*Violet's Little Garden*


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I swear, it feels like I JUST started page 14!!!! ;)

Page 15 is a big accomplishment... Not many logs make it this far. You guys helped me on the path here, so for that... HAVE A... FISH!


Wanna eat it? Fiiiiine...


(Taught to me by Memetchiluva464)

So, I am exhausted. I know, I keep complaining and probably am probably getting on all of your nerves, but tomorrow's Friday so hopefully it'll be the last day of this.

SO my iPod's in my dad's care, and even if I wasn't feeling too lazy to get it or my foot didn't hurt (See? Excercise never did anyone good! :p ), I really don't feel like uploading all the pics I took, so only one sucky one from my webcam. Sorry, guys. -_-


Well, this is... ummm.... well, you can see-ish the happy birthday banner in the back. It was Ponpontchi's birthday today, and she got a Sunflower cookie as a present. :) Happy birthday!

Also, at 1:something Paul got his fourth happy symbol, therefore unlocking the icon symbols! I love them! I know, in pictures (especially this one ;) ) they don't look great, but trust me they're better in person. It was kind of sad, I got them and was like, "Where the heck are they???" so then I just decided to take Paul on a trip to the patchi falls, and then it gave me some kind of message when I finished that was probably like, "CONGRATS! YOU HAVE UNLOCKED APPLE HALF ICONS!". You have to check the health meter, and go to the new THIRD page, and choose it. :)


Robodog, if you're reading this, I loved your comment about the Tama-go being the size of a brick and being able to give people concussions. xD Very mean to the Tama-go, but admittably funny. ;)

Oh yeah! I wrote a letter to Bandai on Saturday:

Hi Bandai! I have played with Tamagotchis for years now, and I loved how things were back in '09 when everyone had a Tama and you were uncool if you didn't have one.

You haven't quite been advertising... at all... I was thinking that maybe if you were to advertise on Nick and Disney a lot of kids would go "Oh, yeah! I remember those!" and go to Target and buy one. That is, if you can get them off of clearance, which is very depressing. I also think that more people would buy them if you didn't aim them SO much at little girls, maybe at an older group- the ones who remember the Tamas. I think you should maybe bring back the Connection size Tamas, not the Tamatown Tama-go size, and have some of the old features, like mail and jobs. If you guys were to at least take this under consideration, I know that you guys would make a lot of people happy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please please please take some of my ideas to consideration.

Have a great day!

And they responded (in time, I might add!)



Here at Bandai, we appreciate comments regarding our products and are proud of our reputation as a manufacturer of high quality items that are fun and satisfying for all. By alerting us to areas where improvements to the products or how they are marketed, consumers like you help ensure that we will continue to meet this high standard.


We apologize for the disappointment you have experienced with Tamagotchi advertising. We appreciate all our fans regardless of age or gender.


Sometimes retailers may be providing shelf space in certain areas of their stores and we might accordingly be advertising for that demographic.


We thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We will share your comments with product develpment management for their future consideration.


We'll see!

Once again, you guys rock! Tomorrow hopefully I'll have a couple good photos. :p



Violet and Paul

Yola Tamapeoples!! :)

Couple of shout outs:

To Aperturegotchi, who left a comment making Olivia feel good on my profile. :)

To Dazzlitchigirl, for her signature. 'Nuff said. ;)

So, today after coming home from lunch (YES! THANK YOU HURTING WRIST FOR GETTING ME OUT OF AFTERNOON TENNIS!) Paul asked me to take him to the matchmaker, which I agreed to.


Wait, just kidding. We relaxed at the springs first. ;) Then, at the matchmaker's, he met three lovely ladies, but decided on Memetchi.


And then, he brought home an egg which hatched into...



She got a little tired, so paul sang her to sleep.


I used missvioletchi's technique of how she got furuspurtchi (sp?) (the equivalent of rolutchi), and then an hour later, she evolved!!!!


WHOO!!! I've let her get 3 care misses, even though you only need two, just to ensure that I get Hineonetchi!! I'm going for Agetchi or Ponpontchi. They're SO DANG ADORABLE!!!!

