v4 Tamagotchi life


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Ches: Zahra, I...I love you.

Zahra: What..?! I thought you always said you hate memetchis..and makikos??

Ches: I said that because I always thought memetchis and makikos are snobby and stuck up...but ever since I met you..

Zahra: You...what? *stares at Ches with a suspicious look*

Ches: ...you're different. You're different from all the other makikos and memetchis I've met...you're kind, you're sweet, humble, nice, generous...and..you're beautiful too, both in personality and appearance. I..I love you. Zahra...

Ches gets up from the bench and kneel down

Ches: ...will you marry me?

Zahra: What..?! But...I don't fancy him at all! I...I....I don't want to hurt his feelings!!

Ches: Zahra...? *smiles at Zahra*

Zahra: *gets up from bench* Ches...I don't know what to say...I..

Ches: *keeps smiling at Zahra happily*

Zahra: I won't marry you Ches!

Ches: *Stands up* What?! Why?!!

Zahra: I don't LOVE you! I can't marry someone I don't love! Ches, I don't want to hur-

Ches: Forget, it Zahra.

Zahra: Ches...I..

Ches: I knew it. I'm such a fool. I should have never fallen for you. I knew it...

Ches: (angry, harsh tone) You're just like the other makikos!! You're stubborn, stuck up, selfish! I HATE YOU ZAHRA! YOU ARE NEVER GOOD, I'M SUCH A FOOL!

Zahra: *eyes start watering* No...its not like that!

Ches: I don't care anymore! I'm such a FOOL to have loved someone LIKE YOU!

Zahra: *shakes head* I'm not like that...! Ourgh!! *runs away crying*

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Zahra: (On train to Guruguru Town) *Takes cell phone and calls up Nan*

Nan: *answers phone call* Hello?

Zahra: (crying) Nan...*sniff* its Zahra...

Nan: Hun! What's the matter? Why are you crying?

Zahra: Nan...I need to tell you something...*sniff*

Nan: I'll be at the train station right away..don't worry, sweet!

Zahra: Ok...bye. *puts down phone* *cries*

At Guruguru station....

Zahra alights from the train, her face wet from crying.

Nan: Zahra! What's the matter? Don't cry, hun...*hugs Zahra*

Zahra: *hugs Nan* Its...Ches..*sniff*

Nan: Tell me, love. Tell me everything.

Zahra tells Nan what had happened as they walked back home

Nan: There, there sweet. Its not your fault, you don't love him. And you didn't intend to hurt him! *unlocks door to apartment*

Zahra: I know...but he hurt me! *enters apartment*

Nan: *locks door* I'm sure he didn't mean it...maybe he was just so upset you wouldn't marry him, that he had to vent all his anger on you.

Zahra: *lies down on sofa* I don't know Nan! *cries*

Nan: You can't go on crying forever...what are you going to about this, sweet?

Zahra: I just want to get away from it all! *sniff*

Nan: You are going for the special course on social skills in New York, right after your graduation.

Zahra: Well...*sniff* good, then! I won't have to see him ever, for two whole years!

After the graduation ceremony...

Headmaster: Hello Zahra. I hope you'll enjoy the course in New York. Here are the tickets, and the admission letter and fee. *passes stuff to Zahra*

Zahra: Thank you ever so much, sir, for sponsoring my course.

Headmaster: You are welcome, Zahra. You are a very bright student and we have decided to pay for your course, as a reward.

Zahra: Thanks. (:)

Headmaster smiles and walks off to other students.

Darsh (mother of Zahra): Ooh! I'm so proud of my little girl! *hugs Zahra tight*

Ray (father of Zahra): I know you'll do well in the social course, just like your father.

Zahra: *laughs* Oh, dad!

Kevin (grandfather of Zahra): Ahh...I remember my graduation day...

Raine (grandmother of Zahra): Yes..me too! He was so romantic back then..

Zahra: Grandpa? Romantic? You must be kidding me grandma!

Raine: *smiles at Kevin*

Nan: Well, we better get a move on! Zahra's flight will be here soon.

Zahra: Ok, let's go! *Looks around for Rosie and Rosie's Nan* Hey, we're going already!

Rosie: Oh, ok! *runs to Zahra* We'll follow you to the airport.

Just before Zahra enters airplane...

Nan: Bye darling! My flight is coming soon too, I'm going back to Planet Earth for my exams.

