v4 Tamagotchi life


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Nan: Its a boy!!

Nessa: I want it to be a kuchipatchi *pinching baby's cheek*

Baby: *giggle*

Nan: What are you gonna name him?

Nessa: I dunno, Nan...

Baby: Mama!

Nessa: It said its first words!! *hugs baby*

Baby: Evii! Eviieeeen! Ack-viieeen

Nan: I think its trying to say something. *turns to baby* What is it sweetie?

Baby: Eviin. (has a big smile on face)

Nan: Kevin?

Baby: (jumps up and down happily) Evin! Evin!

Nessa: *Hugs baby* I'll call you Kevin!

Nan: You can go for work now, if you want.

Nessa: Ok, Nan! I'll take Kevin along

Kevin: *smile* Mama! ^.^

Nan: Take care Nessa! Bye-bye Kevin!

~Kevin's thoughts~

What's this? Its a tama with flowers on her head. She looks very nice. She's my mama, I think. Oh Im so hungry. She's giving me some milk now! She is my mama! There's also this human which takes care of me and mama. I think she's the human nanny. Mama calls her 'Nan'.

Nan asked mama what she's gonna call me.

Call me? My name?

I want to be called Ravenboythegreatbaby!

I tried to say it but my baby voice could only cough out an 'Evin'

Then, Nan said Kevin.

Ravenboythegreatbaby sounds way better, but Kevin is nice.

Yay! I'm going to be called Kevin!

When Nessa arrived at the hospital with Kevin, all the staff applauded.

Staff: Congratulations!

Nessa: Thanks! *blush*

Kevin: I'm in the centre of fame. Yes, Ravenboythegreatbaby has saved the day. I love you too, people. (Ps: These are his thoughts)

Nessa takes the lift to he childcare centre, which is on the 2nd floor.

Soon, more tamas came in. A girl baby (shirotsubutchi), two mizutamatchi girls, a boy mohitamatchi, a boy harutchi, puchitchi twins (a boy and a girl) and a young Andarotchi.

Nessa: *puts children into specific corners* *goes to toddler corner* What are your names?

Mizumatchi: Im Anna!

Mizumatchi 2: Im Sugar!

Mohimatchi: I'm JJ. I'm going to be an oniontchi tomorrow!

Harutchi: I'm Ray. I want to be a robot when I'm a teenager!

Puchitchi(girl): Michelle

Puchitchi(boy): Michael

Nessa: Ok, who wants to do some colouring?

Anna, Sugar, JJ, Ray: Me!! Me!!

Nessa: (Handing out colouring books) Here you go. Sit on the tables over there. Have fun, ok?

Nessa: *turns to the two puchitchi twins* Don't you want to colour?

Michelle and Michael: (shaking head)

Nessa: Then, waddya want to do?

Michelle and Michael: (stares at Nessa)

Nessa: I remember when I was a puchitchi...Nan always found me hard to please..until one day she brought me a...Yes! I know just the thing for them both!

Nessa: *walks over to reen corner* Hi there! You're Max right?

Max: Yup :eek:

Nessa: My nanny knows your owner. They're friends.

Max: Cool!

Nessa: Can you do me a little favour?

Max: Yeah, what is it?

Nessa: Can you help me take care of the babies when I'm gone? I need to get something for the toddlers.

Max: Okay

Nessa: Thanks! *walks back to toddler corner* Now, I need to get something. You children behave yourself, and I'll give you lollipops. Ok?

Anna, Sugar, JJ, Ray: Okay! =)

Nessa: *goes into storeroom next door* *Takes a basket of balls* this will make the puchitchis happy. ;D *Also takes six lollipops*

Nessa: (entering the childcare room) I'm back! Good, you;ve behaved yourself. Here's your lollipops.

Anna, Sugar, JJ, Ray: Yay!! *takes lollies*

Nessa: *goes to the two puchitchis* You'll like these, guys. ;D *gives a big balancing ball to michelle and a bouncy ball to michael*

Michelle: *eyes sparkle* ooooh...! *jumps on balancing ball* WHEEE! YAY! WHOOOOOOooooOO!!! ^.^

Michael: *sits on bouncy ball* wheeeee! WHOO HOOoo!