And now, another real life story:

My mom and I went out to dinner today 'cause my dad 'n brother are gone and she didn't feel like making dinner, and there she saw a guy and was like, "Not to be racist... BUT THAT GUY LOOKS JAPANESE," and I was like, "haha, very funny." >.> and she was like... you know what, let's do a different format. ;)

Mom: Japanese, blah blah

Me: Mean!

Mom: No, I'm being serious! You should ask him to translate your iDeal Tamagotchi!

Me: Just because he's Japanese- and what if he's NOT??- doesn't mean he's heard of Tamas, mother.

Mom: Well, he's reading a book. Is it English or Japanese??


Mom: -Yes you do! Don't you need to GET MORE SODA?

Me: ...sure...

and it WAS in Japanese! I said really loudly that I wish I could read Japanese, but the book must've been super good 'cause he didn't notice. xD

Tomorrow I was GOING to to sew the handles on my purse, but now I hurt my wrist so hopefully I can still do it... :p

WHEW! Long post! xD

Thanks for clickin'!



Violet, Reyna, and Olivia



(Ps- if you're wondering, Reyna means Queen in Spanish)

(Pps- If you're like, "WHERE THE HECK DID SHE GET THESE NAMES???' Well...

My name's Dani (Danica), my best friend's name is Niki (Nicole) and my other best friend's name is Renee (Reyna). Hehe, get it? :) )))) )

Hi. :(

"Why the sad face, Violet?"

I've been extremely tired for days, and my grandma thinks that if I keep being tired I have to go to the doctor and... get... blood... drawn...... :( (((((

But, onto the log...

Here's Reyna as an adorable Rolutchi...


Isn't she the CUTEST????

Well, I thought so until she evolved into...


Hineonetchi!!!! OMG, SHE'S SO CUTE!

When she gets happy, her hair turns pink.


Yesterday, I think, we remodeled the shower room. I love it!!


I'm trying to let her get two care misses so she turns into an Agetchi, but we'll see what happens. All the teens from Hineonetchi are SO cute!!! I definately need to have her more often!

Tomorrow I'll be taking Reyna to go see Mary Poppins, so we'll see how she likes it. ;)

Well, that's it for now!




Violet, Olivia, and Reyna

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Well... Sounds like I'm going to the doctor... :'(

What the heck IS anemia, anyways????

Well, Reyna and I had an amazing time at Mary Poppins, even though it was raining.


All was going fine, until sometime during my nap ( :p ) she evolved, and I managed to snatch this GREAT picture of her as an...


Agetchi!!! :)

FINALLY having a boy adult, we went to visit him!

AKA, first family reunion!


And he served us.... Suuushi????



Then she asked me if we could play accessory dress up! I said yes, being curious. ;) (Not as to what it is, but as to what she would try on, hehe)

Well, whoever she marries is going to be happy, because she has a sense of humour!


Then she took one look at the crown and her eyes got huge, so I let her try it on, not aware that it was one of her happy symbols, but glad my iPod was out!


Then later we went to the park and got a pet, Memetchi's dog who I think is called Chitchi, but I'm not positive.

Hmmm... Oh yeah, thaks to desiraeisdesirae for the fan mail! Always makes my day and am so glad that I'm not writing to air. ;)

Hehe okies I think that's it.



Violet, Olivia, and Reyna




(Ps- This video is AMAZING, if you've seen all the harry potter movies.


Evenin'! (Morning? Afternoon? Oh, time zones.)

Remember how I said that last week was my last week of camp?

Nevermind. :p

Tomorrow I'm playing in the morning for 3 hours, so hopefully I won't be too tired, but... you know...

We woke up this morning to a pig stye!


We cleaned up, though, and everything was ok. :)

Then, I went to my friend's house at 12 ish and Reyna got a little... ahem... ignored... :( Sorry! So, I took her to the Tama bakery and bought her a fruit sandwich, not knowing it was one of her happy symbols. I also didn't have my camera on me, so I couldn't take pictures... :p But, I got her THIRD happy symbol not too long ago! :)


And now, a look inside my iD L journal. I'm an amazing...

