v4 Tamagotchi life


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Dear Diary,

Eddy is spending more and more time with me! I've been at his house so many times already, sometimes for lunch, a movie or help with his homework. I think he likes me, too! I don't know about that, but I'm falling more and more in love with him every second. Anyway, today we are going to evolve into adults. I hope I evolve into a violetchi! Oh, hold on, I have a call. Its from Eddy! I'll write down the conversation:

Lilah: Hi Eddy!

Eddy: Hey Lilah. You wanna come over to my house? Then, we can evolve together..

Lilah: Okay...when do you want me to come over?

Eddy: How bout now? I only live 2 floors below from you.

Lilah: Okay then. Cya soon!

Eddy: Bye!

Ohhhh! I better get going!


Lilah ringotchi :furawatchi:

At Eddy's house...

Lilah: Hey!

Eddy: I can't wait to evolve.

Lilah: Yeah, me too.

Eddy: Only a few more minutes...come on, sit.

Lilah: *sits down next to Eddy on sofa* Umm, maybe we should do something while we evolve together? Like holding hands! Oooh!

Eddy: I know...*kisses Lilah*

Lilah and Eddy evolve.

Lilah: I'm a violetchi!

Eddy: And I'm a togetchi!

Lilah: Whoa...umm, what was that for?

Eddy: Because I love you. Lilah, will you marry me?

Lilah: You...you love me?

Eddy: Of course I do. *hugs Lilah*

Lilah: I will! I will marry you!


Dear diary,

I am now married to Eddy! And I have a darling baby boy!

He is absolutely adorable. His name will be Aiman. (pronounce eye-mon (like "mon" in "mondays"))

I'm about to go shopping with Nan for his baby toys/clothes.

While we go shopping, Eddy is going to bring him around Tama Planet.

I got to go!


Lilah violetchi :furawatchi:

Nan: *sniff, cries*

Aiman: *hugs Nan* Nyookai! Don't cry Nan!

Nan: *hugs Aiman* Well, I better start taking care of you. Come. *picks up Aiman*

Nan walks out of her room, and to the kitchen.

Nan: *puts Aiman on a baby chair* There you go...*feeds milk*

Aiman: Yummy! I wonder if she has another bottle?

Nan: I don't have anymore milk for you, sweetie. Since my whole line of Tamas have been resetted, we have no money. Let's go to Tamatown, I can earn some money.

Nan goes to Tamatown to earn gotchi points with Aiman.

Aiman: *evolves into a mohimatchi* Nan! Nan! I evollvveeddd!

Nan: *turns around to face Aiman* Oh! A mohimatchi! :) You made my day Aiman.

Aiman: Yay! *runs to Nan and hugs her*

Nan: Aww! You're just so adorable.

Aiman: Can I to pre-school now?

Nan: Not yet, dear. You need to get a letter first.

Aiman: Let's go home! I want to get my letter! Please, Nan? Pleeeeaase?

Nan: Oka-

Nazotchi: :angry: Hello! Here's your mail!

Nan: Oh, thankyou.

Nazotchi: Well, I saw you here so I decided to give it to you now. It saves my time rather than to go all the way to Guruguru Town to post it. Bye!

Nan: Bye!

Aiman: Is my preschool letter there? Is it? Is it? (jumping up and down)

Nan: Be patient, Aiman.

Aiman: Ok...

Nan: Let's see...yup! Here it is! *gives letter to Aiman*

Aiman: Ooooo goodie! *rips open envelope* Yay! Let's go now. Can we go to preschool now?

Nan: Yes. Let's go!

Aiman: Yipeeee! *hugs Nan*

Aiman: Nan, nan, nan! Are we going to preschool today? Are we? Are we? Are we? (jumping up and down next to Nan's bed)

Nan: Ohh...*waking up*. Morning Aiman. Yes, we are going to preschool today.

Aiman: Ohhhh goody! I'm going to get ready now, bye!

Nan: Ok.. (:)

Aiman showers and gets ready for preschool while Nan got up and prepared breakfast.

Aiman: Let's go, let's go, let's go! =D

Nan: Oh no you don't; breakfast first.

Aiman: Aww. Okay.

After breakfast Aiman and Nan head to preschool.

Nan: After preschool today, you'll evolve into a teenager.

Aiman: A teeeeeenager? Oh boy! :)

Nan: And if you evolve into a young kuchipatchi or an oniontchi, we'll move to Pachi Forest.

Aiman: Pachi Forest? YAY! I love Pachi Forest!

Nan: We've arrived! Now gimme a hug before you go in.

