*Violet's Little Garden*


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I'm sorry about the lack of pictures, but my brother's here and he's NOT leaving so... you know...

ANYways...Anoter marriage will take place soon! Tomorrow I'm going to get Oreo married to a friends' Tama! I connected for litterally 30 minutes straight today, and they have a 4-heart relationship level! No honey needed! (Sorry 'bout that... :rolleyes: )

Oreo got a job offer today. His choces were carnival, bank, hospital, Tv announcer, and rockstar. Tired of the music star, I went past the rockstar. I've had the carnival for two generations in a row, so went past that. TV announcer is just the rockstar, so... no... and then we came to the bank. I quite enjoy this game, so we auditioned, but apparently Oreo was... SO wrong for it... but then we went to the hospital. This is the same game, so why not? He got the job!!! My universal character, a doctor...

I hope Oreo has a girl. Forget Uramemetchi, this time I'll go for UraVioletchi!!!! No purimatchis to mess with! I'll go to school like 24/7. I promise I'll get you, UraVioletchi!!!!

My name choices are:

Aura (This time I will!!!)

Percy (I <3 Rick Riordan!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I've had enough of food names. I'll save that for my... never mind. You'll know when it's time... (hee hee hee)

This is a long post, and I think I'm done for now.



Violetchilluvr3 and Oreo



(Ps- thank you to Dolphin Girl for the super nice email and growth chart!!! I still like fan mail, ya know! ;) )

Edit: Hooray!!!! 3rd page!!! :D :D :D

Last edited by a moderator:
Wow... long day!!!

So, unfortunately, my friend has suddenly decided she doesn't want to play w/ Tamagotchis anymore. Stupid to me, but you know...

So I have to wait until tomorrow for him to get married. He's 4 right now, so hopefully the matchmaker will come tomorrow.

I love how you go to work once, and then you get paid 1000 gotchi points! Thank you, Nazotchi!

I don't know what else to say, but to make this post longer I'll just say what Oreo had for meals today!

B-fast: Cereal, cereal, omlet

Lunch: Sandwich, Sushi

Dinner: Sushi, sushi, hot dog

He had a cone earlier today, too.

I have to say, I'm a little tired of the games on the 4.5... I mean, yeah, we get it, you catch hearts in a hole. But HOW????

Seriously, does anyone think that Bandai should've made a UraPonytchi? How CUTE would she have been!!!!! WHY BANDAI, WHY?

I saw someone's signature today, and it made me laugh:

I was hungry, so god gave me tacos.

I was thirsty, so god gave me milk.

I was lonely, so Bandai gave me Tamagotchis.

Hee hee... I love these kinds of things! They make me laugh!

I'm tired... nite everyone!



Violetchilluvr3 and Oreo



(Ps- Please have a girl, please have a girl, please have a girl!! ;) )

Thank you, god of Tamas!! My prayers have been answered!

At 7:00, the matchmaker showed up! She brought Oreo a UraYattatchi. Eh... Universal, Kutchi, I guess they kinda go together. I pressed B (when I pressed A, I got a boy. B, and I got a girl... INTERESTING... ;) ) and sparks flew. Fireworks went off, and the UraYattatchi was gone, but she left a beautiful baby girl in my hands! Welcome to the world, Aura! I'm forgetting about UraMemetchi, and going straight to UraVioletchi! That is... if I get into the Meme family... Tama god, if you're still listening, then please let Aura be in the Meme family!!! Ooh, and let her be a hairdresser, please! Amen. :)

Gosh, WHERE has my camera been all week???


So cute together!! (And yes, they are on my beanbag chair I made especially for them... hehe!)

Uh... I HAD a lot more to say, but I got a brain fart, so I guess I'm done.

I'm gonna study for a spelling bee tomorrow!! (Yes, I'm a geek. :) )



Violetchilluvr3, Oreo, and Aura



(Ps- I'm proud of myself for catching the matchmaker because the sound was off!!! :D :D )

Hi hi hi! Sorry I'm posting late, we had dinner w/ family... you know how that goes! ;) So, to make up for my lack of pictures all week, AND to celebrate Oreo's last post, I decided to post LOTS of pics!!! I've been very good all day, and resisted to urge to use the chest I bought until I could take pics. I took a lot! Here they are!!!