Zahra: Ok Nan, I'll miss you! *hugs Nan*

Rosie: Bye Zahra! I'll see you in two years! *hugs Zahra*

Danny: Bye Zahra, I hope you enjoy it there.

Zahra: Thanks Danny. Have a nice wedding!

Danny: Thanks..*blushes*

Darsh: Bye darling! Remember to write to us when you're there.

Raine: Be a good girl!

Kevin and Ray: Bye Zahra!

Zahra: Bye everyone! I'll miss all of you!

Zahra enters the airplane to New York where Tama Social Skills High awaits her...

Nan also leaves Tama Planet to go back to Earth, for her exams

After 2 years in Social Course, Zahra goes back to Tama Planet

At the airport...

(Nan has arrived back on Tama Planet 3hrs earlier)

Nan: Welcome back Zahra!

Zahra: Hi you all! Thanks for being here!

Her grandparents and parents were there.

They went to hug her.

Then, Zahra and Nan go back home.

Nan: Ahh, I miss Tama Planet. Good to be back.

Zahra: But Nan, isn't Planet Earth your real home?

Nan: I know. But I love it here at Tama Planet. Its home to me.

Zahra: Oh...:)

Nan: Mind if you check the mailbox for me, sweet?

Zahra: Ok, sure. I'll be right back. *Walks out of door, takes mail, walks back in* I'm back!

Nan: Hmm, let's see...ooh! Here, the letter for your jobs!

Zahra: Wow! *Takes letter and opens envelope; reads* Ooh! I have to go to Tamatown!

Nan: Okay. Are you sure you want to go today?

Zahra: Yup!

Nan: Ok...bye, good luck!

Zahra: Bye Nan, thanks!

Zahra manages to become a preschool teacher.

She was sent to preschool for her first day on the job.

Ms Butterscotch: Welcome Zahra! You'll be attached to another teacher here, who will enlighten you about our kindergarten.

Zahra: Ohh, thanks. How long will I be attached?

Ms Butterscotch: For about one week. Then you'll be given an assessment, if you pass, you will officially be a preschool teacher! :)

Zahra: Oh, great! So, who am I attached to?

Ms Butterscotch: To that mametchi over there. *points to mametchi playing with some toddlers* You may go to him now. I have already informed him about his attachment.

Zahra: Ok, thanks! *walks to mametchi*

Zahra: Hi, I'm your attachment for this week. I'm Zahra *extends hand*

Mametchi: Oh, hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Leonard, you can call me Leo. *shakes hand*

Zahra: So, what do I do first?

Leo: The kids are going for an excursion to the Tamatown Hospital today. We have to count the children who get on and off the bus.

Zahra: Oh ok...that seems easy.

Leo: You may think its easy, but its harder than you think. They rush in and out of the bus. Once, the bus left with only one student in it, and the rest still in the preschool!

Zahra: :D OH...did you get the bus back?

Leo: Fortunately, yes. Well, let's go!

Zahra and Leo hung out together often.

They were falling more and more in love with each other.

One day, when they were on a date at Forest Patchi, high on a hill, watching the stars...

Leo: Zahra, I have something I need to tell you.

Zahra: Okay...

Leo: Zahra..I'm Ches. I love you, Zahra, and again I ask you...*kneels down*...will you marry me?

Zahra: Leo..? What are you talking about? You're...Ches??

Leo: Yes. My full name given by my parents was Ches Leonard Michaels.

Zahra: Ches...I thought you..hated me?

Leo: No...I'm so sorry about that night. I was just so upset that I...I just had to yell. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Zahra: I'm sorry if I hurt yours that night.

Leo/Ches: Its ok...Zahra, if you love me now, will you marry me?

Zahra: *smiles with tears in her eyes* Yes!! Of course I will!

Ches: *stands up and kisses Zahra* I love you. *puts ring on Zahra's finger*

Zahra: I love you too!

Ches: You know, I missed you so much when you went to New York?

Zahra: Really? Oh...:)

Ches: :)

They kiss again, under the light of the silver stars.


Dear Diary,

I did marry Ches in the end! He was Leo!! He recognised me once I came to the preschool, and he was afraid to tell me that he was Ches when I first came there. He told me to call him Leo!

Oh, I love Ches/Leo! I regret saying no to him at the prom night- but then, I didn't love him.