Aiman: Okay Nan! *gives Nan a tight hug*

Nan: Thankyou, dear. Bye!

Aiman: Bye Nan!

When preschool ended...

Aiman: Oh boy, oh boy, we're gonna evolve!

Kyle: (Aiman's BFF) Yeah! My owner told me too. And she said the letters that Ms. Frills gives us is the invitation to preschool!

Aiman: Aww! We won't get to see Ms. Frills anymore? Let's go say goodbye! *runs to Ms. Frills*

Kyle and Aiman: Ms. Frills, Ms. Frills!

Ms. Frills: Yes, dears?

Kyle and Aiman: *hugs Ms. Frills* Goodbye Ms. Frills!

Ms. Frills: Aww. You two are simply darlings. Goodbye!

Aiman and Kyle step out of the preschool, and they evolved!

Aiman: Yay! Have I evolved? What am I?

Kyle: Yes, you have! You're a young kuchipatchi! What am I?

Aiman: Oh boy, Nan will be so pleased! You're a oniontchi!

Kyle: Alright! I'll move to Pachi Forest!

Aiman: Me too! Maybe we can live as neighbours.

Nan: OOOH! Aiman you're a young kuchipatchi! I'm so proud of you, dear! *hugs Aiman* :furawatchi:

Aiman took social classes so he could become a kuchipatchi when he grows up.

On his first day of school, at lunch...

Aiman: Hey Kyle!

Kyle: Hey. I'll sit here while you get your lunch. So no one will take our spot.

Aiman: Sure. Thanks, dude.

Kyle: No prob.

Aiman bought his lunch and while he was walking back to his table...

Aiman: *admiring food* yummy...

He didn't realise he was walking towards a daydreaming young mimitchi.

Aiman: Ahh..food WHOA! *bumps into young mimitchi*

Young mimitchi: WAAHHH! *books fall out from her hands*


Aiman: I'm so sorry! Let me help you!

Aiman quickly picked up her books and gave it to her.

Aiman: *suddenly gazes into her eyes* Umm...here. :)

Young mimitchi: Hmpf!

Aiman: Sorry..um hey, I'm Aiman.

Young mimitchi: Emmie.

Emmie sniffed and walked away.


Back at their table...

Kyle: Dude, what took you so long?

Aiman: This girl...I bumped into her...and..and..

Kyle: Ough! You like her, eh?

Aiman: She's pretty..

Kyle: Which one?

Aiman: That one, the young mimitchi.

Kyle: Ough, dude, no way. She's hard to get. Emmie the smartest one in class. She absolutely hate boys.

Aiman: But..*stares at Emmie*

Kyle: And she probably hates boys more coz of what happened.

Aiman: Come on. I'm sure she'll-

Kyle: She will what...?

Aiman: Nothing. *eats corn*

At the end of school...

Nan: Hello, dear! How's school?

Aiman: Oh, its great!

Aiman tells Nan about his day on the way to the train station.

At the train station...

Aiman: Nan, why are we waiting for the train which goes away from Guruguru Town?

Nan: Because sweet, we've moved!

Aiman: Pachi Forest!! Ohh, I can't wait to go to the hot springs! I can go everyday!

Nan: *laughs* You sure, can. I did, just now, while you were in school.

They board the train.

Aiman: Nan...

Nan: Yes, hun?

Aiman: Well, uhh...there's this girl..and..

Nan: And...?

Aiman: And...well, I sorta..

Nan: ..like her? *laughs*

Aiman: Nan! This is serious!

Nan: What happened? So, does she like you back?

Aiman tells Nan about Emmie.

Aiman: Please, can you help me, Nan!

Nan: I sure will. :) *looks out of window* We've arrived!

Aiman: Yeah!! *runs out of train door* Wow...its so beautiful..

Nan: Yup. Let's go to our new home.

The next day, at lunchtime...

Aiman: *sees Emmie* Hey! Wanna sit with me?

Emmie: No! I...I have my own friends to sit with! *turns and walk away*

Aiman: Oh well..

Aiman buys his food.

As he heads to his table, he saw Emmie sitting alone on a bench.

Aiman: Umm, Emmie? What are you doing here all alone?

Emmie: (shocked) Its...its none of your business! Go away!

Aiman: You told me you had your own friends to sit with? *sits next to Emmie*

Emmie: You're...you're so nosy! Go away! *turns around*

Aiman: Come on, you have a problem. Tell me.

Emmie: I...I...

Aiman: You can't keep it all inside, you know?

Emmie: My friends don't like me.

Aiman: Why? I mean, you're such a nice girl and all...

