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I'm pretty sure that you can get twins w/ an Angelgotchi.. Although you can't make r.o.m. test work w/ out connection. (Angelgotchis can't connect)

-so thanks,

// :lol: By tutti*frutti

I'm not sure it works but it should because you said you tried it yourself.

actully there is but some people post these things in different ways.I've seen a couple of websites saying different ways to do this.
But I don't think you can get twins. You have to ask Bandia.

when your tama has 1 baby how long does it take for the mother to die. i heard it was a day for the mother to die and it has been a day and it still has not died yet! i have been changing the time, will that interfere with the mother dieing?

when your tama has 1 baby how long does it take for the mother to die. i heard it was a day for the mother to die and it has been a day and it still has not died yet! i have been changing the time, will that interfere with the mother dieing?

when your tama has 1 baby how long does it take for the mother to die. i heard it was a day for the mother to die and it has been a day and it still has not died yet! i have been changing the time, will that interfere with the mother dieing?

<_< :( :eek: EVERYBODY U SHOULDNT TRY TO GET TWINS!!!!! It DOESNT i repeat DOESNT work!!! u shouldn't get excited over it or kill ur tamagotchi to get twins. a bunch of my friends tried it and it didn't work. all u get is this rom testing thing. please don't spread lies!!!
i agree with yankeespud. my friend erin killed her tamagotchi just because she thought the twin code would work but she got rom testing instead. the twin code doesnt work. ITS JUST A RUMOR!!!!! :p :D

its too impossible to work because the directions to get twins are too confusing and i there have been many posts about getting twins and they are all different or some are the same. In each post there wud be just a few people that say it works but they're probably just saying it does.... i dont believe in getting twins

does this do anything to your tamagotchi affterward like mess it up or something!also do the two babies always do the same thing or do they both do domething at the same time. also do you get to name them both or is there one name for both little guys

does this do anything to your tamagotchi affterward like mess it up or something!also do the two babies always do the same thing or do they both do domething at the same time. also do you get to name them both or is there one name for both little guys
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