But now I do! We're going for our wedding tomorrow! Ooh, wait, Rosie's calling...brb!

Omigosh! She needs help, fast! I'm going over to her place now!


Zahra the married Makiko!

The phone call:

Rosie: Zahra! You got to help me! I think I love someone else!Zahra: What?!

Rosie: You know I do soaps? I saw this magnificent mametchi and he is so sweet and gorgeous. You should see him.

Zahra: Talk to me about it when i get there. I'm coming over.

Rosie: Thank you! You are a true best friend.
Zahra quickly rushed out of her apartment and went straight to Rosie's.

As Zahra came in, the mametchi did.

Zarah: Don't marry him! He may be good looking but you only just know him! You love Danny, and he loves you!

Jack (mametchi): Come on Rosie! Please??

The doorbell rang.

Rosie: Hang on.

It was Danny!

Rosie: Danny! Oh thank goodness you are here!

Danny: What's my bro doing here?

Rosie: Your brother?

Jack: Danny?

Danny: JACK!!

Jack: Rosie, I love you!

Danny: What? Rosie..please don't tell me this was a trick to hurt me..

Rosie: Of course not! He was in my soap then he started kissing me-

Danny: What?!! Jack! You are not going to the wedding! And stay away from my wife. I love her more than anyone else in the world. Including you.

The doorbell rang again.

It was the matchmaker!

Rosie: I think you have went to the wrong house. I'm getting married to Danny.

Matchmaker: I am here to get Jack a wife actually.

Jack: Me?

Matchmaker: Yes. Here, this tama would be perfect for you.

A memetchi came over.

Matchmaker: This is Gabby, Gabby this is Jack.

They all went off together.

Rosie: Thank you for coming Zahra and Danny.

Danny: *smiles* Come on, we have a wedding to get to.

Zahra: Have a wonderful wedding!

Rosie: You too, with Ches!

Ches and Zahra got married at Forest Pachi, where Ches proposed.

After the wedding...

Zahra: I love Forest Pachi..I hope our child will live here.

Nan: Yes, me too! This will be my first time living here. :)

Ches: I love it here too. Ohh..*enjoys cooling breeze*


Dear Diary,

Today was our wedding! It was beautiful!

And..I got a baby girl!! I hope Rosie's child will be a boy, and her child and my child, could fall in love!

Me and Nan decided to name the child, Lilah. (pronounced Lai-lah)

And we want her to be a pukatchi when she grows up! So she can live in Forest Pachi.

We showed her the pictures of the girls in the Kuchi Family, and she pointed to the picture of pukatchi and giggled.

Hmm, Lilah is looking up at me now, I think she's hungry...ooh, she is!


Zahra Makiko


Dear diary,

Today I went to Rosie's and we went for a walk at Babytchi woods.

Me and Rosie feel that they are going to get together in the future...and we'll be in-laws!

I can't write for long, I have to pack my things- I'm leaving for Tamatown tonight! Oh, I hope Lilah wont be too sad.

I gotta pack!


Zahra Makiko with a baby

Zahra and Ches left sadly, as Lilah was fast asleep in her cot.



The next morning...

Nan: Morning, dear!

Lilah: Where's my mother? Who are you? *confused face*

Nan: Your parents left, hun. I'll take care og you from now.

Lilah: Huh...my parents gone? Why? *stares at Nan sadly with watering eyes*

Nan: There, there...*strokes Lilah's forehead* *Adds name in status*

Nan took care of Lilah until she was all satisfied.

Nan then played a game of jump rope with Lilah.

Nan: Would you like to go over to Eddy's?

Lilah: Eddy..? Ohh. *smiles at Nan*

Nan puts Lilah in her buggy and brings her to Eddy's house

Lilah: (At Eddy's house) Hello Eddy. Did your parents leave too?

Eddy: Yes. I cried.

Lilah: Ahhhah. I didn't- I nearly did, but I didn't.

Eddy: Its okay to cry.

Lilah: But still. Hehe!

After an hour of playing...

Lilah: Do you feel something, Eddy?

Eddy: Yes...I think so...*evolves*

Lilah: *evolves*

Eddy: I'm a water droplet! Ehh...I can..talk!

Lilah: I feel funny. What am I?

Eddy: You look funny for a girl. You..

Lilah: *looks at mirror nearby* I look weird!

Eddy: *nods head*

Lilah: I don't like this! I want to go home. Naaaaaan!