Nessa: My job here's done =)


What happened between the babies at the childcare:

Kevin: *bored* Ravenboythegreat has defeated all the monsters and fluurrrppht. Im so bored! =_=

Nessa: *putting down a girl baby in baby corner* Kevin, make friends with Raine

Raine: Hi! I'm Raine =)

Kevin: I'm Ravenboythegreatbaby! I'm a superhero. When I came in, everyone applauded because I saved the day.

Raine: *eyes sparkle* wow...that's amazing.

Kevin: But I'm also known as Kevin. Its a supehero thing. You need another name to avoid all the paparazzi and fans

Raine: tee-hee-hee! you're cute and funny.

Kevin: That's all in a superhero's package. =D *charming superhero smile*

Raine: *giggle* Do you like dolls?

Kevin: The lion dolls destroys the town, and I always have to save the day.

Raine: The lions are naughty. Hee hee hee!

Kevin: Yeah! Its not easy being a superhero you know.

Raine: But my lion at home is nice. She has a ribbon.

Kevin: Only lion with ribbons are nice.

Raine: Hee-hee-hee!

Max: Hello you two. Nessa told me to look over you for a while.

Raine: gugugaga! wobot!

Max: Yeah, I'm a robot.

Kevin: nyanya ga boo! i supahewo

Max: A superhero?

Kevin: Nya-huh. =)

Max: Nessa's back. See ya!

Raine: He's pretty good at guessing baby language

Kevin: Yup! *yaaaawn* My superhero body is running out of energy

Raine: *groan* I need to sleepy!

Kevin: Its time to alert my mama! On the count of three

Raine: One, two, three...


Nessa puts the babies in their cradles and they fall alseep. They met each other in their dreams

Kevin: Hi RaineRaine: Cool outfit!

Kevin: Its my superhero outfit! ;D Like it?

Raine: Uh-huh!

Suddenly, a lion grabs Raine by its mouth and takes her away, jumping and destroying buildings as he went

Kevin: Raaaaine!

Raine: Kevin! Save me! AAAAAh!!!

Kevin: *soars into the air*

People on the streets: *Gasp!* Its a bird! No, its a plane! No, its...

People on the streets: ..RAVEN BOY THE GREAT BABY! He has come to save us from the evil lion! Yay!!! *applause and cheering*

Kevin: *Flies over to lion* Stop right there!


Raine: Help! Help! Use the ribbon! Use the ribbon!

Kevin: (flashback: Raine: But my lion at home is nice. She has a ribbon.

                            Kevin: Only lion with ribbons are nice.)

Kevin: *zooms towards the tama mall and gets a ribbon* I'll save you Raine!

Kevin: *ties ribbon onto lion's mane* BE NICE, LION!

Lion: *Puts Raine down* Meow...purrrr

People on the streets: Yay! Yay! Raven boy has saved the day! *CHEERS AND APPLAUSE*
They awake from dream

Raine: (blushing) Thanks for saving me...

Kevin: Its all in a day's work ;D

Nessa: Raine, your dad is here!

Raine: Thanks, Kevin

Kevin: (blushing) welcome..

Raine: *kisses on cheeks* bye, Kevin! You'll always be my superhero!

Kevin: Bye Raine! You'll always be my maryjane in spiderman

Nessa: *takes Raine out from cradle*

Kevin: I'll never forget you



What happened between the toddlers at the childcare:

Anna: Hi! I'm Anna! We're both mizutamatchis.

Sugar: Hi Anna! I'm Sugar. Let's be friends

Anna: Yup! Best friends

Sugar and Anna: *giggle*

JJ: (talking to Ray) Hi, I'm JJ.

Ray: Hi JJ. I'm Ray.

JJ: Let's make a cool handshake

Ray: Cool!

JJ and Ray make a handshake

Then, Nessa talks to them and gives them colouring books to colour

Anna: I'm going to colour a picture of a robot. I LOVE robots. They're sooo cool!

Sugar: Me too! Me too! Look at that teenage robot over there...*gazes at Max the young Androtchi*

Anna: Isn't he dreamy?

Sugar: Uh-huh..

Ray: I'm going to evolve into a robot when Im a teenager

Sugar: Really?! *eyes sparkle* Anna, you can have him. I want Ray.

Anna: Okaaay.....*still gazing at Max*

JJ: Yuck! I hate girls.

