it worked on my computer.and also,i have the feeling that might be a fake tama.or maybe the only reason there are two(2) on the screen is because they are connecting or something.I couldn't get 2 the link!!
actually, it has to be "real"--but i know a way that twins could be easily faked in a pic w/o the use of photoshop or other photo editing programs--if the shutter clicks when the tama is "between" movements, it'll look as if the tama is in two places at once, thus creating the image of twins. for instance, on my v3 i have a tarakotchi, and i took a pic... you can see on the screen that my tama supposedly has a beak on each side of the head because the shutter clicked between movements.that pic Has to be real. i don't know why someone would post a fake picture.