Dedicated to Emma,

Happy thirthteen birthday! May you have a good year ahead! I hope we can stay good friends forever, and continue our passion for tamagotchis. ILY!

23 October 2008


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Dear Diary,

Today was horrible. I evolved into something weird, for a girl. Me and Eddy evolved at the same time and I turned into a mohimatchi. He said I looked funny, and I cried, wanting to go home.

Eddy laughed at me. He said it was my turn to cry.

Why do I love him, when he is so mean?

Anyway, today we went to preschool.

And it was too, horrid. I couldn't do the things I wanted, and everyone ignored me.

But I did make one friend, her name is Sally. She is a very pretty harutchi, and I am jealous of her.

Also, she and Eddy have been very friendly with each other. I am growing more jealous of her as I write.

She doesn't usually "hang out" with me, though. She would run off with her other friends, leaving me alone. Well, I have to go now. Nan is taking me to visit my mother and father.


After visiting Lilah's parents...

Nan: Let's go to Pachi Forest, we can see the houses there. If you evolve into a kuchi teen, we'll move there. Hopefully, you will. The kuchi family is hard to get.

Lilah: Is that why there are little tamas in Pachi Forest?

Nan: Yup.

Nan and Lilah take the train to Pachi Forest.

After walking around the estates, they chose a perfect home they would live in when Lilah evolves.

Lilah: This place...its so beautiful.

Nan: It sure is. Oh, look at the time. Let's go home now.

Lilah: Okay..

Dear Diary,

Me and Nan went to Pachi Forest to find a home when I evolve. I really do hope I evolve into a young dorotchi/nikatchi.

But I am not very social..I don't want to dissapoint Nan.

Sigh...I have to turn in now.

Write in you tomorrow.


PS: Hope preschool will go fine tomorrow!

When preschool ended...

Lilah: *evolves* Ohh! I've evolved! I guess I'm not a young dorotchi...I'm not floating! Ohh, am I a nikatchi? *looks at self* Ohh dear...

Sally: Wow, Lilah! You're a ichigotchi!

Lilah: *nearly cries* You're...a young mimitchi...

Sally: I know! I'm soooo lucky! I'm so beautiful....ooooh. *admires self in mirror*

Lilah: You...you just don't understand! *runs away, crying*

Sally: Ugh. What's her problem?!

Lilah: I don't want to go home...I can't face Nan like this...she'll be so dissapointed! Where am I supposed to go? I'll go to my parent's..

At parent's front door...

Lilah: *knocks*

Zahra: *opens door* Hello, darling! Ohh, you're such a sweet little ichigotchi. Its a pity you're not in the kuchi family. Come on in, sweetie.

Lilah: *goes in and sits on sofa* Mum...I don't know what Nan will say. She'll be dissapointed! *cries*

Zahra: Ohh, darling. *hugs Lilah* Its ok. Nan is not like that. She won't get all angry.

Zahra consults Lilah.

Ches comes into the room.

Ches: Hello darling! Give papa a hug!

Lilah: *smiles and hugs Ches* Hi dad..(:)

Ches: Hmm, not a young dorotchi or nikatchi?

Lilah: *sigh*

Zahra: *Gives Ches the "don't-talk-about-that-she's-upset" face*

Ches: Sorrry....

Lilah: *lies down on sofa* Mum...dad...how did you fall in love?

Zahra: *looks at Ches*

Ches: *looks back at Zahra* Well...its quite a long story....

Suddenly, the door opens.

Darsh, Ray, Kevin and Raine entered.

Darsh and Raine: We made brownies! We just thought that we could have tea, since Lilah is here.

Lilah: Ohh, hi great gran and great granpa, gran and gramps!

They walk outside, and had tea.

While they had tea, Lilah asked them about their lovelifes...

Lilah: Great gran and great grandpa, you start first

Kevin: I’m so old, I don’t think I remember anything! *chuckles*

Raine: That old man is just too embarrassed to say! *nudges Kevin* Well Lilah dear, this is how it started...


I met your great grandpa when I was just a baby! See, his mother was a care-taker at the childcare in the hospital.


Ohh, yes, I remember. *chuckles* I used to be a “superhero” called Raven Boy the Great Baby!

Ahahaha...! I’ll always remember that. He also saved me from a lion, in a dream...! That’s when I started to like him, dear.


Great gran...you mean, you can see each other in your dreams?