Emmie: They call me the "teacher's pet"...since the teachers like me so much for doing so well in class.

Emmie continues telling Aiman her problems.

Nan's Diary:

Dear diary,

My little Aiman is growing up too fast! I'm ever so glad he is in the kuchi family.

It seems like yesterday he was a babytchi, and today he's a kuchipatchi! :)

And the saying that kuchipatchis are romantic...is true! He's got Emmie as his girlfriend already, and I believe they are on a date now!

The way he wrote those poems and love letters to her, simply lovely.

He's getting married to Emmie too, after he proposes. He tells me, "soon". But I don't know when.

I wish he doesn't have to go.

Ahh, he just came back.

I will update you, maybe tomorrow.



Nan: Welcome home, dear! I made supper, buttered corn! *walks out of room*

Aiman: Hi Nan..this, is Emmie.

Emmie: Hi...I'm Emmie.

Nan: Oh! So you are the dream girl he keeps talking about. You can call me Nan, sweetie.

Emmie: Thanks..Nan.

Nan: Come, sit down.

Aiman: Nan, me and Emmie have something to say.

Nan: Yes? Marriage! Marriage! Ooooh!

Aiman: Me and Emmie...we're getting married.

Nan: OH! Good for you! *hugs Aiman and Emmie*

Aiman: And...she's moving in.

Nan: I don't mind, dear. :) Come, on let's have supper. After all, we are already family!

Emmie: :)

:) :D

In a few days, Emmie and Aiman got married.

They gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Emmie: I want her name to be almost like mine.

Nan: I know the perfect name, dear.

Emmie: What is it?

Nan: Emma.

Emmie: Emma! Yes, that is a beautiful name for her. Thanks, Nan!

Nan: You're welcome, hun.

Aiman: We're leaving tonight...*sigh*

Nan: I'll miss you both. :) *hugs Aiman and Emmie*

Aiman: Well, only a few more hours till we go.

Nan: I'll help you pack, sweet.

They started packing...

Nan: Don't you want to bring the sceptre that the king gave you?

Aiman: No, I want Emma to have it. I want the sceptre to be passed down the many generations to come.

Nan: Okay, darling. Oh! Its time..bye dears, I'll miss you so much! *hugs Aiman and Emmie*

They took the UFO that would bring them to their new home.

As they rose up, the waved to Nan.

The next morning...

Emma: *wakes up* WAAA!

Nan feeds and plays with Emma.

After an hour...

Emma: *evolves* Nyan! I'm a toddla! A water droplet one!

Nan: Aww, you're just adorable! *hugs Emma* But we'll have to move.

Emma: Why? I love, love, love Pachi Forest, Nan. Why?

Nan: Because you belong in the Meme Family now.

Emma: Well...um. Nan?

Nan: Yes, sweetie?

Emma: Can I collect some flowers before we move? I love flowers so very, very much, Nan!

Nan: Sure, darling.

Emma: *runs out to garden with a basket (woven by Emmie)*

Emma: Lalala...hehe! *collects many pretty flowers*

Obotchi: Hey, here. *passes Emma a letter*

Emma: What is this? *takes letter*

Obotchi: Mail. I'm training to be a mailman. Well, since I'm going to evolve into a gozarutchi soon.

Emma: *confused* You mean, all gozarutchis are supposed to be mailmans?

Obotchi: Not exactly...um. My dad just wants me to.

Emma: Ok..thanks for the letter! :)

Obotchi: You're welcome. *pats Emma's head*

Emma: *blushes*

The obotchi walks away.

Emma: *runs inside the house* Nan! I have a letter!

Nan: Maybe its for preschool.

Emma: WOW! Preschool!! Dad told me preschool is great fun! *rips open letter and reads* It is the letter!

Nan: Good, then. Let's get you ready.

Emma: Okay!

Nan: When I fetch you from school, we'll go to our new house!

Emma: Yay! Can we grow a garden there, too?

Nan: Yup. But not as big as the one we have right now.

Emma: Aww. Okay...well, let's go!

After preschool...

Nan: Hi, dear! *hugs Emma*

Emma: Nan! Ms Frills gave us a project! Its to grow our own plants! See? *shows Nan potted plant*

Nan: I'm sure yours will be a beautiful flower!

Emma: I can't wait to plant it...in our new garden!

They go to their new home.

Emma straights away planted new seeds at the garden.

Nan: You really love flowers!

Emma: Yeah! But its too bad that we had to move...Pachi Forest has the best soils for a flower!

Nan: We can always go there again.

Emma: Can we?