Aw... poor oreo! He got all freaked out!!! (Freak the freak out... :3 )

It's nice to know that at 7.30 (maybe before, I ddin't have a chance to check my mail) he got a job offer. Go figure. He's a teacher right now, but we haven't actually gone to work.

I'm very excited about taking care of aura. Come on, UraVioletchi!

You know what two characters I miss? Well, one of them you know. Ponytchi. I also miss Minotchi really badly! I miss my V4... I LOVE the characters on there!!!

Um... that's all I have to say right now... Except... GOODBYE, OREO!!!!



Violetchilluvr3, Oreo, and Aura



(Ps- Tama god, I know you're listening!!!! :) )

This morning, at 8:00, Aura was on her screen crying her little eyes out. I entered her name, and it was 8:01. She ate SOOO many servings of cereal it's not even funny!!! Boy am I glad we don't HAVE to buy the food... anyways, I played numerous games of climb, and before I knew it an hour had gone by. I was lucky enough to see the transformation, but it happened so fast I couldn't get to my camera... (I was eating b-fast). She transformed into a cute lil' Kuribotchi! Right now she's just hanging out, and hasn't gotten a kindergarten offer yet. Her skill points right now are:

Humor 13

gorgeous 10

Spiritual 9

I'm hoping that if I get her gorgeous points the most she'll turn into either UraYoungVioletchi (PLEASE!!!) or UraYoungMemetchi. I shall do an experiment! I'll get all her points up pretty high, but make sure the goreous ones are the highest... let's see what works!!! :D :D

I'll post more w/ pics later! Bye for now!



Violetchilluvr3 and Aura



(Ps- OMG! 5TH GENERATION ALREADY???? They grow up so fast...)

Aura still hasn't woken up yet, but... at 9:01, when she does... hopefully I'll have my camera on me!!! Yay!!! Right now her stats are:

15 Funny...ness

24 Gorgeous

29 Spiritual

I'm hoping either that she'll evolve into the Kuchi or Meme family... anything different than the mame family! I don't like those characters...

Short update for now considering she's not even up yet...

Tell ya later what happens!!!



Violetchilluvr3 and Aura



(Ps- have you read FKOD's log? I'm reading it now and it's pretty good...)


Maybe it has soemthing to do with taking her battery out for half a minute yesterday... You see, I was trying to fix my Music Star (I took it apart and now the pixels are like... smudged...) so I needed a battery to make sure it was woring and I was too lazy to go out into my garage and... and... and... WHY WON'T AURA EVOLVE??????

Her s.p.'s are now:




let's see if she gets into the Kutchi or Mame family... please be Kutchi! I don't want another Mame child... :p

I hope she at least evolves TODAY, and I'll update later again if she does.



Me and Aura



(Ps- I wonder when she will evolve... :rolleyes: )

I'm annoyed.

UFOtchi. Really??? I mean, not that I don't LOVE UFOtchi, but I really want that UraVioletchi! But at least now I can get Memetchi or Violetchi... but hopefully I won't get Mimitchi! I think that maybe if you take the battery out (which I did with Oreo, too) then you get a Universal character. It won't happen again! The battery shall stay in! I guess all my skill points are for nothing... poo...

I don't know when she evolved because the sound's still off, but when I looked just now she was a UFOtchi. She is kinda cute, though...

Kk, pics to come later! Bye for now!



Violetchilluvr3 and Aura



(Ps- I'm very surprised that my battery can last this long... I mean, 5 generations? Yes, please!)

Hi! Sorry I've been posting so late lately... it might keep happening though... sorry!

ANYWAYS, I don't think I told you yesterday but she got accepted to school. Since she's becoming a universal anyways, it didn't really matter which teacher I picked, so I just chose Mr. Canvas 'cause... well... he's a canvas!!! :) I haven't been taking her to school much, though.

I haven't paying much attention to her today as I had a busy day... but earlier she had no happy hearts and she was sick (oops).

Um... hasn't been a real eventful day... But I did take some pictures!!


Lucky enough to catch her taking a bath!


Just to celebrate her general cuteness.


She's really cute when she comes up close to the screen!

K, I'll update tomorrow after she EVOLVES!!! (Please not mimitchi please not mimitchi... sorry to all the people who love mimitchi but she's... nevermind.)



Violetchilluvr3 and Aura



(Ps- I don't really have a ps for now...)