Anna: *hits JJ* hmpf! Its not like boys are any better!

JJ: I want to be an oniontchi when I become a teenager so I can scare girls off with my onion smelly pong!

Anna: Eww...

The toddlers colour and play until its time to go back home.

(ps: the puchitchi twins were not included because they were busy playing with bouncy and balancing balls and they did not socialise with the other toddlers)

~Kevin's thoughts~

Today I met a beautiful Shirotsubutchi. She was really nice. I hope I see her again soon.


Anyway, today, I had to save the world twice. A lot of people applauded when I went into the hospital. They all were thanking me for saving the day. Luckily there wasn't any paparazzi chasing me. =) It must be because mama was protecting me! I'm so tired. I want to sleep now. But my mama is bathing me. I'm so sleepy. Oh...I hope I see Raine again in my dreams. She's the Sirotsubutchi I was talking about




Nessa: *awakening* yawn!

Kevin: *opens eyes* mama!

Nessa: Hello darling. Today we're visiting grandma and great grandpa

Kevin: Uuohh? (cute confused face)

Nessa: Aww..come on. We're supposed to be there for breakfast

Nessa says bye to Nan and she and Kevin go to Tamatown to visit Nessa's mum and grandpa

Mum: OOOH! Im a grandmother to such a cute little boy!! :p

Grandpa: Hello Kevin! *picks up Kevin and cuddles him* Who's a cute boy? Huh? Huh?

Kevin: *giggle*

Mum: *takes Kevin frm grandpa's hands* You're adorable!

Kevin: Gaand-mah. Gaand-mah

Mum: AWW! He said grandma! You little sweetie

Nessa: Kevin! Come on, its time for your milky *Takes Kevin and feeds him milk*

~Kevin's thoughts~

I sure enjoy all this attention. Wow, their really old tamas. Especially the Tosakatchi! He has so many wrinkles. Well, he is old. He's my grandma's father! Mmm..milk time. Yum yum. I wonder if I can visit Raine...ooh~! The tosakatchi gave me some toys! Its a stuff toy Sebiretchi, a dino tama! It can be a new monster for me to save the day for! Aww. Its time to leave! But I might be visiting Raine! =D

~Kevin's thoughts~

Today me and mama went all around Tama planet! We went to Forest Patchi, Mame City and Tama town. We couldn't go to the Tama Expo because only version fives can go in. Version fives are really, really modern Tamas and they have families of 5. Mama said that we are version fours. I wish I could be a version five. Nevermind, I'll get back to the topic.


We went all over Tamatown. Mama bought me loads of stuff, like candy, milk, toys, clothes etc. When we were at the post office, she wrote a letter to her friend in Planet Earth, Cherie. I wonder if I can post a letter to Raine. If I know where to find her..

Then, we took the train to Patchi Forest. There were many many many trees! The tamas there are really nice! We went to the forest patchi homes. My mama said that when I become a kuchipatchi, me and Nan would live here. OOH! I can't wait!

We went to Mame city after that. That was where great grandpa used to work at, he was a scientist.

When we got back home, mama recieved a [ ! ] mail. It was a new job. Now she works as a bus counter.

That means I'll never go back to the childcare at the hospital ever again!

That means

I might not be able to see Raine ever!


Oh, and also, when mama tucked me into bed, I heard she and Nan crying.

Nan said she was going to miss her when she leaves.


My mama is leaving?!

Nan: Sweetie, wake up.

Kevin: *opens eyes slowly*

Nessa had left

Nan: Don't worry, sweet. I'll take care of you.


Nan puts adds his name in the birth certificate

Kevin stops crying.

Nan: Here you go, milk.

Kevin: =D! *Kevin dances a cute baby dance because milk is his favourite food*

Nan: Aww! Kevin, I have to put you on pause. I need to go for school.

Kevin: *suddenly freezes* How come I can't move? What's this big letters in front of me? It spells P...A...U...S...E. PAUSE? What's pause?

Kevin got accidently unpaused and he got really hungry, he got sick and he REALLY needed to go to the bathroom. He also turned into a puchitchi

Nan: (checking on Kevin) Oh my! *quickly clears Kevin's six pile mess, cures and feeds him*

Kevin: Aaaah...I fee mach bettawr. ****-you Nan!