Nan: Sure. We'll go tomorrow.

Emma: Yay! But wait...why can't we go now?

Nan: Because we have important things to do...like decorate your room!

Emma: Really! Yay!! *runs to Nan*

Nan: *catches Emma and spins her round* Yea! Let's go!

They decorate Emma's room- with flower patterns and designs.

Emma: I love my room! Thanks Nan! *hugs Nan*

Nan: You're welcome. Time for lunch-

Emma: You mean, dinner!

Nan: *laughs* Right..! We've been decorating so long, I haven't noticed the time!

Emma: *laughs*

The next day after preschool...

Emma: Hi Nan!

Nan: Hi dear! :)

Emma: Why are you smilling so happily?

Nan: Because, in a few moments you are going to change.

Emma: Change? What...change? *evolves* Hey! I'm not a mizumatchi anymore!

Nan: You're a ringotchi! *hugs Emma* <_<

Emma: Tee-hee! Oh, look at my plant, Nan! A little flower bud!

Nan: I'm sure you'll make it bloom into a beautiful flower, dear.

Emma: Oh! You promised me you'd take me to Pachi Forest.

Nan: Yup, let's go now.

They take the train to Pachi Forest.

Emma: I know where to go, Nan. Dad told me that his best friend owns a gardening shop! And its the best in Pachi Forest! Dad said he won a gardener award.

Nan: Really? Well, take me there, sweetie.

Emma: Okay!

Emma takes Nan to the Gardening shop.

Nan: *looks at shop* Ohh, "Kyle's Gardening Shop". Yes, Kyle is one of your father's very good friend. Let's go in! :)

Emma: Hi Uncle Kyle!! Its me, Emma, Aiman's daughter. (waving excitedly)

Kyle: (tarakotchi) *looks up from counter* Oh! Its you, Emma, Nan! I missed you two both.

Nan: Hello Kyle. How's business?

Kyle: Very good. Anything I can get you?

Emma: I want the richest soil for my plant. *puts potted plant on counter*

Kyle: Only the best for Aiman's daughter. *chuckles* Hmm, how about fertiliser, too?

Emma: Oh, yes please!

Kyle: Okay, here you go. And for you, a special discount.

Emma: Goodie!

Nan: Thankyou Kyle, dear. *pays Kyle*

Just then, a gozarutchi walked out of from the door behind the counter.

Gozarutchi: Hey dad, I'm going for work now.

Kyle: Good for you. Son, this is Emma and this is her nanny.

Nan: You can call me 'Nan'. Everyone does.

Gozarutchi: Um. Hey...

Kyle: *laughs* He's a shy boy. His name's Lucas. Gonna be the best mailman. You know, with his Ninja skills. *chuckles*

Lucas: Yeah..um, I better get going. *carries bag of letters* Oh. Wait, um. Emma?

Emma: Yes?

Lucas: Have you gotten your elementary school letter?

Emma: *shakes head* Nope.

Lucas: Here. *passes letter to Emma*

:angry: [SIZE=14pt]*[/SIZE] :mellow:

Emma suddenly got a flashback.

She remembered a obotchi giving her letter.

The obotchi told her about how he was going to be a gozarutchi.

Emma: Oh! *takes letter* Um, Lucas?

Lucas: ?

Emma: Aren't you that obotchi which gave me that letter to preschool- you know, when I was a toddler, in my garden?

Lucas: *recalls scene* Ohh...right. *pats Emma's head* Well, cya around, Emma. *walks out of shop*

Emma: *blushes* Umm, uncle Kyle, we'd better get going, too. Bye!

Kyle: Bye Emma, Nan. Come back here anytime. ;]

Nan: Thanks Kyle, goodbye!

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Dear Diary,

Oh, I love how my garden's growing! Thanks to Uncle Kyle, my flowers are enjoying rich soil and the yummiest fertiliser.

Have I mentioned that I'm a violetchi now?

I'm going to the shop, soon. I think Lucas, (the gozarutchi :mellow: ) has been looking at me when I'm browsing in the shop.

Oh well, maybe it might be my imagination.

I better go there now, if I want to reach home in time for tea.

Write in you later,

Emma <_<

Meanwhile, at the shop...

Kyle: Son, help me look after the shop. I'll be out at the back. Call me if they're any customers.

Lucas: Ok, dad. *sits at counter*

Emma: *enters shop* Eh? (shocked at seeing Lucas at the counter instead of his father) Um. Where's Uncle Kyle?

Lucas: Uhh..errands.

Emma: Okay. *looks around the shop* Ahh. *picks out gardening tool and a bag of fertiliser* I'll take these.