Yaaaay!!! If you recently looked at my name, you can guess that I love Violetchi. Guess what I got! VIOLETCHI! Yay! I mean, I would've preferred Violetchi, considering this is the Universal family, but who cares? I'm happy!! I don't know exactly when she evolved, but it was between roughly 3:10 and 3:20. Picture time!

Isn't she adorable?

I hope she becomes a hairdresser!!! :)

I'll update later if anything happens.



Violetchilluvr3 and Aura



(Ps- I like how a UFOtchi is named Aura... like the Arobelian lights (or however they're spelled) don't you like that? heh... :) )

Hola! Aura got a job offer today. She's a doctor! (Why do my Universal characters keep getting the good jobs? :) ) I still haven't gotten offered a hairdresser... :/ The one job I want! :) My friend finally started up her 4.5, so eventually I want to get them married!!! (Yay, Missvioletchi!!!) Did you know that Violetchi wakes up at 10? My Mametchi woke up at 8! :( I like them when they wake up early... It wasn't a real eventful day... See you later!



Violetchilluvr3 and Aura



(Ps- ever heard of the Tamaheartbeat? If you hold a V1, 2, or 3 up to your ear, you hear a tiny little sound which sounds like a heartbeat! It totally works! Unfortunately, it doesn't work for 4.5s... :p

Hi hi! I didn't really know what to post today, so I took a picture of Aura using a genie lamp!! I took TONS!!!!! :)

Let's see what happens...


Yay for Aura! She got 3,000 points (wow! Thanks!!!) but the pictures didn't come out, so I didn't post 'em.

My friend is going to New Mexico this weekend so she might be giving me her 4.5 to take care of so I'll have TWO to take care of and log!! She's a girl, though, so they can't mate. She's a Yankatchi, and she's so cute!!! In case you're wondering, it' the cheetah design.

That's about as much as I have to say right now... :p



Violetchilluvr3 and Aura



(Ps- why did Aura's hearts empty after the genie gave her 3,000 points?? Shouldn't she be HAPPY??? :rolleyes: )

Ah... they grow up so fast!

K, so I was at family dinner, and then I go to the bathroom, and I pull out Aura and guess who's on the screen? The matchmaker!!!!!! I clicked B (to ensure of my getting a girl) and she brought a handsome tenpatchi on screen. When the smoke cleared there was a baby girl on screen. I'm going to name her Gina, and the battery shall not come out and she will be a Ura Violetchi... I swear it!!! So far, my hypothesis (of A for boy and B for girl) has been working.

In other news, my friend gave me her 4.5 for the weekend! Her name is Cat, and right now she's a Yankatchi. She has requested that I don't log about her, so I'll just say a couple things: she's a Yankatchi, evolving tomorrow, and her owner is hoping to get her into a Universal. That's all I'm saying.

That's it for now. Hopefully I'll update multiple times tomorrow to make up for my short post... :p



Violetchilluvr3, Aura, and Gina



(Ps- sorry for my late posts... I hope to fix this!!!! :( )

I HAVE BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




No, my friend's tama didn't get married.




BIGGER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I BOUGHT A TAMAGO!!!!!!!! Yes, first time I'll ever be running two of my own Tamas at once!

Pink with Kutchipatchi. I wasn't planning to, but I've been wanting a second Tamagotchi forever! Anyways, here's the story:

K, so we just finished going to lunch with an old friend of ours, and my mom said she needed to go to Target to pick up Valentine's stuff. She asked if I wanted to go, so I figured, "what the heck?" I went. I started thinking, hey... target has Tamagos!!! I was kidding at first, but then it sounded like an awesome idea! I brought my christmas money in, and found the pink with kutchipatchi one! I bought the Tamago and Ponytchi figure, and my mom offered to buy the Ichigotchi figure for V-day! I'm so happy! So far... I LOVE THIS TAMAGOTCHI!!!!! I've played with the Ponytchi figure and Kutchipatchi figure so far. Do you wanna know about what I got ON the Tamagotchi??? : )

It's a boy! I'm naming him Percy. I love the fact that they can come up close to the screen. I've concluded that they poo every 10 minutes. He was born at 2:35 so I can't wait till he evolves! I've caught the pee pee wiggle dance every time, but he still has no training, so it doesn't effect that. I'll have pictures later.

We went to the park earlier and met Oyajitchi. They got on a see saw scale type thing. I plan to remodel his room later.