Nan: Aww..you're so cute talking like a little toddler! But too bad you're not gonna be a kuchipatchi. You'll probably get into the mame or meme family

Kevin: Awwgh! But I wanna liff in Fowest Pachee!

Nan: Its ok, Kevin. You can live in Mame City, if you get into the mame family

Kevin: But its sho noisee in thewre!

Nan: How bout Guruguru town?

Kevin: But its sho girwly!

Nan: *checks mail* Its the letter to preschool! All the babies that evolved into toddlers will be there!

Kevin: Weally? Even Raine? She'll be thewre? I wanna go choo pre schoo now! *runs to the door*

Nan: Wait a minute, Kevin! Who is this Raine girl you're talking about?

Kevin: *smiles gleefully* She's my girlfriend

Nan: Say what? Kevin! Where did you meet her?

Kevin: At the chilecare in the hoshpeetal! I saved her life fwom a big lion.

Nan: Really? okay then. Let's go! We'll visit your mum after that, ok?

Kevin: Ok! Yay! YAY! I'm going to meet Raine! Wheee!!

Nan and Kevin arrive at pre-sch.

Kevin quickly looks around for Raine

Kevin: Raine? Raine? RAAAINE!

Nan: Hush, Kevin. Don't shout.

Kevin: But I want to find Raine!

Nan: Ok, ok. But don't shout. I'll be going now.

Kevin: Okay. Bye Nan. *Hugs Nan for a few seconds, and runs off into the pre-sch playground to find Raine*

Kevin: Raine?! Raine, are you here? *Sees a group of girl harutchis* Maybe she's there. *Walks to the group of girl Harutchis*

Kevin: Have you seen a girl called Raine?

Raine: Yes, I'm Raine

Kevin: Hi Raine! Its me! Kevin!

Raine: Kevin! =DD!

Kevin: I thought I'll never see you again! *Hugs Raine*

Raine: Hehe!

Other girl Harutchis: oooo! Raine, you're so lucky!

Raine: *blushes* He's really nice..

Other girl Harutchis: Ooooo

Ms Butterscotch: Come on in children! Its time to have fun while learning!

Kevin and Raine sit next to each other in class

In preschool, Kevin makes friend with a boy mizumatchi named Max

Raine made friends with a puchitchi named Kylie

Max and Kylie like each other, too.

Ms Butterscotch: Find a partner and we'll learn the tama-tchi-tchi dance!

Raine and Kevin partner together

Max and Kylie partner together

They all had fun dancing!

At the end of class...

Kevin: Raine, can I have your address? I want to send you mail!

Raine: Okay...its Mame City, Ave 5, #30-02

Kevin: *writes down in notebook* Thanks! I'm gonna visit my mum after this

Raine: Ooh! ok.

Kevin: See you tomorrow!

Nan: Hi Kevin! How's preschool? Did you manage to find Raine?

Kevin: Uh-huh. Shes's a harutchi, and she lives in Mame city.

Nan: Really? Where is she?

Kevin: *looks around* There she is! (points at a cute and pretty Harutchi) Raine!! Bye! (waving to Raine)

Raine: (waving back)

Nan: A pretty little toddler, isn't she?

Nan and Kevin start walking to Kevin's parents house

Kevin: Yeah! And I made a new friend, Max. He's a mizumatchi. And he has a girlfriend too. Her name is Kylie, and she's a puchitchi too! Raine gave me her address so I can sned her mail. I can't use the phone till I'm an adult. And when I am, I'll talk nooooon-stop to her! You know, Nan, she's really pretty. I'm gonna draw a picture of her and give it to her tomorrow! And I-

Nan: We're here!

Kevin: *knocks on red door*

Nessa: *opens door* Kevin! Its you! Come, give mama a hug! -_-

Kevin: *hugs mama Nessa* Mama!! =D *tuns into the house* wheeee!

Kevin draws and colours a picture of Raine while Nan and Nessa chat

Nessa: So, Kevin

Kevin: Yea, mama?

Nessa: You like Raine from the childcare at the hopsital?

Kevin: Yup!! I drew a picture of her!

Nan and Nessa: Its beautiful!

Nan: Come on, Kevin. Let's go home now.

Nessa: Wait! Before you leave, here's a little tama treat...*gives a bag of gotchipoints (500GP) and a lollipop*

Kevin: Yay! Thanks Mama! Now I can buy a stamp!

