O.K. I do not even get why people are still talking about this, it has been years since the rumour was started. On some tama website someone just said that you could get twins and they made up a code. YOU CAN NOT GET TWINS!!!!! The rumour was spread throughout the internet and finally someone asked Bandai and Bandai said that they never programed tamagotchi's to do that. The only tamas you can get twins on are Angelgotchi's and Devilgotchi's. You can't get twins on any other tama, not a connections, not on the original tamagotchi not on any tama(except the two I mentioned before). Anyone who says they have twins either has a broken tama, got a charecter that they thought was twins but was not or is simply a liar. So don't go killing your tamas because they would have died for nothing. There are no twins so everybody just stop!