...ly bad artist. ;)


Paul marrying a Memetchi


Nicole as a Painaputchi and Giragiratchi, marrying Guriguritchi (Jeez!)

But, not ALL of my drawings are bad... ;)


Once I finish coloring Naomi in, she'll be even better! :)

Today at work my mom had someone who, not to be racist, is Japanese and she was telling her about my color Tamagotchi from Japan, and I guess she perked up and went, "Tamagotchi?" and my mom was like, "yeah!" and since the instructions are in Japanese, she's goign to translate them for me next week, hopefully! :) Plus, she recommended this game for the DS lite, which I have, called "My Japanese Coach", which I guess teaches you basic Japanese. My mom's going to order it off of Amazon, and then when we go to Arizona she'll let me use it as an early Hanukkah present. :) That'll be AWESOME if I can get a general idea of what they're saying!

Tomorrow we will be out and about, but as usual Reyna will be with me. I MAY or MAY NOT get her married, I'll have to see what mood I'm in. ; )

Bye for now!



Violet, Reyna, and Olivia

12 votes! Yippee! :) ))

Well, this morning I did the Elite tennis camp, which is really good people, a level above me. ;) I'm exhausted... :p But we played this really fun game called Rip Your Face Off (I know, I know. Way more fun than it sounds! ; ) ) and I actually stayed in past when my brother got out, which is a huge achievement!!! : D

But, you came to read about Tamas, not tennis, right? Can't blame you. ;)

Well, I tried to feed Reyna earlier, but as soon as the screen turned on...


So I sprinted to the garage and pulled out two AA batteries, then realized I need AAA! (Or was it vice versa... :huh: ) So I ran back, and got new ones! Then Reyna told me she was BO-ORED and we wandered around town until she started to smell cinnamon, bubble gum, and scented candles. The date place was calling to her. So we took a trip where she met some fine gentlemen.


Just like she has a fun side, she wanted to marry someone with a fun side. So, she chose Peintotchi.


And then she brought home an egg, out of which popped...


A NIttobotchi! He's pretty much the same as a Momoirotchi, so I ignored him for the hour... and then he evolved into a Furutsupantchi! He's asleep, so pics of him tomorrow. I need to give him 2 care misses to get Happabouyatchi, and then... HUMM...

Oh yeah, his name is Kuroba, which means clover. :)

Thanks to Dazzlitchigirl for the shout out in her log! You can view it here ->https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/175212-two-tamas-and-one-girl/ , it's really good. :)

Kk, that'll be it! :)



Violet and Kuroba


Ok, I know how you guys are. ;) I say, please respond! IMPORTANT! And exactly one person does it.


Please pm me with your vote, I will be posting them here throughout the day, so keep checking in.

I'm getting a small itch to start up a Music Star. Thoughts? Comments? Vote? FLOOD MY INBOX!!!

Yes No


If you do it, you guys rock! (Well, you rock anyways, but you'll rock extra hard if you do this!) If you don't then... You don't rock. (AS MUCH) ;)



Violet, Kuroba, and Olivia

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So, to all of you who voted...


To all of you who didn't... there's still time. ;) You can view the scores up there ^, but I won't be able to update them tomorrow, so scores here!



So, here's a pic of Kuroba as a Furustupatchi!


He's pretty cute. :3

It was raining for most of the day today.


And um... here's his C button reaction...


Well, later he evolved into Happabouyatchi, which I don't have a picture of, but I will get tomorrow. ;) I have to get five care misses so I can get a Guriguritchi, who's pretty cute.

I know, a very sad update... :p I haven't got much to say... Kk, bye for now!



Violet, Kuroba, and Olivia

Count for today:



So, I flipped a coin, and the answer is...


Sorry, guys, no music star... right now, anyways. ;)

I can NOT wait for tennis camp to be over tomorrow! I am soooooooo sore!!! xP

Well, it was a long and boring day for us today. :p


Well, long and boring until Kuroba evolved!