Aura just got sick, but other than that nothing exciting happened. I'm not too big on running 3 tamas at once, but maybe I'll change my mind once Percy's not a needy baby.

Be back with more news and pictures later!!!



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, Aura, and Gina (wow!!!)



(Ps- I LOVE THIS TAMA!!!!!!)

Percy just evolved! He's an Ahirukutchi.

We've been to Tamatown a few times, and he tends to like it. We've also been to park, but the last time we met no one was there...

Our friendship level is 2 and a half (I think). I really wanna remodel, but I have to rack up some points first.

That's it for now!



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, Aura, and Gina



(Ps- now it feels all weird to hold Aura!!!! ;) )

Mini update:

I just remodled (sp??) Percy's home! Now it has a door in the upper left corner with those bead on string thingies hanging down, and a chair in the upper right corner. I love this Tama so much!!!

I also just realized that Aura's leaving tonight... that's so sad!!! :( I also haven't gotten a job offer... hm...



Violetchi, Aura, Gina, Percy, and my friend's tama.



(Ps- to read about my friend's tama check out MissVioletchi's 4.5 log!)

Happy Sunday!

I didn't notice what time Percy went to sleep 'cause I was a bat mitzvah, but it was pretty early. I woke him up 'cause I wanted to play with him, but I also AGAIN didn't notice what time he goes to sleep. I hope he wakes up soon!

Aura left last night. I have Gina here with me, but I'm gonna wait 'till she wakes up rather than set the clock.

If any of you are thinking about buying a Tamago- DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE SIZE! You so get used to it! I love it now. I love the buttons, I love the new sounds, I love the new characters (Necktietchi and Lovelitchi? Absolutely!!), I love the interchangeable faceplace, I love the character figures!!! If you are considering buying one- drop everything you're doing and run to Target.

Until everyone wakes up,



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, Gina, and My friend's Tama




Sorry for not updating sooner, I was doing bat mitzvah stuff... :p

Anyways, Gina's a cute lil' Kuribotchi! I've been feeding her lots of snacks in hopes of getting her into the Meme family... She weighs 36 pounds now!!!! I never did say, her mom got a job offer last night, and hairdresser was one of them!!! Apparently she was so wrong for it though... In her last day on Earth, Aura was a schoolteacher.

I lied. I did set the time this morning. I think she evoled at around 9, but I'm not sure.

Percy and I have been to the park a lot. I think he met Kutchipatchi, Memetchi, Kunoitchi, and Oyajitchi today. Hemade a couple sand castles, rode on the swings a bunch, and hopped on the teeter totter. My camera needs more batteries, so I'll have pictures later! I caught the 1:30 "I'm lonely" call, so I'm happy! We have 7training bars (3 just from catching the pee pee wiggle dance and one from cleaning poo off the floor!!!) We have a full friendship bar, but the last heart keeps going light gray... We also went on Tamatown and we had fun! I noticed something really cool! When I attatch the Ponytchi figure and go to the clock screen, Ponytchi shows up there! I love that!

More later, hopefully! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Percy, and Gina :furawatchi:



(Ps- Hey! I still like fan mail! ;) )

Yay!!!! At 3:53 (seconds ago!!) Percy just evolved! Into a... Kilalatchi- I think. the pink one with the mask and cape and looks like a cat. Yay!!!

Until later,



Violetchilluvr3, Gina, Percy, and my friend's



(Ps- it was funny 'cause I was reading Binary's log and I was reading that it said from toddler to teenager about 1 day... hehe!!)

Happy Valentine's Day!

An exciting day it was in the world of my Tamas!!

K, so first: Tamago

We redecorated his room, so now it has a checkerboard floor and couch. At around 3:30 (idk when, but before 4:30) Percy evolved into... Mametchi... :/ it's not that I don't LIKE mametchis... it's just that I hoping for like Necktietchi or Wooltchi or a fun character... but oh well! For V-day my mom got me an Ichigotchi figure!!! Yay!!! i love this one!!! The restaurant? Classic! The games? Awesome! I can't wait to get an Ichigotchi so I can run the restaurant!!!



That's it for now! I have homework so no pictures for now... sorry!! I promise I'll have some... in the near future! ;)



Violetchilluvr3, Gina, and Percy



(Ps- I had to give my friend's Tama back today... :( )