Yes, dear. But we were babies then; babies can do many things that we can’t now. I guess that was one of those special things.

Oh, I see. Continue, then.

Well, I went home, and I found out that my mother was changing her job! I was terribly sad, I though I’ll never see your great gran again!


And one day, when I evolved into a puchitchi, I received a letter from preschool! And Nan told me that all the babies that have evolved into toddlers would be there. I was so happy that I could see Raine again!

Wait...Raine? Great gran, that’s your name?

Yes, sweetie.

That’s a beautiful name!

Thank you, dear.

*coughs* I shall continue...

When I arrived in preschool, I quickly searched for her. And, I found her! She was a beautiful harutchi.

Hey...what do you mean “was”? Are you saying I’m not beautiful now?

*laughs* No, now you’re a beautiful mimitchi. Not a harutchi anymore.

You cheeky old man! *smacks Kevin*

*giggles* Oh, please do continue the story!

Okay sweetie. He found me and I was happy too! And he gave me a nice hug.


Then, we grew up into teenagers. And we went to the same class. We did most of the things together, of course with our two other best friends, Max and Kylie who are now married with each other.


Yes, I remember them. I wonder how their doing...? Anyway, I asked Raine to be my date for the school prom.

And I obviously accepted.


Great gran...were you already a couple back then?

*laughs* Me and your great gran were a couple when we were babies!

No, we weren’t! *smacks Kevin* the earliest we were on an “official relationship” was when we were toddlers, just about to evolve into teens!

*chuckles* Then, we got our jobs. She got accepted as a teacher, while I was a firefighter.

Ooh, that’s cool, great grandpa! So, when did you propse?

Let me tell you about that, dear! Your great grandpa was *ehem!* was romantic. He took me on a date at Guruguru Town, the most romantic state on the planet! He took me to my favourite restaurant, where people dined under the stars. The restaurant was facing the fountain, you know, the one which is in the middle of guruguru town? Yes, he proposed to me at the fountain, after we ate, and all the customers applauded!


WOW great gran! That’s truly romantic!!

Yes, I know. Too bad, he’s just an old tama now. No more romance from him!
Everyone laughed.

Lilah: Now gran and gramps! Tell us your love story!

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Darsh: Me? Love story? *laughs* Hmm...well...it started when we were toddlers...


We met each other in preschool. And we became best friends.


But on that day, he had to leave for Planet Earth. He told me he just knew and his owner just made a last-minute decision.

But gran, if it was a last-minute decision, and if was after preschool, then how did you know that he was leaving?

Because my dear, he wrote me a letter.



And that’s how it all started...

All started? What do you mean, gramps?

I wrote to her, giving her my address. See, when I was on Planet Earth, I was very lonely, and I had no friends. I treasured your gran so much, and I didn’t want to lose her. So I wrote a letter to her and sent it to Tama Planet.

I replied and then he wrote back to me.

And I was falling more and more in love with her in each letter. I was just too afraid to tell her, because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, because I treasure it so.


And one day, we turned into teens. And that day changed my life!

Why, gramps?

Because, I became a universal. My owner was very mean to me, and she usually neglected me. And all her friends labelled me a “universal neglect”.

Oh dear!

And he sent me a letter. He was ever so depressed, but I changed his mindset!


Wow! You are very encouraging, gran!

Thankyou, dear.

Well, we kept sending each other letters, our love growing for each other stronger everyday. And, I had a new owner, so I became more sociable, and made more friends in social school!

Yes, and his owner wanted him to become her favourite character, a surprise for him!

And I became a kuchipatchi, not a nonbiritchi, which we thought I would become.

And I became a mimitchi!


And his owner gave him another surprise, to move somewhere else! And she told him, that she won’t deliver letters to me anymore, when they move to their new home.

Oh no!

*chuckles* Let me continue, dear. So, he wrote in his last letter, confessing that he loves me! Oh, I was so happy, but so sad, because I couldn’t send him anymore letters! I too, didn’t know where he was going to live next.


But it turned out, I was going to live in Tama Planet once more! So I married your gran.


And that was the happiest day of my life.
Lilah: Aww! Now for mum and dad! Tell us how you met and all!

Ches: Us? Hmm...

Zahra: It was him who liked me first, you know!

Ches: Yes, yes...

