you mean if you reset it?? cuz f you do I just tried it and what happens A does nothing, B brings the screen to Download or reset and B again downloads itABBCABCA This is the code you use when your temagotchi dies;after there will be two eggs! so check it out!
and do the rest you end up on the food iconyou mean if you reset it?? cuz f you do I just tried it and what happens A does nothing, B brings the screen to Download or reset and B again downloads it
1) It is a version 1 because it has shirobabytchis and V2's has shiropetitchis.I have three questions.1.What version is this?
2.How do you get them?
3.What is ROM testing?
She means NOT through the mting process by ROM-TESTING.HEY they can have twins my friend a few days ago hers had twins. She named them Logan and Shane lol. But yup it can happen. no lie or rumor it happen to my friend Ashley too. ^_^