Kikitchi! :)

I made up my mind yesterday that I wanted a Kikitchi, just 'cause. ;)

So, I took him over to the Henshin Jo.


King Kikitchi!

I have no idea what his happy symbols are... I just know that ONE is the sports car. But, I am forbidding myself to look at happy symbols charts because I believe they are cheating. :) (We'll see how well my self control is, basically)

I was going to repaint my nails today, but I was just getting comfy when I remembered that I had... had... S-word orientation. (S-word ending in "hool") So, now I'm doubly wiped out from walking around a school three minutes from my house (Yes, I timed it).

Ugh, I'm e-xhau-sted. At 8:30. Nice.




Violet, Olivia, and Kuroba


I have 3 MONSTER bug bites on my arm an put like two pounds of Cortizone on them, but they STILL ITCH!!!!!!!!! :( :(

Well, today was the day to get Kuroba's happy symbols. We went on a shopping spree today. We bought the sports car, tuxedo, goggles, and seeds. So, we used the sport's car.


Then, we went to the restaurant and got some fish & chips.


And the outcome... :)


He's due for his last happy symbol tomorrow, and I may or may not have pics depending if I'll be out partying. ;) I never got a chance to do my nails today, but I really need to. xP

Well, I think that's it for now...

See y'all later, and as always thanks for clickin. :)



Violet, Olivia, and Kuroba

Ugh, I'm going to have to be really annoying.

I don't have a good reason, I just really don't want to upload pictures because I've been out pretty much since 13 hours ago, coming home for about a whole half an hour and now it's 11 at night. So, I'm even more exhausted than usual. -_- I know, you guys are probably super tired of hearing me complain, but it's part of me, so sorry. :p

Well, really all that happened today was that I got Kuroba's last happy symbol using the goggles. I also discovered something.


Yup, that's right. I already had three from the sports car, goggles, and fish n chips, but today I took him to the cafe and got him cut fruit, and he did the jump up with a cloud of air and the SPARKLE out thing. I know, I'm probably being a really bad explainer right now, but I'm half asleep as I'm writing this.

I didn't get to check on him since like four thirty to after he went to sleep, so he never got his last happy symbol. It'll happen when I wake up tomorrow, I guess. Well, I"ll go to bed now so I can wake up early and get it, and then I'll get him married.

Night everyone, sorry for the sucky post. -_-



Violet, Olivia, and Kuroba

What does everyone think about a V2?

Pm me or comment on my profile your votes, pleeeeease. :)



I'll edit this post throughout the day. :)



Violet, Olivia, and Kuroba

Ok, so no one voted. I guess I'll take that as a no on the V2. ;)

I tried to get my mom to start it up this morning, but it wouldn't work. Rats! Anyone have tips? :p

Kuroba and I were in the garden this morning and we got happy mail... from Yuki, missvioletchi's Maisutatchi that helped me get Nicole the Giragiratchi! That was how many generations ago? (I'm out of school, let's not start counting things. ;) )

So, here's Kuroba getting his third happy symbol yesterday.


Da goggles

Well, then today he wanted to take a trip to the matchmaker. We met three lovely ladies.


But, we decided on Lovelitchi. :)


Then, he brought home a surprise...


And it hatched...


Into a Momoirotchi!


Then Kuroba left to Tamatown to be with his wife. I used my usual method of getting Rolutchi, but I somehow ended up with Paletchi. That's ok. :) I named her Ginny (maid??), after deciding that I wanted to do a Harry Potter theme! It got me SOOO excited! : D : D Ginny told me she wanted to grow up like her mommy and be a Lovelitchi. That may or may not happen, because I may have accidentally given her a couple care misses... oops. So, I may be getting a Sabosabotchi, and then I'll decide. :)

Well, that's it for tonight! Thanks so much for reading!



Violet and Ginny



(I think I'm not going to have Olivia sign off anymore. She'll still be here, just not in writing. ;) )

Hi! Exciting news! ^-^

So, here's a pic of Ginny as a Paletchi.


And, I guess I gave her more care misses than needed, because she evolved into Sabosabotchi, who is still pretty cute. :3


I gave her five care misses, so hopefully I'll be getting Pichipichitchi.