It was back in elementary school where we first met each other. She was a young memetchi. I always had an impression of memetchis and makikos being snobby and self-centered. And I told myself, eventhough they are pretty, I will never fall in love with them because of their personalities. But your mother changed my mind.


She was the kindest young memetchi I've ever met. I started falling in love with her, so I asked her to be my date for the prom.

But unfortunately, I didn't like him, then.

You didn't? So how did you fall in love with him, then?

Wait, darling. Let me continue...

We all evolved into adults, I became a makiko.

And then, he took me outside to propose to me.

But mum, I thought you said you didn't like him?

Ahh, and that's why, your mother rejected me.

And I was very upset, of course.

So I yelled at her.

*gasps* Dad, that was meaaaaan!

Of course it was. *glares at Ches*

I was so sad about what had happened, and luckily I had to leave Tama Planet to go to New York for my special social course.

And I forgot about him for the whole 2 years I was there.

And when she got back, she got the preschool job and met me!

But she didn't recognise me. And my name was known as "Leo".

Yes, so I was his attachment for that week.

And I fall in love with him.

And one day, I proposed to her, again..*ahem*, telling her I was Ches.

I was so very shocked, but this time I accepted, because I love him.
Lilah: Wow! That's so romantic...oh, look at the time! I have to go back to Nan..I don't want to!

Darsh: Darling, Nan won't be angry, she's not that kind of person.

Lilah: But she'll be so dissapointed!

Darsh: Tell you what, I'll accompany you back home, ok?

Lilah: Ok!

At the doorstep of Lilah's house...

Darsh: Bye dear!

Lilah: Aren't you going to follow me inside? So you can help me explain to Nan?

Darsh: Of course not, dear! You have to be brave.

Lilah: But I'm not brave! I don't want to go inside alone...what if she scolds me?

Darsh: She'll never. Now go! I know you can do it! *kisses forehead* :)

Darsh walks away

Lilah slowly opens the door.

Lilah: Nan...I'm home...

Nan: Hello dear *turns to face Lilah* Oh! You're a ringotchi. I've never had one of my tamas become a ringotchi before.

Lilah: I'm so sorry Nan! I didn't turn into the teen you wanted me to...

Nan: Its ok, dear. *hugs Lilah*

Lilah: You're not angry at me?

Nan: No..! Why would I be? Come on, let's have tea.

Lilah: I already had my tea.

Nan: Where? With who?

Lilah: *giggles*

Lilah tells Nan all about her day...

The next day...

Nan: Remember, go to social class. I want you to make more friends, alright?

Lilah: Okay, Nan! Bye!

Lilah enters the hall and registers for her social classes.

At lunch...

Lilah: (sitting all alone at one table) *spots Eddy* Oh, there he is...with Sally. Sigh...

Eddy: (sitting with Sally and other girls) Hey, so what you all wanna want?

Sally: I know what I want...you!

Eddy: Hah. I'm hungry.

Lola: (Sally's bff) I'm on a diet. I can't eat all these fattening foods in the school!

Todd: (Eddy's best friend) Yeah, dude. We gotta stay in shape, man!

Lilah: They act so...uh! I wish Eddy would be sitting with me...

Eddy gets more and more popular around the school.

A lot of tamas want to be his friends, because they want to be popular as well.

Eddy: Uh, all these "fake" friends. Just because I'm popular. I want a true friend. Sally is cute and all, but she too wants fame...I don't know who to go to now...*suddenly spots Lilah at the corner of his eyes* Lilah! What she doing all alone? Wait...she's the only one who hasn't been "all over" me. I think...yes..! She is the right one for me! My parents are right! How foolish of me!

Eddy: *walks over to Lilah's table* Hi Lilah!

Lilah: *looks up at Eddy* What's he doing here? Umm, hi Eddy.

Eddy: Can I join you?

Lilah: Y..y..yes. Yes, you can.

Eddy: *sits next to Lilah instead of opposite her*

Lilah: *blushes* Umm, you..uh...what are you getting for lunch?

Eddy: I don't know. Hey, you wanna look around with me?

Lilah: S..s..sure..

Eddy spent the rest of the day with Lilah.

At the end of school...

Eddy: Hey, you wanna come over my house? For a movie or something?

Lilah: Umm, ok..

Eddy: Great! Let's go! *grabs Lilah's hands and leads her to his house*

Lilah: What? Wait- now?

Eddy: Yeah, then when?


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