Nessa: Why do you need a stamp for?

Kevin: I want to send a letter to her.

Nessa: But you're still seeing each other tomorrow!

Kevin: But my letter will show her how much I looooooooove her!

Nessa: So young, but yet so romantic.

Nan and Nessa: *laughter*

This is the letter to Raine:

Dear Raine,

How are you? I'm fine. I'm very happy that we finally got to meet.

The stamp of this envelope is 500GP. I used the money from my tama treat that my mama gave me. The stamp has the tama king on it. The tama king hasn;t visited me yet. My mama had so MANY visits from him. Have you gotten any visits from him so far?

See you tomorrow at preschool! Love you!


(My Nan says X stands for hugs and O stands for kisses!)

Hugs and kisses,



The next day at the preschool playground before class started...

Kevin: Hi Raine! Hi Kylie!

Raine: Hello! *hugs Kevin* I got your letter yesterday. Thanks! *blush*

Kylie: Hi Kevin. Have you seen Max?

Kevin: Nope. Oh. *turns back to face Raine* Here. (giving picture of Raine that he coloured yesterday)

Raine: Oooh! Thanks Kevin! *gives a little kiss on Kevin's cheek*

Kevin: *blush*

Max: Hello everybody!

Kylie: Hi Max! =D

Ms. Butterscotch: Come on in, children. Its time for lessons

Kylie and Max held hands as they walked in to class, so does Raine and Kevin

Ms Butterscotch: Today, we're gonna learn about jobs!

Class: Yay!!

Mrs Butterscotch teaches the class about all the lessons that are available in tama planet. She also shows them the tama charcter chart so that the children know what they want to evolve into when they grow up. She tells the children a bit of information on each tama teen and adult. The children are then given an activity to draw themselves as what they want to be when they grow up.

Kevin, Max, Raine and Kylie sit together

Raine: I know what I want to be! I want to be a pretty mimitchi :kusatchi: and I want to be a school teacher! =D

Kevin: If you're a mimitchi, I'll be a mametchi and I'll marry you. -_-

Raine: *hugs kevin* Of course you'll marry me. ;D

Kevin: I want to work as a firefighter!

Raine: Cool!

Max: When we go to elementary school, which class are you taking?

Kevin: My nan says intelligence class or social class

Raine: I'm going to intelligence class.

Kylie: I'm not really sure..

Raine: Join us in intelligence class! Then we'll all stay best friends! =D

Max and Kylie: Okay!

Max: But I'll have to ask Emzy, my owner, first. Because I want to be a debatchi!

Kylie: And I looove debatchis! *gives Max a big hug*

Raine: Kylie, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Kylie: I don't know. Well, Im a puchitchi and I grow into the mame and meme family. I want to be a mimitchi or memetchi! Max says they're both pretty *looks at Max shyly*

Raine: What do you want to work as, then?

Kylie: Hmm..maybe a fashion designer! Or..a hairdresser!

At the end of class...

Ms Butterscotch: Here are your letters, children. Give them to your nannies and owners, ok?

Class: Okay! (recieving letters) Bye Ms Butterscotch!

When the toddlers stepped out of the preschool, they evolved into teenagers!

Max: Whoa...Im starting to get all blurry! Im fading! AH! *evolves* Im a..a...gourmetchi!

Kylie: *evolves* How come I feel so funny. *looks in mirror* I'm a young memetchi! YAY! :kusatchi: *Hugs max*

Raine: Oohh...! What's happening to me? Whoaaaa! *evolves* Im a.. -_-

Kylie: ..YOUNG MIMITCHI! congratulations!! *hugs Raine*

Kevin: Something is strange is going on inside me..whoa! *evolves* Im a..*looks at self*

Raine: A young mametchi!!! OOOOH! *hugs Kevin*

Nan: Hi Kevin! Hello there, Raine. =) Im so happy you're a young mametchi.

Kevin: *gives Nan letter* Ms Butterscotch told us to give our letters to our Nannies and owners.

The letter was a [ ! ]. It was the letter to elementary school!

Nan: I'm sending you to intelligence class

Kevin: Can we go now?

Nan: Okay, sure.

Raine: I'm going to intelligence class, too! Let's go together!

Raine and Kevin hold hands while Nan walked behind them.