I took pictures but didn't feel like uploading them of...

My friend's V2! I know you guys weren't interested enough to actually pm me, but I really wanted to start it up.

So I did. :)

At 3:06 little Angie (alphabetical theme) was born, a cute little Petitchi girl. She got ok/bad care and evolved into a Hitodetchi. I'm not aiming for anything, I just think the V2 is a generally cute version and wanted to start it up. I don't know for how long, with *shivers* school starting next week, but for now I'm raising her.

My finger really hurts (what the heck??? I didn't do anything to it! <.<) so I'm going to stop typing for now.




Violet, Angie, and Ginny



(Ps- I'll be taking pics with my iPod now, seeing as my webcam is... well, my webcam. ;) )

Such a scary nightmare last night... I hope it won't happen again... -_-

Today Ginny and I were just lounging around when she started to feel funny. She closed her eyes, and a few seconds later she evolved into a Pichipitchi! I didn't know any of her happy symbols, so I looked at the spoiler chart. -_- Well, I found out her first happy symbol is the tiara, which I wouldn't have guessed. We the proceeded to try it on. :3


Here's hatching pics of the V2...


The little eggie


And out comes little Angie!


I LOVE THE ANIMATIONS SOOOOOOO MUCH! :wub: I hope they add them to the next ones that come out...

And then later in the afternoon she evolved...


UFOtchi... Hm... I'm on the same route that I had last time. Hopefully I won't get Whaletchi, but I'll have to see... Angie'll evolve into her adult form on Thursday, so that'll be cool.


Size comparison between my iD L and Holly (missvioletchi)'s V2. And Olivia wanted to say hi. :3

Okies, that's it. Wish me luck on not having another nightmare... :(



Violet, Ginny, and Angie

Hey y'all. ;)

Today my Tamas, my family and I took a trip to Sea world today, and luckily no one got wet. :) (Well, more than luck, I only went on one water ride and my dad held my purse. Good thing, 5 and a half hours later and I still wasn't completely dry!!)


In front of the Sea Lion show, which was really funny. :3

Our fridge collection is rapidly growing, so we sold one of our 3 strawberries today to Yonepatchi. (Mamapatchi???)


And then, earlier today on our way home (and before my nap. :) ) Ginny was getting pretty hungry, so she asked me to take her to the restaurant. I said sure, and we ordered the rice with... caviar? on top. I didn't know this was one of her happy symbols, and I didn't have my iPod on me, But, I was able to get her third one!


It's so funny, there are actally different characters eating there all the time!

And a big achievement for me today! I WON A GAME FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY ON THE V2!

Yup, you heard it alright! I was playing heading, and I was like, "ok... just 5... just 5 ball bounces and maybe that'll get a heart up..." and I got however many, probably 20, you need to win and I won the game! 100 points and everything!! :) I also bought tea... cool!


Aw, she's such a cutie, even in the dark, hehe.

Twice since Sunday I've been on my mom's case about running a Tama. She's all like, "no, I'm too busy!! Plus, I'm glad to be rid of my farm and restaurant! No time for silly little games..." Which may be true. She works a ton. Plus, she not so recently gave up Farmville and Restaurant City on Facebook, which she enjoys throwing in my face when I ask her to start up a Tama. ;) I figure a couple more times I ask her, and she'll either get super mad or give in. We'll see, haha. ;)

Thanks for clickin!! :)



Violet, Ginny, and Angie

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Hola Tamatalkers. :3

I'll start with Ginny.

So, today she earned her last happy symbol!


Then she told me she wanted to go the matchmaker, so we strolled on over (she sure was taking her sweet time in the rain. =P )and met three handsome gentlemen.


I was learning towards the Hirotchi, but she took one look at the Gozarutchi, and knew they were soul mates, so I let her do what she wanted.


And then she brought home an egg, and out hatched a...


