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It doesn't work! Just go on and let your tamagotchies have thier little tamagotchi lives in paece! :furawatchi:

My cousin actually E- mail BanDai and asked about twins, or Angelgotchi twins exist. If she get a reply, I'll post it here.

My real opinion about twins now is that there's no proof of twins, not a pic. There's an awfull lot of ppl have proof that they don't exist, at least. Tama Mum makes good points about gotchi- twins.

^ t/t

When your Tamagotchi is flying away hold all buttons and after the beep let go of the middle and right one ( b and c).Hold on to a and then

press reset, while holding a 'till it hatches. Note: If you did it right

you will start out with two eggs.[/font] :hitodetchi: ^_^
does it work with version 2s i restarted mine and i had 9999p and ufo and throne and all items and now i hav restarted it and i cant do it! add me on msn

[email protected]

or email me

[email protected] ^_^

my friend is trying to get twins. ^_^
but somebody said to her that if you keep your tama alive for 20 years(20 days) whe it has a baby there will be twins! ^_^

i think it's true my cousin and my tamagotchi got married and had twins

There is no easy way to get twins. I've heard of people getting twins while fooling around in ROM testing, but they have no way of telling us exactly how they did it. Otherwise, doing what pixieelf said does not work (no offense pixieelf).

P.S. You can get twins on the Tamagotchi Angelgotchi.

yeah...ummm.....I read in da instructions that if a tamagotchi dosent ever find a mate it will inevitably die...Thus i doubt tamagotchi`s are able to reproduce without a mate...

It works??? IT REALLY WORKS??? IF IT DOESN'T CRASH YOUR TAMA THEN - WOW! NICE!But wait - someone said it didn't work. maybe that person didn't do it right. or maybe it didn't work on their tama. ooooo that doesn't make sense.
whats thecode?

well ther mite be a friend said she got them but she can be a liar shhhhhhhhhhh.. i share this membership with her only she never goes on but if ther is twinz i want proof PROOF real PROOF :(

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