They reach elementary school where Mr Turtle greeted them.

Nan: Bye Kevin! Bye Raine! Have fun in school!

Kevin, Raine, Kylie and Max sit together as they listened to the headmaster talk.

Headmaster: Hello tama teens! And welcome to Tama Elementry school! You will be given a form to fill in to make sure you are true members and it will ask you all sorts of questions about which classes you will like to take. There are 3 parts of this school, each with a few classes you will like to take. Tick the boxes by the classes and sign please. You are allowed to choose 6 classes and will be going to school everyday except the weekend and you will start school at 8:50AM till 3:25PM. So please start now.

Kevin: *looks at sheet* Hmm...I think I'll take Science, biology, english, maths, geography and chemistry

Raine: I'll take them too! =D! Hmm..and I think I'll take history as well. All the things you should know if you wanna be a teacher, right?

Kevin: Yep. *turns to max who has evolved into a gourmetchi* How bout you?

Max: *looks at sheet* Im taking Citizenship, Games, Art, story writing, chatting and comedian

Kylie: Oooh! A comdiean! *giggles* Well, Im taking moddeling, acting, singing, dancing, cooking and French. =)

After the friends filled up the forms, they handed them in to the headmaster. In a few minutes, they had to go to the reception to collect their timetables

After collecting their timetables, they go back home to prepare for the official first day of school tomorrow.

Nan: Hello Kevin! (carrying suitcase)

Kevin: Why are you carrying a suitcase?

Nan: Since you're a young mametchi now, we're moving to Mame City!

Kevin: Really?! *turns to Raine* That means...! We're gonna leave at the same city!

Raine: Yay! *hugs Kevin*

Nan: Let's go to our new apartment! Its at Mame City, Ave 5, #30-04

Raine: *gasps!* I live at Mame City, Ave 5, #30-02! We're gonna be neighbours!! Ooooh!

Kevin and Raine walk to the train station together, holding hands as Nan followed behind them

They take the train to Mame City and go to Ave 5, where there was a big, beautiful and clean building.

Raine: This is it! =D

Nan: Wow...

They take the lift to the 30th level

Raine: I live here! (pointing at the door which has a big no. 2 on it)

Kevin: Cool. Then we'd probably live...(looks for a door which has a no.4 on it) in that one!

Nan: *goes to the apartment door* *unlocks with key* There we are!

Kevin: *Runs into apartment* Whoa...!

The apartment had blue walls, cream coloured ceilings and a carpeted floor. It was very spacious. It had two big bedrooms, a marble-tiled bathroom, a large kitchen, a reading room, a huge living room too.

Nan: Its...beautiful. *stares in amazment*

Raine: Hehe! Come on, I'll help you unpack! :D

Kevin: Thanks, Raine

Nan: Morning Kevin! Its scrambled eggs and sausage today (serving food on table)

Kevin: (walking out sleepily from bedroom) Huh...okay. Where are we Nan?

Nan: Kevin! We moved, remember?

Kevin: Oh..yeah. Um, right.

Raine: (walks out of kitchen) You look so cute when you're sleepy!

Kevin: What? Raine! Why are you here? =D

Raine: Im here to have breakfast with you all. My nanny said I can. =)

Kevin: Ohh, good. *rubs eyes*

They eat breakfast together

Nan: *looks at clock on the wall* Its 8.15am already! Kevin! Go and wash up! Or you'll be late for school!

Kevin dashes to the bathroom

Raine: *giggle* I have to go back to my apartment to get my school stuff, Nan. I'll be right back.

Nan: Okay sweetie. ;]

Raine: *walks to own apartment and takes school bag* *walks back to Kevin's apartment*

Nan: Hurry up, Kevin! Raine's awaiting!

Kevin: (packing school bag in a rush) I'll be there in a sec! *finally gets ready to go*

Nan: Let's go! *locks apartment*

The three head to the station and take a train to tamatown.

Kevin and Raine go to school while Nan did some shopping around Tamatown

Kevin: I wonder whats first on our timetable..*checks timetable*

Timetable: English, english, *Break* chemistry, biology, *Lunch* science, math

Kevin: Its english first.

Raine: My timetable is exactly like yours, except I don't take science. I take history on that period.

Kevin: But we still get to see each other most of the day

Raine: *blush* yeah...



