get to my 5th I'm SO gonna have her do mine!!!! :) )

short update for tonight because I have to study for my midterms tomorrow... :p Anyways, thank you to my friend- we'll call her Sarah (but that's not her real name) for teaching me how to get into the meme family! Thanks to her, Sugar is a urayoungmemetchi!! I promised myself that if I got her I would turn her into a UraMemetchi, but I'm having second thoughts because UraVioletchis are OFFLY cute... but I haven't had a memetchi in a while, so I might do that. She's super cute and hopefully tomorrow I can take some pictures, but I really can't tonight... I'm so sorry but I just had to tell everyone the good news... longer updates... Friday for sure!!! Until then,



Violetchilluvr3 and Sugar



(Ps- sorry for the short updates, missed updates, and lack of pictures. I promise things will return back to normal after finals...)

I don't have finals tomorrow, so I decided, "Hey! I haven't added pictures in a while!" So I took a couple pics of Sugar! sorry for the bad lighting...


Coming up close to the screen...


Bouncin around... :)

I've decided I'm going to turn her into a UraMemetchi. I hope she becomes a hairdresser!!!!!

I had 5,000 gotchi points this morning, so i decided to donate some to the king. I donated 5,000, bringing my total to 20,000 and something. It told me to visit Tamatown (FINALLY! :D ) so I did, and the king gave me a sceptor! Whoo! It looks awesome.

Question time: One of my second favorite characters is Ponytchi, partly because she was my first character ever. Why did they go and replace her with Purimatchi? I think she would've made an awesome UraPonytchi! I mean, bright blonde hair, neon pink boots, wings, and maybe some sparkly eyes? I dig it!!! Boo, Bandai. Just boo.

In other words, now everyone in our little "passi" (there are 3 of us) is running a (sort of) old Tama! My friend from yesterday is running a V3, I'm running a 4.5, and my other friend, MissVioletchi (read her log!) is running a V2! Go older Tamas! I've decided I like them better than the new ones. I'm dead tired of the Music Stars, Tamagos are laughable, and the V5 only has 2 games and it doesn't tell you what anything is. Go older Tamas!!! :D :D

I don't know if I told you or not, but heres how I got Sugar in the UraMeme family:

Baby- play games, no snacks.

Toddler- Only snacks, but two games of climb

Now she's UraYoungMemtchi!!! :) :)

I think that's all I wanted to tell you... See ya!



Violetchilluvr3 and Sugar



(Ps- if you're wondering, the 4 is my favorite by far, but the 4.5 is close... :) )

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Uhm... K, so I was ready for either UraMemtchi or UraVioletchi.


But no.


Of all the characters... PURIMATCHI!!!! Was not expecting that... If I could've gone to school just ONE more time, then I would have a UraMemetchi! But no! Sigh... I mean, it's not that I don't like her, and the name Sugar IS kinda perfect for a Purimatchi, it's just that I really want a UraMemetchi! It makes me want a V4 again. I remember I didn't get ONE character in the Mame family, and now I just have to try NOT TO get them in the mame family!!! Why'd I have to go and break it...? :p Sigh... I don't really have anything to do except complain today, so I'm just going to stop typing... Have a good finals week!!! :p :p



Violetchilluvr3 and Sugar



(Ps- I'm going to get her married to one of my friends' Gozarautchis!)

Not really an update, just wanted to inform you guys that my generation possible names are:

Oreo for boy

Gina for girl

And I'm also thinking about either painting my Tama/blinging it out. I'm not too big on the red butterflies design, and it's knda starting to bug me... I could paint it to look like the chcoolate argyle design, or I could bling to look like... well any blinging is good, right?! :D

That's it for now. Unless you wanna PM me telling me which I should do...



Violetchilluvr3 and Sugar



(Ps- is there any way you could do either of those w/o having to take it aparat? I've only taken apart my Music Star and I don't even know if it still works.)

Wow a lot happened today! I'll start off with some pics today.


That's right, folks! At 3 years old, Sugar got married! It was at 11:30. :D I figured I may as well get our friendship level up there for when the marriage might come, so I sent him (a gozarutchi named Doc) some honey, and then we both used it, and then we connected! For some reason we didn't get married, but we did have four friendship hearts. During study hall I got bored, so I decided to connect them some more (I wanted to see if they would kiss some more... :) ) and when I did, on the second connect, fireworks went off!! Suddenly they were back in their own homes, and they both had weird look on their faces. Soon, two boys appeared on Sugar's screen! One got sent to Doc. I'm so happy! Fourth generation! They grow up so fast...