Lucas: *nods head*

Emma: *pays Lucas*

Lucas grabbed her hand as she left the money on the counter.

Emma: *face flushes* Um!?

Lucas: Err..wait. I..I have something for you..*quickly gives Emma a piece of paper*

Emma: ? *reads writing on paper*

Emma, a beautiful violetchi Always caring for her flowers,

Ever since she was a little mizumatchi

They grew under her magical powers

Her flowers dance and sing

When she waters them with what she brings

Her love for flowers is ever so strong

She even sings to them, her flower song

The flowers she grows are spectacular

All the colours in her garden, so enchanting

As you stroll down her garden,

They smile to you and they start to sing

If the flowers so beautiful, the gardener more

Emma, she’s so lovely, sweet, and so kind

As she walks, she makes all the boys go senile

A girl like her, no where else you can find

And I’m wondering if Emma,

The girl that’s so pretty

Would go out with me...

if she wasn’t in any dilemma!
Emma: *smiles* You...wrote a poem for me?

Lucas: *looks at feet* Um..yea

Emma: I love it! Oh, I would like to go out with you.

Lucas: *smiles* Coz you're not in any dilemma?

Emma: *laughs* No, I'm not. :)

Lucas: So...lunch tomorrow?

Emma: At Pachi Forest. Yeah. :)

Suddenly, Kyle walks in.

Kyle: Hello Emma! Lucas, why didn't you tell me that we had a customer?

Emma: Oh, that's ok. He just wanted to g-

Lucas quickly interrupts

Lucas: I wanted to experience running a shop myself, so I didn't call you..!

Kyle: Oh. Okay. Well, cya round, Emma!

Emma: Um. Okay, bye.

Dear diary,

Ohhh! Lucas does like me, and I like him, too! Oh, Nan is so excited. I'm going out to lunch with him tomorrow! But I wonder, why did he suddenly interrupt me like that? I hope its not something bad. Maybe I'll call him...wait, Nan told me that he should call me first. Sigh...maybe when he delivers letters, then I can see him again! Wow! I really do hope so.

Lucas is actually 2 years older than me, that's why he was already and adult when I was a teen.


Nan said I should marry him fast, so he won't turn into an oldie.


She was so excited because I was going to marry someone older then me. She said all her previous tamas married someone their same age.

I don't even know if he's going to propose or anything!

Nan jumps to conclusions too much.

Well, I've gotta go.



(Emma :D [SIZE=12pt]♥[/SIZE] :D Lucas)

Tomorrow at lunch...

Emma: Hey Lucas. *sits at table*

Lucas: Oh, hey.

Emma and Lucas order their food.

Emma: You know, about yesterday...when you told your dad about how you wanted experience running a shop yourself?

Lucas: Oh, that. Sigh..you see, my dad doesn't know that I like you.

Emma: Okay...

Lucas: He wants me to marry a Yattachi, so I can continue the Kuchi Family line...I don't think I can be together with you at all!

Emma: What?!

Lucas: But I love you, I really do.

Emma: *sighs* Maybe we could...sorta explain to your father? Or something?

Lucas: He never listens to me. Everything is about him, him, him. Its always his dreams that I have to fullfil.

Emma: Well...if we can't be together...than we better make today the best for us! Let's go!

Lucas: Huh? *Emma grabs hold of his hand and pulled him to the door* Whoa!

Just then the waiter came out of the kitchen carrying their tray of food.

Waiter: Sigh.

They spent the rest of the day at amusement parks, exhibitions, tour sites.

When it was evening...

Emma: This was the greatest day of my life! I love you! *hugs Lucas*

Lucas: Yeah, me too. Its late, we'd better be getting home.

Emma: Uh-huh. But I need to get some things for my garden first.

Lucas: Ok. Let's go.

Emma and Lucas go back to the gardening shop.

Kyle: Son! Where have you been all day?

Emma and Lucas look at each other.

Emma: *nods head*

Lucas: Dad...I have something to say...

Kyle: Spit it out, boy.

Lucas: I love Emma.

Kyle: WHAAT?! Emma...! She's not for you! YOU are marrying the Yattachi next door! I have a family line to continue!

Lucas: Dad-

Kyle: Don't interrupt me! And...YOU! *glares at Emma* If you hadn't been visiting this shop, this wouldn't have happened! NOW SCRAM! You're banned from my shop- and you'll never see Lucas again!

Emma: But Uncle Kyl-

Kyle: Don't even call me your "uncle". Get lost! *pushes Emma out of shop and slams the glass doors shut*