What happened during the lessons:

The tables in the class were arranged in rows of two. Raine and Kevin sit together.

Mr turtle: Welcome to class, students! Today for English, we're learning Poems and Writing Skills.

After learning about poems...

Mr turtle: (Distributing files) You are to fill this file up with poems and submit them by the end of the semester. This file contains 20% of your grades in English! You may start writing your poems now till the end of the period. After that, we'll be learning more about Writing Skills.

Kevin: *writes a love poem* *Secretly puts it in Raine's file*

Raine: I love writing poems! Its such a great way to express yourself!

Kevin: A very great way to express yourself

Period bell rings


Mr turtle: Okay now. Its time to learn about writing skills.

After teaching writing skills...

Mr turtle: You are also to include in your poem file, a short story, the minimum amount of pages are 5.


Mr turtle: Class, you are dissmissed now. You may go for your break.


What happened during break:

Kevin: Hey Max. Hows school?

Max: Games were awesome! But I need to shower now. Uhh, I feel so sticky

Kylie: *giggle* you still look cute to me

Raine: Kylie...-_-ll

Max goes to the boy's locker room to shower.

Kevin: So what do you all wanna do?

Raine: Well, I dunno...its chemistry next. I think I'll do some revision.

Kylie: *checks timetable* ooooh! Im taking moddeling next! Raine, check out my new dresses my owner bought me yesterday! (takes out pretty dresses from a bag)

Raine: Ooooh! That's sooo sweet! Look at that!

Kevin: *rolls eyes* girls...*sigh*

Max: (comes running back) Im back, people! So, whats up?

Kylie: Maxxy! Look at these dresses, don't I look good in them? *holds up dress to let Max see*

Max: Beautiful.


Kevin: Let's go Raine. See ya guys at lunch!

Max and Kylie: Bye!

Kylie: *whispers to Raine* You're so lucky to see him the whole day *winks*



What happened during the lessons:

Kevin: *checks school maps* The science labs are here...let's go!

Raine: Mm-hm.

Kevin and Raine walk into the science lab

Science teacher: Welcome students! Please take a lab coat and safety goggle from those drawers, we'll be doing some experiments today.

The class wear their lab coats and goggles.

Science teacher: Let's start with a few basics now....

They learnt about the symbols in the lab, names of chemicals and apparatus, the periodic table and safety rules in science laboratories.

Soon, it was time for an experiment!

Raine and Kevin paired up together.

Raine: *pours in some chemical in conical flask*

Kevin: *heats up some powder*

Raine: *puts acid in conical flask*

Kevin: (powder has turned into liquid) *pours liquid into conical flask*

Raine: And now...for the finishing touches. *smiles at Kevin* *drops a drop of acid in conical flask*

Small fireworks burst out from their conical flask, attracting everyone's attention

Class: Whoaa....

Science teacher: Impressive. Well done Kevin, Raine. =)

Kevin: Alright! *high-fives Raine*

Raine: *laughs* =D *high-fives Kevin*

Finally, it was time to be dismissed!

(Writers Note: Sry, no time to type all the lessons :p )

Kevin: Ahh...finally! Math was sooo boring! I nearly fell asleep!

Raine: *shakes head* Kevin, you lazy bum. You just don't want to solve the equations, don't you?

Max: Hey guys! *running towards Kevin and Raine with Kylie by his side*

Raine: Hi!

Max: My stepsister just gave birth today!

Kevin: Wow!

Raine: Congratulations to her!

Kylie: Yeah!

Max: Im going to the tama hospital right after this. Wanna tag along?

Raine and Kylie: Sure!

Kevin: I gotta ask my Nan first.

The four friends walk out of the school gate.

Nan: Hey Kevin, sweet! We're going to the hospital to visit Max's stepsister, Rosie.

Kevin: Alright! Let's all go!

Max: Yeah! Whoa...uhhh..Im getting a headache. I feel..I...*collapses on floor*

Kylie: Max!!

Nan: Quick, we have to send him to the hospital

Emzy(Max's owner/nan): *arrives* What just happened?!

Nan: I think he's evolving!

Emzy: To the hospital, now!

They take Max to the hospital immediately.

Max evolved into a Pyontitchi but he turned into an egg!