In other news, before the marriage, Sugar got offered a job. She applied for travel agent, singer, and chef, but she was all wrong for those apparently. There was fireman left (never again!!!) and circus clown, so I applied to the circus. she got the gig! We have another clown in the family... Too bad she won't be there very long to enjoy it... I'm going to set the time tomorrow at 12:15 because I have a half day and want to start the new generation as soon as possible!

I think that's all that happened today... Bye for now!!!



Violetchilluvr3, Sugar, and Oreo



(Ps- do you like the food theme? Or should I give that up?)

Quikee non-important update:

Sugar and Oreo got robbed... he took 300 points...

Then they got sick... required two doses of medicine...

And both of them pood without me noticing...

It's been a rough night. Hopefully they can get some peace while they sleep, though. Luckily, Purimatchis wake up at 9 and not 10! Yay! tomorrow, probably after my math final, I think I'll set the time to midnight, 'cause I wanna get Celebtchi! Yay!

That's all I have to say for now.



Violetchilluvr3, Sugar, and Oreo



(Ps- uhm... can't think of anything else to say right now... ;) :p )

Oreo was born at 11:45 this morning! I watched his mom leave, but I was in school so I couldn't take pictures... I also can't find my camera right now, so I can't take pictures... but anyways! After Sugar left (It seems just like yesterday she was a little Tsubutchi...) He was left crying, and I named him and played climb. Just an hour later, he grew into a hitodetchi! Now that I know how, I'm going to get him into the Meme family, hopefully, and then a Celebtchi, at last! :)

He hasn't gotten a preschool offer yet. But I'll write when he does!



Violetchilluvr3 and Oreo



(Ps- FINALLY!!! Done with finals! :D :D )

Confession time...

Yesterday I got bored so I started to take apart my 4.5, but I couldn't get past the circuit board 'cause the one screw was being well... screwy. :) heh heh... I put it back together, and then i put the battery back in. I don't know how long the battery was out, but it didn't seem like that long. Oreo hasn't evolved yet, though! I'll update when he does...

He got accepted to preschool, but I haven't taken him. His skill points are:




I think it depends how many skill points are in the 20s to decide which family you get into. Like, Universal, all below 20, Kutchi, two below 20, meme, 1 below 20, and then mame, all above twenty. That does kinda make sense... Tell you if my suspicions are correct!



Violetchilluvr3 and Oreo




At 3:36, Oreo evolved!!! My suspicions have been confirmed! He's a Hashitamatchi. I'm going to make him into a Tenpatchi. They're pretty cool! Hasn't gotten school offer yet. Tell ya when he does.



Violetchilluvr3 and Oreo



Just realized (thanks to "sarah" ;) ) that Hashitamatchi is a universal... :angry:




Well, forget my theory about the skill point thingy........



Me and Oreo



(Ps- Did I say Boo?????)

Where did Sunday go??? We have school tomorrow!!! Boo!!!

Not much happened recently. He's evolving tomorrow, hopefully into Kutchipatchi. After not looking at him for like an hour, I looked to see there was poo, he was sick, and all his happy hearts were gone. What the heck??? I cured him, fed him, and played apples. I'm making my friend a beanbag chair, so short post for right now.

Picture time!


Hangin out...


Comin up close to the screen!

I guess Hashitamatchi isn't ALL bad... he kinda looks like this guy!! :kusatchi: I wish he was a Kusatchi... V2's WHY DO YOU HAUNT ME? Actually I'd rather have a V4, but you know. :ichigotchi:

K, bye for now!!



Violetchilluvr3 :furawatchi: and Oreo :kusatchi:



(Ps- sorry for bad pictures, my camera's being stupid...)


Oreo's a Mametchi.

I guess Universal characters really ARE random... It's kinda weird 'cause when I look at my Tama, I think "Oh, Mametchi! He's a good care character!" But no.

I heard that the Universal family was really hard to get into, but apparently not!!! All I wanted a Celebtchi, or UraKutchipatchi... See, this is why I like V4s. I could NEVER get into the Mame family, but that's better than having to TRY to not get in there...

I don't know when he evolved, 'cause I was in Bat Mitzvah tutoring, but it was somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30.

I think that's all I have to say for now...



Violetchilluvr3 and Oreo



(Ps- this is kinda weird... Mametchi's usually good! :rolleyes: )