(hehe cool last picture)

Yurapatchi! Nannokitchi is the equivalent of Kingyobotchi (meaning you can only get them from certain babies, like Yurapatch), so I tried for him and got him! I'll have a picture of him tomorrow. I'm going to try for no care misses and then I'll get the character who looks like a cashier from McDonald's, and then I think I want Kuromametchi, who looks AWESOME in color!

It was a pretty lazy day for Angie and I. Well, it was, until the new battery (or so I thought) ran out like 10 minutes before she was supposed to evolve!


So, I ran to get another one and found not a CR2032, but a CR2025, which is thinner than a 32. It seemed to work, though, so I wedged a piece of tape between the battery and the shell, so it's pressed against the contacts. We'll see how long it lasts... >_>

Well, I hope it doesn't have anything to do with the battery, but Angie didn't evolve!!!!!! I'm hoping it'll happen tomorrow, but it might happen the next day... or not at all... :( I don't know. If it doesn't happen by Saturday then my mom is taking me to the store!! (Well, actually we need to get more for when this one runs out.)

Sigh... well, that's my post for now. Thanks for reading, guys. :) Just two more posts and then it's the big 3-0-0!! :D

BTW, if you guys can get to 6,000 views before then... (Which won't hapen, unless you want to like click here and back and here and back, but who wants to do that? xD) I'll love all you guys FOR-EV-ER! :)




Violet, Albus, and Angie

Hey guys!

First things first.

Tomorrow I have someone coming over, and she's a little bit of a Tama hater, so if I remember I'll update before she comes, but it'll be a nothing update. And if I forget, which may happen, I'll update when I get home partying at a bat mitzvah, at like 11, and it'll be an iPod update, which'll be very sad. So, sorry for tomorrow's update, in advance.

So, here's Albus as a very cute Nannokitchi.


Isn't he cute? :)

And, I guess I gave him less than four care misses (doubt I gave him any. ;) ) because he evolved into a Hanikamitchi, but this was the only picture I could get of him.


Hopefully I'll have an actual picture tomorrow. :p

And now I bet you're all wondering what Angie turned into, right? Here's the dealio:

If you'll remember, the V2 was missvioletchi's, on extended loan. After reading my post from yesterday, she got worried that the battery was going to break the Tama. Even though it wasn't going to ( ;) ), I took the battery out. I don't really feel like starting up any other Tama I have, so it's just Albus and me again.

That's it for now! C'est la vie! (I think. ;) )



Violet and Albus

Hey guys. :)

So, short update, just thought I'd do it before my friend gets here.

This is what Albus as a Hanikamitchi, aka the mcdonald's guy.


And then during services this morning, I asked my friend Holly (gave her the V2 back, by the way. :p ) which background I should redo the living room as, and she chose the very last one.


Isn't it EPIC??

I love it so much! It got me thinking that pastably I should go for a Peintotchi, but no. :) I really want Kuromametchi!

I tried to give Albus two care misses, but I may have gone overboard... -_- We'll see!

Ok, that's the update for today. Sorry, but I'll have a longer one tomorrow, I swear! :)



Violet and Albus


300 posts since that 4.5 that started it all... hard to believe I've been posting every day since Januaryl

I have no life. ;)

Anyways, I guess I got the right amount of care misses, because Albus evolved into a Kuromametchi! :D Of course, I then turned him into Metal Kuromametchi. :3 And if you're wondering, yes, I know, it's hard to see what he is.


The only happy symbol I know is the metal guitar, so we used that later.


And, yes, that's where my pictures end because my mom called me to do something and by the time I got back he was done doing the happy dance. :p Sorry...


Oh yeah, Tuesday I start... I start....

I can't say it.

My summer's ending. -_- So, my updates may be getting worse and less picture filled, but hopefully my afternoons will stay clear and allow me some relax-ation time. :)

Ok, that's it for now. Tomorrow I unlock Melody Land I mean I don't know what I unlock. :) But hopefully it'll be cool, especially since I get new icons!

Well, let me just thank all of you for making me lucky enough to get this far, have so many views, and thank the Tama gods for letting me get 12 unique characters... in a row. :)

You guys rock sooooo much! :wuv:



Violet and Albus


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