Since I think that contest is never gonna happen where I live, I want to send my ideas to BanDai. First, I want you to read them:
Instead of Tamagotchi Connexion, call it Tamagotchi Revolution!
This Tamagotchi should be quite big to hold a lot of memory.
Wireless port at the top of the egg that can connect further.
Infrared port at the bottom to connect with Tamagotchi Connexion.
Different characters plus a few more... there should be... hmmm... 75?
External Extension Port at the side (like Nintendo DS's port at the back) to connect a charger and link cable (links directly to PC) to the Tamagotchi.
There should be a character called Mamemitchi! Mixing together Mametchi and Mimitchi!
Send messages to each other via wireless! That would be cool!
Instead of a strap or keychain, like Entama, have a string of beads. But instead of 'TMGC', have them say 'Tamagotchi' in Japanese (only 5 beads)!
Instead of discipline have Mail, like the Entama!
Have it feature a lot of Entama's features. Place a proper shop function though!