As they were rushing to the hospital, Kylie evolved into a memetchi! :blink:

Max was quickly recovered and they were all at the hospital, next to Max's and Rosie's bed.

Kylie: I'm so GLAD you are fine!

Max: Me too! But I bet you aren't glad I evolved into a pyontitchi!

Kylie: Oh max! I love the way you look! I actually think you are cuter than a debatchi!*hugs*

Rosie: (from the next hospital bed) You alright now?

Max: Yes! I'm happy for you! You had a baby boy!

Rosie: (smiles) Yes! I'm happy too! I will call him....*ponders*Matt.

Max: nice name!

Kevin: You look cooler now Max! I should evolve soon too!

Raine: And me.

Simon: I have! I'm a kuchipatchi! :lol:

Tina: (violetchi) We all can see that! :D

Mark: I can't believe I'm androtchi! :mametchi:

Carl: Mametchis are cool. :p

Matt: (baby voice)Babytchi!

Rosie: Oh my god! His first word!

Cain (Rosies hub): Aww!

Matt: Me babytchi!

Kylie: Aww sweet! :blink:

Raine: I can't wait to have a kid! *looks at Kevin in a sweet way. Kevin smiles back.*

Kylie: Me too!

Fiona (Max's and Rosie's mum): Oh Rosie! Good news on your baby! *runs up to Max* Are you OK? I'm sorry I'm late!

Mimzy: Me too! Gosh! Traffic in tama town!

Craig: Max! I have a present for you! (gives mob)

Max: Thank you!

Emzy: I'm glad you are good now! I shall give you lots of tama treats!

Nan: So your Ok now then? Kevin I think we have to go now!

Kevin: Aww! OK then. Bye Max.

Raine: Bye.

Nan, Kevin and Raine take the train home to Mame City.

Kevin: (At the lobby of building) *Yawn* Im so tired!

Raine: Same here. Im getting a real headache. I need some shut eye. *yawn*

Nan: Ok, come on now. (walks into lift)

Raine: *groan* My headache's getting worse!

Kevin: Are you ok?

Raine: No, I feel faint..*starts fading*

Raine: *Ears get longer, grows a bit bigger, eyes feel bigger* Ough! :mametchi:

Kevin: You...you..

Nan: ...transformed! Raine, you're a mimitchi, sweet!

Raine: I feel so different. *takes out pocket mirror and checks reflection* Ooooh! I'm so..so..

Kevin: so beautiful! *hugs Raine*

Raine: Thanks Kevin!

Kevin: *Lets go of Raine* You know what? You make me feel small

Raine and Nan: *Laughs*

Nan: Don't worry, hun. You'll evolve soon.

Kevin: Morning, Nan! *walks sleepily to dinner table*

Nan: Hello, hun. Toast and scrambled eggs today.

Kevin: I don't feel like eating. Im having stomach cramps and a really bad headache.

Nan: *puts hand on Kevin's forehead* Mm...no fever. Are you sure you don't want to eat?

Kevin: No. I think I'll go wash up now.

Nan: Okay..

Kevin: (walking to bathroom) Uggh..*fades a little* *feels ears grow bigger, eyes get larger, gets taller*

Kevin: Whoa. I feel...different. But my headache's gone. Phew. *goes into bathroom* *Looks in mirror* AHH!

Nan: *runs to bathroom* Kevin, are you okay??

Kevin: Im a MAMETCHI! YES!! *punches fist in the air* :unsure:

Nan: Good for you! :p So you're having breakfast?

Kevin: Yup!

Nan: Okay. Be quick, Raine's gonna come over any minute

Kevin: But I want to surprise her.

Nan: Okay..but hurry!

Kevin: *washes up quickly* *grooms self* *eats breakfast* *grabs schoolbag* Bye Nan! Im going to see Raine now!

Nan: Be careful, hun! Now that you're an adult, Im letting you go to school on your own.

Kevin: Okay! *Rushes out of door* *walks to Raine's door* *knocks*

Raine: (shouts from the inside) Coming...! Just a second!

Raine: *opens door*

Kevin: Morning, Raine sweetheart. *Bows*

Raine: *blushes* Kevin! You evolved! :angry:

Kevin: Yea! *Kisses Raine on cheek* And you are beautiful.

Raine: *giggle* Let's go!

Kevin: *holds Raine's hand and walks off together to the lift*



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